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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  May 7, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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- thank you. - thank you. - thank you for giving. - because at shriners hospitals for children, going to the hospital is like going to see family! it really is the best part of my day. please call or go online right now to give. if operators are busy, please wait patiently, or go to right away. your gift will help kids just like me have the best part of our day. 5.30, a strike is set to continue tonight outside an
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oakland mcdonald's. >> after it was shut down when an inspector went in and said there's a rat problem. the strike began last week, actually when the employees frustration with their working conditions, they say, became unbearable. and as our kron four's lezla gooden tells us tonight, the issues continue even after the shutdown. she's live for us. >> in oakland outside that macdonald's less laugh. >> yes, you know, i'm told that a rally is supposed to happen any minute now with some of those workers who have decided to strike here. now, this comes after the alameda county health department decided to shut down this mcdonald's due to findings of rack activities. now they found a dead rat actually in a trap. and they also found dead droppings all so long in the kitchen. now, again, this comes after our workers decide to strike last week before the closure now calling for better working conditions. and they say that daily they deal with rat droppings and discover rat
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eating food intended for customers that their concerns were confirmed by the health department. now, according to the health report, a dead rat was seen as us so that syrup boxes and rat droppings on the wall and the workers say they were told to clean up these violations but were not given the necessary tools and equipment to do so. so now they are deciding to strike until professionals are able to calm an improperly clean up this area. and we also reached out to mcdonald's as well for a comment and they tell us that actually all the workers who are striking will be able to receive payment during this time. and i'm to the workers were not made aware of that. so again, we're going to keep you all updated with this rally with more as well. live in oakland to go in kron. 4 news. all right. let's took to get it cleaned thank you. let's live. >> brentwood police officer is accused of allowing his dog to bite a woman for a full minute during an arrest in 2020.
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we're going to play a body camera footage from the incident. but we do want to warn folks that some people may find this disturbing back in february 2020 k 9 officer ryan resent as had his dog search the area of an ulta beauty store after responding to reports of a shoplifting incident. the dog. found police say tell me bates hiding in the bushes. body camera footage shows the officer held the canines leash as the dog dragged debates on the ground by her head without giving bates the chance to surrender. bates needed more than 200 stitches in her head. surgical tissue rearrangement and laceration repair. the judge ruled resent as cannot claim qualified immunity against excessive force claims brought by bates who sued resent us in 2022. the case returns to court later this month.
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>> not the one the the california highway patrol got a call from a witness is a man was shooting a gun from his car on 5.80, and seminary avenue in this dash cam video is from the witnesses car on march 29th. you'll see the man i was pointing the gun outside his car. the chp did arrest the man. they say that dominic, jerome taylor was driving drunk when they arrested him. >> month-long pilot program is underway in the city of allay a street. the divides 2 schools will be shut down. 2 car traffic during weekday school hours personally to call reports that this is in response to several shootings and frequent speeders. >> that have sometimes made that area unsafe. >> starting this week through june 7, nebraska street between amador and pierce streets in vallejo will be closed to through traffic on school days. only monday
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through friday, from 9 o'clock in the morning. until 4 o'clock in the afternoon hours. responses. >> yesterday we came over here. you know, we've got to get in, but they're blocking area down there and up there. but i know why the roadway divides vallejo high school and the john finnie education complex. the closure is a pilot project being carried out by the vallejo city unified school district in partnership with the city of vallejo. >> and is meant to make the area safer for students and staff in the past 2 years. there have been several shootings on and outside school grounds leading the school district to launch this pilot program to enhance public safety keeps everyone on the streets. for school. >> mortgages. >> school. we definitely heard the during the football game is concerning because our properties really close nicole lives on one end of the closure and supports the program, but just hopes it does not lead to increased
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>> and traffic on her way. we have a lot of little kids that play on the and a lot of people see that road closure and then come tearing down our street in 2022, a vallejo high school staff member was shot after breaking up a fight between students and a group of men. last old was injured by a stray bullet near vallejo high school months later, a teenage boy was shot in front of the campus after a football game wrapped up all of the victim survived freshman power. spencer hopes the project works. if it's safer for us to, you know, just walk over here freely without having wear a watch. our backs in u.s. in vallejo, philippe djegal kron, 4 a gun buyback event over the weekend was a success for san mateo county. the sheriff's office says that they recorded. >> record number of nearly 300 guns. and 24 assault weapons for ghost guns and a machine gun were turned over to police were pay between $5200 depending on the firearm. the
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sheriff's department says that they plan to host another gun buyback this year, but no date been set yet. this is the 6th year of the program. california has reported its first increase in groundwater in 4 years. the department of water >> says it's mostly thanks to all the rain and snow we've received over the winter not only this year, but last groundwater supply is crucial to keeping crops thriving during dry years. and much of the state population counts on it for drinking water. rain since saturday. but that's okay. this is the dry season and we've got plenty during the winter is we take a live look here. this is 6.80, in walnut creek with the hills are starting to brown that they are, you know, destroying that water in the ground it's like having a bank account. >> it really is. i mean, that's exactly what it is. so we can drawn that during those very dry years and california, we just go in and out of
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drought. that's just the kind of climate that we have. so got a couple years in a row of above normal precipitation. but we have those very long, dry months to come. here's the forecast taking through june july and august for temperatures, a show in the bay area, maybe slightly elevated may be above normal temperatures as we head in toward the dry summer good idea to have some of that. the water in our bank account as we're going to likely need some of that as we head throughout the summer time. that's for sure. right now looking dry and much warmer ahead. beautiful skies over san francisco. nice and clear right now. temperatures out the door. nice evening, 70 degrees in san jose to 71 in lemore. 74 in concord. a beautiful, clear, 70 degrees right now in novato 70 also in petaluma and 74 degrees in santa rosa. little cooler along the coastline. there get a little bit of a seabreeze, but not for long backed by. we look toward tomorrow afternoon. these are forecast highs maybe as high as 81 in san jose. 71 beautiful in san francisco about 77 degrees
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oakland. and then we really start to heat things up as we head into thursday, some temperatures getting near 90 degrees by thursday afternoon. maybe this high of 78 in san francisco. look at half moon bay, those offshore winds doing the work, maybe 70's out toward the beaches. so we haven't had really warm beach day so far this season that may very well soon change right now. we've got a little bit of a seabreeze. won't be long gone. high pressure is going to take over tonight. wind advisories kicking up tomorrow. they've been actually spread by the national weather service. now to include much of the north bay as we go to see some of those winds gusting as high as 35 to 45 miles per hour in the coming days. >> all right, lawrence tiktok is now suing the u.s. government in an attempt to block the federal law forcing either a sale or a band of the popular app. the law passed with bipartisan support just last month. this lawsuit is challenging its constitutionality kron four's. catherine heenan live for us in the newsroom with details on this. lot of people interested, catherine, a lot
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of people. you're right, vicki, and we didn't know this was coming or certainly was likely. but analysts say the fascinating part of this fight, ally and watching how the government response to the lawsuit. >> we are in some very unusual territory. the u.s. government has passed a law that effectively gives it the right to take away one of the most popular social media apps in the world in arguing against the new law. tiktok says its app is an important avenue for expression. >> pointing out that more than 170 million people in the u.s. use. it roughly half the country. it says that by taking away the government is infringing on our first amendment rights. meantime, is there really a significant security threat posed by tiktok? >> what i think is interesting here is that the for the last few years now the government keeps saying there is a national security concern with tiktok and we've heard this
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now under republican and democratic presidents and in both cases, we have not gotten the details, right? the government has not made its case to the american public about why this hugely popular app should be banned. it just teams, gesturing and national security. and i think that's part of why this case is going to be so fascinating. >> there were renewed calls to ban tiktok after the october 7th hamas attack. some users saying more anti-semitic contact was showing up. others argue the new law is an attempt to suppress pro palestine voice us. in any case, the fallout from a trial could reach far beyond tiktok. one of the things that tiktok makes the case about in its. >> filing against the government. is that a number of other social media companies and apps in general would need to be banned under these rules that the government has set out
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effectively it saying that if you're going to treat us all fairly, which, you know, the constitution says equal protection under the law. then it's not going to just be tiktok tickets band. it's going to be a lot of stuff. and i think that is going to be an interesting part of the debate as well. in that filing today, tiktok says the amount of effort it would take to sell the company to get another engineering team in place. >> is not workable in the roughly 270 days. it's been given. so in tick tok's view, apparently either that law goes away or it will leave the country in 2025, but it could also be a long legal fight. ensure says he will be surprised if the case does not end up before the supreme court grant. all right. catherine live for us in the newsroom. thanks, catherine. >> say goodbye to the boy scouts of america. at least next year because the organization will be changing its name. up next, we'll speak live with scout executive about this big change. the boy
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america are getting a new name. the 114 year-old organization is changing its name for the first time. >> they will become scouting america. it's the latest effort to make the organization more inclusive. so joining us now live to discuss is scout executive of the golden gate area council. i'm mike hale there. mike, thanks for joining us this evening. a big change after, you know, gosh, over 100 years
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of of what do you account for it? and what should people expect? >> for decades we've girls young ladies in some of our programs in see scouting and venturing in exploring and about 5 years ago, we invited girls and young ladies and were cub scouting and what can we call boy scouting program? it just seemed like natural too change the name at that time to scouts bsa. since we had girls invoice, scouting him we've got it in the bay area. we've got 20% of our members are female now. and so it just may in may be way more sense to change her name to scouting in america. so that all the girls could feel like they were welcome. and and joining a program that didn't have a boy at the you know, at the top of the letterhead. so it wasn't a hard decision for us.
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>> this has to be part of a sort of a pr effort. there was a lot of bad press is, you know, with the you know, the abuse cases, the anti lgbtq issues. i know that you can the and join the scouts. now you could be a leader. you mentioned girls are allowed to formally join. you had your first eagle scouts that were girls graduate. so that had to be exciting. what is the over our king sort of message to america as part of this name change. >> well, you know, we've had we've had some head winds along the way, but that just like a lot of society has done so we're behind all that now. and this is america message to the 2 american families that that we think that that were the answer to to some of our communities issues and that we can with that. with that, we can come out ahead in the community. if if family she's looked at scouting. so your mission is to instill values
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that last for a lifetime. we still have the same scow knows we still have the same scout law if parents take a look at i think they'll think that, you know, we've got we've got an edge to us that that we want to be a part of the community. still, we've been around a long time, we need to remind people were here and this is. this is a reason to do that. yeah, re-branding, i guess would make sense to distance yourself from certain aspects of of what it was associated with >> membership was falling. so do you feel that be it creating more of an umbrella of inclusivity will help boost your numbers? and and and i have to ask this for those who didn't grow up in the generation of being part of boy scouts scouting. what exactly does it does it entail? this is the new scouting america. >> so so so most folks, when they think a boy scouting, they probably think of of the outdoor program. and we've
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always used the outdoor program as a laboratory to deliver our mission. we have we think we're the premier organization when it comes to installing values and and leadership training for you. sweet. he one of most important elements of our program is teaching. you count of the eu leaders and so we think that the family, if a family puts a scout, girl boy, you know, young man, young woman in our program that. the that the outcomes will be that there their son or daughter will be more successful, will be successful business or couple career in of some kind successful in life us up as a your parent you know, studies have shown up you know, we need to do a better job of telling, you know, telling families real quickly where we're out of time. but >> another issue is the girl scouts. and, you know, they have kind of resented. i think
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you opening it up to girls. it has hurt their membership. and there's been a lawsuit. i know. what do you say to the girl scouts out there who might have questions about your re-branding? >> i mean, i i i hope we're past that. i hope, but i know i've had lots of conversation for girl scout leaders and, you know, there's there's plenty of the market sure out there for all of us. we just want to help our community you know, we think both of us can work together. hopefully to to help families grow succeed and instill values that last for a lifetime. >> all right. well, thank you so much for taking the time to talk to mike hale from the golden gate area council scout thank you for updating thanks, mike. thank you. good luck good evening. >> all right. let's take a peek outside as we look there at the bay bridge toll plaza. pretty light it's been warm and apparently the heat is on.
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>> this may be the nicest forecast i've given all year long. how about that? laughs finally getting to that sunshine in the warm weather looking good. >> as we head toward the rest the weekend, it's going to be windy in spots. but overall, i think most of us are just going to be enjoying that sunshine. maybe some beach weather to get out there and enjoy as well. look at that. nice and clear right now out toward the golden gate bridge. i think it stays mostly clear overnight tonight as those offshore winds begin to settle in, we may see just a patch to a foggy for those offshore winds really kick in tonight. but nice evening coming our way. of course, these temperatures started a bump up just a bit. in fact, today we started to see some warming as much as 7 degrees warmer in santa rosa compared to 24 hours ago. and we're going to see that on the increase, especially by tomorrow afternoon. so high today, 64 degrees in san francisco. 68 in oakland start to see 70's popping up in some of the interior about 75 in concord and 76 degrees above the average. now in santa rosa tonight, we'll see mostly clear skies. some gusty winds going to be settling in overnight tonight, especially in the north and the east bay. and then with the coastlines
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could be windy is going to be warm windy us in the morning. and those winds will taper off a little bit in the afternoon only to pick up again late tomorrow night into thursday morning. so high pressure overhead, take care of us up pretty well. now that ridge going to settle over the next couple of north northwesterly wind right now. but that's going to turn northerly overnight tonight into early tomorrow morning. and that means we're going to see some beautiful weather to those winds kind of switching directions there. that's that offshore flow that we're talking about going to be gusty and parts of the north and the east bay. otherwise clear, skies can't find hardly a cloud in the sky as we head toward tomorrow afternoon. so all that being said, temperatures are going to work out just fine. how about 71 downtown temperatures go tomorrow, 70 in daly city about 63 of the civic and sunny. 74 millbrae 78 in brisbane. warming up as you head down the peninsula. some of those temperatures turning the 80's as you make your way in the south bay east bay. also looking at some nice numbers, maybe mid 80's pleasanton livermore and the tri valley. >> about 81 a walnut creek. 81 hercules 80 in napa been on the windy side. 81 degrees in sandra fell. so you get the
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idea. nice weather to be had 80's, maybe some low 90's as we head in toward friday. cooling down a little bit with the return of some fog over the weekend. all right. thanks, lourdes. there is a new falcon camera. >> and the connection these chicks have to our favorites at u c berkeley.
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>> comedian and actor joe koy is coming back to the bay area. he's going to be in san francisco for his newly announced or jo koy just being coy. if you remember, daly
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city declared july 22nd as jo koy day and gave the filipino american comedian the keys to the city. the show will be on saturday, october 12th the chase center. presale tickets are going to go on sale today. they did go on sale today at noon. good luck. general also at noon this thursday. >> all right. everybody who enjoys the berkeley peregrine falcon camera now is the second live stream to watch. these baby falcons are on alcatraz. we're told the mom, larry hatch for chicks in a cave on the island a few weeks ago. and according to officials, there is a connection to berkeley here. was one of 4 chicks born to the famous falcon couple, annie and grinnell. it callan, 2018. and if you follow this as closely as we we now know and he has a new companion, archie. and they just had 4 baby chicks of their own at cal item. mom's name is larry.
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so they named it after lawrence, which is fun. tough crowd. all right. that wraps up kron 4 news at 5, 0, keep trying. we have a lot more ahead kron for news at 6 trying to get this straight sky like peregrine soap opera. so one of the mates left berkeley. >> there are checks move to alcatraz has a chick move to chick without its chick. thank you. i don't know what happened to the lagrange has somebody is missing in this whole thing. so got burned basically as the world turns that all right. well. thank you, thank you. grant vicki o see in a moment. here's what we're working on coming for the news at 6 tonight at 6, 2, people, including a teenage girl. >> were injured by a suspected hit and run driver in san francisco. have all the details coming up in a live report and the superintendent of the berkeley unified school district has been called in front of a congressional
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committee as the department of education investigates reports of anti-semitism in berkeley schools. i'm ken wayne, the schools. i'm ken wayne, the news at 6 coming up next. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. >> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now it's 6, 2, people, including a teenage girl are in the hospital tonight after being struck by a hit and run driver in san francisco. good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne. the suspect was eventually arrested was chased by police from the tenderloin to


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