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tv   Reporter - On Location  Deutsche Welle  May 7, 2024 5:45pm-6:00pm CEST

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more inclusive for the people that will go flying the stuff to the town on the i was allowed to mix concrete space. see what's concrete release is more c o 2 around the world and then the entire aerospace industry. so if we can examine this traditional material under very specific conditions and space in the end, put our results into a computer model with us all. and then we can optimize concrete to them and hopefully make a major contribution to combat in climate change, right? it's about getting them clean up under by the learning style space in charleston data. when scientists wanted to build satellites, the i assess was always seen as a huge thing that cost too much. that's all phrase. but if you look at it, sides of the research that's being done there,
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and the international community that's coming together around it all the and it's really a star itself, in terms of space exploration is one of humanity's greatest achievement. what is either good or some at full, okay, better than mine in china and that on portion of the, the scene out that has this video has a serious story behind it. when i was commander hallowell and just hang around, there is come on the spy at home to i guess. as crew members have survived the boarded launch of their russian carrier rocket. landing unharmed didn't cause ex done, but it, there still use a capsule, had to make an emergency landing after a major propulsion failure, northland us. astronaut nick, hague, and russian cosmonaut alexi of
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t mean had been due to join the crew of the international space station onto i lied to him from alex on that guess flushed out and you are not here to come. i understood that i was now commanding a crew of 3 on the space station. ones is printing and i realized our mission might take a lot longer than we anticipated the slides or falls because we're not sure i said to my crew, because after they're going to ask us how long we can stay up here and can i do that? i, i asked them if they were ready, and how long they were prepared to stay the number to do black on their answer was i down as long as it takes to protect this valuable station that for the week or to fits. dogger guthrie says, who done this month, it was part of my task to keep the crew spirits up a mid that uncertainty by knowing that this one too much, but maintaining motivation and a sense of togetherness. sorry, so that nobody got frustrated kind of what's that? so an outcome you as i said, the last one. i dropped the darth vader costume because i just had
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a feeling it might come in handy. though i didn't know how it was turned out to be perfect and the fire products and my 2 colleagues were really creative. i'm digging the sergei worked out a really good elvis costume they gave. well it was, i still laugh when i think about it was different about how many cars when they went to read. and serena was the navy professor when we had a lot of fun spot the the, this, the, i would expect it was by far the status day of my 6 months in space. and when you were up there it couldn't. you can see signs of life during the day to come this, but if night life on earth is wonderfully illuminated by all the city lights and
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got back on february 24th. and we were flying over europe with everything brightly lit, talking fluid. and i just wondered, but the suddenly we came to a dark spot right in the middle of the year when the flight was so striking, for at least as has been said, really hit us hard to do something that happened in that country. indeed, the whole country had gone dark with only the capital keys still visible helps that the key of everything else was blocked out. so as not to reveal targets for the russian air, strikes us the beaten native trigger. we knew it was something we had to talk about, okay, that's because up there were a little family was in the profession, but it doesn't tell you that within that family, one of these if we can only work together efficiently and faced the dangers and emergencies that come our way to hundreds of people are all pulling together. they come to know my sending the and understands the and then obviously it at some point i grabbed anton from defend his commander from on the then also po to are in his russian colleagues. stuff and that was, but i wasn't able to start an in depth discussion of people that said was
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immediately clear that people had been given completely different information, contact info about so once the argument was being made and that they had to fight terrorists in the country i've been listening to the listening to can well that's how it was on the 24 as their strength and pencil in the days that followed. it was relative iced my. i thought i'd like to be at the invasion dirty. there was some discussion in western media and the 9 cosmonaut were sending a pro ukraine message for coming to you by here. i think i can correct that here in no condition i am. yeah, for those suits, had been chosen and ordered a year before the launch on. so the color was pure coincidence. i see these are 5 years later i saw all like flying through the station wearing a jacket or like i said, aren't you to warm with that jacket on him at that? yeah. can you beat around the bush for a bit?
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and then he said, we only have yellow sweaters and we're not allowed to wear yellow anymore. got it. police move forward is from ground control and buy some home board or and i gave him my blue sweater on so that he wouldn't have to go around the station wearing his jacket. that's one thing, was the fight in some to one on wouldn't. another thing that happened was that question. credit cards were blocks from western services because of the sanctions. i know so that included the music streaming service spot of finance. and on one of several, we were able to use capacity in the development of the so all of a sudden my russian colleagues had no music in going on with that. that has an impact on the cruise well being out. so we let them use our log and once they hit the thing which isn't entirely legal, i'm all because act yeah, and that's mind. but it was really important that they could listen to music and relax up there. yeah, just like we could even come to open on to this. yeah. or you can also respond country via the
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yes, this is us. couldn't the quote, but there were many reasons the i ss came into being the most important was cooperation void. there's still a huge demand for experiments and technologies from and experimenting on to here looking. we're doing more experiments on board the i ss than ever before. has me a experiment as gates before. and we have more researchers than ever applying to carry out experiments with us, despite all that, the fact is, there isn't going to be a successor to the i ss as we know it today. and it's making that we've been able to use the international space station to test out the capabilities that will be needing to go with the present to space. so the international space station has been used not just for technology pro, uh, in terms of,
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of facilities capabilities, but also for humans as setting how the human operates in space as well. and so with the things that we have learned that allows us to be able to know that we have the right systems going forward to the moon. and we're learning what we need to go to ours. yeah, hospitalization, because the space station is the massive entity instructor who gets well suited to large scale scientific experiments. so now you can do all sorts of things with an theme, a comment on this, but for commercial purposes, it's just too big and expensive. to tell you, maintaining it costs far too much. that's why private companies now want small but sophisticated space stations and noticeable they don't need thousands of square meters of living space. i would flush, you just 2 or 300 would be enough. all right, that's why smaller ones are being built now and see if you have a client that we've gone off with. uh yeah, yeah, contracts to help develop us commercial space station space. we're flying private
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astronaut missions to the international space patients, and we need that time to transition from a u. s. involvement in this huge international space station to smaller commercial destinations and space where the u. s. is one of many customers, not primarily responsible, so we can focus on that job of exploring the on planet or the sort taishan is bringing it down will be much more technically challenging than ending the operation of the mirror station that's on the yes. as the i ss has a mass of around 420 tons. good. so i'm going to send as things stand today, it won't be dismantled data parts with each heart brought into reentry individually and that's on the whole thing. and it's entirely you will have to be brought in the
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re entry class to be and listen. i need to push a little typical live span of a space station is about 30 years. are it's like a car after 15 years and it needs more and more repairs. and you start to think about getting something out just obviously it's by the get see, and that's what i think will happen with the current space station. just as repairs go up and companies won't be as interested and they'll let their space stations burn up in the atmosphere that must be in effect, most uh, blew up with us. we didn't from mirror, we have experience and had to bring a space station out of orbit to be the something meter e, which was good. it's no easy task. technically speaking to play football, he was more than a sample do because i'm a well end up helping my colleagues to make the necessary decisions and to deal with unexpected situations. it's the arise, the company, or we can stephanie to thoughts as daniel to but i hope this isn't going to happen in the near future, and you shall not even though the station has already been an orbit longer than planned to him. but listen, they escaped uncle kate, this to nasa is already figuring out concrete scenarios for doing at the,
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from late model, the process. and they know what would happen if the space station had to come down tomorrow. you know, the americans would know exactly how to do it and it can also be if it needs to be t orbited, it will probably also be one of those types of like experiments or like, safely done where, you know, it's done in a way that we learn from it could stay near this one and there are plans to build a vehicle, send it up and have it push the i assess out of its orbit. i'm cheap else with you a bond shaped and done, then they'd let it burn up over a specific location waters which i probably the south pacific, which is also where me are, came down and take it from this. most of it would burn up and a few metal parts would crash into the sea. let me talk to the men to done though. that's a complex operation so that you can't just do it to excel, but it needs a great deal of precise planning email. so the space agencies will definitely be involved on them on to the isn't the homes that are going to and that to stop by the problem in the me. well,
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the are really sad moment the that's how we felt when the mir station was brought out of orbit, because that'd be this done. se mute, but this will be especially side. yeah. the more because the i ss wasn't just a place where we weren't in the system to. it was also a place where we really lived with me some of the night, the midst of got to them with, as really is really an opportunity for me. so i go outside and i see the space station go on overhead. and 1st i think about my friends that are on board and wonder what they're doing, how they're doing. got the moment and why not. uh yeah, there were times during my mission when the 3 of us on the space station realized that at that exact moment, there were 7000000000 people on our home planet and with an iphone and just 3 members of our species outside of it. was that and that's what you felt like a sheep separated from the her office from the attic. it's kentwood, it done mostly kind of like events and you had to smile because it was such a crazy situation. and such a privilege to an ad assisting customer to be the,
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the i s s means to me, cooperation and experts know for me it was most of the teachers stations may well be smaller and built differently. and we might achieve other unique things, like going to mars literacy boot missions where all of humanity comes together to achieve something, even more ambitious in the i ss of the encourage you this in the city. we all know that we can only solve the world's major challenges by working together. and the i ss was the best proof that, that's possible. yes. is this best advice for you? the mushrooms side of the world. kendra one to many people that then say cat,
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the country has a sliding mushroom industry conditions there are ideal for cultivating that 2 choices. unhealthy alternative to me. you could have bridges there in georgia with the, with the most admitted much folks here for you. and the shelter for the pico africa in 30 minutes on d w, the german dw, or emphasizing the award winning offer is available worldwide. every language level. reading gentleman has been sent to me to go the
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is the state of the news coming to line from berlin is really tanks rolled into rafa in southern guns of israel takes control of the key border crossing inside the territory incursions leaves a new cease fire deal hanging in the balance also coming up, joe biden condemns anti semitism at a holocaust memorial ceremony. the us president warns against the rise and anti jewish feeling observed in america since the start of the war and does the man james says vladimir putin this morning.