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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 26, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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linear marketing has a diminished and gone up in digital marketing p. maria: yeah, so they are basically wanting value is what you had said in the past. everything has to be about value. we're going to get new inflation data today. jordan, great to see you. thank you so much. we'll see you soon. we'll be right back.
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maria: welcome back. good friday morning, everybody. thank very much for joining us
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this morning. i i'm maria bartiromo. it is friday, april 26, 7:03 on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. anti-israel protests erupting on college campuses across the country, columbia university students filing a federal civil rights complaint against their school. fox news' sibi cotton is live from columbia university with more. good morning to you. >> reporter: hi, good morning, maria. in a few hours there's going to be a demonstration here to remind the entire columbia university community that there are still hostages remaining in gaza. for the past week, so many jewish students have been telling us it feels like their peers have forgotten especially when they hear chants like this all across the city. listen. >> [chanting] >> reporter: columbia university says there are still ongoing discussions with these pro
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palestinian anti-israel student demonstrators who have been camped out on campus for more than a week now and this comes as the clock winds down, to the university commencement. there are only two weeks left. protesters say they're not leaving until demands are left. ilhan omar joined the student protesters with her daughter yesterday. listen to what she had to say. >> it is really unfortunate that people don't care about the fact that all jewish kids should be kept safe and we should not have to tolerate anti-semitism or bigotry for all jewish students, whether they're pro genocide or antigen side. >> reporter: signs of solidarity are israel starting to emerge, supporters held a rally to counter ongoing pro palestinian student demonstrations and
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ongoing anti-semitism that jewish students say they're facing. how republicans are de-- house republicans are demanding major sponsors pull funding. maria: we know it started with robert kraft, new england patriots owner pulled donations from columbia. >> reporter: that's right. he's not the only unone. there are other voices joining him, saying until the university leadership steps up to do more to protect jewish students, they're not contributing. maria: thank you very much. joe, your reaction to this. we still have not seen enough from some of these university presidents. >> i think we need to have critical but slightly different conversation about these issues. we talked about it in the first hour. you basically have iran providing talking points for these miseducated youth. you have ju george soros providg
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funding and tiktok is amplifying the miseducation. m they the context of the world today, i remember when we had a 20-year-old girl in 2014 who hopped on a plane from alabama to go join isis and eventually ended up having a child with one of those isis rebels and we now live in a world, a post-tiktok world, where you don't have to get on a plane or a train or get in a car provide material aid o terrorists. that's what's happening with idiots on what is supposed to be one of the most preeminent colleges in the nation, not he e recrecognizing you cannot find common ground. maria: what do you think, on? >> i think joeys exactly right and i'm troubled by the fact
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that we have a lot of faculty sympathizers at columbia university to what's going on, these anti-israel protests. and moreover, let's not lose sight of the fact that if it were not for the y atrocities of october 7th none of this would have hands. happened. we've had terrorist attacks happening for so long that supposedly support these causes in the middle east and what have they accomplished for the palestinians? nothing. so i think the use of violence, trying to promote their cause, has been an out utter catastroa waste of lives, time and so on. maria: there's so much to get to here. we're going to continue this information. we're just getting started this hour. quick break and we're wrapping up a huge week of earnings, another one to come. tech is taking the cake this
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morning. we have a number of big tech moves this morning, dow industrials up 58, nasdaq up 180 right now. we've got the word on wall street panel here with what that means for markets and your money next. don't miss our power panel hour as well. former georgia congressman doug collins and outkick host and fox news contributor, tommy lahren are here for the entire 8:00 you 8:00 a.m. hour. you're watching "mornings with maria." we'll be right back. ♪ ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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conversation. >> thank you for having me, maria. maria: and we've got another pretty good firm tone this morning. we're looking at futures indicating a gain at the start of trading this morning amidst a busy week of first quarter earnings ahead of the pce. dow industrials up 56, nasdaq up 191 on the heels of microsoft and alphabet earnings last night. chevron is out this morning, beating on earnings, missing on ref gnaw, higher production volumes helping offset impact from weak natural gas prices. stock is down 1%. exxon also missed on earnings but did beat on revenue. exxon says it expects record oil and gas demand this year but planning on closing pioneer merger in the second quarter. on tech, pretty much a tear underway. alphabet reporting a double beat, issuing a dividend, 20 p 20-cents a share, up 12% this morning. microsoft reported cloud growth revenue up 21% on the push for
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more a.i. so it's all about earnings this morning once again but of course also the fed. brenda, your thoughts on earnings? >> well, you know, earnings have been pretty good. this has been a huge week for earnings. by the end of today we will have had 60% of the s&p report. we have 75% of them beating on the top line,e around 68% on the bottom line. the guidance is mixed. it is going to be very center dependent. maria: that's what we've been seeing. john, how do you see it? >> i think earnings will do well for high tech companies. we increasingly move towards e-commerce and we're beginning to see the start of explosive extended growth for artificial intelligence. how can you go wrong betting on these companies long term? on the energy side, well, if oil prices stay where they currently are, over $80 per barrel, we're
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going to have double digit percentage increases for oil related revenues in the second quarter. of course, the worry is going forward eventually this economy has to slow if we are going to resolve our issues with rapid price inflation. maria: we are slowing. we're seeing pretty stark numbers. we were all the way at 4.9% growth in the third quarter. yesterday we got the gdp out. it he was 1.6%. you're seeing that steady decline and finally an i'm exact of the 11 -- impact of the 11 rate hikes we saw. look at the 10 year treasury this morning, right now at 4.69%. we're right there kissing up to 4.7%, brenda. okay. even though that's down 1 basis point this morning. treasury secretary janet yellen reacting to yesterday's weaker than expected first quarter gdp. here's what she said. >> what is your reaction hot off the presses to today's first quarter gdp data? >> a lot of the data take theres
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actually not yet in hand. there could be revisions. the u.s. economy continues to perform very, very well. the fundamentals here are in line with inflation continuing down back toward normal levels. maria: that was a lot of talking points. you're talking about the slowest economic growth story since second quarter 2022, brenda. we've got the pce index out. year over year it is exact todd be up 2.7%. jamie dimon told the wall street journal that he's giving a soft landing long odds. watch this. >> the consumer's in pretty good shape. one thing you've got to be questioning about, a lot of it is driven by fiscal spending. that will have other consequences possibly down the road, called inflation, which may not go away like people expect. i look at the range of possible outcomes. you could have that soft landing. i'm a little more worried that it may he not be so soft and inflation may not quite go away
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and rates may have to go up higher, the 10 year rate, 5 year rate, and that could have consequences. maria: your thoughts, brenda? >> so this jamie dimon interview is definitely getting a lot of coverage. look, i don't agree he with everything he's saying especially around the probability of a soft landing. we're pricing in two rate cuts starting in september. there's one thing i'm aligned with him on, that is u.s. debt level. we talk about how the fed rate hikes have been punitive for the u.s. consumer. it is punishing for the u.s. government. let's look at the numbers for a second. $33 trillion debt levels. we had a $1.8 trillion deficit last year, 18% of federal spending goes to servicing interest and by the way, this is 3% interest rate. these numbers are scary. this is an important election issue. maria: that's absolutely right. jamie dimon felt this way for a long time. he told me the exact same thing
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in january, that he's skeptical of the soft landing, that inflation will stay high because of the fiscal spending and he's right. look at the fiscal spending, talking about the inflation reduction act, fees call responsibility act, forgiveness of student loan act, chips act, green energy tax credits, adding up to $7 trillion. the fed is fighting the fiscal money coming at you. i want to ask about the independence of the fed. i feel like i'm reading the washington post this morning with this article in the journal. the wall street journal is writing that the former president trump's allies are drawing up plans to challenge the fed's independence, urging that the president should be consulted on rate decisions. this is what the wall street journal is writing this morning. meanwhile, it was president biden who had all these opinions about the fed and a seems to be publicly egging on jay powell to cut interest rates. here's joe biden just a couple weeks ago. watch this. i do stand by my prediction that before the year is out there will be a rate cut, it may be delayed a month or some i'm
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not sure of we don't know what the fed will do for certain. >> would you reappoint jay powell? >> no, i wouldn't do that. >> you wouldn't reappoint him? >> no, no. >> because he missed inflation? >> he did miss. he did miss. but no, i wouldn't be inclined -- maria: so there you have president trump back in february telling me that he would not reappoint jay powell. we all knew that already. the journal is trying to suggest that his allies are trying to come up with some plan to make the fed not independent even in the face of joe biden publicly egging on jay powell to cut rates. your thoughts, john? >> what's new here? my goodness, i'm really surprised that the wall street journal published an article like that. i mean, the economists who back donald trump know very well that you want to do nothing to challenge the independence of the federal reserve. if you do that, if you make the fed look politically influenced, that would be ruining the dollar exchange rate and that would
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send treasury bond yields sky high with horrible implications for the u.s. economy. maria: i mean, look, joe biden says we're getting a rate cut it's going to be delayed a month. why would he say it's going to be delayed a b month? did he speak with jay powell? is he messaging jay powell? why did he say that? >> if jay powell is taking directions from joe biden we're in a lot of trouble and the problem with inflation is not going to go away anytime soon. it will be with us in november and joe biden will pay for that. maria: yeah. brenda, have you changed the way you invest because inflation remains sticky, because its staying at elevated levels here and it's not -- nowhere near the fed's target of 2%? >> the last time we were talking before the march cpi i remember saying something to you specifically, that if we saw another high print after january, february, things would change and that's exactly what we've seen. we've seen the s&p off 5 and-a-half percent since the march highs. we have the 10 year at 4.7%.
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i do think the repricing of fixed income has happened. maybe we go up to 4.75 today. i don't think we'll see a pce number that we like but i do think that fundamentally we're going to see the 10 year fall to 3.8 by the end of the year. maria: seems unlikely to me too. brenda, great to see you. thanks very much. john, you're with us all morning. we're grateful for that. quick break and then new polls show trump beating biden in the sunshine state. florida congresswoman anna paulina luna will join me on how voters are feeling in her home state. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back.
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trika fishing rods are the rebirth of the fishing rod industry. our carbon fiber reel seat, grips and ekkochamber technology,
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makes our rods twice as sensitive as high-end competitors. for more details, go to the need for domestic lithium production is crucial. surge battery metals is filling the demand and reducing our reliance on foreign sources with its best in class lithium discovery. surge battery metals, energizing our future. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit...
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unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back. a new axios survey conducted by the harris poll finds 51% of americans including 42% of democrats all support mass he deportation of illegal migrants. nearly two thirds of americans also say that illegal immigration is a real crisis, not politically driven media narrative. 32% of americans say the biden administration is, quote, most responsible for this current border crisis. joining me now is floridas flora congresswoman, anna paulina luna. you made the point in the past,
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every state is a border state, including florida. >> most certainly. in fact, we're seeing right now with republicans leading by over -- almost a million voters in the state of florida, you know, biden was just here in tampa the other day and maria, there was tens of voters there. there was not a massive support cry for president biden. going back to what your statement was saying earlier, the numbers across america have swung upwards of 15 points from june of 2020 in regards to the illegal immigration crisis that this administration created. maria: yeah. i'm glad you mentioned that. because there's a new national poll from the university of north florida. it finds former president trump is leading president biden by 2 points among likely voters. biden claimed earlier this week while he was in florida as you just mentioned, he said florida is in play for the dams. for thedemocrats. watch this. >> i think florida is in play y natnationally.
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[cheers and applause] >> ni nikki is doing a hell oa job. whether the press thinks i'm good, bad or indifferent. i think they acknowledge there's less than the truth that comes out of the other guy's mouth. you wouldn't know it from what you're reading here but we're in pretty good shape in the polls. maria: so many mistruths coming you out of this president. he's being called out on it right and left. he says nothing that comes out of trump's mouth is truth. trump won florida in 2016 and 2020. what is your reaction to biden saying florida is in play? >> it is absolutely not in play. you can hear all 10 of his supporters in the background cheering. i will tell you that every day when i'm out in the community the, people understand what's happening at our southern border. it is absolutely a topic of discussion but also inflation and with this economy continuing the way it's going, biden's not looking good in his favorability
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across the country, especially in florida. you know the pathway to the white house is through the state of florida, the i-4 corridor, they're trying to say florida is in play but it's not. it's going to trump. maria: you have been outraged by the government spying on ordinary americans. tell us what you did with fisa, which passed. >> yeah. so i actually made a last ditch effort to prevent fisa from passing as is. i'm a privacy hawk. i'm also a defender of the fofourth amendment. there's a gross overreach and a carve out for members of congress so we would get notified if we're under surveillance and the average american person would not. i don't agree with that. i'm hopeful when president trump gets back in office and we have a speaker that will be aggressive on this that we'll be able to help the american people. it he was a travesty. i tried to make a last ditch effort to pause that but unfort
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notly it passed. maria: it passed and was extended an additional two years, versus five. so that was one thing in your corner in terms of it didn't get the full five year extension. just two years. >> correct. correct. and so hopefully at the end of that two year mark, again, that will come back up for renegotiation. i think it's important for the american people to know that you can have a safe country where your civil liberties aren't violated. you can also back entities like the cia, the nsa, that are supposed to fight for the american people but we know the fisa courts have been abused and we can't allow this to continue especially if we want a free and fair society. maria: the fbi and cia spied on president trump when he was candidate trump, when he was president trump. just out outrageous. the overseas component of catching the bad guys is what people are talking about. you said a minute ago that we'll
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look at this again when president trump gets in office and when we have a different speaker. are you suggesting that the speaker's situation in terms of this motion to vacate is still in play? >> i don't believe the motion to vacate is in play. my concern cans for that currently with timing is that i believe that there would be people that might take a deal and either have coalition government or give the gavel to hakim jeffries. i can't support that. i will say there's a lot of frustration within the republican body and although mike johnson is a nice man, i can't get behind what he's currently doing and so i'm looking for other names potentially to float for speaker in the fall. maria: in the fall. >> well, after this november election is more or less to clarify. maria: congresswoman, thanks very much. great to see you this morning. we'll be watching your work. >> thanks. maria: anna paulina luna in florida this morning. quick break and then the supreme court hears the first arguments
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for donald trump's presidential immunity case. republican national committee chairman michael whatley is here to discuss all of that after the break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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maria: welcome back. disgraced media mogul harvey wine's rape charge in new york overturned by an appeals court. lauren simonetti with details now. lauren. >> in a 4-3 decision the court finding the trial judge allowed
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prosecutors to call women who claimed weinstein assaulted them to testify even though their allegations didn't specifically relate to weinstein's charges. the legal team is optimistic this overruling will strengthen his appeal over the los angeles rape cop conviction from two ye. california congressman adam schiff getting a taste of san francisco's crime crisis, thieves stole the luggage from his car that was sitting in a parking garage. that caused the democrat to give a speech at an upscale dinner party in short sleeves and hiking vest when everyone else was in suits and formal you atire. that's a -- attire. that's tragic situation. it happened to me before. southwest airlines is limiting hiring and closing operations at a four airports, including syracuse, bellingham and george bush intercontinental airport in
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houston, texas. southwest reported a loss of $231 million in the first quarter. it's expected to end the year with 2,000 fewer employees than it had at the beginning of the year. shares flat after tumbling yesterday. kim kardashian is back at the white house, she held a meeting with kamala harris. she wants criminal justice reform. she met with pardoned criminals who have been wrongly convicted. the vice president is a big believer in second chances and will continue to pardon those who have paid their debts to society, maria. maria: lauren, thank you. well, the supreme court apeering open to granting some level of immunity to protect former president donald trump from prosecution in the civil fraud trial and so called hush money case, trump praising the nation's highest court yesterday watch this. >> i think it was made clear, i hope it was made clear that a president has to have immunity. if you don't have a president or
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it would be a ceremonial president. that's not what the founders had in mind. the justices were on their game. presidential immunity is imperative or you practically won't have a country anymore. maria: joining me now is republican national committee chairman, michael whatley. mr. chairman, great to have you this morning. welcome back. >> great to be on with you, maria. maria: give us your take on this, your response, your reaction from what you heard from the supreme court justices. >> i'll leave the legal defense and arguments up to the president's lawyers. what i can say from watching the hearing, listening to the hearing yesterday is that they are very inclined at the supreme court to keep the doctrine of presidential immunity in place where it's been for the past 240 years and this is really important. it's not just important for president trump. but it's important for every other president that has come or is going to come of after him. maria: yeah. i think that's a great point. a new research poll shows where majority of voters are putting their doubt in the trump you biden matchup, just 15% of
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voters feel extremely or very confident that joe biden is physician i you callie fit. -- physically fit. 65% say he's not foyt be president. voters are confident in president trump's physical fitness. they claim they're less confident he will act in an ethical way in office. 59% say not at all a. talking totalk to donors n all . what are you hearing. >> what we're hearing from across the country is president biden is not the right man to be leading this company or this done you tri, excuse me. there's -- country, excuse me. there's no question about i you think about the four years under donald trump, the four years we've seen under joe biden, america and the world are in a much better place when we have a strong america and that is true whether it's the economy, it's our homeland security, it's national security, we need to have a strong place in the world. we're not going to have that with joe biden at the helm and we will have that with president trump. maria: and we see that in poll
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after poll. a new poll from university of north florida shows president trump leading president biden nationally by 2 points. biden claims he thinks florida is in play. even opening his first field campaign office in the state. plpresident trump is feeling confident about flipping new york red. watch this. >> there's a new poll out that shows you're 10 points behind president biden in new york. do you think you'll win new york. >> we'll make a play for new york. we'll run very hard in new york. we have a good chance of winning new york. maria: so what do you say about that, michael? what kind of a play are you expecting to make for new york? >> look, i think the fact that president trump is playing offense shows you where with we stand in this election cycle. the president biden right now is playing defense in every single state. president trump is winning in every single battleground state. we're winning on the national polls, we are winning on polls that talk about the economy that talk about homeland security and immigration, that talk about national security, that he is up
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and he's playing offense. joe biden thinking he can play in florida when he's losing 47, 37 in the polls, i think you go back to the mental acuity question. the president is able to put places in play right now. look what he did in new york earlier this week when he went to visit a construction site and had construction workers shouting usa, usa, usa. look at what happened when he ran around the corner to a bodega, look at what happened when he went to atlanta to a chick-fil-a. he is a man right now who is connecting with i'll a americans and joe biden unfortunately is just not able to do it. actually, it was kind of fun to look at the contrast yesterday when president trump was on a construction site, joe biden was still in bed. maria: yeah. we're showing that video right now, they were saying we want trump, we want trump, usa, and it was great to see it. and he does this at 6:30 in the morning, trying to jam in campaign appearances in the middle of these court
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appearanceses and this trial underway. let's talk about your priorities as chairman of the rnc. i know the rnc has not been this aligned with the president in a long time. president trump raking in over $50 million at that florida fundraiser earlier this month marking a single event record but the biden administration still is outpacing trump partially due to court cases hindering trump's campaigning, michael. hows is fund raising going and a is this court situation that trump has to be downtown facing a jury all day long,s is that a affecting your ability to fun raisefund raise or of trump's ay to move ahead. >> not at all. we're raising a million dollars in small donations every day when he's in court. when he's not in court, he's able to move around the country. we had over $100 million we were able to raise in the first four weeks after him becoming our presumptive nominee. the fact that joe biden has a lead, he's been in the white house right now, he's been with the dnc for over four years. we're making up ground on it and
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we will have the resources that we need to get our message out to the american people when it comes time for this election in november. maria: so you told me your priorities are number one fund raising and number two ensuring a transparent election. what have you done in that regard? >> look, we are building out our election integrity program right now. as a matter of fact, just yesterday at the rnc we had lara trump come up and the campaign team sit down, we're building out in all of our states right now, particularly our battleground states. with we are going to make sure that this elections is going to be fair, it's going to be accurate, it's going to be transparent. it's going to be secure. we know right now that when we protect the sanctity of the ballot we'll be in great shape they in november. maria: are there states you're focused on more so than others where you think there could be . >> we're looking at every state in the country and make sure we
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have the resources we need to speat in the battleground states and it comes down to two things. we're going to get out the vote and he protect the ballot. we're also going to be competing in other states across the country where we're again playing offense right now and joe biden is playing defense. maria: let me bring in joe pinion. go ahead, joe. >> chairman, obviously you're hitting all the key points, obviously democrats have become efficient at basically harvesting votes all across the countryside, certainly we know about the grow your vote, formerly bank your vote effort to try to combat that. i want to speak specifically about the primary where we spend by some estimates over $2 billion on a contest thats was basically assured from the beginning. how do you work with some of those of donors at the large scale level to bring them back into the fold as we look to make sure this week at bernie's presidency comes to an end. >> they're coming back. we see a the donors that supported governor desantis and
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governor haley come on board. we had a fantastic kickoff dinner a few weeks ago. i'm having conversations with a number of those folks on a daily basis. the president is having conversations with those folks. with are far more unified as a party than the democrats are. you look at it poll after poll after poll that we have the base. we are getting the voters lined up, the dou donors are coming o. we'll have the resources without a doubt to make sure we get your message out to the voters when it comes time for the election in november. maria: a lot of conversation about the 10 million illegals in this country and there are some republicans who believe that the whole point this wide open border is so that those people can become voters of the democrat party. we already know that it's impacted the census. are you wore red about illegal -- worried about illegals voting in this election? do you have plans in place to ensure everybody who votes is leo legally an american citizen. >> we are very concerned about
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it. we have filed three lawsuits around the country to make sure only american citizens can vote. we are going to be all over that. that's one of our key ten nets when we look at election integrity, the legal side, we want to make sure that when people are voting by mail that those are protected ballots. we want to make sure that people are registered to v to vote thet way and only american citizens can vote. maria: you've got a sitting attorney general right now vowing to stop t voter id. i mean, you know, merrick garland actually said he will be stopping any efforts to have voter id which is head scratcher. mr. chairman, always a pleasure. come back soon. thank you, sir. >> yes, ma'am. thank you so much. maria: michael wattly joining us this morning. quick break and the monster energy super cross series visiting philadelphia for the first time in years. jeff flock is the in philly with details. >> reporter: moments away from the start in philadelphia. it's a special one this morning.
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super cross is one of the fastest growing sports in america. we'll show up close and personal in just a moment. stay tuned. we're revving up out there. ♪ maria: next week on "mornings with maria," monday, liberal university chancellor siding with anti-semetic protesters across the country. brook goldstein reacts a. tuesday, senator roger marshall on alejandro mayorkas stumbles and failures at the u.s. border. wednesday, lady gaga's father on challenges facing small business owners in m the biden economy.
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thursday, the federal reserve makes its interest rate announcement. we'll talk with stephanie pomboy and a judy shelton one day later. friday, the unemployment rate revealed right here live with the best in the business be. it's all right here on "mornings with maria." is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant, that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. maria and julio thought their life would never slow down. then one day, it finally did. you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise. [busy hospital background sounds] this healthcare network uses crowdstrike to defend against cyber attacks and protect patient information. but what if they didn't? [ominous background sounds] this is what it feels like when cyber criminals breach your network. don't risk the health of your business. crowdstrike. we stop breaches.
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“price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
7:53 am
maria: welcome back. it is time for the morning buzz. the monster energy super cross series kicking off in philly this morning, action sports like this expected to generate billions globally. fox business' jeff flock is live from the lincoln financial field in philadelphia right now. jeff. >> reporter: oh, this is the eagles home. i tell you, they're flying like eagles. look at this guy. this is crazy. this is called super cross. you know what motor cross is, you're out in the country somewhere on a track. it looks like this. super cross, they create that inside a stadium. i've got dave prager, the commissioner of the super cross. first time here in philadelphia. >> yes, it's the first time in dephiladelphia. first time at lincoln financial. >> reporter: this is one of the fastest growing sports in america. you're he setting attendance records everywhere. people will fill the stadium to watch this. >> we expect 50,000 people in here on saturday night.
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this is around 15. and we've had seven events that have been records this year. >> reporter: take a look. these guys are flying through the air. and this -- it's y amazing. you created this inside the eagles football stadium. i'm hearing 26 million pounds of dirt. >> 26 million pounds of dirt or 500 dump truck loads. we start on tuesday. >> reporter: how do you get the dirt? >> we store it by the stadium year round. it's stored year round. we bring it in to do the event. we take it back out and store it. >> reporter: the sport is growing so fast. people love this because their kids are riding motor bikes, right? >> definitely. it's a young person's sport. 18-34. the sport has blown up. in the last year we created the super motor cross world
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championship. that's given us a lot of momentum. >> reporter: a lot of companies involved in this, as maybe you see. that's a a kawasaki. you've got nine companies. >> we actually have two that a started this year, triumph and beta. it''s growing overall. >> reporter: are you trying to go flying through the air? look at this guy. holy christmas. does it go faster if you go over -- >> it does. there's a lot of obstacles. the more you c can miss by jumpg over them, the faster you go. >> reporter: it's the eagles stadium but i tell you these guys are flying higher than the eagles right now. maria: they sure are. that is awesome. thank you so much, jeff flock. really great stuff. look at those guys flying. john, joe, can you imagine doing that?
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what do you think, john? [laughter] >> i won't be doing that any time soon. i'm getting a headache just listening to the noise, getting dizzy watching these guys go flying through the air. maria: big advertising opportunity there, joe. that's what he was tal talking about, with some of those bikes. >> looks like the first successful shovel ready project that the biden administration, maybe that's what they mean by build back better. i di di don't know. maybe karine jean-pierre will try to take credit for it. it's a great opportunity for the people of pennsylvania to take their mind off the economic woes brought to you by one joseph biden. maria: we looked at the data and it doesn't seem as strong as the headlines suggest. you are right on that. joe pinion, john lonski, it's been great talking with you this morning. thank you so much for being here this morning. thanks, guys. quick break and then a house majority leader steve ska liss s
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here, we'll get the d.c. backdrop on president trump's immunity claims before the court. yoyou're watching "mornings with maria." stay with us. ♪
7:58 am
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8:00 am


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