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tv   Dying Earth The Final Breath  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 2:30am-3:00am AST

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imagines and their rifles aren't real then you recruits, but they have no doubts about what the training for if i have to. yeah, i have proof of my may target is like to become a ministry daughter. but if i have to, so i think i would do that if i choose to clear the feedback that's on uh does not because of the hate of the sewage. ok. so i focused to, i need to protect my family and my people that watching carefully to military sponsor planes. drilled on an open that parade ground put through the paces in the baking heat, teach them to follow waters, experience hardship, and work together. no allowances for the female recruits. these are skills which will keep them alive. and before they can break for food, the pledge of allegiance to the people's defense rules. since the new conscription
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laws came as the 4th, thousands of young men and women have come down into the jungle to join the pro democracy forces and raw the fight against them in that region to then join the ranks. the military has been showing all its new come scripts to not seem to the beat of a brass band, but new laws, forbidding men from working overseas indicates the struggling to fill their ranks. the own pulls, the fresh supplies, handed out in front of the cameras. contrast with stores from you recruits, we say basic equipment is in short supply and the pdf have a secret with them on some the general who freedom in uh from british rule on the, on the actor who played him in a recent film about his life. now training you recruit, so where do you think the best post? conscription makes resistant, force is stronger. now what accepts that would so youth. so now joining the people,
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the defense force, instead of being conscripted by the military, we have seen many more use joined since then. oh, no bra spends here. these volunteers paying and sweat and hardship for their belief in a democratic future. a belief which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives . tony chang, l 20, eastern man. it is the final report from inside me. i, montane chang looks at the people's defense, fullest the pdf and the sizes who are taking on the gym. okay, and that's it for me my the inside coming up next to diagnose the
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. ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the front on the south, the some the, the most from the is the, when the thing between us, the indian, is this going to see me in so the by law that they the spit that on that and the same but is school knew the kids and then on my the, the,
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the, the, the, the single most when he took unique one, i normally put punch here but in wonderful. but i told them both with nor met the mine you, you that find the best he does kick 6 out of why there are moments when you can change from one state very rapidly. you to another state to. and that's called a tipping point. probably the, the one that i'm most concerned about is the amazon reinforced the all the carbon in those trees, if the trees are cut and burned for land clearing,
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winds up in the atmosphere at the edge to the climate from the there is some of the climate models that show the climate getting not just warmer but dryer. if it gets dryer, the tropical fars will not be able to survive there. we have to try to focus on keeping the warming a low, whatever that tipping point is, with the eco system changes perils. we just make the climate change problem for the issue because of a 60000 people to shoot us over to you. but if you put them into width, you will see it as a model for my product. it is a norm because of the universe. the doctor told us that if he does,
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he can then you see in the community at the new body, the link or the muscle need is so so weak gathering and improving. so that bus desa bid or by the southern good 30 any bit the later at the same look of indeed us the, the luck was a lot the at a much of victoria. busy busy yeah, any time they looking for the point in use that i it and the internet at the back for the city, the sped was mission. busy busy busy busy
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the part of young to prove unity i must on. yeah. come the story of look whether there's the line you'll meet the samples that the name of the gentleman check is pretty minimal. but that he already done a job. he did that up password. you made about mean if it's an audio, i'm trying to figure out where to send in the combined. yep. big sent maybe kind of move it on the in when thing it to the quarter on the left of data on the equivalent levels. yes. you need you to feel no decent in pictorial, be in there before the windows. it sounds good point. see much impact. could it have to be made? if i could do that, the told you you don't have time in day, you'll see on the left will seem to be that big cables, pull the animals for americans label quite the most on
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the do people say to me, i see that i see to quicktime use including the chantel thing to perfect people through here. so if the content look up, you don't by use to move forward it on by ease being graceful, made the
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last 3 made of escape be in victoria, and that i miss get out of the way and level of you know, stated that my son needs a little bit low, i just missed your mucho's. and the last on that i had already had them to say to know a welcoming me 3030 of get the name on that the where see that is it on the a couple of ways said that you got a physical made and let you go to the, the bed, i mean name, but still must say it or kids, i mean 58 on school system. what is to scan is will not be the case. i'm not sure whether it be that
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the most of the, the most uh what equal to the sequel stays on use. this is put you on muscle needle case one of the light, the total on the so starting chop data to and most of the stuff must come on who said what those single say single systems, this can be understood then through the setup. okay. most ibm was essentially the, the light, the by the you'll get the name of the key to be the same, i guess when i said read on
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the, it must be a mock, you know, so non boy stomach sound. ok. i see him. i cannot get on the side of a more than know the he was making a bill is that it is best one on go see the outcome of almost a said god about of going back subcommittee is most ibm was not a spine. your use the we must study. another lesson was almost as bound to meet on the cover all of the use the fee and these boys are some of the guys that are letting me fall. a must be so that if it goes by the end of the semester,
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the, the rest of the wireless say what on, go ahead. i was here. see somebody not eat them. our system of the most of the most is going to mean nothing. the a step at the stuff uh for a bundle is seen by the out. the easiest way to steal mine. yeah. well, most likely be get our most my chatted a bit, thrown into the way of both the states that are not allowed on my chat about that. so nice the,
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the and 0 say this, the on my son, the model going to as a bit 3 the indigenous people would have normally using the streams for drinking water for washing for whatever, for all the normal lives activities. if they were down stream, if you would of these operations now they wouldn't be contaminated. right? and depending on where they lived, they might see it. and this, okay, i'm not going to drink from the stream. but if the for the, for the down, it might not be evident that the stream with auction here and containing either heavy metals or petroleum itself, world production typically generates a lot of natural gas. at the time there was no means to handle the natural gas. if you're down wind of that flame, you're now getting carbon monoxide,
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you're gonna be inhaling as result of this operation. the is that very much? i'm getting the petroleum met. you don't not say that a mean nice. i think the new one. this one instead of me that's getting us peninsula and most of vermont is a nice just the new point. that means that i'm in the and also i'm in dallas. so my not see, not the me and looked at me. mine is alice seen say goes to the living. so the direct contact with petroleum through here,
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border excellent. the he's supposed to go in, but aside let's see somebody at a me into my la la, you this boy's the lawyer, mrs. deal or lose it on the thought he know there. federal yeah. what needs to be done. the municipal names the guy give it a minute then the i n e e. somebody or me pretty mary who elizabeth demo. sunday the need is boys bustle. 3 is on you, some of the 3 months or 3. yeah. and that was a wonderful applies to my wow. what it doesn't mean that doesn't mean to quite proto,
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for you see oriented in the designs. so the concepts given in the village to treat that you look for sampling, people must not, will not fix you on this. this was probably just the toyota is to see that bit of money at the meant to seem printer loss places destructive. use the form of unit units. yes. will be less company that is fuel is yes over the last them kid is. bill is yes, nobody has ninos villains. yes. so wrote somebody a little different sort of different audio. if you're into
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the details that i need somebody to be on your list and put them on concerts, because some way i don't know why you look at some that you must be status from a little bit as you are locked into the consul just almost in fables, i'm not clinic. okay. say it, but you have meant it can't because the good thing and freedom of commercial coming not you know such them as well. so they're meant the nothing 1st to the middle. guess the but i don't have to leave and i don't think the last one he got the last provincial toilet of the muscle. me what's on the on the sand left pro. each has must board as the goals will equivalent. there's one that, that's what he that so this we use for the low light, those boscus this up. i see it on both windows and there was the
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domain name in the above. i knew in a day even, you know, the amount of the company on me bone usually i don't mind talking about how many we put in the one on one of one of the on out on the board. okay. give me one of my maybe like $20.00 a month or not i'll get him on the timpani abalone phase. right, so mothers, 6, you know, then you so close to me of a is that the noise come from me? so noise. that means the noise in the noise means the noise ex, you know, c to another phone noise located is lower on the line. you will be the see movie soon. but these 30 phenomenon in friend don't. let's put the latest you got out of. it's somewhere in the middle canyon. those load on in,
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they move headed your medic, by eating with the car to the you said that mine, let me see and ok. and they said that he thought it was nice event that doing the spit that now my, your may go here and the money maybe one name or nothing that you just gave me that is to submit the doses case plan. i've sent this and that'll get getting mendera nice. so sitting 30 of the elite jack, i'm the man. i'm in a nice gone. yeah. you so fine. you got the most of the be the lead of the look in the video complete list of things here. he is,
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this is something that is spent on see and board and ask them, restore that a to be there. i mean, you have the meeting and kind of being delivered a beautiful. so that might be good. could i ok, but the level, the stuff in the wind turbine around my for the feel know caught me now, but i must certainly have to do. i get the black laptop shop. it's the same. he must be the one that prints the police. you can use a context and also i will not be your name, sir, because ignored my visa number, your is your case. yeah. safety. see,
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become one of the society. you could squeeze the paternity super. i'm looking it up to beautiful places, but does it petroleum drop those? they can p one young. yeah. lucky you can use that for you, but i don't have the proof of for you. i'd love to be sealed deluxe, cuz it was like simple. so do i lost se not the bank, the sage. they've hired a chance that is the gang. i'm a nice balcony on the nice by kind of how you get to visa from the the the who am i can stay on the psych, a piece of sourcing. i've got in the belfry uh, in the store like took a handbook december 5th,
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which will be by the some of the p buying out cooper for it's a good thing function. but for now, you know, can you put in whenever you get near have, and that's on the top of the proof of who should be able to grab a, digging in the off ahead by you see how far it's on that i need some piece of about the brand expecting how many i have a gun and black pants, i'm the by 2 and not be the the fine print and the feed, the dry cunning 9 the expense of fling, dr. counselor. if i can have dry, i'm stopping you on the, on the 6th finding the same i to i in the constraint the am but the sign them up again. i'm trying to cut that. can't get them on there. i can't come back. so i'm a fan to cut the now the time the my feet defining on the show on the check and so she's off, right? yeah, i get
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a mentoring the is one of them into a we we did the for now you logan assessor when beach and i must belittle. so if we see now the positive and this will definitely be the, the end of this dessie, we'd like to move my son. he's more the hispanic. i'm putting in the 5th. if i don't hear something, understand that in the supposed to be the mentor kid. okay. is the name of the head is
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a senior who's turned in the 1st place. let's see for that meet the me as soon as the last wednesday, you know me. well, i said the yes, a good day mrs. bus the john peter, john wayne massey at indian concert bucks joe ramos. yeah. the a good system of putting men leila students and then they'll come here for the month to come for get for me live channels unless the most i'm offering you to spend the yes
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i spent a more convenient ne it by the pick that makes me the audio, but i'm just putting those are the scenarios i see permit to fact of the show is lobby. that means the the c said grace is that go yours, is this everyone you are the said 0, but our me noise this i don't you assembling it. i'm only sort of that a choice time the land? no problem. okay. i then royce, no, so my best to send, send it then. yeah,
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a good disconnect. nice those races, the name of the most of the stuff that i left the of the most it bubble on the circle buy from us. beautiful. no book up i see in photos specifically that is available in film. the name of the theater is saying that uh, you know, that out of the, in 1000 is a moment. please can see that. i'm not going to give this to be the last bit or
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the in the settlement on the deadly legacy of world war to remain on the lounge. i just placed it in a fluid and now i do this, see they are literally the sense of taking time on $1.00 oh, $1.00 east meets the solomon islands. some tante scape of war that ended decades ago on,
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on the a meeting of minds. the tragedy from me, of a democratic south africa, it's how quickly we sort of adopted the very told re global news, the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew fine state and photographer shock you do on, on active is on the crisis in guns. what is happening today is happening on our watch. the news from now there will be people asking, how did you let it happen? studio will be on scripted part one on on disease.
3:00 am
a warning, the palestinians in gauze i will soon run off of news of food and medical aid as they strolled, closes the roof of border crossing the way why? my name's sight, this is island. is there in life and oh, so coming out make no mistake. the full scale of salt on vasa would


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