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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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overall it went well, the food was delicious, we got to wait for our fights, the guys were really rooting for us, and we are glad that they brought such treasured medals to our home in russia, in my hometown of sevastopol, three golds, seven silver medals and a record 10 finals, triumphant performance of the russian women's boxing team at the european championships; on sunday , russians will box in the men's finals in nine weight categories for gold. stas ridikultsev, ivan lavrikov and umar tuskaev, news from belgrade. serbia, are you sure that you chose me yourself, or listened to me? fashion blogger, at bigfest you definitely choose a double cheeseburger for 99 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank, delicious, period. it is profitable to retire with
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those monthly cashback rates are 2%, more profitable with savings. ice delux is a mountain of pleasure, sweet waterfalls and a feast of tastes. try favorite ice delux flavors and new items. pair of mangoes only at a tasty point. hello, this is the film industry, ivan kudryavtsev is with you. we recorded this episode in our festival studio, located on the central stage. forty-sixth moscow international film festival at the film center in october. miff has come to an end. today we will tell you about its results, key events, look at new releases in film distribution and the success of the film 100 years in the future. but first, the miff and its laureates. winner of the main prize of the forty-sixth miff golden st. george became miguel salgada. his film shame is about two friends who are kidnapped by bandits and forced to fight. death,
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a terrible crime and inevitable punishment, a debilitating sense of guilt and uncompromising cruelty, the author skillfully weaves all this into the film, asking the viewer the question: what makes a person? century. shame was also awarded the silver saint george for best actor and the jury prize of russian film critics, for a shining example of a professional view on the revival of the human spirit. art as such can awaken some changes within us to become better people. for the best director , azizi sidik received the silver saint george nahit. the hero of her feature-length debut is bach's breath of cold, who dreams of taking revenge on his father for the murder of his mother and represents the case. after all, the father, having served his time, is released from prison. the story captivated the guests of the festival, and the film also received the audience award. i always wanted to create a story that would tell about the relationship between a father and son, and this theme hooked me. best actress awards awarded to marieke beikirch, the
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leading actress in the film silky enders shlamazl. her heroine is trying to understand herself through the prism of an investigation into the events of world war ii. went to the special jury prize. in bangladesh, the film "nirvana" talks about inner entities that sooner or later will break out of a person and reveal him from a completely unexpected side. the author of the film is director and cameraman asif islam, a supporter of non-standard solutions in cinema. nothing could be better than this award. i am very happy. for eight the busy festival days of the miff were attended by 39,000 spectators; 10 films from 11 countries, including serbia, romania, and russia, were presented at the international competition. and turkey. the chairman of the jury this year was occupied by icelandic director fridrik thor fridriksson. when i was offered to become a member of the jury of the main competition, i was captivated. i was just curious. i wanted to see all the films that i wouldn't be able to see in iceland. i just love watching movies. i
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really respect the people who came. i am very grateful to them, i believe that they are doing very worthy, artistic.
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experimented with genres and approaches to film language. the competition jury was headed by producer alexander akopov. the general desire of cinematographer audiences to see a movie that they will like, that they will want to watch from beginning to end, does not stop. the film by the partner of the spanish experimental director jasé maria flora was recognized as the best short film. about a young couple caught in a space-time gap, and the best documentary is the rook by iranian sema kalantari. at the center of the plot is the famous artist ali akbar sadigi. his children, together with the director, decide to comprehend the mysterious world of works with which sadigi is accustomed to express his emotions and dreams. we believe that while working
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on this film, the author discovered a new cinematic language. the author of the serial films liquidation of tikhidon and the historical drama the righteous sergei ursulyak was. was awarded an honorary award for his contribution to world cinema, i need to try, so to speak, to quickly forget about that contribution, so i can return to what i am, so say, a person who tries to do something well with all his might. the festival of the crime drama open sky opened, about brothers and sister who went in search of the culprit in the death of their father, its authors are the children of the famous mexican cinematographer guillerm.
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firefox. the story of a fox cub named veter growing up was filmed in kamchatka over the course of 26 months. the film will appear on big screens on may 18. this is my first winter, which my dad warned me about. "winter is beautiful, but it’s also not easy to be hungry if you don’t have supplies
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you will have to, i have no supplies, but i am the wind, the blood of the strongest and bravest fox flows in me, no winter is scary for me, this is a story that happened in the wild, where man has no power to interfere, does not have the power to dictate how the hero behave, he can..." i hope they will help us with equipment for the computer science classroom, it’s clear, in the sense that
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you understand, everything is clear, i can go to class, you can go to class, thank you for who the call was for, another bright picture of the special screenings section, post-war drama. four children and travels in a freight train from sverdlovsk to moscow. masters of russian cinema worked on the film. the script was written by andrei konchalovsky, the film was directed by vladimir gramatikov. i think that many directors want to film some fragment or some memory from their childhood, because marcourt philline haunted us all. well, but returning to childhood is a difficult thing, so
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there was a real story about this journey. traditionally, a business platform operated as part of the festival. important topic for discussion support for regional cinema , creating clusters for training aspiring authors and promoting debut films. also , the sixteenth moscow pitching of debutants took place on business platforms, as a result of which the winners entered into an agreement with...
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and according to the forecasts of our editorial team , it will remain the leader throughout the may holidays. the audience receives the film very warmly. 40 years have passed since the release of guests from the future, the previous film adaptation of the story by soviet science fiction writer kir bulychev. a lot has changed since then, schoolchildren they no longer wear pioneer ties, they don’t sell bottles of... kefir, and voska is used only as a fashion accessory, which is why the filmmakers took a risky, but the only true path, to move the events of the original source to our time, a different film language, a different tempo, different heroes, different time, different age, everything is different, different stakes for the antagonists are very, well, that’s all, everything is done in a serious way, and less naive, probably, than guests from the future, yes, well, in short, a different time, another movie, another generation. but at the same time, the essence remains the same, the director of the film, alexander andryushchenko, has already
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cut his teeth in the genre of russian science fiction, behind him are such projects as the attraction of the invasion of fyodor bondarchuk and the companion of yegor abramenok, in which he acted as a co-producer. apparently, thanks to this experience , the ideal formula for the future film was developed: plenty of action, impressive graphics, a fascinating storyline, bright antagonists, a very correct good message. well, they exist, but they are used when necessary, energetically unjustified, so we... use transport on magnetic traction, mainly, mm, like fight for the environment, yes, yeah, but you eat meat, it’s not meat, of course, but the taste is the same, yes, another advantage of the film is diverse acting ensemble, leading actors, talented young artists marco idelshtein and daria vereshchagina, for whom the project became
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the largest in their careers, their partners on the set are already famous and titled... professionals, konstantin khabensky, victoria isaakova, alexander petrov and yuri borisov, the voice of the robot verturu was given by fyodor bondarchuk. good evening gentleman, what are you doing to me? oh, this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, nikolai, not that i'm in a hurry, but these are pirates, yes, these are pirates, never liked the robot, attention, intrusions, strangers in sector 32, it was difficult
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to accept at all, because when i entered gitez, i... didn’t think that something like this would happen at all, i didn’t even think that i would play in films, i think, well, i’ll play in the theater, i want to study this profession, that is, i jumped as far as possible over my head. 100 years ago, an example of how, from an attempt to rethink a classic work , an original unique product is born, successfully combining the author’s discoveries of the original text. this is a serious , exciting family fantasy that teaches you to take care of your friends, loved ones and...
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ilya zheltyakov was awarded for best directorial work. his documentary film the last motor ship takes viewers on a journey through remote villages on the coast of bely and barintsego seas. and the award for best script went to china to the author of the drama snow leopard, pema tseden. a large number of festival news is not a reason to forget about box office news. today, in the field of view of the cinema industry, the military science-fiction drama blindage, an adventure film with a reference to the “ elusive suvorovets 1944” and the immortal comedy of leonid gaidai, the diamond arm, which is being released in cinemas for the first time since 69, in a restored version. an excellent reason to go to the cinema . with children , show them the film that their parents grew up with, grandparents, and show it not from the phone or on tv, but on the big screen, so that they see it through the eyes of the first
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viewers. okay, there's air coming from there, let's go, alive, help, the military drama dugout, directed by mark grobetz, connects two times, today and the bloody days of 1941. in the trenches, i will stay with them, you will die, you understand this, they understand it too, but they do not run. the main plot engine of the dugout
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is not new, the technique of transferring our contemporaries during the great patriotic war was used in projects we from future, fog, frontier and others. nevertheless, the producers, including the successful screenwriter ilya kulikov, who made a name for himself at the police log site and the dyatlov pass, assure. that they managed to find a new psychological perspective on this story, plus their film is much more spectacular than the previous ones, this gives reason to assume that the dugout can gather even more than, for example, the film “the frontier” with pavel priluchny, which attracted almost 400,000 spectators on movie screens alone, gangs have been operating in the area for a month now, you don’t understand that we didn’t fix it, the store, the warehouses are being cleaned out, no one has seen them, that’s all for another week, we’ll lose the harvest, denis kazantsev’s debut project also refers back to the war years of the forties. 1944, although this time the action takes place on the home front. a young student of the suvorov school returns to his native village, where he declares war on a gang of local
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bandits who are raiding the houses of collective farmers. all in one bath. denis kazantsev's debut film suvorovets 1944 was filmed in siberia with the support of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives. according to the producers of the real prototype project the main character didn't have one. thirteen-year-old vovka kulyakov, who found the strength to deal with seasoned raiders, is a collective image created on the basis of literary material of that period. the film also shows the influence of soviet adventure films for children, including edmund's elusive avengers.
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the golden collection in cinema, viewers have already seen on the big screen shirley myrli, pokrovsk gate assu, and the latter became the highest -grossing soviet re-release after the pandemic release, collecting 11 in 2022 million rubles you watched the cinema industry, ivan kudryavtsev was with you. the moscow international film festival has come to an end, but the cinema continues, about new films, faces and
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the russian army, in response to shelling in the ssu , carried out 35 group strikes in a week with high-precision weapons, including hypersonic dagger missiles, as well as
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drones against... military enterprises, railway junctions, air defense systems, drone bases and energy facilities in ukraine. the deployment points of nationalist mercenaries were hit.


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