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tv   Documentary  RT  May 7, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

6:30 pm
and sent backings dislike defense before them. i made tuesdays and invest your celebration. something's yet that means veterans share the memories of the historic event that we will be good to go to the battlefield is we wanted to fight for all countries independence and freedom. we would be good to fight because of all hatred against the enemy was off to the war, the party and the government told us to leave the post behind and head towards the brighter future. isn't need me all victory in the back to lifting beyond who is very well known around the world. and everyone is my, is vietnam for that as sold is we are very proud of the achievements, end of all national heroes that i am honored and proud to attend the 70. 0, nation is proud of this victory. but we also get emotional when we remember the mottos, who sacrificed their lives for our country. in the past, we used to be a colony of fronts, and that was the price of independence. how do you crate in military has
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a types of the russian city over the guns? the local golf no says key of troops hit the local oil facility, wounding several of its work as well. now being treated in the hospital, a fire has erupt at the sight. i saw many electricity supply lines of also being damaged, meeting to power outages in the area. you create and reported the use american supplied missiles during the strike. well, that's the news right now. archie does the comments where you can get for the details of all the stories. well, following thanks for watching. and by now the, the french president, the manual look round says he's advocating strategic ambiguity when it comes to the ukraine. this includes sending western military personnel to fight for ts. this is
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not strategic ambiguity, but rather strategic confusion the, the, the,
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the, the, the estimates of the sofa and ottoman, oh, good. uh well for him to know a diesel uh would be one the see guess would be uh, i've set that aside the more expensive and put the seo in columbus for most schools because of the young tenants. cool. includes the mentor fit on the the one the length of. ready the but the necessarily, the perfect, the gamut blended at lee is some detestable from the young. a young man, my sort of fee is to set up for services and then tell me the rules of mind
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the tenants did that. it gives me the students and i'll be, well if it was sufficient or loving smith to me in washington, i have moved that side for just the most frequently asked in the most for her to come in. that's pretty just cool though, the lesson that you on the, when it says send the send, it can send it several as a team to somebody's someone was sitting down the o and facility fee for the. ringback sooner the sooner leo, when uh, site to most of the, the on some of us and i was familiar with somebody in the 8th to the motors and then you from guess what was the
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unfair love this meeting that doesn't go does most i really want him for fun in the house and in most of the eclipse, but 31 that i for the students, listen the most. welcome to my rosie i of the
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from soon send the most of the year to the most. and that's the that's so said the deeds,
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but the people that the cookie of the so they become bad in their mouth. clearly forget the whole better. i'm included that the limit can attempt to model for am as or less a month in the $50.00 to $2.00 if i added i'm not really is the higher for most of them as well as the handling as well. and then we have a new consumer zillow, and i'm in danielle on the highway and the name of his product is being met and i'm not one of the was here for bringing out. i mean, the name of the investigative news loves me a gun father or the house, and i want to get the news. the news,
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the la quinta to him let us may have some muscle. my cancer fee on do i assume the full amount of them see i see a little better than that. i'm at 20 percent from anybody this the must have decreased or does he have that he couldn't the heart of the dresser may have done this of her being in the little hold on for
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a month by her sibling a. but when i was in the south, a lot of my been funded the really i've given it for most of them, the head of the lifting them to see off getting to know when i come a definitely for could be of if that the heights or are you are the most, the hey, not too much for that up. actual studies must have been muscle and so not in the new the in the benefits i'm on the list. i'm on board the hard to do it.
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so if you go to the head, go on, my gosh, i have 4 bedroom adoptive mess of my prep gives the telephone interview. my hand must be in the field around the city of atlanta. i'm on a case here on the 5th and i wanted to talk to you see the us now at the city what, what are the most center for dennis on us? it is sick the camera, the addendum, it's a race. so that's done. boosted off and see whom, and that's a fucking be in front of you said the heavy duty, but it's
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a fee and that will probably look what the most of the best and the video. and we're going to look for in the guy in the, by the ask them to come soon center 0 for definitive dom, i'm in the 0 for the gun. it side to side the, the 3 of them for started this as soon as the eyes of why the, somebody in gun it says in the that about the quadrant one, the seeing the last getting in and the so where you live all the way. my god, thea, being my the more i go higher, i la and above the by the back to us and it entailed in the say, i lose didn't bag in know larry, i'm getting the homeowner will come. uh madame ivy, my the, the 100 folk, the, such a map was living in it according to for the site to go out the 1st. and the more am
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it's got the and the bottom i left the cabinet room for those. so it's a might be the, you know, kinda when the heads up for the size of the city, if is even want him the lead time with us monday. that's it. let you see that then. yeah, i'm a faculty member, so facade and the new foot the allowed to in america here. what do i have seen in
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my. ready in the southern and for most of get in the mid federal government, mcmann before i left for them. and i'm assuming you had met her through the video and this i had definitely on the, on the dinosaur, the event that are getting a sooner flu or the the name of the civilian cannon was waiting on the the city of the 5 to inform. i'm watching the drums when i due to some i am is a man can this model for the sound the rooms. ready the today is in mind more from us, least 117 can nominate. mean we're sitting so most in the more
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but this way uh to move us to send the most of the media and the substitute to being able to open up a 10 minute video to do that. to tell of it was, was own a, an or something for, for can e the, i know same thing in the v is about the southern sounds. it's a familiar one or somebody mine for one hour the most, the city of the soviet a candle, 3 more minutes. i might have some, uh, most of the main argument that, of course, of go in as early as the, the over to, to the so the how do i do?
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hi, be i'm a sub evict of in a groove in a i'm a little go to the tub, the tub, the father, groceries. and i said, i've lived in the config to the pacific blue at the and i grew up the instant that the, i'm out, they want to know with the set of can be the shut off as she was shut off in the, in the icon and has saved enough in the past, so my, that's the solar and associates and has them is in uh for the for, for based on this on us. so could i make a home visit or like a live sort of and then a, a good buy on. i'm a button, the pilot putting them a whole logan national on 10 megs and i would almost thought that it was some of us are, would fall, pause a full head wash in with that. i thought i should in, because a lot of them a die that overlay estrada and then the, the,
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the center. and emily, if you act as live in the center, and i'm going to get above as 10 to one of the scale intently as sort of the memos to bio minute, but up in front of them for up to one model to go with. and a global it on the line itself, not been about been mostly, mig. why do i should he was at the bottom of phantom that the, how to but that those are being done for savannah. would that be genet? them heart of behavior yet within the let them edit the z of polo by the to fail to read. and i need boom sided. and a little while i was to look at lucy math, i'm a to let those have a. ready ready ready the a sense of to do the new phone. so in a community the bottom on eggman, sort of and me go ahead to, i should in the a heavy that the meant according to the level of law tab on the rama. 100 volts to
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the 25th october one that had been washed in front of the i should my ultima nice to mom loyalty when the benet's just some of them opened up in a lot of with you, then i'd have to be with you and to be a good, i'm good. include in the should give me the uh, the next tuesday, the way i didn't get it so that he was safe and then a going to the school. the sort of the both of us will and that is me. why do i should in the last and i can move forward with this with, well hey, i'm good to imagine the mob on the kennedy live. it matches little of the how the layer. so i measure it only to the, to the end we had, i mean, the items just in the
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new i go a little so you can live with me. uh comes out the pin feature on that, please. uh your new home, so the 10 fi come with the same vendor. so if she was holding the money in toyota, i'm in austin. i don't know. my name is diana. mean, go ahead. do i sit in huddle horrible and those are you are you? i'm in a team, your new young collecting. you looked at them in almost as of the 50 bucks my oldest about my home and good to go in there. so really on the of the houses for some reason, some sort of little boy, your typical way of putting the stuff in. as i said, the, would you, me a list of under them, or would you, me the, the, the comfortability of the, of the month is it can either come this and that i need to know more than that. so
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i need a sort of like a demonstration of it may not be who was, who was all but then mostly when of in and mostly more of an intimacy that several guys i may be mount with you. i wonder if i'm on the field, the, from the coughing, the shared pics. i had a come source of you. and again, i am in the cairo is the title is, can the tool as laws lead the one, i'm assuming that the left within the us and then a gene. can you tell us out of the come side age of friday, the homework under the sun and moon month to sit down, you might fit this in the for sale and then the to so we talk settlement to lead and become science of the med to continue living there, have you learn more to fly, the one that says hook the fee
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literacy. generally in both of those the mix. what sort of lena mean those here them a with and then a highly in the make. the sellers you need to in montela, where the lam a, with the hell in will smiths and mccain when of some about and then the height of domino will, can live sort of in the issue with the, the wild feet shouldn't actually is a calamity unless i have been them go i as feet and um, in my dentist little co, me, it was called and they said the color to send him a bunch of modification by the side and he did all my doing it. among the 16 videos shipped most of the stuff to send them some sort of bane from that didn't have to do with the most was of the go. you get done in the and send most of the from of the book. i'm done a for you to the very next october. we'll get i live in the molly slide in the home
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or i, she'll let them know more to them and then the cause that template them's venue more into this. so some new pronouncement, but that was 3 is as well as 2. so you have give me way in the midst of finished to me, you started thinking move addition to it. so it seems to fit them. it seems that on the dns as a bonus to connect with somebody in the venue that good stuff in for somebody else who typically some of you reduce it, goes out of the movie and with the nurse that it has done yet. so let's give us a label of this. you do a search set of the solution. i mean you thursday, 600, you left a message that he just got out on and it doesn't sound like a sense instead bother left us through enough this to do it. so it's not somebody
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this. so for us to attempt that on the system that i send me something that says the c g, the image that to me that the us for the subs instructions can subordinate son, j e a c d m, instead of the, the sister did, she gets is doing that just she just did it on the side is inclusive of buddhism and he's doing some of gender or so i connect him through the culture of them and be to the place that i'm so projection. you just have to be impressed with nat interest in the russian sensitive. so it's essentially just just to say it was closed because
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you've done school evaluate the school. you nice to get a 1630 slides. assume you the section division concerns, doing some psychiatrist school for the piano school in japan. and if it's in the advice and national search groups, i just cynical critics somebody is that they don't sit down so that i sent you the ship a continue mode for cutting the submission due to the if i did it before the user into this where you've done it, which of those gives it goes quickly to face. so what's the length of stay on the, to for the chipset, just the positions. think of it as seen. interesting city in the city of t j tonight, which is, which was the
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showed in the gallery, but it was the, yeah was, you know, those, it was the amount of mileage, the good wireless who the deal with pretty a whole over the, from the day of pollution, that's kind of what else you like to me. what level and much of these are chance to out of t j a. that was $250.00 hoops kind of those numbers since the corporate checkbook parcel for them for tenants. so how good it is and get them to have. so you won't have to also live in a lot of people get a little bit of a cd from the supposed to pay the amount of ahead of us having them just low monthly cuz some of some of the others can always kind of. i mean, i can move from since on the other side of it, which one can i get a little bit out of the best way to even though the senior i need a hotel, some of the home are you? oh, let me, let them, let me just a how do i deal with them?
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how in, in the info this type of pointing machine telling my 10 bucks that's on the higher and higher and more of a lot of these, from a way of some misplaced me fresh. i don't know the that's something that somebody was the guy i want to know what they want. so i have that for them. lucy? yes, the little literacy instead of till i get to those a lot of a sudden that hey, i'm the little that was a little bit for the how get me in the say, when has the, who is a lot of the x, the x institution around the committee there's to do because there are so savvy,
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the a cool to scan that a be with this aspect of it. why and the eyes of thought of market, where is it? ice and i do certainly i do want to see uh uh there was a lot acre you on. i'll be back on to i was indeed the most. i tell you i had boseman 9. i guess you're welcome to the the survey was at the different society to get them and then this fund created. mean the just kind of just need to talk to them the
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the money is due to. ready you to miss the port of guns uh, shopping most of it. so its how well the ship looked at the lift and in a uh, a little bit to get a hey, uh and the, so i'm gonna receive the, the list or to the shopping must have a sub. and i don't be here for the odd in the know josh criminal. i use the shop beauty deal to talk to for the high school. if you see on the,
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[000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the russian president vladimir puts in his one in for a new 6 year term, saying that he is determined to overcome another period of the proposed milestone. the consolidated will of millions of people is a colossal force evidence of our coming from the lease that we ourselves will determine the fate of russia and only ourselves for the sake of today's and future generations. the is


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