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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 27, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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morning, thanking me. i've been getting phone calls. my sister, locals from business managers, managers around the country, from other locals, electricians, >> so i'm getting calls from l retired members, from other union localsocal that i'm gladtg that we are at least taking a stand and we are standing for what the members want. >> god bless you. bobby bartles steam fitters union. thank you so much, bobby. we appreciate your perspectiveyv . >> thank you all. have a great night. that's it for us tonighte tonig make sure to follow mee all weekend long on social media. weekend longx, instagram, all t. >> thanks, as always for watching. than it's america nowameric and forever. >> jesse watters takes it fromao here. >> have a good weekend . hello, everyone. i'm shannon bream, along with judge jeanine pirro>> spear
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traveler, charlie hurt and greg gutfeld. >>eg it is 5:00 in new york citd and this is the five big day here in the big apple for joe biden and donald trump, both in new york city at the same time todappley, me president biden chatting with howard stern, telling him p chattey to stand on ath debate stage with trump. speaking of which, the former president in court for day eight of his criminal hush money trial, formeinr enquirer chief david pecker wrapping up his testimony and we got to hear from the prosecution's next two witnesses. trump'get tos former assistant rhona graff, a 34 year veteran of the trump, and gary farrow, a former banker at first republic, when michael cohen was apparently membe seeking to arrange the $130,000 payment to stormy daniels. n trump sounding off on another day in court. >> this is all a frightening indictment.
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it's an order to try and win an election. political advantagte and nothina like this has ever happened. i've been inviteponent ad back to debate, and it's a busy time in washington during the night. imcluding i'm here. >> i'm ready, willing and able. and if he i'll do it on monday night, tuesday night or wednesdao ity night. >> we'll be in michigan, a state that is destroying. >> well, the former president was certainly on the mind of the current president. >> joe biden repeatedly brought up donald trump while reped by howarde stern. >> i don't know if you're going to debate your you ir. iden: i am somewhere i don't knowi where i'm at and i don't the election's over yet on that score. >> what do you think's goingse happen? i can't imagine you're going to lose, but. well, look, he's promised if he' he doesn't win, he's going to be a bloodbats doeh. trump makes fun of me, right? he's the kind of guy never you wish you could have gotten in and be head to heades. >> maybe like corncob. okay. the sit down with stern coming
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as biden takes some friendlytak fire from the new york times. the greafre fromt lady accusinga the president of setting a dangerous precedent for avoidingccg thpres with most ofe media. >> and despite biden's best efforts to shuffle from the press, axios has an alarming new report ous t on his gate. quote, instead of walking to and fro insteadm one by himsf in the last week, biden started walking, surroundehimself d by who are concerned the videos biden walking alone, especially on have highlighted his age. e g >> oh, you can't stop with thele giggles over here today. well, i mean, whetheherer w trump talking about how he wants to debate biden or the factden or that the real coi in the white house is that the tall grass is going to wipte iet joe biden. >> and if you wonder why the economy is in the tank, we have an open border and we have all these wars popping up over the place. it's because the white house is more concerned about shield and joe biden walking to the helicoptershieldin than they ars about solving any problems.
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>> okay. so great is it goes back to the grass, which i know that you >> a something te about. >> yeah, but i don't understand that. are you alluding to something? >> i just need you to google it. all right. first of all, i love how these trials are fuel for trump. >> if he's popeye, lawfare is his spinach. oh, he's not leading in the polls. despite the trials. he's in the polls because i of the trauma of the trials. and it'se po and it's hilarious to watch. >> it really is. who would have thought it is the howard stern show would become the safe space for an elderly, clueless fossil and joe biden? >> i kid howard stern. i loved him, but man, he changed. >> risk has now been replacedise deth rewarplacd when you listen to the interview. >> he's completely defanged it. fahe's rendered kind of a harmless stern, the opposite harmd that stern used to be. >> but that's what happens when
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you get co-optedppen by powereir and famous friends. and it's weird to see this seeos ,stern switched sides of trump for many years, supported stern, gavpportee him his best . >> and i bet you at that time, biden would have branded stern a moral hazard in need of censorship. so now you have stern basically trashing trump, who reflects the frankness of the stern phenomenon and instead embraces the precise kind of phony that early stern would have mercilessly mocked. >> now, on to your cheap gaffe about the grass. >> okay. they're talking about a stiff gait. that's what this is part of a bigger scandal that shouldef be feeble gait. >> right. it's a it's a scandal. the cover up. biden's ever diminishing function. let's be honest. the only way that biden canyoune younan look younger is to surround himself with corpses. d and it's not the walk that should be alarming. saa which makesit
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him even more oblivious to the destruction of all our institutions. >> it's the woke handlers who are excelling our nation's demise. and he's just there along the ride. who knows how much longer he'll be there. i think it's alshoonger heo, yo, it's also hard to walk when you've got a load in your pants. >> that'tss why they call him dark brandon judge at the white house, laundrybrando okay. we do not have any confirmation from the white today, so we're just going to move on from that. but i thought it was interesting,g, judge, part of this reporting in politico about the people walking with him as, he wantede more downtime, more less formal time with his aidemas. d mari >> sneo the walk between the white house and marine one is supposed to what? >> i mean, that it'll absolutely do it. look, look, the reason gotar his aides there is because they're going to ask him a question. it's quiteon . there's nothing going on there. and they're afraid he's going to answese gr it. and they're the ones that are going to make sure that he doesn't say anything t that's out of line. i don't it's obviously very we already know how he treats
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his aides and curse them. >> he yells at them. i mean, we've hear thed all storiesin about what's going on in the white house. >> but, you know, i mean, i agrete hoe with brad. it i mean, the guy is is the guy who's lost and what he's saying now, what he said on the howard stern show, he came up with even more lies. the guys have plagiarized. he's plagiarized g his whole career. i think it was 88 or 98 presidential campaign. out be they threw him out because he was such a liar. and now he comes uca a liap witr new ones. he said when he was s a lifeguad ,he saved a half a dozen people from drowning. >> then you want to tell me whyl you didn't want to tell me about that? e number two. and he said, get this. he said, whatever.. >> as a senator received salacious pictures of wome an were given, he would give itt e. to the secret service. joe you didn't have secret y service when you were a senator. okayoue a se so then he said whn he was younger he wasmily
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on the boards with a black family. >> he was only white kid famil on the porch of the black family. he was protesting segregatio protestin and they arrested him. joe te, why would they arres you? i mean, okay. and then this is he said he was one over in in state scoringl it football. ha what the is that?t first of all, he alwayofs said e was the first one in his family to go to college. then w wgee heard that his grandfather played college football and it was the bestl . >> i mean, you need to have dreams when you go through this. you don' havt want is just ridiculous. and this man is representing us. he talks gang bang. oh my he talks to putin. oh, gosh. >> i'm going to need to go downe that end of the table, do a wellness checks on a judge down there. okay. so should be the debate moderator. >> well, i t is really goingthey down at the courthouse tonight if you're free. they've offereve offer td do itt least one side has offered. okay. so this interview, you find all these nuggets with howard stern, but the "new york times" is upset becauseut the they youw
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what? traditional news outlets are not getting a chance at this. they say it shouldarg ce they by that president biden has so actively and effectively avoided questions from independent journalists during his term, avoiding interviews his s from major newssn't organizations doesn't just undermine an important norm. jut also establishes a dangerous precedent that future presidents canto use to avoid scrutiny and accountability. >> so, richard, they're thinkingy and not only t now, but is there a self-interest also that other presidentsir say it's just not done that way anymore? >> oh, listen, i think that's a fair point about thent by "new york times". and i do think that the president should probably give more interviews to the traditionathw yoand that the l press or thosea fair folks who sit in the briefing room. >> i think that's a fair assessment. not now you know, i watched the same interview you did, george. >> i didn't have the same assessmenhave the ot. n lo it but that's all fair in love and war. there's a part of the interview that i reallver.y did appreciatd the president talking about, especially at this point. thly a inflection point in our country. he talked about the time when he lost both his wife e and hish daughter and he talked about the ideal of what he was dealing with. he talkedd about thinking about drinking.
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he also talked about the idea of his own suicide ideations after losing both of his both his both his daughter and his and hi hs. and i think this comes at aand o time in our country where we know black youthut are the suicide rate there is up 144%. we know that for college, the suicide rate has doubled in this country. so we have a lot of youngar people struggling with this, too, to hear the president of the united states say, hey, listen, when was a young persohe n unirs i, too, struggled with. this, i think is a real moment for him to say struggl listen.s i'm feeling your pain and this is what he's very good at doing. whether you disagree with his nt politics or not, it's important to see our leaders say, i've struggleit's ie oud with as weli especially as the nation and our young people struggle with it, too. >> nobodith it. py does nothing about the pain. i'm all for feeling pain f, but america is talking about how, you know, we're talking is cheap. ai i think someone said that once i talks chea is. fact is we have inflation. that is suicidal ideation. suici it's talking about. it's actually how you solve it. no, no, nodaeations e.. >> if you want to buy into that, that's fine. i mean, is nothing medicalai
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cannabis? >> he said nothing about fentanyl. he said nothing about crimd not >> he's done nothing about inflation. he's done nothing about border security. >> crime. just be very clear. all right, i'll give you a little. give me to give you this to be suicidal. ideation is bad. suicidal ide tthere you go. everyone can agree on that. even the president about there is work to be done. all right. coming up, shocking scenes of california lawlessnes s. a mayor's bodyguard attacked on camera. and adam schiff is well, he got ♪ robbed. >> this is what need to be. oh, this looks romantic. >> welcome. jac b. >> hi. do you believe in ghosts? do you believe in ghosts? . one other vacation rentals have no privaclawn bacy. >> try one that has no one but you. please. please. they hav which? which? scott's staff buildersdoad the .
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in just one week. >> congressman adam schiff vit. e lates >> got robbed in san francisco. thieves looting in the luggage out of his car, forcing him t to attend a fancy dinner looking like a slob withoutui a suit and a tie. l.a.tie. karen bass had a house broken into and a security guard for a democrat mayor of san jose was attacked while giving an interviecurity gw to t station. so i'm doing an interview. so how doo you do an interview. without moving on right now? what if i'm talking point? you have problems? yeah. okay. >> i appreciate you make sure my my. yeah yeah i'm i'm i'm. go do going to do right before you walked up. befo, wait. oh, no. you called one thing for sure. yeah. yeah yeah. . >> and if that isn't the perfect metaphor forf that san francisco going down the drain, a neighborhood just threw a mini festival
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to celebrate a public toilet that cost $200,000 instead of the original price tag. a whopping point $7 million.on v >> so obviously, wioe to firstou go to our toilet hav correspondent greg gutfeld, who i have to say that aays as sharp as you always look. >> when adam schiff showed up that that party, he looked like he was borrowing your wardrobe. yeahe it's true.e do s >> well, we do you know, we doho shop at the same places. that toilet originally costs over $1,000,000. so when when someone in san francisco says you look likemilo a million bucks, they're telling you you look likecks ther . used t >> san francisco used to be celebrated as this glistening of a city with amazing views. >> now people haveow to resort to celebrating a toilet. feat >> and i get it. it's a rare feat in a city where, you know, when anybody indoors. it's a cause for celebrations. t
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but what you're going to seeg to with a lot of these left-wing politician fans is that they will be forced to pretend that their victimization t is no big deal because it's their own policies that led to thiswlessn increase in lawlessness. >> so they be seen as hypocritical. es they wo seen as they no longer cite anya that the crimes going down because it's been shownh be bogus. cities no longer submit the crime data because shou're overtaxecities longeatdr i should say overstretched. >> not to confus oe people.'t >> there's too much crime to report. they don't have time to do it. soo do fbi is working on partial figures. >> they can't figure it out. the victim parcelgures reportins skyrocketed. >> so the gap between actuall cr and reported numbers is huge. then add to the fact victims are still, despite this, actually underreporting the crimite thisualle because tn charging of offenses dissuadesgo people from going to the police and especially when they hear whence, they call the police, they don't show up. >> i'm not going to mockr. your sweater. this is an amazing sweater.
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>> it's it looks like something. yeah, you're right. it's. even adam schiff would not wear it. yes. you know, shannon, at thrifter, when you go through and you look at all these crimes goingin on in san francisco this week with them, leaders of which crimfrancisc ye do you fear the? >> well, when you think about,t well, i've lost my luggage manya times and that can be a crime, which also leads to fashion crimest . but >> but i would note that adam a schiff had been warned notndhe w to leaveas his luggage in thee r garage where his car was parked. so even people therehis car wa e san francisco is no longer safe for you to even leave your luggage in your car. >>r e n leaver lu you know, he'f the many victims that we're covering. but remember, san francisco not that long ago went to the polls and cracked down on some i of stuff, reversing policies. they've actually loosened up w clampdown, you kno on the police because they recognize that what these p they've done has led to these policies. now, why they're so busy celebrating the toilets . i >> i found this. was i literally thought this is babylon b when i first read this because there were toilet themed games at this party celebratin themed the pg.
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there were chocolate cupcakes decorated like and yes. c and they took turns trying the the shiny new stainless steel staie i believe there are not more important things to worry about. >> you read this far mort.: yoe deeply than even i did. >> so they're like toilete toil olympicset. you could be like a dark1: brendon strikes again. you could be a dark judge. >> i don't want to knowre what the competitions are. >> the category richard. >> so the reason i askd that question is i was hoping ques the roundhouse kick that that a mayor's bodyguard. so the the guy that roundhouse kick the san they mayor's bodyguard. so he's just looking for bread >>r. his family? i have no idea. i mean, i have no idea what he's looking folooking r. i don't. it's friday, but i won't worship the porcelain god. i don't understandt . >> why? this works for me. stainless steel. god, i'm not worshiping any them, but i do want to draw a a direct line from the point that that shannonen made. because i think it's the right one. is that what you've seen happen in san francisco right 1 1
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? no. get me wrong, i think san francisco is a great point from where it wa ifranciscs in heyday. right to where it is now. it's you know, there's real issues therereal issthey you se right. and i think what you've seen the voters of the city do, as well as the city's leadershipe of they dowell, is y to put some things in place to bring down the crimthings ie in 2022, the city launched the violence reduction initiativea . and as a result of that, you've seen homicides go down and als n coroner's office there also reported this week that you're also seeing k g decrease in theo number of unintended un there because they're getting poor folks the resources that they need. so they're not overdosine r gete fentanyl or other typesr of drugs. not saying it's where we're where it shouldrugs nod be, buts good to see the city is moving in the right direction. one, because the voters want i t to the city's leadership is responding to the voters and saying, hey, we can make a choice to voteing,n make, fix. and i think it also comes at ar time that our nation is on pace to see crimes and if it wouldmec decrease to the point where it was. soo th it's the lowest point. se >> it was almost in the obamami administration. i would love to see this go inn. right direction.
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>> san francisco. i have my doubts. it's more than judge jeanine. asi'm assuming. >> but the one thing that is absolutely this is not the fault of republicae fon policies. oh, okay. >> the dems are facing. the consequences of their owns policies. >> turnabout is fair plafair pld okay. they wanted social justice reformia, criminal justice reform. they don't want bail. they don't they want cash bail. they don't want people in jail . and we are now experiencing it. when you've got a gue yarexpe on the streerit whent who litert the mayor there was trying to give an interview and halfwit is coming up. beat the hell out of the security guardy iscoming us. tya i mean, at least he hardst he a security guard. what about the rest of us? the truth is, the politicians time care what it affects, and it's about time that it did. karen bass is home, was was burglarized. and i think that london breed, she was initially in favor
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of defunding the police. we're in this mess becauseec of the democrats. and in san franciscoause right , being the victim of a crime is like the rite of passage. okay, it's going to happen. and that's the way that'sat's the way it is.s >> and in the end, in the end, until this changes, we're all going to be victims of crimes. >> and that's all i have to say. and the video, the most >> the mg part of it is that that, you know, obviously these policies that, the democrat policies in place or what have allowed this to happen. but -- but whee wh then they dow anything about it. >> they also you're also not allowed to protect yoursel tyou >> look just as scum. what's his name? from the subwae fry. oh, yeah. penny. daniel. penny, you can't defend yourself. then you've got idiots like alvin bragg who doesn't know who to and whowh to leo to ht g. i mean, there was a george soros funded prosecutor, these democrats social lists of america are putting people in these offices who don'alists ae int know how t
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crime in london, bring in san francisco, you know where she is. she right now is in china on a taxpayer trip to purchase pandas. t come >> and i guarantee you that when she comes back with the pandas, someone'bandas somse them. >> that's enough bears in san francisco. all righre's enon t. >> just for please. okay. we got to go. up next, follow the money. a shocking new report claims rer that george soros is helping fund the israe l israel aidingolle protests on college campuses. protests on college campuses. we liberty mutual customized my car insurance. you tell i saved hundreds. that's great. i know. i know. i've been telling everyone yeah, like, how many people did you tell? >> only paid for what you need. >> only paid for what you need. it is !! >> can the river support
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what's left. the universityin, southern california, has announced their mainstage graduation ceremony is canceled due to safety concerns afterncerns a 100 pro-palestinian protesters were arrested on campus. keep in mind, these 2024 college grads are the same ones who graduated high school without a ceremony because the pandemic students at the university are not thrilled about it. >> i think it's awful. i think it's out there i don't t think it's right. these are likehe stu the studens from 2020 mr. high school graduationr high, and nowad they're missing their college graduation. so and that's really messed up. luckily, like, i was positive 2019, i transferred in, so a i got a high school graduation. they geth the transfer graduation, but that's okay. >> but i'm hoping to get the csu graduationo ge, but enoh is enough. it's time to follow the money on who is fueling these anti-israel protest tests.
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a shocking report from the new york post claims that threepo pro-palestine encampment leadero-s are fellows at soros funded groups. >> all right. i will go to you first, jana, because you're the newsroom. >> what do you know about? this few things we've beenf th covering this. i think one of the best questions is whee ben you peopln who are getting arrested or getting into trouble and some of them are getting arrested arreste,arrest they're getting processed, so there is no fingerprinting or picture ored they're not 22 years old. i mean, these people are older . some of them, you've got to assume are not from campus. they're outside organizers. eir outshawhat doing there? >> i don't know what i can understand, these people being so upset and frustratedey'r that they're missing out on a second big milestone in their lifeg out sec. i think if the biden white house wants to get these youth voters, you gothesu fot to decih side you're going to, you know, want to have to lay your claimrg here. >> but a lot of young people, yes, they're upset with you for how you're handlinseg this gaza
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situation with israel. >> but a lot of other people, gr, seemr percentagesituatio to be very upset about how this is impacting their college experience and the their house said yesterday the spokes woman, karine jean-pierre that this is up to governors about sending national guard in settling thingsout send. it's not for the president. we all know the president is in history has sentthe preswe natid in on campuses where there's trouble into riotsbl. they've got to start having a conversation about if you're going to say you're the party of law and order and rule of law, why are not helping these studentse an who havingng something so precious snatched away from them? >> well, the interesting thingto charlie, about having a conversation is columbia university continues to have a conversation every 48 hours. >> every 4 they have 48 hours le leave and they don't have another conversatioon'tn 48 hours. >> you got to leave. they don't leave. they have another conversationht . >> i there is there's no nothing that people could do t to stop this, that kids th. t graduate >> the only people dumber than them, the kids on campus o, this
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are the adults who are negotiating with them. i don't i don't understand anyya any part of it. and, you know, there's thing called a heckler's veto where a heckler can into to a a situation and completely shut down free speech. >> that's what's going on here on this college campus. the administrators are coweringd ,these nitwits, these. 't and i don't doubt some of them are there because they have you know, they've they're emotionally upset about what they see on te thv. n >> but you look at you look at the tense. you can tell is not this is annc inorganic thing. this is definitely a set u p, is definitely an operation. >> and the the you the university proving how irrelevant they are. >> just completely buckles to them and lets them and letse these people shut down the lives and the free speech and the important thismileston important milestone for all these other people thae otht break what what's your what's your take on george soros
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what i will get to that because i think the tents tell you the i see all these new tentsi see and none of thesthe people appet to be outdoorsy. >> right. they'd all look like repeat shoppers thelook lik at sportio >> and you see the signse are brand new. signthe tents, the catered food. >> it's all designed to makell a protest a comfortable experience for people with a low threshold hardship.atered right. it's curated and catered like the backstage at coachella minus the bands. >> it's a protest for the pathetic and thefor the passive the soros funding shows you that none of this is accidenta is accil because it is accidental, when bad things happen, people try happen to ft when it's accidental. but if you look at all of our you l r ctoday, whethe it's the squatting, the no cash bail, the border chao os, s the drug overdoses. there's no there's no fixing. right. it feels pargreatet of a greaten deliberate mission that is on purpose because no one isbotn
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bothering to fix it. the dea is the source for the dea. don't even blink asn eye when sn they're shown the destruction that's wielded by the recidivisttructions they let ou. >> so again, all these variables from the campus occupationnss, the the the crim, the homelessness get together. r >> they they tell you there's an ideology at plae' play and is meant to dismantle a free market. the structure of a free market s ,individualistic capitalistic society and replace it of c you could callyou wa it marxist, you can call it whatever you want, but there's no attempt to stop it. right. so let's talk about the fact you that there's no attempt to stop it. >> the richardpt t. all right. let's start here. one reason harvard know people that talk to voters under 30, including manye of these young people on these college campuses, they rated ssue. top issues of the top issues, it was the health care, housing, gun
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violence. at the bottom of that wagun vios the israel-hamas crisis. >> so that's thing one. now thincrisisg to because i thk there's a critique of the media here and i think it's important that we make this critiquecriti because i think what's happened even on my own alma mater. almas of the folksfocu own cameras on the folks of this encampment. gw has about 10,000 undergraduate students. sethey focused on the 100 or soo that are at this encampment and not the 9000 900 who are i going to class or in finals every day. >> and my proble every dm with i is this every day students are trying to complete school and whatever. day tryin shoulderybody be allowed to protest, right. because protesting is what makes this great. right. but at the same time, there's a bright line that the media is not talking about when you say anti-semitic things, that's not protected by free speech. however, calling for disinvestment is protected fr free speech. free expression, free expression is protected by both free speech and nonviolentrotecd protest is nonviolent. >> protesting is protected by free speech i. and you have to make that clear bright line. so if you want to be on your college campus and you wanf yot to say, i want a ceasefire now
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and you want to sayd yo you disagree with thel united states, federal government is engaging israel, you have every right tnt is eno. if you do something that's anti-semitic, you don't itic you. needs todo >> i think that's what needs to be said. and i think the media is conflating these two things, and it's very harmful to conflate the two things because they're not the samepleu what. if you're a university and you have a code of conduct code of standards, or you can tell people that they're not, but many university educated, many universities, i mean, they take no, no, that's not true. >> when the columbia university president went dowtalked an to k about who she suspended, who was , and she investigated because they violated her code wa. aduct so there are code of conduct that universities are following. and i think we just have to make univer clear bright line between what is and what is not doing. >> that is up next. >> what's good about like the guy i love, start your day
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can daniel welcome back. >> it's time for the fastesty fm first step away from the shower. >> experts say that you do not scrub to take a daily scrub because it's proven that there's no health benefitsprovens and it co actually harm you. >> we only do it because we don't want to stin i k. the >> i don't know who these experts are, but fire all of them. i take multiplabout fire ae sho. >> okay, janine, let me tell you, that explains. hey, listen, i don't know what you need. >> t for it, but they want you to eat bugs, right? not take a shower and live 500 square feet. >> i mean, this is all nonsense . >> that's the end of it. i agree. they claim that there's a not yes, it's because you stink. no one wants you to be sittinge on their furniture, you literal dirt their. o-called >> and also, this is these so-called experts are them. they're based.e assu it's based on the assumption that nobody works out. if ks out you exercise every day, y
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which you should. >> you would shower. so e not only these people aree dirt bags are probablyth back bags as weleybags tl. >> they are disgusting. before, i just want to hear your i want to hear your take on thiaks completely not about a stigma. >> it's a it's called manners. t wayou want to smell bad for ol people. >> so you take a shower, showere for yos are terrible fo. they're all woody are oh i took a shower is supposed to be around people but this but whens you live on a farm you live on a farm. you have to picture nobodyho . e hogs >> you feed you. are you doing are you sleeping the halls and then not showering? >> oh, boy. oh, boy. oh, boy. showers was terribleible. >> shannon well, you have any evidence? i don't want to get like x and spray. >> you get help. .. coli ii don't know. people can call my. it is dangerous for our health, right? but i want to do things like eating by walking around everohy apparently wearsy popula pajamas now, not taking showers. >> i don't know. and they wonder why population rate s are down. >> this isn't all that cute, charlie. we learn something new about you every dasomething ne
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y today. we like you don't take showers in the shower. oh, crocs. not only are they ugly, but they're also dangerous. disneyworld in florida is reportedly the footwear t on its escalator because it's getting chewed up in the escalatoeait it'r. >> now, judge, you know i lovea shoes. i do not own a pair of crocs. do you you care to think about th> one? now, i work for warner bros., one son, one christmas. warneri everybody got crocs. i didn't keep them. and that's all i have to say. if i ever get stuck in any escalator, it's because of my high heels. exactly. and it goes right into the steet goes intl l. to i can't get it out and walk down the escalator. so you have charlie, stop talking. okay. so i'm walking off of my shoes. stiloing up the escalator. >> okay. i say, george, stilettos are much more dangerouhe escalg >> yeah. escalator, right. i talk about crocs. we're like, we're gardening fromma maybe walking the dogs,know i don't know, but wearing them on an escalator. disney wea, that's just way tooo
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fancy of an event. >> i don't. i don't just ownfancy one pairc i own four pairs. that says a lot about gregro, including you. >> check out these thesee are exclusive the line crocs. i wear them dog walking yes for pete late night breaks for the do breakg and you should al wear crocs when you're in a public shower. pu shower., dapper charlie righ. >> not for charlie. how you take showers in ac show public shower? >> oh, he would. you don't want to knower that. have you ever been to turkey? that story. okay, finally. what is in a name. >> anyway, emma stone saysd she'd prefer to go by heshr name ,which is actually emily, the oscar winner revealed in a new intervieed aos shew that shs by emma because emily stone was already nabbed by another in their union. >> stho here'seir my questionun jeanine. >> if you could change your name, what would it be? was always jeanineen youe paris. >> but then you become judge jeanine pirr becomo, then'
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you judge jeanine. >> i mean, your name does change, but i'm still jeaninm ad >> mm-hmm.d i don't understand why people get upset about whapeoplt people? >> them. i mean, it's just your name. henry. it is actually my firsmckay y e there we go. h soen you changrye his name just like emma stone when i was coming out of it. >> it is ver e gong. >> not interesting story, but my nickname growing up was chucink. m >> so when i go home and when wo i see people that i knew from growing up and i hear someone yell, chucw megrowink across th. i'm like my people, hi, i'm back home. >> how is that not going to be>> an how iat story? >>ey'll turn it later. that can be pay per view, correc wt? inal n >> would you change your name? i had by my original name waamsr greg and i changed it to greg. >> i just i dropped the sec.d i dropped the second g and it was, you know, it was quite a move for me. >> i thought about it. i prayed on this and tough fast. >> and the lord told me, drop the g. greg similars thd me got a big g similar to shannon at home. >> they call me j.r. because i'm doing it on my father.
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a so if i hear j.r., i will lookf around. put your initials. harlare ray.rce. >> if it is those on the initials will there. >> that's true. and panel, friday is up next. yep. i you can't take your best days of the year. start i oh, the orange days. it's the year's biggest selection kubota tractors zero turn mowers and utility vehicles including the number one selling compact tractor one plus the year's bestor deals like 0% apr for 84 months or up to 30 $300 off select compact tractors. >> orange goes all day sales ending soon visit your local ending soon visit your local dealer find your nearest dealer at cota orange days dot every breath modern living breaking down your barriers armor, colostrum, nature solution builds them back sell by cell, igniting your health revival.
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>> oh, i like it. it's fan mail. friday let's start with a very s helpful practical question for the viewer s from i can't sayan't this. >> what's your best health say p and why? >> i think this is good because there must be something in your life that you like the number one thing that gives you the best somethi health that you en, that makes sense..ta >> but it's not like a show star. charlie on and say sunshine, sunshine. very good sunshine. excellen seltit. mr. richard. i meditate every night before i go to bed. oh, i think it's cheating. >> you should meditate in the morning. oh, you can do that too. it's harou dnmo d. l asle >> when? tomorrow night. you just fall asleep at night. . .t's part of the processght. >> yeah, sure to sleep. that's one point. shannon, what'on what' s best health tip for the people at home? >> mental health. get off social media and physical health. i would say sleeping. although none of us probably get enough of it.
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>> we don't. i feel i feel much better when i sleep. those are yeah you're absolutely judge theo best health tip i can give people is eliminate sugarmi from your diet, which is something i'm always fighting with. but when i eliminateg with pet r i feel 100% better. >> does that include oreos? yeah . es those that does have sugar. i hate to say this because it's going againstgae tos be my but quitting drinking, it's the healthiest thing you can d theo i know. i just destroyed that. it also lets you sleep no sleeping thing is a big deal. >n >> like i finally sleep like a normal person. yeah. anyway, suzya normal, what is tt memorable moment you shared with a stranger or who youu shad never saw again? no. h thone night stands, people.w >> a memorable moment you sharet with a stranger, shannon? >> well, what am i going to talk about noheonw? >> oh, speaking about being friends, i did one time sitai next to a guy on an airplane who we exchanged information tht he was doing some work in dc. e-m weeksemail from hi
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later that his nephew was dying and all he wanted was a messageh from somebody from the avengers. i put this in my first book. i put out a tweet. e o a tweei prayed that people m this happen, and several of them got this guy and gotlas messages to the little boy. >> they called in the hospital everything before he passed awes and it was so awesome. >> but i never saw the uncle again. >> aw. >> judge, you know this is tough on answer. >> tswer.i remember and shannone remember, i remember meetingsom someone on a plane and he was fascinating. we had a great conversation, didn't exchange cards or anything and about i don't know, two weeks later, i got flowers with his name and i never followed up. that was a mistake. >> iwhat about you? >> oh, probably. i can think of so many, but the one that i was thinking of, we were getting on a plane in san francisco, and a woman had, seva like several children and a baby on her hip. and i juste babynd said, which i did the hold your baby while you put your stuff. never had been. and she handed overe hand the baby and intir
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flew the entire way across the country with thess the babyn my lap and hilarious. >> and then i had the baby back in my own way. >> wow. that's nice and creepy. at the same time. i would have done a lonit, richard, but i didn't think about that. >> there was a lady that i met leaving a building and she was just in like, in hysterical tea tears. >> and i remember just embrace thosg goinge it's goinrs be okay. >> i never knew what happened to the lady, but i remember that momen tyowt. >> that's so weird. i ran into this lady and she said, help m>> it'entee, black l >> just huikg me on the street. i'm going to let you have them because that for more things, if that's they need the loan back first and you need scotch get in the grass, it goes,
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thing. let's start with you. what a show tonigh let's t, p m. you got p eggs in advance. august kat timpf tirest,. >> that's tonight at 10 p.m.. let's do this. >> 10 p.m.. who k >>ne who knew that tortoises it but get this, they have nervene cells on their shellrve s. >> look at that little guy shaking his . look at that. oh, yeah. ing his look aoh, yeget it righ. that's at the nashville zoo. a little lower, buddy. oh, yeah ville zoa litt. >> oh, yeah. oh. , yeah. . >> there are less sensitive in their skin, but they do have nerve endings there. in tut they r, the next time you see a turtle? >> go ahead. >> sooh is shellsee a tu understated. >> yeah. so you should see it when you did it d. uld see to mcconnell..y. >> oh, boy. george, i think this is a e to to you. i will start. okay. start.nnarbers in connecticu t being hailed as heroes after they ran out of their establishmen of theit rescue, a childd who was running into traffic. >> they were in the middlewho wu haircut when they noticed a toddler in theirt first action was to sprint into action. they later and look at this, l
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look at this little girl. she's running in the direction of traffic. look running in the, guys. and then later we've located the girl's mother at a nearby bus stop. i guess you have too many other kids are los mothebus stt sightr something, but they are being hailed as heroes in kinetic yett phenomenal, huh? >> that is better. .l, huh? the video on both ends. >> yeah. them recognizing the trouble and going insane. yeah. charli oth ends e thought they werewere the kidnapers. >> tonight i'm on the hannah. on aley see that's me is all right had very hello hello henry this shout out to my friend and colleague daniels. ian daniels. >> he is set to become the first black woman to be blace presidt of the whiteset tb house correspondents association. >> i helped honor him this past mondayassociat , the first inauguraldi angela troublemakers dinner hostednner by baird baldwinth institute, whose mission is toe empowebayaose missr black men il industries. speaking of the white ofdue whiter, ndents dinne you can catch special coverage of the dinner right here on fox news t at 9 p.m. with our frien.
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jimmy fallon. >> i'm going to join him . >> okay. iin h it's always right when nature bas in.yester pga golfers at zurich open hadda enjoyed teeing off yesterday. wait for totally unbothereds alligator across the $70 tee box. >> thibocototas come as a term i because endurance course is known for its occasional reptile spectatoe as a tk. r. about greg, the delay only lasted about 7 minutes. it didn't seem7 ba to be bad lun for the golfers who are pouring and burning the hole respectively. >> wow. okay. i have something to tell the people of th . a: e five.import yeah. that you have important fans that watch you. i found out this week someone we told me that they watchwatche the five retired justiceed him stephen. i interviewed him this week and the five came up and h tweee said he watches it in his exercise routine. >> there you go. so judge justice. hello. those are the rest of my folks that will see you on ♪


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