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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 28, 2024 12:00am-12:02am CEST

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the, so the opportunity was law firm, our 3 pa documentary series on last day has the dots may 4th on d, w. the, this is the, the new york, and these are our top story. south africa has been celebrating it's freedom day, told to use off to the historic elections that's mocked the end of apartheid. south african leaders attended events and photography, a which intuitive newest performances and a $21.00 gun salute bought disillusionment with b and c. let the government is growing for feeding to tackle driving unemployment and forward to russia has launched messiah stripes on ukraine's energy infrastructure and other civilian targets, including a hospital in the eastern city. eagle park, keep the latest attacks. come as you create faces,
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a shortage of ad defenses. resident loading means lensky is now offering allies to supply, at least one of the 7 patriot systems. us activity of faith and the lincoln has scheduled a visit to saudi arabia early next week. football on got that. the announcement comes as ha says it is a viewing the new is really for for the for the sees file, it would be blinking 7th. was it to the region since the beginning of the war almost 7 months ago. you're watching dw news from button, you'll find much more on our website at the top to com the of the deal. we didn't force it on any one, but we did sell them such a product to us and by agreed in the 2 thousands dollar to bank engaged in
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various high risk business practice discharge. the bank was basically involved in every shady scandal in the banking sector. well, twice a range for ever higher process. if you made money, that was pressure to make more money. and then the mind of a german institution, the george of back story may 2nd on d w. that has to for what did you do to i'd say the tenant she survived. oh sure. it's thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is martin the the genuine 2 musicians under this.


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