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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  May 6, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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with continuous symptom control. ask your neurologist about starting ultomiris. >> now at noon, a possible cease-fire agreement. what we're learning about a deal that could least paused the war between israel and hamas. plus, lawmakers remain divided over the response to the demonstrations on college campuses across the country, including how president biden has responded. plus, the golden state warriors making a
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big announcement regarding its wnba team. >> from the bay station, you're watching kron. at noon. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm justine waldman. we're going to start with some breaking news that we're watching here. first at noon, the hamas militant group says it has accepted egyptian qatari cease-fire proposal to hold its war with israel. the group says its supreme leader delivered the news in a cell phone car with cutters. prime minister and egypt's intelligence minister, the 2 middle eastern nations have been mediating months of talks between israel and hamas. and this is coming hours after israel ordered about 100,000 palestinians to begin evacuating from the southern city of rafah that signaled long promised ground invasion there would be happening soon. a spokesperson for the un agency for palestinian refugees is now saying of these conditions that people are living with in rafah, that
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they're just deteriorating quickly. >> i want to nobody has a paw wet to go. there is advice and went to guide. there is not safety to be led to. so in each set comes on sundays family. now, if it's a lot of panic and a lot of chaos. there was no immediate comment from israel on the deal. the details of the proposal. >> have not been released in recent days. egyptian and hamas officials have said that the cease-fire would take place in a series of stages during which hamas would released hostages that is holding in exchange for israeli troops pulling back from gaza. it's not clear whether this deal is going to meet. hamas is key demand of bringing an end to the war and a complete israeli withdrawal. now, israelis in tel aviv marking yom hashoah, which is the holocaust remembrance day. today's solemn remembrance comes for the first time since the october 7th hamas attack that sparked the current war between israel and hamas in
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hostages square. the table was laid out to remember the hostages taken during the hamas attack in october. >> drive to last. not from us travel. and it feels very meaningful to be here on office. stay on your show we've just come to give oak. we just want everyone to that. we're screaming and crying and governing doing everything that we can. for all people in these from around the world. >> there are about 200 feet. 50 people have been taken hostage in more than 100 people are still being held captive. the attack also killed more than 1200 people in israel. >> making it the deadliest day of violence against jews since the whole cost. and there was a local commemoration for holocaust remembrance day state senator scott wiener joined community members last night at the san francisco jewish community center. but they lit some candles and remembered the horrific. and
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while we do not know very much about the cease-fire proposal, that could be signaling a significant change in the war. stevens a professor of politics and middle eastern studies at the university of san francisco's. joining us now talk about this latest development. it's breaking news. we appreciate you making time to join us here on kron. 4. what do you make of this hamas is now saying it is willing to put on the table the negotiations stand now. >> well, this is the closest we've come a long time. so it's potentially a good news the sticking point had long been the hamas was insisting on a permanent cease-fire and withdrawal of israeli occupation troops from the gaza strip. where's israel is demanding only a pause. the other details about releasing all hostages. how many of the thousands of palestinians detained and israel some nonviolent would be released.
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those details cz part of the main sticking point was was going permit a long-term ceasefire. and based on what we're seeing so far there, it's used terms like a sustained quieter, something kind of somewhat ambivalent, but it might be just the kind of compromise that will these at least lead to a halt in the fighting for for at least a least a couple months. officials are warning that the plan is not the framework that israel proposed. would that mean that israel could? >> possibly not be interested in what egyptian qatari cease-fire proposal is. >> initial force was indeed that this was proposal that had been run by the israelis beforehand. but fda has been going back and that the one hand he's got a pressure from this hard right-wing ministers. you don't want any kind of real cease-fire and
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they starting to withdraw from his narrow coalition, which would then bring him down, require new elections. on the other hand, there have been tens of israelis and out in the streets of friends and relatives of the hostages demanding that that that tv willing to compromise united states is also encouraging him to to to compromise. so. and that's so netanyahu's ambivalence on this. it's it's hard to hard predict whether this is something that he refused to accept or whether he will go ahead. and with the agreement. >> i'm reading here from the associated press that palestinians in rafah erupted in cheers after this hamas announcement. they we're hoping that that meant that the evasion, their invasion there could be averted. it still remains unclear, though. i'm wondering how much this rafah attack that was sort of on the table that seem to be the next step. maybe change things here and trying to reach a deal.
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>> well, all accounts, israel still appears to be preparing for a full-scale offensive a of course, is a small city where over a million and a half displaced people are crowded. this does come through there can can prevent this and could because all the humanitarian agencies and very clear it would be absolute into humanitarian disaster of that on a huge scale. the rate civilian deaths have been the highest of the conflict and the same amount of time since the rwandan genochde. and so, you know, there there is a obviously in crisis is the thing that i think is really going the international most concerned and has put pressure on both sides to end the fighting. >> and we've seen so much in recent weeks. these protests on college campuses, including here locally at stanford cal cal poly with these students having several demands mostly from their university. i'm
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wondering how this, you know, cease-fire proposal, how a thumb, how do you think it will change with these students? are these protesters on campus? what they're trying to accomplish? >> well, if that there is a genuine cease-fire, think it maybe take a little bit of the edge off the urgency of the protests, especially since the semester is thing down and most to universities. at the same time, this whole process is race. a lot of awareness and all the concern college students about the israeli occupation general and the plight of the palestinians. so i think even if there is a students turn 4. we will see if still a fair amount of activism pressing for end to the occupation. justice for for the other palestinians. and and so i don't think a campus activism israel and palestine is necessarily going to end if there is indeed a permanent cease-fire.
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>> how significant in where we are like 200 plus days into this war between israel and hamas that we finally have reached some sort of agreement. that is the seeming to be >> acceptable by both sides. and know they've come up with a lot of different terms. ford up a permanent calm was one of them. >> do you think that this is a big turning point today? >> it remains to be i mean, this is the closest we've come and the fact that we are this close. there's some hope that even israel jax, might go back to the bargaining table that i might be able to hammer something out. something allen took before a full-scale offensive on rafah. we help can only hope because of it's been a huge, a humanitarian disaster. it gotten the attention of the world. it lead to obviously political turmoil here in this country. and so it can only hope for the best.
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>> professor, thank you so much for joining us this afternoon on kron 4. appreciate your time. we'll talk to you soon. also with us today to columbia university canceled its large university-wide commencement ceremony following weeks of pro-palestinian protests that have just destroyed part of the campus but said that students will still be able to celebrate at a series of smaller school-based ceremonies this week and next, another campus shaken by protests. emory university today it announced that it would move its commencement from its campus quad in atlanta to a suburban area, but others, including the university of michigan, indiana university and northeastern has pulled off ceremonies. but just a few disruptions and in national news protest over the war in gaza have just overwhelmed many college campuses across the country and lawmakers on capitol hill are divided on how to handle all this unrest. we'll get the latest now from our washington, d.c., correspondent maddie beer-temple.
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>> both republicans and democrats, a violent protest is unacceptable, but they disagree over how president biden and some universities have responded. with graduation season under way. police are stepping in on some college campuses to clear encampments and break up clashes over the israel-hamas war. they should not have been allowed to fester on campus for 2 weeks. arkansas republican senator tom cotton told abc universities have been too slow to act. the liberal politicians refused to the police to clear them out the very first day the president addressed the protests at length for the first time last week. he denounced violence but said he supported peaceful protest. >> his campaign co-chair told cnn the president believes all students should feel safe. president's been very clear about this. he's also been very strong about the need to stamp out anti-semitism and islamophobia. but florida republican senator marco rubio told fox news the president's
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comments came to lead a 7 days into this crisis that we should heard from from the very beginning. while president biden said the protests have not affected his policy when it comes to the war in gaza, california, democrat congressman ro khanna told cbs he thinks the protests have made a difference. everyone from the president on down is aware that young people are upset at what's going on in the middle east tonight. i do think its head it awakening in washington that this war has to end. >> so far more than 2000 protesters have been arrested since these protests started in mid april. >> in washington, i'm maddie beer-temple. coming up. attention for electric vehicle owners is needed now because their new tax credits that are coming your way will break it coming your way will break it all down for your money.
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joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma. ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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>> a story you saw first here on kron, 4 health inspectors shut down a mcdona,d's in oakland to investigate alleged gooden has the story. a warning, though, the video and it might be a little difficult to watch. >> health department, they have some sanitation the season. they need to clean up. what did you find you mind telling >> and this comes while 6 mcdonald's employees are actively on strike from this location due to what they say is an unhealthy working condition. now, take a look at this video captured inside by a worker where you can see a live rat on the counter now that mcdonald's employees say they have found rat eating food prepared for customers. the workers have now filed a formal complaint to cal osha
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with the help from the california fast food workers union. >> when i saw that he has i was his is disgusting. and so this is problem not just the employees working on these conditions, but also for the coastal the communities i also spoke with the alameda county health department about these concerns. >> i was told the location did receive annual inspection back in february and no violations were found. and once we share some of these allegations made by the employees, the department said they would be sending an inspector by to investigate. and that's what we saw on friday. and i did reach out to mcdonald's earlier before the store closure and they sent us this statement from the owner and operator joseph wong. it reads in part, it's important that employees have a safe place to come to work. when we became aware of the issue, we immediately contacted pest control and continue to work with them to address this.
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>> that was less than good in reporting for us. and we will continue to follow the story as we learn more about this mcdonald's locations next steps will let you know. now talk about our forecast with this live look outside showing us what's happening in san francisco right now. we have meteorologist dave spahr with us here on this monday. a sunny monday that rain saturday. all in all came through. did its thing is kind of nice. cool this all down a little bit assuming good for fire danger, but doesn't look like any rain any time soon that you correct, justin, you're able to join ball game on sunday. is and everything. so we made up for it. there you go. tough loss for the little league team. but >> i'm sorry. how then to you later? maybe next week can make up for yes, good day, everybody. this is what we're looking on. the east bay shoreline. only thing here. we do have some high clouds kind of left over. we did talk about a little bit of this kind of unfinished business. >> but basically going into the sunday mode. and now the next thing is to kind of build these temperatures a bit wondering where the 80's are there right around the corner. just the patients are coming.
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high pressure is building. you can already see from the pattern. everything is going up in around. we're just being sprayed by some of the high cloudiness below that we had is now going into the plains states. while hear about that, i'll be talking about that coming up a bit right now. our current temperatures already racing to the 60's. you can see the east bay upper 60's at that up north. it's the lower 60's. we got 60 san francisco. 63, san jose and 61 for hey, we're just a quick comparison for you. were a couple degrees ahead of the numbers we had this time from yesterday. will do that probably again tomorrow in for much of the week yeah, other on shore and they're going to pick up a little bit more later on. let's go back to future cast for here. real quick, not much to show you the some leftover cloudiness that we have here. and you can see as we get into tuesday, kind of cleaning things out. that's some of the moisture left over the produces of way. some fog and some fog cloud early tomorrow. but again, we go back to mostly sunny by tuesday and really for the rest of the week as high pressure dominates. want to back these
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winds now on shore. they are. we did this kind tape yesterday or last week and then they flip. there is a bit offshore and more stark, forest county. by the time we get to wednesday, there's no statements on this of all. this did happen later on from last week. these offshore winds prompted them to issue a wind advisory, not a red flag warning but a wind advisory. maybe it's a possibility. we won't see that again that comes out of the office in sacramento. but there you can see there is an uptick of offshore winds, but we least head some rain to help out early week. we're talking about sunny and mild 60's bay 70's inland late in the week. we're back to those 80's 70's and 80's now the weekend look sweet, but we're watching. that's the key issue. the current models are trending pretty dry, but there is a weak wave that plays over in at least of now. it looks up in the mountains, mike, a little bit of the way of some light rain showers potentially on saturday and a minor pullback on temperatures relatively uneventful. but that may change in model runs
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later on. so that's what we're watching that for for right now. we're going to call it much the same and still looks like the 80's will hold a have more new long-range forecast into they thank you. >> cinco de mayo is celebrated throughout the bay area over the weekend in san jose. every year that event brings out thousands of people to downtown to celebrate. and we were there to capture all the fun and festivities and we'll go to kron four's jack molmud for the latest. >> usually more than 1000 people paraded through the streets right here in downtown san jose along cesar chavez plaza to celebrate cinco de mayo. but things here in san jose didn't totally go off without a hitch center that police had to detour section of santa clara street. what they want side. >> a long before san jose police did toward this section of santa clara street claiming sideshows took over the area after an afternoon of cinco de mayo celebrations. the road backed up with burnouts
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honking, cheering. but earlier in the day, both >> yeah. what are you guys doing today with the >> the we say really have you know, done marco scalp on a san jose born and raised says he's happy the city is working to put a bigger cinco de mayo celebrations every year. >> you know my today's the day, you know, we're all the >> gather not they would like. and all the political. >> music and food. and that silva came to cinco de mayo at cesar chavez plaza to sell her jewelry. and so san jose's come a long way and how it that way. it. >> all >> it's guys today.
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>> as though for everybody else out about >> they >> now that detour on santa clara street bystanders police cars, a backup of cars for at least several hours. we're in downtown san jose. jackie moment kron 4 news. >> coming up next, governor newsom touting california's tourism industry and how it's bouncing back. but can the same be said for the city of san francisco? and we will take a look at the power of artificial intelligence and the ability to diagnose diseases for your health. this after the break.
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>> for your health this afternoon, a new study says artificial intelligence might be able to identify patients who have rare diseases years earlier. then they would typically be diagnosed the ai program called feed that says 74 of the 100 people judged by ai are very likely to have an autoimmune disorder called some sort of variable immunodeficiency. now this program learns that the disease traits and its patterns uses verified cv id cases and then uses this knowledge to rank an individual's risk of having that disorder. the research team has received a four-million dollar amount of
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money and funding from the national institutes of health to further study the ai program real world settings, and now for your morning this afternoon, a few new world changes by the u.s. government could allow more electric vehicle owners to get a tax credit. but to get that full amount, they're certain qualifications like the buyers income and the price of the car. also, the ev must be built in north america, along with 60% of its battery materials. the credits range from 3700 to $7500. and now for the first time used evs and hybrids can also qualify for credits. senators sounding the alarm because of a program to help low income families afford internet access is about to expire. the affordable connectivity program has now run out of money. the fcc announced a partial extension with a reduced amount for the month of may, but nothing after that. democrats are on board with an extension through the end of the year. republicans want to avoid cases of fraud or mismanagement, though they agreed that the program is
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necessary. or make sure. but the tax dollars that are being spent support the program are being spent wisely >> until a solution is found more tsan 20 million americans have to make a tough decision whether they pay more expensive internet bell or they disconnect from the service altogether. >> i'm trevor shirley in washington, house speaker mike johnson could be facing a vote force him from his role as speaker. i've got the details on that coming up just ahead. plus, waymo gets the green light to expand its driverless cars in the bay area. we're going to learn where. >> the major wnba announcement that just happened here in the bay area. we're going to live to chase center with a report on this very important person is.
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>> the wnba golden state. he made a big announcement today. there's now a new general manager kron 4 charles clifford joins us now live from chase center with details. he's on a very empty court right now. but this announcement is huge for this wnba team that's come into the bay. >> it is. here's actually is not even a quarter. look over here. that's what the chase center looks like when there's nothing in here. but a year from now, the new wnba expansion team which doesn't have a name yet will start playing here at chase center. they're owned and operated by the golden state warriors. and today the warriors announced that they've hired a general manager to lead that team.
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human 9 and has 10 years of experience in professional sports. she comes to the bay area from the new york liberty wnba team where she was the assistant general manager. she also spent 5 years as the usa women's basketball team assistant director 9 and said on monday that excited about this opportunity because it's a chance to build a team from the ground up. what >> brings me so much joy about taking this is that it's a blank campus and there are many that can go into building a masterpiece. first and foremost, i'm just building a foundation of a winning team both on and off the court. >> now the new gm said today that her first priority is to start hiring people. she needs to get some staff on board and then also start trying to find a new head coach for the team. >> we want the best coach and so with some flexibility from i think law weight or but we
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want the best person. >> all right. back live now when they start playing, they will be the 13th nba wnba team in the country. at this point. we don't know what the name of the team will be. we don't know their colors game. we don't know what their mascot will be. hopefully we'll get those details at some point later this year early next year. but for now in san francisco, charles clifford kron, 4 lot more details to come. thank you, charles. >> now following months of controversy, waymo has announced it will begin expanding on to the peninsula. the company will soon begin testing its driverless cars and 7 other bay area cities. >> kron four's will tran has the story. >> things could look very different. 10 years from now because if you are driving around with a driver in front, how 2024 can you so what's going to happen is the waymo is heading south as far as the peninsula. yes, they've been in san francisco and they got the green light from the
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california public utilities commission as well as the dmv to expand down the peninsula. not everybody is happy about it. said county actually trying to push back on it. but ultimately the state said it was ok for him to do that. >> despite all the controversy that has surrounded in san francisco a couple of months ago, we saw waymo vehicle set on fire in san mateo county. they actually did want it to happen for several reasons. they cite that they don't think it's safe. >> thank in a car without a driver if you're coming from francisco down to left waste food and they say obviously there's an accident. >> it will be a real thing at freeway speeds. but nonetheless, the state says it's ok, waymo will star in a couple of weeks. it many cities along the peninsula, including early millbrae south san francisco daly city. and the goal is obviously to keep
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moving south and ultimately into santa clara county. i can tell you that for now when it starts, it's going to be employees only so you have to work for waymo. all goes well, you too. can call for a driverless taxi cab. >> some appear on the iconic golden gate bridge, a testament to america's greatness. california's greatest. we could be more proud to announce today. record breaking tourism numbers in the state of california over 150 billion dollars of tourism. spend unprecedented in our state's history. >> he is of way high up there. governor gavin newsom heads to the top of the golden gate bridge to tout a huge tourism boost to the state of california. the governor announcing the tourists have spent more than 150 billion dollars in california in the past year surpassing the 144 billion dollar record that was set in 2019. so that to
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that means the tourism is actually better. then before the pandemic, governor newsom says that not only is the state retaining its title as the 5th largest economy in the world, but it's also growing in population for the first time since the covid-19 pandemic. according to the latest data, the travel industry supported about 1.2 million jobs last year. that's up 6%. tourists created about 4% more revenue than in 2023 and spent about 5% more. but the report credits inflation for that increase adjusted for inflation. travel spending was actually down 14% from 2019 and although the governor chose to announce the a tourism boost from san francisco, the city still not seeing a full recovery from covid like the rest of california. san francisco may just over 13 billion dollars from tourists in 2023. that's about a billion more than 2022. but still about a billion dollars shy of
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pre-pandemic recorded records from 2019 of just over 14 billion dollars. and there is, though, a new entertainment zone that's coming to downtown san francisco. mayor london breed says she's working to allow restaurants and bars to sell alcohol during outdoor events. >> and hang out with your friends and have a beer. and listen to music without going through some lengthy city process sound permit drama, stuff. i am trying to get rid of the bureaucracy which takes away the fun in what so many are small businesses are trying to create to continue to ensure that the vibrancy and the excitement of why people love san francisco remains. >> the mayor's legislation will be introduced at the next board of supervisors meeting, which is tomorrow. the san francisco free summer meals program is returning this year, starting june 10th
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through august, 16th, children and teenagers under 18 will be able to get free breakfast and lunch. there will be more than 75 locations handing out this food throughout the city last summer. more than 85,000 meals for passed out. you can go to our website kron 4 dot com to get more information about the locations and if there's a way to sign up, that will all be on there. local employers are still looking to fill 800 positions throughout the city of san francisco. and if you're looking for job, the city is hosting its 3rd annual hospitality and small business job. fair right in front of the ferry building is happening on wednesday. may 8th from 10:00am until 01:00pm. organizers say there will be over 50 employers. they're ready to take your resume. may is mental health awareness month. and today we want to talk about first responders, according to the substance abuse and mental health services administration, about 30% of first responders develop depression and posttraumatic stress disorder over their
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careers. officers say that the daily stress of law enforcement and that job is sometimes just compounded by a lack of empathy from those that they serve. >> every day don't know if they're coming home that perform the duties admirably, but they want to the commonalities. they want to serve society. they just as question, give me the address. i'm on my way. this month. the community. >> police relations foundation is working to destigmatize mental health issues amongst officers and help the public came in under gain. an understanding of the traumatic events. first responder see on a daily basis. if you or someone you know, is struggling with their mental health, help is always available. you can call or text this number 9, 8, 8, 2 talked with a trained counselor who can help connect you with local services. that line is open. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. but if you need immediate medical attention, you should call 9-1-1. all
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right. we'll talk about our weather. here's a look now at sfo. certain. see what happened along the peninsula right now. we have meteorologist dave spahr with this here. so we get a preview of what happen with the some this okay. justine looks like we're a little bit of a breeze out there at sfo, which is kind of nice. here's a look at the temperatures you can expect getting into the afternoon. we're still going to keep it mostly in the 60's, although. >> inland are going to see some 70's poking out here. and there it will be moving that to the 80's. however, by the time we get to the middle of the week, thanks to high pressure building already, everything is setting up that way with weather systems going up and around the high breaking down a little bit by the weekend. so that's why it's kind of a watch zone. it looks dry. it looks pretty clear as we get there and not much change with temperatures, wiles middle the country look awful this is due to that low. you recall from saturday. remember the rain? well, it goes over the rockies. it's eventful relatively speaking and that goes in the plains. states finds all this moisture. the south, the instability with the cold air ups up to canada and that
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combines to form this fall to whether or not this time of year, not unusual, but we're looking at tornado watch is going through kansas and oklahoma and then meanwhile, up to the dakotas, they'll be having some severe thunderstorm warnings, watches or excuse me that could become warnings this afternoon now and april. it's not that unusual to see a lot of watches like this going on. however, we've had a lot of volatility so far this year may recall just a week or so ago, 60 to san francisco open. 64 68 san jose for highs today. again, we'll see some token 70's here and there. but as you'll see in the extended forecast when and those in 80's, we'll have more on that in a bit. justine, thank you. >> house speaker mike johnson set to face a challenge to his speakership this week. representative airdrie marjorie taylor, greene said last week that she would move this week to vacate the speakership. but it appears she does not have the votes to correspondent, trevor shirley has the details. whether or not speaker mike johnson survives this expected vote.
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>> will present a major test of his leadership. >> mike johnson is not capable of that job. he has proven it over and over again. georgia representative marjorie taylor, greene says this week show called for a motion to vacate potentially forcing mike johnson from his job as speaker of the house. we're holding him accountable. we didn't vote for him to be speaker for the democrats. and that's exactly she and a handful of others in the party are unhappy. speaker johnson broker deals with democrats in particular over military funding for ukraine. well, i don't want to predict what she will or won't do. she's pretty much operating on her own with a one or 2 other to express support for what she's doing. but given house rules, representative greene has the power to force a vote on johnson's future. >> even as democrats say, they'll step in to kill that effort. but only once we've made clear. >> this is a vote of conscience. >> already some republicans say they want to avoid the kind of circus that happened when the party forced out.
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former speaker kevin mccarthy. >> descending into chaos and closing the house down and they came to share again. this exactly the opposite. need to have the majority of republicans, though, say they stand with the speaker. i think speaker john says do an outstanding job president trump on that. representative green hasn't said specifically when she plans to call this motion for a vote. >> other than saying it will be sometime this week reporting in washington. i'm trevor shirley. >> could you go without your smartphone? how one couple is capitalizing on the dump phone movement with an online store selling devices to reduce screen time next. rich on tech. >> plus, we'll see how the marlins came to oakland and marlins came to oakland and crush is winning streak.
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to bay area baseball. the a's taking on the miami marlins at the coliseum to finish up that series. but the marlins took the win. here's kron. 4 sports reporter kate rooney. >> oakland's best in baseball. six-game winning streak came to an end here at the colosseum at the hands of the miami marlins. the writing was on the wall pretty early in this one after miami scored 4 runs in the first inning starting pitcher joe boyle for oakland clearly didn't have his command and left after the first inning with what the team called a lower back injury. so even though the crowd of more than 12,000 fans largest since opening day here at the coliseum, didn't get to witness a win. they still took the series against miami and overall have played some pretty good baseball over the course of the last 2 weeks. i think as as a whole were were just finding we're going out there playing a game of
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baseball. and you know that. >> with the town that we have in locker room, you go. to to the stretch with a lot of ball games tonight even far without their they had a ball everywhere where we work. lot of soft accounting for those 4 runs. >> you know that. offensively today we. really didn't get much going. you outside recovered a couple good at-bats. you know, and pretty much more with stuart bowen hills injury leaves starting pitching rotation in question this week. and manager mark kotsay said he is expected to have an mri after which the team hopes to know more. >> that was kate rooney reporting for us. the a's now start their series with the rangers. first pitch is at 06:40pm tonight. >> today mason black is going to make his mlb debut for the giants. black was called up from the sacramento river cats at the beginning of the season. melvin told reporters will be a very special day for him. the giants will be
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finishing up their series against the phillies today. first pitch is at one this afternoon. we'll see if it's good baseball weather today live look outside of the breezy conditions here in san francisco. couple clouds sticking around. the sun, though, is out there today. dave spahr in the weather center with what is happening and has the coast look. >> okay, justine, you can see also we have some clouds going on the magic here to some of these high clouds will have kind of have to deal with a little bit for today. we should take care of that clearing effort, though, as we get to later in this week. most of the readings are in the 60's in the east bay. also up to the north bay to we're going to moves some of these well inland to about 70 or so. 59. meanwhile, san francisco, 63 san jose. let's get to those winds. they're basically on shore. that's today. little bit into tomorrow. and then here comes the flip as we get to tuesday a little bit. but it's more pronounced under wednesday. may recall last week. this did cause a wind advisory for solano county. we might repeat that again. but as far as any red flag warnings with this, hey, at
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least we have some rains that helps out a little bit. we always going to be cautious. we start to get some of these pops of offshore winds that come about. let's go check out your 4 zone forecast ups this as tomorrow. that's my bad, ok? well, let's say you can jump all the way too. our 7 day will have to do that. here's a look at a nice warm-up trend you see here for wednesday, about 80 82 thursday into friday. 85 now uc saturday about 86 and then a drop a little bit into sunday at 82. let's just put a post it note on that for right now. because we might have to change that a little bit. it looks to be still dry sunshine, all of that kind of business here. but at least it will hold right. that's what it looks like from this point and will be continuing to watch that and look at your coastal numbers which are not too shabby for this time of year. lots of 60's. but 72 for your thursday, just 8. >> all right. thanks so much. some are wants to start her happuning tomorrow. apple is inviting people to let loose in cupertino. the tech giant
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is hosting one of its famous unveiling events at 7 in the morning. let loose is the slogan for the event. and right now, that's really all that's officially out there about it. however, there are some rumors online that this could be a chance that they released some new information details products about the ipad. one couple has done something about it. by starting a website dbdicated to selling dump phones and device is meant to help reduce screen time. rich demuro takes a look at don't wire liss. >> smartphones are amazing. but they can also be a major time. seth, you check your phone for that one notification. and next thing, you know, you're endlessly scrolling. now. one couple has possible and to give you everything you want instantaneously, which is a really cool edea. but it ends up being counterproductive. sometimes. along with his
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partner daisy, they decided to adopt a less screen filled lifestyle and help others do the same. some people just can't function with the how addictive the smartphone currently is. they started a website called dumb wireless dot com. we should just make a one-stop shop for the best non smartphone so people easily make the switch if they want to try it each morning, they check for sales, printout labels, pack up devices and send them off. this ready to ones off to texas phones range from a simple flip to a smartphone with a small screen. you'll naturally want to use less. i really think that it's. >> more human to spend less time on the screen. there's also a phone with the kindle like display. so it's less enticing and an nfc gadget that physically locks you out of your phone and the only way to unlock it. now you have to unlock it. >> and tap the tag allow and
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now a going minimal isn't for everyone. but the benefits are clear. i think you create opportunities to connect with people >> are eliminated when you're already preoccupied. and if you're thinking there's no way i can go without a smart phone because i need my camera. well, they've got that covered, too, with the camp snapped. this is a point and shoot camera. >> take pictures digitally. the camera is $65. phones range from 50 to 300. it's just to find a way to have a better relationship attack, especially if it's really, really getting in the way of your productivity, your your relationships. >> if you're not ready to ditch your smartphone just yet. i've been testing out a new app called be present, which really helps you put down your phone by find the process if you want to link to download it head over to my website, rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro. >> may is asian american pacific islander heritage
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month. and this weekend, a korean american nonprofit celebrated 10 years during its fundraiser of the korean american community foundation of san francisco hosted its 10th annual honig, ala last night at the ritz carlton. the event raises money for translation services, grocery deliveries for elder korean americans and scholarships for students this year. the gala recognize judge lucy koh with the trailblazing award. she is the first korean american woman to serve as a federal judge on the 9th circuit court in california. and make sure you join us every thursday for stories this month. the highlight the bay area's a api community of all lead up to our special that airs thursday may 23rd at 06:30pm. next at noon in the bay area brewery. that's sort of the top of beer lovers list. we'll see what the highest rated beer is in california.
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the port of oakland's free harbor tourists return this friday. it's a 90 minute narrated tour. organizers say it's a unique opportunity to see the port up close and personal while enjoying a sunset cruise. >> along the oakland estuary and the san francisco bay. the season runs through october and you can reserve your tickets online. north bay brewery is being recognized for creating the highest rated beer in california. according to the beer review website, beer advocate russian river
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brings apply younger is highest-rated beer in the golden state line of the younger is a triple ipa. it's released once a year each spring for a limited time. >> the brewers pliny the elder came in at number 5 and there are some other russian river bruise to make the list, including the wild ales. i think it's called beautification and supplication. they both made the top 15. the berkeley, humane societies pints for paws event is coming up next month. that happens on june. 1st. tickets cost $95 and that will get you a commemorative belgian style glass with unlimited tastings of local craft beers wines and ciders to celebrate the berkeley. humane is waiving all adoption fees for the month of may. so adopt now seems like a pretty good time. also, the annual met gala which happens every first monday in may is going to be rolling out the red carpet tonight. the stars are set to arrive at new york at
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this event that starts at 6 eastern. the theme this year is the garden of time. and according to vogue, some of the crazy outfits this year, including a lot of floral and botanical left looks the hosts include our very own die from the the east bay, jennifer lopez and bad bunny. can't wait to see. kind of fire fits these celebrities pull off? dave? i think our invitation got lost in the mail. loft to wait for next year. that's it from the newsroom today. thank you so much for joining us here during kron. 4 news at noon. i'm justine waldman. i'll see you again during kron for news at 2, 3, for now live in the bay is next. >> hey, justine, thanks so much. we have a great show today. coming up on live in the bay mother's day is this weekend. so we have a couple of ideas for you. if you still need some gifts and you still need some ideas on how to treat mom at home. and we have an incredible in studio performance. you want to miss
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>> welcome in to live in the bay, everyone. we have a great show for you all today. coming up. and singer-songwriter jared harper stops by head of his performance at boller we hear about his inspiring musical journey, making it to the big state. >> and it's a play that was written in berkeley about berkeley and now headed to broadway. chat with the artistic director of the aurora theater company to hear more details on this local comedy. then mother's day is this weekend. and best news has the breakdown of the perfect gifts that every mom will love.


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