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  U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  May 6, 2024 6:12pm-6:18pm EDT

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that's happening in a community? lots of opportunity in the future. i'm hopeful for the future but we have to invest. and make sure that we are working together as one team around data. michael: what you might not recognize with mandy, she was perfectly situated, one hour from d.c. and one hour from c.d.c. headquarters in atlanta andra league. she's been perfectly bridged to support both worlds. thank you for joining us. mandy: thank you, everyone. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, whicis responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit ncicaorg] >> the u.s. house now in recess. when they return they'll continue working on veral measures including a bill to require any member of the national security council to alert the president and congressional leaders in the event of a personal medical emergency. this bill was introduced in the
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ke of defense secretary laid austin's secrehospital stay several months ago. votes are expected to be held arnd 6:30 eastern. liveoverage of the u.s. house when lawmakers return here on c-span. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we're funded by these television companies and more, including buckeye broadband. ♪ >> buckeye broadband suprts c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> forr president trump was again held in contempt of court by justice merchan for violating
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the gag order in the trial in new york. the judge warned the president he'll serve jailime if he continues to violate the gag order which forebs mr. trump of making comments about jor, witnesses or others involved th the case. lasteek he was held in cop tempt and fined $9,000 in total for ch of the previous nine instances where he violated the gag order under new york contempt law, the maximum penalty is $1,000 per violation or 30 days in jail. >> next, former president donald trump speaking to reporters as he left the courthouse in manhattan about the hush money trial against him. >> how do you think it's going? mr. trump: very well. the government just said they want two to three more weeks. that means they want to keep me off the trail for two or three
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more weeks. now anybody in there would realize that there's no case. they don't have a case. every legal scholar says they don't have a case. that is a political witch hunt. it's election interference. and this is really and truly election interference and a disgrace. it's a disgrace. and every poll i'm leading by a lot. and they figure maybe they can do something here. maybe they can -- the case should have never been brought. by the way, the previous d.a. didn't bring the case. so southern district didn't bring the case. nobody brought the case. then they brought the case as soon as i'm running and lead, that's when they decided, let's bring the case. it's a disgrace. we -- two to three more weeks? i thought they'd finish today. and they are finished today if you look at what's happening. i thought they would have been
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finished today. and they want two to three more weeks. the judge -- played right into the judge's hands. the judge is so happy about two to three more weeks. because they all wan to keep me off the campaign trail. that's all this is about. it's about election interfeern. how do we stop it. and it's a disgrace. then you have the other thing that maybe is even more frustrate, the gag order where i can't -- i have to watch every word i tell you people. he asked me a question -- you ask me a question, a simple question, i can't talk about it because this judge give massachusetts gag order and says you'll go to jail if you violate it. and frankly, you know what, our constitution is much more important than jail. it's not even close. i'll do the sacrifice any day. but what's happening here is a kiss grace to the people involve. new york looks so bad. the new york system, the so-called justice system,
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between this judge, engoron, kaplan, the corrupt judge, it's a disgrace to our nation. so i -- they said -- the way i look at it they're talking about three weeks more. and by the way they didn't fill out the -- they didn't have another witness. the government didn't have another witness. so they didn't even have time to fill it out. and then they complained. i'll tell you what, i hope you report this accurately. this is a serious threat to the constitution. in the meantime, columbia university announced today they're not going to have their graduation, not going to have a ceremony. that's happening all over the country. our country is a mess. and the most important day in the history of our country is going to be november 5 of this year. that's when the election is. going to be the most important day in the history of our
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country. what's going on with this judge is a disaster. between the gag orders and the hate he's got for me, everybody sees it. you see it better than anybody. god bless the u.s.a. reporter: is michael cohen a liar? is michael cohen a liar? ♪ >> c-span's "washington journal," a live forum involving you to discuss the latest issues in government, politics and public policy. from washington, d.c., and across the country. coming up tuesday morning, reuters reporter david shepherdson discusses federal efforts to re-authorize federal aviation