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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 6, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. >> dana: fox news alert. any moments president biden will head back to the white house after having a weekend at his home in wilmington, delaware.
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president biden and netanyahu of israel are expected to speak by phone about rafah today. we'll bring you any news of that as it happens. >> taking away my constitutional rights. i'm not allowed to answer that question. this has never happened in this country before. it is a ridiculous thing. a ridiculous case. i did nothing wrong. the judge is totally conflicted. and you want to take a look at it. i'm not supposed to be talking about it. but i am allowed to say that the judge has a conflict like nobody has ever had before. you have to take a look at it. he has taken away my constitutional right to speak. >> dana: former president trump entering court minutes ago. the judge already threatening him with jail saying the $1 thousand fines for violating his gag order don't seem to be working. now we have that to think about. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. good morning. >> good morning. i'm bill hemmer. good morning at home.
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waiting to see who the witness will be. jeff mcconnie. we'll explain what his role is or was. the judge calling the gag order violations a direct attack on the rule of law. now that former comptroller for the trump organization giving testimony. prosecutors trying to build their case of falsifying business records. he oversaw 401k, prepared payroll, tax returns, loan docu documents, oversaw the accounting department. the general ledger, accounts payable. the state is trying to get his testimony so they could document and get his views on what money went out and what money went in. >> dana: he has been involved in other court cases before and there is a report that the last time he had to testify that he broke down because he says he loved working for the company and that it was getting to be too much to be accused of being a part of things that he says they weren't a part of.
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there was just an exchange as well that was played in court and we got to hear it from september of 2016. it is from bragg's so-called star witness, michael cohen and president trump about the payment and what cohen said to trump. watch here. >> i spoke to alan about it when it comes time for the financing, which will be -- >> what financing? >> we'll have to pay. >> pay in cash, check? >> dana: that was played and you had hope hicks, the former communications director for president trump talking on friday saying michael cohen is a bad guy. he called himself mr. fix it because he used to break things all the time. >> bill: you got that right. that was the stinger of a line here. also the judge has threatened the former president with jail time. he was fined another $1
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thousand. up to ten grand during the course of this trial for violating a gag order. he says if it continues, quote, going forward this court will have to consider a jail sanction. he went on to say he realizes the gravity of such a decision, shall we say. that from the judge a moment ago. let's move from lower manhattan to new york city's upper west side because the former president was talking about this going in. columbia university allowing the actions of unruly protestors to overshadow what is supposed to be a meaningful rewarding moment in a student's life. the ivy league announcing an hour ago it will cancel its university-wide graduation ceremony after weeks of anti-israel disruptions. we'll take you live to columbia later for a full report talking about having some smaller celebrations. what that looks like we don't know. it was breaking news for us at 9:00 a.m. eastern time. all right. >> dana: this is also happening
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as the idf prepares a long-awaited invasion of the hamas stronghold in southern israel. fox can confirm president biden and israeli prime minister netanyahu will discussion the rafah offensive by phone today. i understand the white house has given already a pre-read out of a foreign leader call. >> a little bit, yeah. when president biden gets back from a weekend away in wilmington he will have a private lunch with a key player in all of this. king abdullah of jordan. right before or after he will phone benjamin netanyahu to talk about the rafah operation that appears to be coming soon. we expect the president to privately put out what the team is saying publicly. >> we have been very clear in public and in private that our concerns with a large military operation into rafah, we do not -- we're not in support of that.
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>> as we learn the support for groups backing anti-israel protests on campuses to cover costs of matching tents and professionally printed signs and food comes in part from wealthy liberal families who are heavily invested in president biden's re-election with donations to biden allied groups coming from george soros, susan pritzker and david rockefeller junior. critics in congress continue say his four minute remarks about thursday like they are equal issues on campuses this spring. >> why is joe biden so equivocal? why does he have to draw more all equivalents between thousands of students setting up little gazas across america and engage in hate speech, engage in hate speech against jews and assault jews, disobeying the law and some fictional encampment that is spreading islamaphobia?
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>> it is unclear how much these donors realize that their donations are falling on both sides of a tug-of-war for the heart of the democratic base. on the one side president biden's re-election effort. on the other side these groups seen by many as hurting his re-election effort. dana. >> dana: peter doocy at the white house, thank you so much. >> bill: let's bring in marc thiessen. things are popping here and there. you have columbia's suspension of a big graduation, then this to dovetail what peter is reporting in "politico." pro-palestinian protestors are backed by a surprising source, biden's biggest donors. what is your take on that as we peel back the curtain, marc? >> you know, why are these protests continuing? they are working, right? joe biden -- what are these protestors asking for? they're asking for biden to pressure israel not to invade rafah, to push for a cease-fire, push for an end to the war.
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what is biden doing right now? he has tony blinken in the middle east now pushing for a cease-fire to stop the offensive in rafah and to end the war. exactly what they are asking for. we saw the "wall street journal" reported that they withheld a weapons shipment as pressure to stop the invasion of protest. if you are a student protestor and looking at this. >> dana: we have the headline saying biden's bad weapons to israel report says the u.s. put a hold last week on a weapons shipment to our ally. that won't help end the war. now we know because they've told us, that the president will have this call with netanyahu today and they give us a pre-read-out which says they will be pressuring israel even more on holocaust remembrance day. >> so exactly. if you are a protestor you are looking at this and saying it's working. he is doing what we're asking him to do. what we're demanding. we are taking campus buildings
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and building encampments and disrupting the world and biden is listening to us. they are pressuring biden and biden is pressuring netanyahu. and so why would you stop? >> bill: you say in politics when it comes to 80-20. issues, maybe it is 90-ten. you want to be on the 80% side. biden is moving that now. >> he is on the 20% side. there was a poll harvard poll 80% of americans support israel. 78% say hamas needs to be removed from gaza. 72% say israel should move forward with the operation in rafah even with civilian casualties. the opposite of what joe biden is pushing for. he have is siding with the 20% minority or 10% minority, depending on what issue it is. the other thing that's devastating for him the poll
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finds 52% of americans, majority, say he is making decisions on the israel/hamas war because of his domestic political considerations, not what is best for u.s. foreign policy. that is incredibly damaging to him. he will never appease these people. do you think any of these people will vote for joe biden? they'll vote for jill stein and cornel west, maybe robert kennedy junior, not joe biden. a lot of people who might vote for joe biden say he is weak and capitulateing to the protests. >> dana: this weekend they have a new strategy for the president's speeches. you are a former presidential speech writer. shorter speeches, quality over quantity. how do you think that will go? >> has there been quantity? i thought he has taken more vacations than any president in my lifetime. he has trouble reading from a teleprompter. the guy who said four more years, pause. i haven't seen a lot of quantity.
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they have scaled back his interviews and the lowest of any president in modern times and now scale back the speeches as well? the basement strategy worked in 2020 and might work in the white house basement, too. >> bill: marc thiessen. good to have you on. thank you. >> 80 years ago, in the holocaust, the jewish people were totally defenseless against those who sought our destruction. no nation came to our aid. today we again confront enemies bent on our destruction. never again is now. >> dana: today is holocaust remembrance day. benjamin netanyahu drawing a direct line between nazi germany and the goals of hamas. sirens sounding across the jewish state to mark the day bringing life to a virtual stand still. [siren sounding]
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>> dana: also six holl cost survivors among other survivors leading a march of the living in auschwitz. you can see that there. >> bill: we were reporting this phone call between president biden and benjamin netanyahu. it appears that the call has taken place. lasted 30 minutes and it is over. so maybe we'll get a read-out on that later today. 12 minutes past. it is day 12 of new york versus trump. former trump organization executive now on the stand talking about the accounting aspects thus far of the organization how they ran it. we'll let you know what is significant based on that testimony coming up. >> dana: president biden promises taxes won't go up despite scrapping the trump-era tax cuts. does the math add up? >> bill: the war in gaza comes to college commencements nationwide turning a day of celebration into a day of
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conflict. now one school is making a plea for help.
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>> dana: check this out. scary video of a pennsylvania man. a man attempting to shoot a pastor during a live streamed church service. >> he chose -- >> bill: look at him. >> dana: brave bystander stopped the attack. it all took place at jesus's telling place church in pennsylvania. authorities arrested 26-year-old shortly after and police found a dead body at his home following his arrest. more to come in that. >> bill: 18 past now. president biden insists the
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expiration of trump era tax cuts will not raise your taxes. for anyone making less than 400,000 a year. new projections from the tax foundation shows that ain't the case. edward lawrence, fox business live at the white house. we could change your name toed war business. >> we're down to business on this. it's unclear how the president will be able to keep this promise. the president over the past two weeks has been saying that he will let those tax cuts expire and letting crowds get ramped up about that. the fact is that he makes it sound it would only affect the wealthy or corporations. the fact is if those tax cuts expire, it will affect all americans. almost all americans. listen to this. >> if that law expires it does raise taxes on almost every american. does he still support that expiring without anything else in place? >> so look, as you said, the
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president is going to allow -- is going to -- is going to let the trump tax cut expire and he was very clear but he will not raise taxes on anyone making less than $4 hundred thousand a year. >> the president can't pick and choose what part of the law sunset. the tax foundation says that someone who is married, two kids, making $85 thousand would pay 1700 more in taxes. that's somebody under $4 hundred thousand. >> the has been very clear. he will protect working and middle class americans making less than $4 hundred thousand a year. >> tax foundation a family with two kids making 165,000 a year will pay more than 2400 in extra taxes. if you no kids and making $75,000 you'll pay an extra 1700 a year. these are not people who president biden considers wealthy. these are folks who make under
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$4 hundred thousand a year. it is unclear how the president will live up to his pledge. >> bill: we shall see and why we call him edward business. he is all business. thank you, buddy. north lawn. thanks. >> as you know they've taken away my constitutional rights. i am not allowed to answer this question. this has never happened in this country before. a ridiculous case. i did nothing wrong. absolutely nothing wrong. >> dana: former president trump maintaining his innocent despite the judge's increased gag order threats. kerri and jonna are here. you have been in the courtroom. i have to hear more from you. i want to show you this. hope hicks, president's former communications director testified friday about the star witness michael cohen. he used to like to call himself mr. fix it but it was because he first broke it. how did that go over? >> the witness's testimony in
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general about michael cohen has been devastating. they are painting this picture before he even takes the stand that he is not credible. he is not likable. that's what stuck out the most. no one seemed to like michael cohen versus witnesses have said a number of nice and good things about trump. it doesn't help the prosecution when every single person who takes the stand has less than good things to say about him. >> bill: when we get to the former accountants is on the stand now. eventually when we get to michael cohen you insist that cohen can't change anything about this trial. >> right. >> my theory they are saving the worst for last. he won't say that will turn what we know so far into a crime. it doesn't matter if donald trump knew if he was paying off stormy daniels and running for office at the time it happened. it happens all the time. it is pretty disgusting that the president's former attorney is
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going to be testifying at all. attorney/client privilege is completely out the window. i don't see him saying anything truthfully that will hurt donald trump. >> dana: yet we have the president being there monday, tuesday, thursday, friday. "the new york times" the headline. former president's scandals captivate the courtroom but the case hangs on dry details. you have the judge this morning saying my gag order violation orders against you at $1 thousand a pop aren't working and again says i don't want to have to go the jail route but doesn't take jail off the table. i have people asking me is it really possible that trump would go to jail for this? >> it is possible but it would be political suicide for this judge to do this. it would create trump as an instant martyr. sometimes i wonder if he is daring him to do it. maybe it's part of the strategy. it would make him extra -- he is
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complaining it is an unconstitutional restraint an his peach. everything that donald trump says is effectively political speech because as we know everything you say matters at this point on. there is a reasonable aspect to what he said there. should he comply with the gag order? yes. at the same time it has been very unfair only imposed against him and not michael cohen who continues -- >> bill: they said that they paid cohen in lieu of another crime. we know alan weisel berg is in ryker's island prison, which is you've got murderers, child rapists, the worst of the worst in new york city go to ryker's island. he is 76 serving a second sentence for lying, right? for perjury. if they got mcconney on the stand are they trying to build a tax case against trump? is that where this is going? >> let me say this.
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we don't know what the predicate crime is. the problem with this case is as a defendant you are supposed to know. you can't go to trial and hope that some crime materializes from the witnesses that you put on the stand. due process dictates otherwise. the fact that we don't know what that predicate crime is means there is no predicate crime. that's part of the theater and farce of this entire case. >> dana: i hear you. >> yeah, completely agree. my father used to work at ryker's allen. when i think of weiselberg sitting there. when you think of all the people running around new york city, the kind of crimes they have committed it shows the determination of the state of new york to, i think, eliminate donald trump as a choice for voters. >> bill: thank you, jonna, more to come here. trial continues right now downtown. >> dana: there are also simmering tensions in gaza that may erupt any moment. israel setting the stage for a possible assault on the hamas
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>> bill: this is breaking right now. 7:30 in california. police in riot gear have responded to an encampment. has been there five or six days. think started setting it up last wednesday. it grew from there. how significant it is we can't tell from this shot here but perhaps we'll get a better idea of it. nonetheless, with the sun up, police are getting ready to clear out this encampment at a school again police are taking action against an unlawful encampment on campus. okay, george washington university meanwhile throwing its hands up amid anti-israel protests. the school says it cannot handle the chaos on its own and sending out an s.o.s. who will answer that? mark meredith might have an answer live at gw now. what do they need and what will they get? >> good morning to you. george washington university
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officials say the protest has gone on too long, too big and unsafe. i'm amazed how many tents are popped up. dozens and dozens. with notable how much this campus has turned into a mini city. you have a makeshift walgreens where you get your phone charger, first-aid kit. folks ready to help out and sparkling water. indication that they are set up for the long haul despite what the university is saying. while it may seem lawless the organizers have a set of guidelines posted here on what you should and should not be doing. no substances no sexual relationships and don't talk to the cops. the statue of george washington based here since the 1990s and still covered up now. the university put out a statement overnight as a university we're not equipped to a single handedly managed an unprecedented situation such as this. the gw police force should be able to properect the our
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community during normal university operations and respond to routine and urgent incidents. the pressure is on the mayor of d.c. to get the campus back to normal. house oversight committee will hold a hearing forcing d.c. leaders to explain what's going on. again showing you what it has been like out here on this campus. there is the statue of the american flag. indication nothing will change any time soon. >> bill: here we go, mark meredith at g.w. >> dana: happening overseas now israel readying an invasion of rafah in southern gaza. benjamin netanyahu vowing to move regardless whether hamas agrees to a cease-fire and hostage deal. keith kellogg is here with us now. sir, the biden administration has publicly pressured israel here. hamas has not so much been pressured, i don't think, to come forward.
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the war in gaza could end six months ago if they had given up the hostages. they won't do it. >> yeah, bill and dana. thank you for having me. look, they are pushing it back. netanyahu realizes this. hours ago when he spoke at the holocaust museum, when he said never again is now and he also said all those nations that are against them doesn't make any difference. israel will do it on its own. they should. months ago we were talking over 100 hostages. now 40. they don't know where they are at. they don't know the condition. no proof of life. the national red cross hasn't seen them. the israelis have to go into rafah. they will. the leader of hamas in gaza is there and they have to go after the one in qatar. it will be a little bit of a dust-up. won't be an easy operation but they will have to go in there and finish the job they started. to me honestly, dana, it's the
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end of the beginning. what i mean by that this thing will carry on and have to. they will have to talk about reconstruction and where they go from here but have to finish the military phase first and that's where they are headed in the near term. >> bill: they have six months of this in other parts of gaza. you referred to how tough it could be. can you give us a sense how this develops, what they have to do, what tunnels they have to clear, what buildings they have to clear out, how many civilians they need to move to make sure that they are protected? >> you know, bill, that's a great question. they have already put out leaflets and text messages for 100,000 people to be displaced and move right now. it is always a tough fight. when you are in the military, in the army or infantry you don't want to fight in a city. i have said it repeatedly. door-to-door and floor to floor. they have to go to tunnels. they have fairly decent intelligence. they know where they need to go. but it doesn't make it any east
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ear. you will have to steal yourself a little bit. there will be civilian casualties. collateral damage. it is a fact of city fighting. it is bad and not good. there are indications that sinwar, the leader, has put hostages around him for his protection. it wouldn't surprise me at all. isis did that as well. with the intelligence they've got it will be as precise as it can be. when we hear reports about us withholding ammunition. they are asking for present situation munitions instead of dumb bombs they need something very precise, the best they can do to try to take the targets out. it is going to be a hard fight but i believe the israelis are up to it and they have been up to it before and they will again. >> dana: thank you for your time this morning, general kellogg. we'll stay in touch as this develops overseas. >> police in the city during
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9/11 was one of the flyers found inside the protests. if you look closely it says death to america. there is a really a tempt to radicalize our young people. we cannot take this lightly. >> bill: that's the mayor of new york city sounding the alarm this weekend. colleges across the country starting to call on the cops to help retake control. who should pay the bill for that? all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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>> bill: want to have another look at this uc san diego. police in riot gear responding to an encampment set up there. we'll keep an eye on this and let you know when they make the move and what the outcome is. we've seen it at ucla, columbia. city college. >> dana: nyu northwestern. >> bill: a new week and new university. we'll watch it with you momentarily as the action, we assume, picks up here. okay. >> dana: columbia university threw in the towel this morning. the ivy league school announced it will cancel its university-wide graduation ceremony after weeks of protests there. madison is live at columbia. how did the news go over?
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>> dana, disappointing for these seniors. think about it. the kids graduating from undergrad were seniors when covid broke out. they missed their graduation from high school. now announced just this morning, columbia canceling its large university-wide graduation. instead focusing on the smaller campus graduations. the announcement came out at 8:40 eastern this morning the school saying we've decided to make the centerpiece of our school level ceremonies where students are honored individually alongside peers rather than the university-wide ceremony scheduled for may 15th. security concerns were one of the main reasons the school decided to cancel that large commencement ceremony. the smaller ceremonies undergrad, individual graduate schools. they will be moved. they were supposed to be happening most of them on the morningside campus where i am
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now and where the break in was of hamilton hall and encampment was set up and majority of protests have been. the school is continuing to take student feedback and looking into a festive event on may 15th to replace the large formal ceremony. but at this point, graduation canceled. costing those students graduating a great deal but costing the taxpayer even more. since april 18th, there have been nearly 2,400 arrests across 52 college campuses in 27 states. the police response that's on taxpayers and why some leaders like mayor adams of new york is calling on the school to help foot the bill. >> we believe that they, too, should contribute to the cause. one way to prevent the cause was escalating is to have a 0 tolerance. as soon as that tent goes up, it comes down. do not allow this to continue to expand.
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>> so the cost is only going to continue because columbia has asked nypd to remain on campus until at least may 17th. >> no conversations about the vp pick. i certainly expect to have a decision from president trump in the next 60 days or so. he did not bring it up. i certainly didn't bring it up. >> bill: tim scott among a handful of potential running mates gathered at mar-a-lago over the weekend as president trump continues the pick for v.p. james freeman with his best guest. i was talking to governor burgum today fox and friends. trump said anybody else want to come up on stage? if you go a million dollars to charity you can be among the
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selection, too. two people did that. that's kind of cool. raising a lot of money. how do you see it? who is on your short list? >> unpredictable. we think at this time this 2016, i don't think too many people were calling for mike pence. not too many people expecting that. he ended up being, i think, key for trump in that election to reassure conservatives they could trust him on a range of policies. this time around doug burgum seems to be getting a lot of attention. your viewers know him. he was acquainted himself well in the governorship and remarkable business career. if you are asking who i think would be the perfect pick, it would be governor kim reynolds of iowa. she gives you everything you are looking for in terms of executive experience, solid record as governor, great on taxes, great on letting kids get back to school after the covid
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panic. >> dana: over the hump of her supporting desantis in iowa. >> i'll call it a prediction. it is not expected. she endorsed ron desantis and alienated trump although she did endorse him. i think you mentioned a bunch of the contenders there. they all bring something to the party. we saw mr. scott debating kristin welker of nbc news on sunday and i think he got the better of her in many respects. >> bill: here is the screen, all right? where there the rubio, burgum. vance, i guess the iowa point is interesting. he will probably win iowa anyway. i don't know if it matters who he picks. >> dana: i agree. >> bill: i think through all of this people will vote for him or against him. >> you have the track record. obama i think wanted joe biden in 2008 because he felt like i
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need someone with foreign policy experience. old washington hand to make people feel comfortable. trump, like him, not like him. he has served. you know what you are getting. you are right. as usually probably doesn't move too many votes. >> dana: it doesn't matter so much in terms of getting votes but how the second trump administration would go and be governed. in a vice president you want somebody you can trust and counsel. somebody you can send up to congress and try to knock heads together and get things done. someone that can fill in for you if there is something that is a problem. one of the hindrances for biden has been his vice president is even more unpopular than he is. >> yeah. that role of being the ambassador to the legislative branch, as vice president she is president of the senate, but she hasn't really -- she is not really a washington person, i guess, which maybe people like but she hasn't done that part of
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the job too much. i think if mr. trump wants to think about someone who is more that role, obviously a number of the people you mentioned have that experience. maybe more of a long shot byron donalds, i think in congress but also very good making the case publicly on tv and elsewhere. >> bill: last point here. when trump was in milwaukee a week and a half ago he said we'll make that decision close to the wisconsin time. it's very early right now. which would mean the convention there in mid july. >> yeah. there is probably a big effort between now and then to not just keep it secret but perhaps throw us and the media off the trail. they do want the big splash when they make the announcement. >> i remember the day with the shot in indianapolis outside of pence's house. nobody believes it until that moment when ivanka trump went inside the house. >> bill: the men behind the most
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successful die nasty in nfl history getting together for the greatest roast of all time. once bill belichick took the stage he took a jab at rob gronk gronk. it went like this. >> gronk, i've been watching you on fox nfl sunday and begging you, please, stop doing your job. [laughter] do another job. do somebody else's job. >> you get the joke there? >> dana: i think so. >> bill: bill belichick used to say do your job. we're go over here. a moment where one of the guests took a shot at bob kraft and tomorrow brady said don't do that stuff again.
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>> dana: roasts can be fun. i can't wait to roast you one day. working on it now. i don't have a venue. i'll work on it. it is so fun. we want to get to this news bubbling up overseas in rafah. we're watching that. plus a former trump organization executive takes the stand in the former president's criminal trial. we have the latest next. els is y of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be... like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. book direct at did you know you can get 40% off a single pair of glasses at america's best? these savings won't last forever. unlike your eternal elation. ok, settle down. shop online or book an exam at they get it. they know how it works. more importantly, it works for them.
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reasonable hypothesis of innocence he walks. one of the hypothesis is he didn't do all these things. it was cohen. i assure you he will be a vice rated when he testifies and blame everything on cohen. they have to show it was donald trump's idea. let's create the shell company and label it as legal fees when it is really a campaign expense, which i find to be ludicrous. they have to pin it to him or else there is a reasonable hypothesis of innocence and it's not guilty. >> bill: looking through the series of emails from our producers and reporters inside the court room in the overfill area they are driving at a tax issue here, mark. we were talking with can kerri and jonna a half hour ago. maybe that's where this other crime is sitting out there. would you buy that argument? if so, what do you see? >> i don't buy it, i don't get it. i still don't see it.
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the other crime is their weakest effort. they are alleging the other crime was to interfere with an election. we are talking about semantics. interfere or influence? first of all, i think it's influence, if anything. but i also think as we learned from hicks last week, that his actions were equally consistent with being motivated by trying to protect his wife about hearing about a potential extramarital affair. if that's something that jurors can buy and of course they can, then there is again another reasonable doubt about it. >> dana: let me put that up for everyone to see. hope hicks testified on friday. a quote from her. he was worried how it would be viewed at home. mr. trump really values mrs. trump's opinion. she doesn't weigh in all the time but when she does it is
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val valuable. there is no love lost between her and michael cohen. all the witnesses seem not to like michael cohen. maybe he didn't want to be liked. he wanted to be feared. perhaps that's what it is going to be. how does that work with the jury? >> it will play in very well. when the defense gets up there and begins to cross-examine him, before he even opens his mouth he is not liked. you add to that he is a convicted perjureer. when he says trump was in on this whole thing. he is not being framed. he was my partner in crime. the jurors will go, yeah, no, we'll need something more solid than that. something like an audio tape or something written by donald trump where he makes it super clear that his sole purpose was to commit fraud because he wanted to interfere with the election. i don't see anything like that existing. >> bill: in a word, is this trial cruising by? we're coming near the end?
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>> it is cruising. it's moving along. i think the prosecutors will save, i think, their best evidence for after cohen. they will be hurt very badly with the cross examination. >> bill: interesting. >> dana: i like the prediction like that. thank you. appreciate having you. >> bill: come on back. before we go, we got some lights in the sky, dear. several mysterious lights in the sky over arizona. here we go now. many are speculating this is some sort of ufo. how could you argue with that evidence, huh? the user posted it saying the light moved up and suddenly disappeared. no official confirmation on exactly what it was. i was sharing something from you from a buddy of mine last night. that was totally out of this world. >> dana: i'm the only one who doesn't see it. harris faulkner is up next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with donald trump versus new y


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