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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  May 6, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT

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get'er. we're just like a family . >> and now, at 730, a baker fighting for his life after being severely hurt in a crash. how the man's coworkers are rallying to support him and his loved ones. plus we haven't had
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an in-custody death since we launched this. >> and so that's a mark of success for me. >> it has now been a year since antioch launched its non-police team to respond to mental health crises and other low level issues. we check in to see just how things are going. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at 730. >> that community response team is an alternative to police for nonviolent, non-life threatening calls. thanks so much for joining me on this monday night. i'm heather holmes. that team is trained to calm chaotic situations without force. our crime reporter, henry lee, went to antioch today to see if the program is working. >> this has been a godsend because this has helped alleviate the police department from certain 911 calls. >> antioch mayor lamar hernandez thorpe, marking a year since a crisis response team hit the streets to help those in mental distress, freeing up police for more urgent calls. the angelo quinto community response team handles about 500 calls a month.
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it's named after a man who died in antioch police custody. >> we haven't had an in-custody death since we launched this, and so that's a mark of success for me. the fact that we can take 500 calls off of the police's shoulders, that's success to me. >> i'm ready. on monday, the mayor tagged along with the team. it wasn't long before they got a call to assist the police for unwanted guests. >> okay, over there off of railroad. okay, i'm gonna do a two bottles of water. thank you. more than welcome. >> in this case, the challenge was keeping pets and people together, especially in antioch. >> we don't have the resources right now to put them, especially with the pets, to put them anywhere. >> antioch police do still show up alongside the team in about 20% of calls for service, but if an officer isn't needed anymore, the team handles it from there is now seen, and if the team shows up at a call and ends up needing the police, they have radios to contact dispatch directly. either way, the team has allowed officers to focus their attention on more pressing
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matters, like the search monday for a murder suspect who ran from san joaquin sheriff's detectives near gentry town drive and putnam street. antioch police set up a perimeter in the neighborhood and searched the area for hours. police and crisis team members both say they have a symbiotic relationship and a good part about it. >> they rely on us. the pd, as much as we rely on them. >> the team's emphasis is on stepping back and listening. >> our main focus is going out into community. 911 low response emergency calls where we focus on de-escalation, mitigation, de-escalation. >> the mayor says this community response team is on borrowed time with federal funds, and that the city might need to restructure its budget to help fund the program in the near future. in antioch, henry lee, ktvu, fox two news okay, so henry told you about that search for a homicide suspect. >> we have learned that that person was wanted for a homicide in stockton and has now been
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arrested. police say they made the arrest this afternoon, lifting that shelter in place order in the area of gentry town . antioch police told people who lived nearby this afternoon to lock all of their doors and windows as they looked for the suspect, identified as 20 year old carlos palacios. now, police have not released any details about just where he was taken into custody today, san mateo police say three suspects in a violent robbery, two of them teenagers, are now in custody. the investigation began back in december when a man reported being assaulted by three suspects near san mateo high school and that his jewelry was stolen. after months of investigating, police were able to identify and arrest the three suspects. on friday. the adult suspect, who was 20 years old, has also been charged with possessing 1,400 pounds of illegal fireworks. now we go to san francisco tonight where a man hit several weeks ago while on his way to work at bob's donuts, still fighting for his life as ktvu alice wertz shows
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us, his coworkers have made it possible for his mother to come here to the u.s. to visit her son at the hospital. >> it was on sunday, april 21st, just before three in the morning. jesus zamudio, a baker on his way to work, hit by a car at dubose and guerrero, knocked unconscious. severe injuries. it was originally thought to be a hit and run of a pedestrian, but officer robert rueca of sfpd told us the driver returned as responding officers were investigating the scene during the officer's investigation, the driver and vehicle involved returned back to the scene. it turned out to be a tragic accident, impairment due to drugs and or alcohol does not appear to be a factor in this collision. >> the driver has cooperated since the beginning of this investigation. >> the employees at bob's donuts started a go fund me for their coworker, who works seven days a week to send money to his wife, kids and family in mexico. bessie ferrara worked the same shift as jesus, and i cried, you
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know, it was like i felt so bad, you know, because i really known him as a family. >> we work here all together. we just like a family. >> the staff were able to raise over $50,000. >> everybody heard a really sad what happened with jesus. yeah, especially me, because i work with him and i love the guys. you know, he's a very hard worker, man. >> it was a scramble. but employees also worked to get jesus's mother here on a humanitarian visa so she could be at his bedside at the hospital. as for advice, his coworker bessie shared the only thing my advice to whoever riding scooter and bicycle to where a helmet just for safety and we hear that message from others often any kind of
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precautions that you can help make yourself more safe if you're operating any vehicle on our streets would surely help. the fundraiser did reach its goal of $50,000 for mister jesus zamora. however, friends and coworkers here at bob's donuts say that's barely going to be enough to cover his medical costs and any care he'll need after he comes out of this coma he's in. in san francisco. alice was ktvu fox two news, a new at 730 tonight, the operator of a homeless shelter in san francisco no longer allowed to bid on or receive new city contracts or grants. >> city attorney david chiu is accusing that nonprofit providence foundation of san francisco of submitting fake invoices, resulting in more than $100,000 being misused. chiu says the foundation billed the city $105,000 to pay a contractor to work on the oasis inn on cathedral hill. well, almost two years later, the city attorney claims that work still
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not done on top of that fake. on top of the fake invoices, the city claims the providence foundation also violated an anti nepotism provision, hiring several family members for jobs. the city attorney says with today's suspension, the city may have grounds to cancel existing grants or contracts with the organization. meantime, san francisco officials say they have counted fewer tents out there on city streets. a city report at the end of last month counted 360 tents and structures across the city that is the lowest number in more than five years. now, when the city started, that's when the city first started doing regular counts like this. the city says there were nine encampments with more than five tents each. citywide mayor london breed says the city is making progress, but that there is more work to be done to get more people off the streets. okay, here's a question for you. are self-checkout stands contributing to a rise in shoplifting? well, a state senator in southern california thinks so. in order to curb
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theft, senator lola smallwood cuevas has proposed a new state bill that would require stores to staff one worker to every two self-checkout machines and relieve that worker of all other duties. smallwood cuevas says senate bill 1446 would help alleviate understaffing and deter thieves. >> lone workers have become easy targets of theft and violence, and they're too often forced to stock merchendise operate checkout, cater to customers, all while trying to monitor their stores for retail theft. >> the california chamber of commerce is opposed to this bill, saying it would put unnecessary restrictions on retail, grocery and pharmacy stores. they call this bill misguided and say it would not reduce retail theft. a boat overturns in tomales bay, leaving a group of people clinging to the vessel. we'll take a look at how law enforcement swooped in to help rescue those boaters, and many
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u.s. states, including california, could soon experience a nursing shortage. coming up, how officials are working to address what could be a major health care problem a minor warm-up felt over the bay area this afternoon, with a robust one on
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when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dreams do come true. get started with xfinity gig internet for $25 a month when you add mobile. plus, get wifi equipment included. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi with xfinity. i'm franklin graham. the world ems to be engulfe with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he camame on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and d shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raed him to life. and if we're willing t to put our faith and trust
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in jesus chris god will forgive us of our sins and hehe will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart proroblem. only g can change the human heart, and take t that hate and fill i with his love. if you've never invited chris in your heart, pray t this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your n. i nt to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prad that prayer, call that number right now that'sn the screen. we have someone who'd ke to speak with you,u, d pray with you. god bless you! it's me now, as i was mentioning earlier, a little cool in the city when i got up this morning. >> yes, even upper 30s in some areas. so definitely a little below average for this time of year. and it had to do with that cold storm that moved through, brought us a good amount of rain
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and snow to the sierra that has moved out. and a live look here over the golden gate bridge, where we do have a little bit of cloud cover entering the bay as the storms actually continue to move through the pacific northwest and we are just on that southern edge. meanwhile. meanwhile, take a look at some of the rainfall amounts we did get. this is your first time getting an opportunity to see some of this san francisco almost an inch, as well as oakland, ben lomond in the santa cruz mountains reporting an inch and 67/100. but now we are dry and we are going to remain dry and we are going to warm things up in the days ahead. today, temperatures came up by a few degrees over most areas. here's a look at storm tracker two. and there's the storm and the activity that continues over the pacific northwest, as i mentioned a moment ago. and here's the storm here that actually brought us the rainfall and brought more than two feet of snow to parts of the sierra over the weekend. as we move into the next few days, this ridge back in here is going to continue to strengthen over the west. and by thursday, we actually have a setup here. this system drops in on the backside of california. we have high
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pressure in the ridge to the west of us. we're kind of right in between. and we have that northeasterly flow. the offshore flow that not only dries things out but warms things up. so that is what is coming our way. meanwhile, the winds will be kicking in as well as we transition to this new pattern. and there's a wind advisory posted for tomorrow night that will go until thursday morning for the carquinez strait as well as areas through the delta and then farther into the sacramento valley. we could see winds reaching 45mph at times, and that's enough to kind of knock things around. if you do have outdoor furniture, things like that, consider maybe tying it down or bringing it in temporarily. tomorrow morning we will be off to a chilly start. not quite as warm as this morning, but 43 degrees, i should say. not quite as cold as this morning. 43 in santa rosa for tomorrow is still a chilly one. upper 40s in hayward. and then as we get into the afternoon now we're talking about the warmer weather, mid 60s in san francisco, low 70s expected in livermore. your extended forecast here. so a bump in the numbers tomorrow
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followed by a big jump on wednesday where we are now in the low transition to upper 80s thursday, friday for our inland cities, upper 70s low 80s around the bay, some nice weather, upper 60s to about 70 degrees and then into the weekend. we do drop off just a little bit on sunday, which is mother's day. >> heather. yeah, the week looks good. thanks, rosemary. a rescue to tell you about in the north bay that was caught on camera yesterday afternoon. sonoma county sheriff's deputies were called to an overturned boat there. in tomales bay. deputies flew their henri one helicopter to the scene, where they found four people clinging to an overturned vessel. deputies say a crew member began rescuing each one of those boaters one by one. all of the victims were then flown to a nearby home before being picked up by an ambulance. well, this week is national nurses week, but the health care industry is facing a severe shortage of nursing staff. the head of the health resources and services administration, carol johnson, joined me earlier today on the fore to discuss the crisis.
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>> the good news is we do the biggest national survey of nurses by the federal government , and we just got our first results post the pandemic. and what we see is that despite all the challenges, job satisfaction remains high. the nursing workforce is becoming more diverse and it's becoming slightly younger. >> the american association of colleges of nursing says at least 30 states will have critical rn shortages in the next six years. many nursing schools across the u.s. are also facing a shortage of faculty to train new nurses. this comes as more than 1 million nurses across the u.s. are projected to retire by the year 2030. the u.s. secretary of state, addressing a tech conference right here in the bay area today . we'll tell you about the plan that he unveiled that america hopes will keep our country and our allies safe from cyber attacks. >> plus, i do hope other universities are seeing the leadership that has been performed here today. >> an important face to face meeting at san francisco state.
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so what's expected next after the university president talked with student
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since the start of the war between israel and hamas, and tensions continue to rise today. hamas announced, though, that it accepted a cease fire proposal brokered by qatari and egyptian mediators. however, israel responded, saying the deal did not meet its core demands and that it was pushing ahead with an assault on the southern gaza town of rafah. the united states has said it strongly opposes a siege of that city, where nearly 1.5 million palestinians are currently taking refuge. here in the us, protests over israel in gaza continue on college campuses in the bay area. the president of san francisco state meeting today with student activists over their demands.
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ktvu jana katsuyama tells us what came of that discussion. >> san francisco state student protesters sat down with the university president, lynn mahoney, at 1:00 monday afternoon. eight student speakers facing the president and two other administrators, with three faculty members seated in the middle. the protesters called for action to stop the violence against civilians in gaza. president mahoney listened and said she saw her role as protecting free speech on campus. >> my role is actually to make it safe, and i don't just mean physically. i kind of mean culturally, politically and socially for every group on this campus to if it can't play out on a university campus, then the us is doomed. >> students presented their concerns and four demands to one disclose university finances to divest finances three. defend the palestinian people and four declare the israeli occupation a genocide. how can you, as the president, give us the space and that board of trustees meeting to not only just talk to other
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presidents individually, but have us directly talk to the board? mahoney said she would work with students and invited the group to give her names of representatives to meet with their investment team to create a model for other campuses to follow on investment transparency and investment policies. >> give me a couple of names of folks who want to sit down with me and jeff, and a representative from cambridge, and let's hammer out exactly what it would look like. >> faculty members and the students said they were glad to see the dialog. >> i'm very proud of the students for having very, very clear, specific and actionable demands. >> i'm encouraged. i think, and i believe the university is acting in good faith. they've been supportive in their own way in terms of not shutting down the encampment. we are very optimistic. >> i think this was a huge step forward. i would like to say that i do hope other universities are seeing the leadership that has been performed here today. >> after the meeting with the president, the students held a caucus in the middle of their encampment to discuss their response to the president and
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the meeting. they say they plan to be out here as long as it takes to get their demands met. reporting from san francisco state, janet katsuyama, ktvu, fox two news. >> us secretary of state antony blinken. blinken making a quick stop here in the bay area. the secretary delivered the keynote address at the rsa conference in san francisco this afternoon. the main focus of this week's conference is artificial intelligence, and the secretary addressed it head on during his speech, blinken unveiled the biden administration's new global cybersecurity strategy to protect allies and their economies from ai attacks from russia and china. >> we can't tolerate technologies that the united states has developed being used against us or our friends, falling into the hands of bad actors or helping advance the military capabilities of strategic competitors. >> this plan updates america's global cyber security strategy for the first time in 13 years. secretary blinken now heads to guatemala, where he'll meet with that country's president to
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discuss immigration. comedian jo koy is coming to the bay area. the controversy he's hoping to leave in the past as he embarks on this world tour. then later tonight on the 10:00 news, an arrest has been made in connection with a freeway shooting in the east bay. plus, we continue to follow the protest, taking over college campuses. the new encampment that has popped up at a
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include special events, workshops, ceremonies, and networking opportunities for small business owners all across the city. the goal to celebrate san francisco's entrepreneurs and acknowledge the vital role that small businesses play in the city's economy. well, comedian jo koy is coming here to the bay area with a stop at chase center. the show is set for october 12th. it is part of his just being koy world tour. now koi has several stand up specials on netflix, but he did receive some criticism for his golden globes hosting performance, especially for his jokes about taylor swift and others. the general sale tickets for koi show will be made available on ticketmaster, coming up in just a few days on thursday. a train system is offering adjusted schedules to help music fans see their favorite artists this spring. capitol corridor, which operates
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trains throughout northern california, announced today it is offering special service to help fans see luke combs coming up on may 17th and the rolling stones on may 18th at levi's stadium. the system will then offer trains that go north towards sacramento after the concerts end. so a much easier way for you to get around. okay the say hey kid is saying hello to 93 today. giants great willie mays is celebrating his 93rd birthday. mays was born on this day back in 1931, in westfield, alabama. the superstar center fielder played for the giants for 21 seasons, winning two nl mvp awards and 12 golden gloves. he was inducted into the baseball hall of fame in 1979, and received the presidential medal of freedom in 2015. an amazing ballplayer and amazing man, hope he's celebrating an amazing birthday. thanks so much for joining me
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gordon: previously on "masterchef junior"... you have to take these dishes from your past and turn them into dishes from your future. - what? - focus on that pork tenderloin, 'cause it's got no fat in there. so make sure it's pink, not dry. - shoot, shoot, shoot. - asher, he looks a little bit stressed over there. wow, look at that with michael. tilly: this looks better than half the dishes


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