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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  May 7, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm CEST

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of interest still in the chat, in ukraine's recruiting problem, gustavo apollo's asks, has the ukranian patriotism we saw in february of 2020 to vanish? we saw a lines of men enlisting in the army. you mentioned that they are nic and some even coming back to the country to join the fight. what change nick? i don't think anything changes as those people who were are you willing to go immediately who maybe have experience of fighting off the 2014 in that conflict in the don't pass those people who kind of had an easy route in they already fighting and have been doing so for 2 years. so now this is just, you know, a different group of people who, you know, many of whom say i will go and fight when my country asked me to, but i'm not going to recruit. and me a go would be with coaches and go and, and i, last and 2 of them don't have anybody to experience who often see why that near, they'll immediately end up on the front lines 20300 meters away from the opposing
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russian positions. and maybe don't have very realistic expectations. they all mean that there are lots of other jobs that especially can go look for them. and so i think that is a process, a kind of your shift that was expected by everyone that isn't particularly surprising, but it doesn't make it easy. and especially as constant kind of blue sky and a free. so do you like ukraine? unlike russia, you're going to have protests, you're gonna have people going on social media complaining or criticizing things. they don't like. i think that is just the reality of fighting war of conscription in a 21st century democratic democracy with social media, with all those ways of kind of, you know, people interacting, sharing their experiences. and they bring that criticism of the government to everyone's attention. that is just, i think, part of the course, i think we haven't seen a weston democracy, recruiting people in mobile, you know, quite people up in the way that ukraine is doing now in, in generation. so we wouldn't know how the same would work in the us and germany in the okay. you guys for the time being and things everyone who has submitted a question until now. keep them coming. don't be shy,
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it's super easy to get them all. just put your questions in the chat on youtube and we'll put them to make. and konstantin can be questions about the situation and you carrying the situation in russia, the general geopolitical situation surrounding the war. and of course, the work both of them have done as correspondence and experts. but before we continue with questions, we want to talk a little more about the man who started this war today. russian president vladimir was inaugurated for another 6 year term. it was an occasion full of pomp and pageantry, one that marked his 24 year long rule. as russia's supreme uncontested leader, he won a landslide election victory in march, and no contest considered neither free nor fair. and without facing any meaningful opposition. addressing the russian people he also spoke about the war in ukraine. let's listen in federal. i want to bel before our heroes, just the participants of the special military operations, e. i'm about to those who fight so that we us the new people of russia. we do have
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confirmed with the correctness of our country's course. they mean, it is of great importance right now when we are faced with hardships due to using these, but that we, we are a united in great nation together, we will overcome all obstacles and to achieve everything we have planned together, we will, when we missed you but you know, we use long time, can you correspond it and economy and our russia analysts, konstantin, god are still here with me consenting when booting was 1st inaugurated back in the year, 2000, he pledged to preserve and developed democracy and take care of russia would you have predicted that 24 years on we'd be where we are to well, 1st of all, the cold, i wouldn't have predicted that in this particular and on your actual speech, you will never use the word as democracy and freedom actually use you use the word
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freedom only ones do normally they want to describe the freedom of expression, especially these pretty well. the state to do is least even in 2018 when she's sort darren tendencies, were pretty clear. history use this key words maybe as a, as a kind of, uh, you know, a cheap uh, uh, cheap for propaganda to present himself as to, adhering to some kind of a principle. ringback of freedom and democracy, not anymore. and i think that this is such a move with a significant symbol rush as a country on a home. and of course in 2000 and a cover that integration 20 years ago. uh, i could never imagine that the lender was showing and trenches dog in the don't ask region and draws, getting referenced it is,
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i mean it was completed and imaginable that on that believe what i think put in council is actually only conference to being not so not too much behind human, a sense that you don't see a lot of them lines. and because crucial centers in rush, actually the bubble sheet counts of the country remaining in different and why, according to public opinion, was literally probably competing opinion polls and russia cannot be trusted because of very frequently people tell the posters what they think. that sort of piece would like them to say, but it's still about 60 percent of the population saying that they do not follow. they do not fully close the they do look forward to this is actually a very good result because this means that no one is going to all the rest of the population wants of population is divided between probably slight majority that supports fulton. and that is the goes to the against the wall really wants to
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change the country completely. uh, is this a situation in which principal can continue to move through the next 60 years and they have to remind you that she still has another 6 years according to the cost to choose from. but she completely re enroll to maine, just their workers, piece of paper and my very, very personal view of. so i suppose the show for russian russian society is given, puts in the blank chair. and he doesn't want to hide. now that it is mobilized countries, not totally with the brand, but with the west. he made it very clear in just speech today, the grandmother said, we are ready to be not what we're ready to talk. we're ready for dial with the west, but it depends on the west to drop. and then there was a long list of what the west has to drop those denigrating russia and not paying attention to it. sensor sensor support. and there's another interesting element
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which i think is very important. tell them into russian propaganda in the last year or so spoke in this speech and they're involved in majority of the world's population being with us. what it means is that countries like china, india, and brazil, south africa, the sole global stuff. they support russell police. they do not like the policies all the great and it's west now lines. and i'm seeing that this is something that was being rammed down the rest of the roads every day. don't worry, don't worry about my cars as a buttons as what's well, at least you next is all the japanese permits. just no, as we have the whole. busy world behind us, and this is what is important. and i'd like to before and to jump in here because we're fast running out of time. we only have about 6 minutes left. and there's some questions that i still want to get to tweak. attack,
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ask something that i might have asked both of you a number of times. how could the us elections affect ukraine? maybe let's start with you, nick, and i'm sorry to have to ask that of you briefly. if you can well, see if there's a huge, a fee here in care of, of a new trump administration. you remember, you know, trump 1st, it struggles with the 1st time around with building, with a landscape, asking the granting president for compromising information investigations into hunter biden. to a button son, so there's a track record that and his real fans that any kind of trump deal basically be depriving granted results is and forcing your grand to accept precious to them. so basically as much as your brain is trying to kind of put out its feelings, engage with republicans. there is only one candidate, and that's joe biden, who you're in. any kind of sense for ukraine looks like and kind of hopeful, continued the american support. konstantin, who are the russians routing for and the upcoming us selection of the
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conversational. my verbosity, do you think by saying the united states as not to dictatorships, there are multiple players, they are choosing congress and public opinion. let's wait and see. i think that it's not all doom and gloom given case from wins, i think, but i haven't quite a but but, but the trust in the american institutions and democracy in india and their ability to see their own life and filter it has another question for us what is the world doing to de escalate the work on something? maybe if you want to continue. well, i think i mentioned it at the beginning. i sometimes that's kind of the escalades here because pushing is for the dollars escalation, dumont, to save the lives of the desk community escalates because that's the only way he knows the best. the only way he knows he can wear. and i suppose that's it's
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a police looking from central europe looking from worse, or maybe by the way, looking from norfolk states not to it's not the best way to say that we'll keep putting it back. that will force him to leave it kind of low. it is actually showing to put him that anything he does will be matched in for wretched by the force or weak. right. and it's worse metabolized ds felicia know, in my personal leave with that is just mind you when making those have been surprised. sometimes what works there all the time. i do think the escalation now will mean we frame which a little played as basically the west render a grain to he is a to his mercy. and this is something that can not be allowed to happen to want to
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add something to that neck. it will certainly when you speak to your granite as we speak to people fighting, even those who will tell you that that tide and they haven't been home for the best part of 2 years. they will often tell you the carrying on as is to them. mind the least bad alternative because the big fear here in ukraine is that some kind of freezing of the conflict, some kind of, let's just their lead things that they offer now and figure it out later. we'll just give russia an opportunity to re, um, we'll see sanctions dropped or we can further, i rush to then come back in a few years time with more resources to finish the job. is it? what is the real fear here that the west doesn't really understand how much of what kind of central project this is full and it boots in destroying ukrainian state would. that's the perception that most ukrainians would be to have. and they say we tried freedom to conflict in 2014 and we saw where that gold us we so yeah, rush to holding onto a big chunk of our church and then coming from, oh, so there isn't really any kind of clear vision unless maybe daniel tension would be some kind of nato membership of guarantee for the territory that currently controls
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. if there was that kind of hard and fast from us, then maybe the granting population would be more open to some kind of freezing. but for now, it's not something that you see being particular popular with anyone here. mm hm. and the final question, i think because we only have 2 minutes left on the clock gallon asks, does ukraine have the military knowledge to the feet? russia, nick, what do you say as well, i think we've seen that ukrainian so as the shows they're able to learn how to use western equipment incredibly false. they both and had a couple of weeks where in most that nature, armies they'd have months if not years to do the same thing. we have heard that western countries are sending move transfer shays and trying to coordinate more closely to maybe work on some of the strategies that some of the ukraine you know, mean performance is being patchy at that in some places the doctrines and that kind of strategy has been clever than in other places. these are things we call really, frank jekyll, verify. but for the most part, i think it's important to remember how few people believed that ukraine would still
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be here. in back in 2022 most people to me or even western friends of ukraine, thought this whole would be over and a bunch of weeks at most. so i think you great has, you know, basically surprised its critics and it's gotten, they says, for the best part of the last 2 years. and that is unfortunately all we have time for today. but i want to thank my guess for sharing their insights is always great to be able to pick your brain. and of course, the big things to you, our viewers, our users on youtube, especially those who send them their questions without you. we couldn't do this and we're hoping to do this more often. let me know what you thought of this edition of ask the double you. you can leave a comment on our youtube page. you can also reach out on x, for example, formerly known as twitter. my handle there is at nicole for at least i'll be happy to get in touch with you there. thank you all so much for watching and for participating. don't forget there's always more news and information and analysis. of course,
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like the one we just got from konstantin and from nick around the clock on our website, that is d w dot com. thank you so much for joining bye uh of the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day an in depth look at current use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is weekdays on d, w the
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the, some people here are being taken for a ride test level to make sure that this is the gemstone area for 74 years and for the water system,
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we oppose such as the pen here in canada because we can't afford to carry on this way. why? so who lives? multi billionaire, he alone must once it's company tesla to expand the giga factory in germany, knocked down parts of this forest. turning what was once a sleepy little germantown upside down. it's a battle of david versus goliath. the 24 year old roman is ready to climb up to his current home. he has been living in a tree house in the forest for the past month. or that's not. first of all, i look for a certain date and the website was feel deeply happy in the woods. but ever since i got here, i've also felt fully grounded. but a part of this forest is to be cut down to expand
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a factory that is building climate friendly electric cars. a contradiction says roman who is set to start his master's, specializing in environmental protection. he and others are occupying the trees as a form of civil resistance to tesla. many of the activists cover their faces when the cameras are on the romans name is also only an alias. test size. this new testament is graded, selling what they're doing as a solution, is the green alternative to what we already have. we can't afford to carry on this way had once liked a long term. not everyone won't be able to have a car come up as long as this because him time sheet on alta hobb. ready ready ready wire parts of this forest in danger. let's run through it. in 201911, most adults. but tesla would be coming to green height of a small town. just east of berlin. mosque bought land from the state of brandenburg to build a mass of factory. this plan produces tesla's model. why?
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for the european and international market, a mid range s u v, which was the world's best selling car last year. currently tested, it produces around $300000.00 electric cars per year between high to and wants to more than tripled. this number of scaling, the production process would require tesla to expand the giga factory, knocking down a part of a forest for a logistics center and a train station. this is some things we'd hide a resident model we, la jolla will not stand for. we met her because she found the local citizens initiative and is campaigning loudly against any further expansion. since day one, she's been fighting against the giga factories, destruction of the environment, as she calls that the young people living in the camp. the con, her natural allies. this on to i, i this, it's great that so many young people are committed to preserving the forest and water act as why does this lots of and that's why these are the most of this forest
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. and the area up ahead is an a drinking water protection zone with some goose entire. i'm think off of what's good beach. not just the trees are a point of concern in the ground beneath live vital water supplies. if these were to be contaminated, tens of thousands of people might find themselves without drinking water. she fears this isn't comstock. it's a bottle of david versus goliath. it's a fight that just makes you feel powerless and angry at times. and left. in a recent poll held include height of over 60 percent of citizens voted against the test. those plans to expand the planned, even though tesla, hudson scaled down its plans. the company is still set on expanding its facility. every state, now it's here for these are size folks here we are standing in front of this door and factory on the i want to tell you understand about the survey showing the
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residents of golden hide. i didn't want an expansion, idaho one, and we'll continue to fight it again can test or should stay on the site that's already been ruined and not clear anymore. forest, china and vitamin vitamin, who we want to hear tesla's side of the story, but our interview requests go on, answered the company, as in from us for not replying to media or requests. however, what is known is that they've built a brand new industrial water filtration system. it allows the giga factory to recycle almost all of its industrial wastewater. but despite testers environmental efforts, the giga factory continues to face heavy resistance. in march, a power mask was set on fire. a radical leftist group claimed responsibility for the attack, which halted production that tested for days, costing the company millions. the lot must called the group the quote, dumbest e co terrorists on earth for stopping the production of electric vehicles and
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visited the plant include high to the attack was condemned by local authorities and marked the biggest escalation. so far we want to hear an expert's take on the environmental situation. i need water scientist, my team push. he says the area has been heavily impacted by climate change. and despite recent reins is usually one of the driest regions in germany. this is me because i'm a public than usual to do the factory on the water protection area. people are worried about test. so now is all the body of water where the factory is located is one of the few we have in this region multiple. but if it were to become polluted and there'd be nothing to replace it with a flip, some get pregnant of that. but the factory also has supporters among the local
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population. my mom is i screwed up. my name is brett dakota and from june high to innovation and the future are important to me. and i think it's important to him. good. the testing is here. what is trula is part of the different citizens initiative together with his friend to abuse live. he follows and documents the development of giga berlin. so be you definitely, steve, a test that everyone's talking about. tests like tesla also influence has everything to the test and it makes many decisions that provoke discussions we can do without god being can they say one of their goals is to bottled misinformation that has been pulled out by some of the test. let's opponents their initiative is they are to inform fellow citizens and enable affect driven debate grounded on a scientific basis. they say, just like the protesters in the camp,
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they are also worried about climate change. as other than everyone always says, electric cars can stop climate change on their own. that's true, but public transport can't either. nothing on its own can stop climate change and we need lots of different solutions. and that is all transportation is one of the. busy world's largest contributors to carbon emissions. electric vehicles are seen as part of the solution by many tesla which specializes in these is the world's most valuable car company. ready currently, there are 5 giga factories operating around the world test. let's dig a factory in germany opened in 2022 and is the only one in europe. test will make sure that this is a, a gemstone for the area for germany, for europe, and for the world. the plant has generated economic growth in the region around
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12000 people currently work a test line between height alone. tesla is such a big name. even jeremy's chancellor, old of shorts showed up for the opening, the electron mobility, electron mobility will shape the mobility of the future. that is clear here today. yeah. lot the, despite the support from the highest levels of government, the 9000 people actually living and we hired to have very mixed opinions on tesla. the many people we met who refused to speak on cameras, said there was a tear running through the fabric of the town. families and friends are divided into separate comes some criticize tesla, others be active as josh and you know, i think it's a shame. but if it brings any benefits to going high to in the region, i'd say yes and the other i was on his progress, which i was basically in favor of testing or coming here. i still stand by that
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because it can only advance the region. i was actually a bit against expansion though, because i think they should use the space they already have 1st. you know, i'm not, i'm just rather than protesting, they should be trying to get one of the jobs tests was offering. how many members probably never worked a day in their lives, they should work for 48 years like i did. that entire will just lay about it's good for nothing's going. the, this is where 2 worlds flush on their way to work. in the giga factory test, the workers have to pass by a t test lab protesters. very few of them ever stop at the info stands to chat with the actors. it's difficult for roman to find people to talk to so it's just him and the car except a business. if anything is
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a few that has to be 5 years ago. i would have said testament, amazing or something. i'm of them. i don't know. i have a different opinion with alta point than not such a cough on these days. yeah, i think that we're simply spoiling a lot of opportunities with excessive individual transport. uh, fox news hall. so i told her own what does it say stuff tested? well filming in front of the main entrance, we are approached by a test flight employee. hello. i think this address one is wondering what do you guys filming? what do you guys have to which outlet you are from? yes, i am from test. or are you from the are so sorry to say we don't really have the press department of testing. so usually our policy is, uh, i mean everybody has their own road here, obviously, so they can do whatever they want. but we usually have this then that then nobody we can talk to the press. woman says it will be difficult to find common ground.
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when asked what a solution could look like, he tells us the 1st step for him is to stop tested as expansion. and then maybe some day to end the production of eaves and instead build trims, buses, and trains in what was once the test, let's giga factory. but it's not realistic. the must be the investigator such power behind it. one of the richest people in the world has decided this thing should go here and people eat out of his hand, thousands of life and that's going to be so globally connected is the richest people in the world. generally have much more leeway many more context then we may be having our tree has to be on the bottom of the and so he's back in his world. that's so different from the joint giga factory, the,
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the forest seems to be peaceful right now. a while to fight against the tesla continuous of the truly treated by western european patients of the nome and medical textbooks. does that lead to discrimination against people of color in medicine? does it result in false diagnoses? and more complications? is the racism in medicine? in 15 minutes and d w actually ride through the guides know the way around the is strictly scientific truth
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to some pretty key places. curiosity is we tried tomorrow today in 90 minutes on d. w. the get ready for an exciting auditoriums to look surprised. hi, irish, and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a one to delete it from port on it. please go to the spot on the on expected side to side. enjoy the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the we news line from berlin is really tags roll into a rasa in southern casa, israel takes control of a key border of crossing inside the territory. the incursion leaves a new ceasefire deal hanging in the balance. also coming up the smiles and handshakes as lot of my putting as sworn in as russia as president for an unprecedented 5th term clearing the way for another 6 years in power. the