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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 5, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. the possibility cease-fire in gaza looking grim as israel
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keeps trying to secure the release of hostages held there for nearly seven months. hamas says there'll be no deal unless israel agrees to get up its military campaign against the terror group. as a brand-new hour of "fox news live" and ortho level. eric: hello everyone thank you for joining us i'm eric shawn. the collapse of the truth tax comes as universities here at home persistent anti- israel protests many that up with encampment centering to police to try to restore order on campus. police come as you can see are called to clear out the camps of the university of southern california and that university of virginia. some public colleges, including rutgers university in new jersey are giving in to some of the demands of the anti- israel protesters agreeing to agree spending taxpayer money to support their cause. and review investments in israel. wwill have reaction from the state senator who is demanding
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an investigation of records. meantime and gaza palestinians they are encouraged by what they see playing out on campuses across our country. >> that message the american students is that we are extremely proud. tell them to keep going. despite all of the arresting and all the oppression they face. >> the whole world is talking about them. his watching their videos. on the gaza people have seen this. see firefox team coverage starts right now. matt then on how colleges are responding to the ongoing protest. lucas tomlinson light at the white house as president biden faces mounting pressure over his handling of the campus unrest. first let's go to jeff a paul who is life in a tel aviv israel with the very latest on cease-fire talks in cairo. what is going on? >> we have learned how moss
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reported the end of this latest round of negotiations in egypt and are heading back to meet with leadership for the next moves there is some reporting suggesting hamas could be headed back to egypt to continue those talks in about two days. cia chief william burns was also in egypt is now reportedly in qatar he's going to be holding some emergency meetings with the prime minister there as these talks between israel and hamas are nearing collapse. now qatar and the u.s. are expected to exert maximum pressure on israel and hamas to keep negotiating where there's some reporting from ask io's suggesting burns could end up in israel tomorrow. hamas reporter said they are pushing for both a full withdrawal and comprehensive cease-fire. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said they cannot accept that. and if they did the next octobea better of time israeli defense
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minister yoav gallant said they do not appear to be serious about reaching a potential deal. what's it recognize worrisome signals hamas is not planning to accept any deal or agreement with us. and that meaning of this in the entire gaza strip and the very near future. qwest will talks appeared to be falling apart, israel today ordered the closure of the qatar own tv office in israel. the network has since been pulled from the main cable provider in israel and the network broadcasting equipment was reportedly confiscated. prime minister netanyahu said al jazeera reporting has harmed israel's national security adding it was time to remove the hamas mouthpiece from the country. now in a statement the network pushed back on the allegations and said israel's ongoing suppression of the free press is seen as an effort to conceal their actions.
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arthel: jeff a paul live from tel aviv, israel thank you very much. eric: police did step in at the usc campus clearing out anti- israeli encampments that have an early this morning but we have seen similar scenes playing out on campuses across the country. dozens of protesters arrested at the art institute of chicago, as you see there but even though the school said it was ready to granted those protesters amnesty. matt finn is allied with the latest where we have seen direction at columbia university and other schools. >> i spent the day at nyu yesterday was there again this morning but we can report home at nyu and also columbia university here in new york city after weeks of chaos. however across the country right now their unlawful pro- pulsing encampments popping up all over heading south to the university of virginia, massive police presence moved in yesterday on lawful encampment after more
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than a week of tension there. video shows police using tear gas, crime and weigh at least one protesters and tearing down tents at least 25 people were arrested. virginia, usc, nyu and columbia protesters are giving warnings to clear their encampments before police move in. virginia attorney general said that uva called the state police to intervene. >> the reality is what you had it uva were students who were warned repeatedly by their violating the student code of conduct was an unlawful assembly there was trespassing there outsiders that were there. after repeated warnings when in fact the university police chief at uva tried to do a wellness check and make sure there were not weapons these individuals blocked and surrounded them for they had to retreats they asked for the state police to intervene. >> out west west at usc police dismantled a growing pro- allison cabinet before sunrise today no arrest reported this is
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the second time police have cleared out a pro- palestinian demonstration on that campus. officers arrested debbie three people who two weeks ago after tense so don't police the video shows the aftermath of the usc cleanup posters, tents, plastic cell left behind los angeles times has a piece out questioning of any of the other encampment's are simply on borrowed considering police are ending that we are aware of and chemists at schools like harvard and you pan. shannon: alright thanks so much. arthel: >> they are chanting final solution telling jews to go back to where they came from part why is joe biden so equivocal? why does he have to draw moral equivalence between thousands of students were setting up these little causes all across america and engaging in hate speech against jews. assaulting jews, disobeying the law and some fictional encampment that is spreading islam phobia.
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arthel: center at tom cotton on abc criticizing president biden handling anti- israel protests that swept the college campuses nationwide. lucas tomlinson picks up the story at live at the white house with the very latest from there. >> and many republican lawmakers like senator cotton say president biden is not done enough to slow down the protest on college campuses. some of which turned violent last week. his ability to dress as early on make very clear whose side he has on his bed that sprayed has increased this pair goes obsolete to latest two weeks after the pro- hamas fanatics had taken over campuses. >> we took a stroll to the encampment at george washington university a few minutes ago. five blocks flag i'm been attached to the stature of the first president.
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he looked to the right you see a large palestinian flags been raised on the flagpole a short time ago gw president issued a new statement to the community. a lengthy letter one student gave it to me to take a victory lap that letter reads in part it is clear at this no longer is a gw student demonstration for it has been by individuals are largely unaffiliated with our community did not have the community's best interest in mind. it's increasingly unsafe and a violation of university and city regulation. democratic students, especially jewish students have a right to feel safe on the president too. >> everyone for the president on down or where young people are upset at what is going on in the middle east. i do think it has had an awakening in washington this war warehouwarhas to end to that toy people are dying. >> some historians are drawing parallels between antiwar protests of the 1960s during
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the vietnam war which came to a head in 1968 at the democratic national convention in chicago. the same place the democratic convention will be held this summer. arthel: lucas tomlinson, thank you. support jewish students arab organization of the -looking tooled universities and colleges accountable for the surging anti-semitism on campus. three students at northwestern university have filed a lawsuit claiming they are subject to harassment during anti- israel protests. this is the anti-defamation league and the ce center for hun rights filed complaints against the university of massachusetts at amherst. alleging there is rampant discrimination there. there i quote there are statements from u.s. amherst groups appraising hamas of and terrorism as justified resistance. disruptive protests to physically entering or exiting buildings working or studying. the director of the brandeis center of human rights under law
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joins us right now has been fighting this for quite a long time. ken, we have seen clearing out of encampment's over the past few days. is that stemming the issue? >> it isn't. eric, good to be with you. unfortunately what we are seeing is while there are some campuses whereor things are finally being cleared out, others had to return home because of the situation they are facing. or, they are suffering under circumstances they should not have to deal with. where they are being prevented as jews from getting to class. to go from where they want to go. whether they're being assaulted or harassed and intimidated. eric: why hasn't it been stopped? why is it continuing and tolerated as it has been? >> affiliate from university leaders at many institutions. too many of them are timid and
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afraid of the reaction from the students come from the faculty come from that media and others for that is why we are getting a mixed reaction from administrators. somewhat willing to do the right thing and others not. eric: it when you see at the university of massachusetts? one of the institutions while filing lawsuits? >> who said something very clearly in the complaint we filed against just this past week. they are, you are seeing both extraordinary violent anti-semitic language. and also physical assault on jewish student. that simply something that should not be tolerated at any institution. support the university said they did take quick action perpetrator was arrested for they say quote university of massachusetts fosters an inclusive respectful learning and teaching environment. it condemns anti-semitism as
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well as islam phobia. do you by that? is that enough to issue the statements? what you want them to do? >> i do not buy that. i want them to be very clear and specific end address the environment they have on campus that has been made toxic by this. and other situations over a long period of time. it is not enough simply to make one phone call or deal with one thing. university of massachusetts is a very serious problem they need to fix it. eric: at rutgers university love state senator on later in this program. hhe's calling for an investigation because they to the demands and protesters that what you think about the universities in order to clear this out or giving in to some of these? >> the last thing that should be doing when dylan violent extremism and outright racist or anti-semitic behavior is to compromise or to negotiate with the perpetrators. especially when they are essential in some cases shutting
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out the targeted group from all of this. there should be no benefits given to the perpetrators. the last things university should be doing a is rewarding this bad behavior. shannon: were. eric: we are looking at the university of new brunswick at the moment. you have been involved in us for long time is it leftist? is it a lack of some understanding? at this with world war ii and their protest in favor of the nazis for example that would not of been tolerated. what has happened to the moral fiber and the ethical sense of humanity of some of these campuses to allow this i'm have this misguided young people. they have the right of free expression but some go beyond that to supporting terrorism. >> are absolute right to point to this as a moral failing on behalf of some university leaders. even some leaders who are insisting on closing encampments
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are claiming it is a problem only because of the time, place, or manner over the encampment as if it was not worth addressing. this is not just allowed or late or obstructing traffic. the real problem we have hamas supporting anti-semites on these campuses toward targeting jewish students based on their identity. university leaders have little trouble identifying moral problems with it as a is a righg situations such as the university of virginia unite the right program. no one said it was a time, place, or manner situation. there should be similar moral clarity and moral certainty when it comes to supporters of hamas. and when it comes to groups, often organized and led by outside agitators who are
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violently attacking students on the campus. eric: hamas supporting anti-semitic people on our campuses. as always thank you. >> thank you. arthel: eric, police in mexico making an arrest in connection with the disappearance of it america and to australians for the investigation is far from over as their friends and families demand answers. that is up next. lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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eric: three bodies have been found in an area where three surfers went missing from a popular beach in mexico late last month. mexican authorities say they've arrested three people in a connection to the disappearance of two austrian brothers and a resident of georgia. christina coleman i live in los angeles is more on this disturbing case. >> hi eric come to bed and a woman or detained on suspicion of kidnapping in this case but also a total of four bodies were found during the search for the three missing surfers. all four bodies were found in a well in the mexican state of baja california. about 130 miles south of san diego. our fox affiliate in san diego is reporting before the body was identified as a rancher who missing several weeks ago. the owner of the property for
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the four bodies were found it is unclear how the victims died or if their deaths are connected but local residents say they are worried about their safety. take a listen. >> i feel angry, fe that up andt at the same time you can't have these beautiful places anymore because you do not feel safe. i have a family and part of what i like to do is take my children to these places, to camp, to have a good time, to fish. highly likely the other three bodies found in the well are the missing surfers. we'll do some forensic testing during the search, their families and friends identify them as jack carter rhoad and jake and callum robinson two brothers from australia. the two tourists went missing during surfing and camping trip last week mexican authorities in the pickup truck belonging to the american server was found burned near a remote area along the coast. they believe it was set on fire.
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the lead prosecutor in baja california told the "new york times" her team believes three suspects tried to steal the victim's vehicle. and whwhen they resisted one ofe suspects shock them and tried to dispose of their bodies. now, or the surfers close friends shared his reaction to their disappearance. >> very shocked. these are three of the best, nicest men i've ever met. they made everyone feel welcome. so hearing they disappeared, we have done for surf trips down there plenty of times. it was very strange. quick strange and sad but mexican authorities are not officially determined the cause of death for the victims. they said they are conducting forensic testing as they proceed with this investigation. eric: that it is. >> the white house is claiming progress in fighting inflation. many americans are still feeling the weight of high prices.
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a gallup poll finds 41% say the high cost of living was their top financial problem. >> i will pick it up from arthel the question as you see the graph is the biden administration really making strides if americans say they are not feeling any relief? congresswoman claudia tenney of upstate new york, georgia she serves on the house ways and means committee. congressman good to see you. employment is like at record lows. the administration says jobs are up there's all the good news you see the stock market but at the same time many americans say they his still have a nagging inflation request yes americans are feeling this persistent inflation because we flooded is so much money into the market. oceans of money during the covid crisis and then after the covid crisis with excessive spending.
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that added to inflation plus very high energy costs as he tried to force us so much of the green energy agenda into america's lives when it really not ready and our economy really cannot handle it yet. it is a life-changing event. so if energy prices going up which affects the food supply which affects everything. whether farm and ag district in upstate new york. it is also the way inflation is being interpreted by the white house. they are not looking at it at the way we did in the 80s where the emphasis was on food inflation, housing, interest and those items which are still relatively high. they are focus on other issues. if you average it out even larry fink at blackstone said inflation would be at 12% which be extremely high in the modern era. also, another thing to look at his health insurance. back in 2000 health insurance costs were about maybe five or 6000 annually for the average american it is over 22000 and even higher than that now for most americans.
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that is just an average but in many cases is even higher so the cost of healthcare, the high interest rates, the money we flooded into the marketplace these things are all adding to the cost of goods of any comeback in the grocery store you have a half of what you normally get but it cost twice as much. i have heard that and see that my supposed to shopping this weekend you do make decisions like do a really want to get something that expensive i think i'm going to get something that is on sale as opposed to finding something that the premium priced item. people are really concerned about that. and also the cost of living in terms of their wages is stagnant with his inflationary costs they are not getting more bang for their buck. money is the web measure of wealth at the dollars not getting as far you're not as wealthy as you once were. super arthel is back. arthel: acting labor secretary julie hsu had this to offer this as her take on economic pressure
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under president biden. let's take a listen. >> just to remember what that moment was like. when the president came to office, covid was out of control the unemployment rate was skyrocketing people did not know if they're going to well-defined toilet paper and they walked in the stores. those things are in their rearview mirror we have move the country forward but we have invested in the economy the just right for working people. >> still working people working class americans are struggling economically it's a problem for president biden. i am one should he win a second term, how could trump fix this? >> yes, i think this would be really a great opportunity to bring back more prosperity and growth in the market. one thing she is not mentioning is that we still have not repealed or ended the trump era tax cuts and jobs act which made a tremendous difference in our growth.
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help small businesses which are the drivers of our economy over 60% of the new jobs come from small businesses. wages went up, people went back to work those items are still in place for a little while longer. if president trump does not get elected and joe biden repeals the tax cuts and jobs back to you are going to see potentially plunge in our economy. so investing in growth in investing in people is exactly what the tax cuts did. you're the democrats talk it wal for big corporations. but it was really more of a benefit for the small business owner of which i am one of them. they drive our economy about 90% of the people my district in ue new york are employed by small business. these big companies are not a factor for us in the tax cuts and jobs act was about the best thing that's happened to our economy and 30 years i tried to live up in some of the businesses of my committee specially the agricultural businesses. we are trying to fight against the highest tax state in the nation with the highest expenses with the green energy policy that's completely crippling to
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our communities. these are all real things and andthat is overseeing prices soi do want to look at a perfect incubator of what not to do in terms of inflation, in terms of lack of growth, and in terms of outmigration look at what new york does. it does everything we should not do. so we have a good example i wish we could turn it around but hopefully we can do that maybe we can get new representatives in our state legislature. right now our only relief is coming for the federal government and the tax cuts and jobs act which are continuing to provide growth and continuing to provide some prosperity in spite of the challenges we have. arthel: giving is too late for president biden to correct this trend of economic concerns? >> he could talk to chuck schumer about getting some of our extensions for the tax cuts and jobs act and get those things through and really deal with this economy instead of waiting for potentially a lame duck that will be coming after the election but if he continues to spend and continues to invest money at outrageous levels and
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relieving student loan debts, spending incredible amounts on green energy. forcing these subsidies that are happening the people are not accepting them look at ford who decide to go to the electric vehicles. bpeople are not buying them. you have to have an economy driven by demand and bite what people want to bite not by what government dangles over them to pursue those types of incentives. incentives should be people bak to work and producing for our economy. the evidence showed 74% the gross national product is what the inflation was. that is what drove it. it is not from growth. so we have to get back to sensible sound policy those are some of the things that could be at risk if present biden is elected and we continue to spend and we continued to dis- incentivize people to go to work and we continue to crackdown on small businesses who are carrying the jobs in our community.
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arthel: i do have to leave you there thank you for your patient my shot froze as tried to do freeze-frame. [laughter] >> thank you forgot his eyes to see again, thank you. support we do not like what arthel phrases. we've been showing you how some colleges are fed up with anti- israel and cap it's on school grounds. other schools are accused of caving into the protesters. let rutgers university in new jersey. one new jersey state senator says that is not right. he is demanding an investigation pay what he says they should do next here on "fox news live." ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended
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visit or call 1-800-sandals (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. (vo) when life's doors open, we'll handle the house. go to, find the perfect gift and wow the people you love. wow! wow! this is amazing. whether you want to say 'happy birthday'. so cute! or i love you. i love you too. thinking of you. wow! go to celebrate the people you love. arthel: dramatic video shows houston police officer arresting a man and three dogs as days of
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heavy rain cause intense flooding in the southeast texas. and just about an hour north of houston another daring rescue. first responders hoisting a man to safety after he had to cling onto a tree to avoid being swept up by floodwaters there. unfortunately more rain is in the forecast for the region tonight. madison scarpino is a live in atlanta with more on the rescue operations but i'm so glad the dogs are brought to safety as well. >> yes arthel, a texas state official is calling this at some of the worst of flooding they have ever seen. you mention it rain is been off and on all day long there is still a flood watch ineffective. once the rain it doesn't stop the flooding is likely here to stay for a couple of days. maybe even a few weeks because of how swollen the river is still going to be and that's according to the national weather service. so far official say crews rescued hundreds of people photos and videos we are seeing out of southeast texas are
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intense. heavy rain caused floodwaters to rise and roads to wash out cars and houses are submerged teams are risking people from rooftops, on roads and arthel you much of the dogs being saved, this video is it for you. just one accounting there is been over 150 animals rescued from flooding. you could take a look at these guys suited up in their life vest we are very glad they are okay and safe. the in the houston area is one in the most flood prone regions of the country. many people their lives of the devastation and destruction caused by hurricane harvey in 2017. one woman who evacuated her home is worried about some of her neighbors who stayed behind. >> if you did it if you are still back there cannot understand why. anyone who ever lived here during harvey should know better. you know to get out. >> texas emergency management is now telling people to start reporting any damage to their
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homes, their businesses are hoping to get the resources to help rebuild as quickly as possible. arthel: indeed madison scarpino thank you. eric: university presidents are very hesitant to engage in conflict that's the way i see it. they want to not take a side. but the action of not taking a site is it taking a side these rallies are fueling anti-semitism across the country and records is standing idly by and basically caving to their demands as rockers enabling the fuel to the fire? >> went rutgers university student who is angry with his school after university leaders cut a deal with anti- israel eat protesters for the school is agreeing among other demands to review its ties with tel aviv university and changed that potentially for a palestinian university instead. also demand the school say israel is engaging in genocide. it went public officials calling for an investigation of that
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what critics are calling rutgers surrender to the protest mob republican new jersey state senator who joins us now. senator, good to see you. what you think of what records did? >> first you had students who were illegally occupying the campus. which is a violation of the lawsuitlawso rutgers should noty discussion with these lawbreakers until they had left the location at which a violation. second, they agreed to eight out of 10 demands of th the student. which in my judgment is a really bad precedent. what that does is it tells people you can break the law and we are going to do what you want us to do. sinsends a terrible message to students. and how about this, they never asked of these students to conn the terrorism that hamas unleashed on israel.
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how about simply asking the students, before we do anything condemn the fact people have been kidnapped children, senior citizens, people were killed and raped. no discussion of that at all just simply saying what are your demands that we will do 80% of your demands. i think it's a terrible terrible message to the people of the state of new jersey. let me put the list of the brand nick list of demands on this great let's put that on the list this is what senator you say the rutgers school should have told the protesters to one, it recognized the horror of the attack on israel. to call for the release of the hostages stop illegally occupying the campus, condemn hamas and the chair five recognize israel's right to exist. did rutgers basically give these people a free pass because they don't have to do any of that. >> of free pass plus something extra. not only did they give them a free pass meaning they are
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waving and giving them immunity against criminal prosecution, they are waiving any attempt to try to set the record straight with respect to terrorism and then they give out and respond to demands. to me, i do not understand what message or telling other students. you are either telling them that it is okay to break the law and it is okay to demand whatever you want and we will give it to you. i am asking for an investigation by the legislature and if it is costing the taxpayers money then we should reduce the expenditures the state of new jersey gives to rutgers. eric: they had 10 demands university accepted eight including starting an arab cultural center hiring palestinian professors the sort of thing. they also demand that the university cut ties with tel aviv university and swap out a palestinian one for that and divest from israel. rutgers says they're setting that here is a demand the
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university to accept our route to quote release a statement from the office of the president acknowledging the ongoing genocide against palestinians, its impact on the palestinian community at our university and advocating for a cease-fire. should a public university call what's going on in israel a genocide and do you agree with that? >> of salih not. as a matter of fact that is the state department issues. the state department determines the policy of the united states of america. israel is an ally. rutgers university should not be agreeing to any of these demands. they should have those students removed from the campus. and charge them with trespassing and then sit down pretty want to have a discussion, we should negotiate with people they have the right to protest but they don't have a right to break the law. bottom line is rutgers made a big mistake i think they're going to feel an outcry from the
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people of new jersey. >> finally as you see this it wwesee the anti-semitic incidens across the country on campuses why is this happening? i've asked this question before in some cases they are supporting hamas a terrorist group we would not have -- know it would've agreed with this if it was the nazis back in world war ii protesting for nazis and murderers and terrorists on campus what went wrong? >> this is unfortunate because i think this entire situation, hamas, it gives people the ability to than strike out against the jewish people. i don't think this is solely related to an international issue. this also has underlying anti-semitism. but it provides a stage for those sometimes are anti-semitic and that is going to be, and my judgment, a hateful approach to our world and it has got to stop and rutgers did not stop at
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progress investigation and called for it likely there will be won by the state legislature of the university's actions. new jersey state senator thank you for joining us. from the car probably out campaigning you are ready for governor, thank you. >> thank you eric. arthel: as you will know former trump aid hope hicks takes the stand in the former presidents a criminal trial. we are going to discuss the impact of her testimony. that is coming up next. ns and ps like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do.
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spring former prosecutor steve, if prosecution was expecting or hoping that michael cohen would be their ace in the whole witness, has defense -- those hopes? >> yes, i think ms. hicks testimony heard the prosecution. i think michael cohen is absolutely quabsolute quintessee prosecution's case. having to be viewed as a credible witness which i've got to be honest with you after watching him on tiktok and is ridiculous tiktok videos and things like that is will be tough for the prosecution. i think testimony last week heard the prosecution. arthel: it is my understanding his tick to tiktok videos respoo the former presidents post throughout the trial present the case? why would one be damaging to: and maybe perhaps the former
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president's comments are not damaging to him this trial? >> i think unless the former president testifies i do not know the statements will get before the jury. when they cross-examined michael cohen i think they are absolutely going to seek to go into that. i think the theory if i was defense counsel i would argue that michael cohen was a rogue. he would do a lot of things on his own. hope hicks to talk about that a lot during her testimony. and his erratic behavior i think helps the defense because it lends credence to this argument he was doing a lot of the stuff on his own. he absolutely is a kind of personality that has to be in the limelight. i was the defense i will be focusing on that too -- michael cohen's credibility. >> given that you'll say it listen, this guy, michael cohen, as a rogue player he's been a rogue player inside the trump
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organization pretty said is desperate to get back at trump because he did not get a job at the white house. but how can prosecution convince the jury to discard those character claims? >> and think with the prosecution needs to do is present. that is why they wanted to but access hollywood video on. an information but others then stormy daniels. they know they have a witness in michael cohen who is weak. they're trying to put around him a bunch of evidence so they can argue to the jury this is not just about michael cohen. we have a whole bunch of evidence this conspiracy did in fact occur. also what i read and saw that may be another reason why it former president trump was concerned about the stormy daniels case. and that is in regards to if
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there is a separate intent rather to impact the election that would hurt the prosecution case big time. arthel: she mentioned the president was concerned about mrs. trump it would not want a story like that whatever dalliance he had with a pouring star. she was with child brittany waite michael cohen is a big boy and he can stand up for himself. so, if he does take the stand this week what questions can we expect from prosecution? >> i think the prosecution will seek to elicit the facts surrounding the arrangement they key in crucial the prosecution is going to have to establish their michael cohen is that the former president knew it. that the former president was engaged in this so-called payoff that he knew exactly what was going on. he was agreeable to it and wanted to see it happen.
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but also, most importantly that reason. the reason was to protect this information going out to the voting public. and therefore, based on the prosecution siri, this conspiracy was to impact the election by that is the key the prosecution is going to have to get out with michael cohen this week. arthel: we will see. steve, thank you very much for joining us. take care, we will be righte. back... ...but they can be remade in a whole new way. thanks to you... we're getting bottles back... and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic. new bottles - made using no new plastic. you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. and when we get more of them back... ...we can use less new plastic. see how our bottles are made to be remade.
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arthel: iconic moment for the movie titanic. today we learn bernard hill who played the actor, the ship's captain the actor who played the ship's captain has died sadly. hill was also known for his role and lord of the rings film franchise. he was supposed to be at comic-con and liverpool yesterday but he canceled at the last minute. lord of the ring costar sean ashton remembered him as intrepid, funny and gruff. his agent said he was with his son and fiancé when he died. he was 79 years old, rest in
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peace. eric: he was so good in that part, he really was. that is it for us it and for noi will course to back reporting on the trial the trump trout tomorrow morning on fox and friends as we wait to see who is going to testify. i have no idea. they do not tell you ahead of ) time.. time.. see. pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪ diabetes can serve up a lot of questions. like what is your glucose and can you have more carbs? before you decide with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose and where it's heading no fingersticks needed.
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