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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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will crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, the in the morning the palestinians in garza will soon run out of most of food and medical aid. as israel closes the roof of border crossing, the i'm on the inside. this is island, is there a line from does also coming up, making a mistake. the full scale of salt on vasa would be the human capacity for you and such. a general condemns the pleasure of border crossings into garza and calls
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for an immediate cease fund deal. ukraine says it has foiled a plan to assassinate president. logic isn't in scheme to ukrainian security officials have been detained. a pulse of southern brazil underwent sale, the heavy rains that have left of the top of destruction. thousands of people have been forced from that has the, the people of god, the old but cutoff oft, is ready, forces took control of the palestinian side of the russet border crossing. the you and sexy general has one that a full scale invasion offer offered by israel would be a strategic mistake. and a humanitarian night by one and a half 1000000 palestinians have been sheltering in rafa then now being forcibly displaced once again. but with the rest of gaza, reduced to rubble,
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there was no west, save for them to go to her a couple as soon reports now from rough on the move. yes, again, these palestinian families in rough, grep, what will they have following forward is from the east really minute treat evacuation or risk death. all the, all one of my families made up of 4 people there also for others. and my brother's family totaling 8. where can we go? i haven't even taken down my tent. we need money to take it out of money here. we're forced from central another and cause a to escape is really bombardment. the what told roughly what to provide safety with is very minute 3 strikes here. many are leaving a whole lot of how much the, how isn't this place from, i'll shoot you a on this here. then to daniel bella. rafa and this will be the 5th displacement. on monday. we have no idea we're will go. the situation is
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a bad problem couldn't see throughout the night, which shows over our heads is very tanks have blocked the roof on board, crossing, floating show cold, and any essential 8 coming into the street in a lot, blah, blah, blah blah. the closure of the roof are crossing has prevented the entry of trucks, caring mits, and medical equipment and fuel that is necessary for hospitalization, and has prevented the departure of thousands of wounded people. and patients who are waiting to travel stuff up among them is a 2 year old lumber of the holy. she and her cousins, sustained injuries and is very s troy. last month. they would post a schedule to get treatment approach on the today. my name was that the buddha and i should travel to get my lex treated. they hunt, i'm supposed to have an operation because the boat requesting a shot today. i couldn't travel on sob because i didn't leave today off the 7
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months of all the path for more than one point. 5000000 palestinians remains of such. and as does this apply to humanitarian aids into a district with warnings, they could be fed the depleted 8 groups holding for israel to de escalate now and say there was no plan be for the people in rough or target kept as in oh, just a rough rough i had a story. israel seizure, the rough i bowed across in his res concerns that already sketched supplies will be further depleted. the roof of crossing has been crucial for those desperately needing humanitarian aid inside gauze since israel's army close. the current booth southern crossing is location where the boat is of egypt in garza and israel meet moving 800 trucks a day event and through the 2 crossings before as well as war and gauze. now
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nothing is getting through which brendan is the regional emergency director for the eastern mediterranean of the world health organization. he says the rock via tax and rafa were all making ready, catastrophic situation. fall with us, the old assessments obtain the 8th is full and we'll show them for both of what's required. and now main crossing points has been closed off, meaning the food essential medical supplies, water and sanitation equipment and now fall as successful the people of gaza. but then, as you rightly study, but also the evacuation of critically patients, we have struggling to get medical evaluations out consistently from casa, is not just the movement of the supplies and equipment in and patients out the tools that the movement of humanitarian personnel and that has now been post, well we have done some contingency planning and we've preposition supplies. we've
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actually had to move a lot of supplies from malware to houses in ra, for up to the middle area. um, so uh, you know, we can probably get by for another few days or a couple of weeks. i've got $36.00 hospitals across gas. i know each well the most function and the early possibly function of the 3 of those hospitals are in, in rafa serving that population of one point for 1500000 people that you mentioned . so, and they were only possibly functioning uh your, your correspondence at national spittle, which is the largest the base hospitals, has stopped functioning. we might have noticed that we've heard that it was still continuing to function. the doctors and patients were starting to move along. that would be absolutely catastrophic if that were the case it's, it's the main referral hospital in ra for right now. it's usually on a 100 bed hospital. i was there 2 months ago. it had just over 300 patients at that time. more recently it's had upwards of 600 to 700 patients. so now because of this
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incursion, access to that hospital is extremely limited out for, for patients, for oil and engine. uh and uh, if it's, if it's starting to close uh, close services that, that makes things absolutely disastrous for the people of rough as well. the events and rasa unfolding a safe fund negotiations broken by capital and egypt are being held in cairo on monday. how much said it had agreed to a 3 phase? these 5 proposal of israel's prime minister says the proposal, how much as a green 2 fools short of israel's demands. it's an elantra is real, will not allow him us to return to root and gaza. we will not allow them to rebuild their military capabilities and continue their project of destroying us. israel will not approve any proposal that constitutes a threat to his real security and future. for that reason, i have ordered our delegation that went to cairo to continue to insist on our
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demands to guarantee our security in parallel. we will continue our war against moss. our entry into rafa is a very important step, or army is on its way to destroy the remainder of their capabilities. well, how much as well on that if israel is ministry aggression continues in rafa, there will be no seas 5. do the senior spikes pass in full home us or summer home down says it's now up to israel whether or not a deal goes through. no, i do not thought that i would then we would like to stress the fact that the boys know is a knitting out, was quote and the behavior and attitude after we announced the agreement, reflect determination by this criminal to foil all attempts of mediation, including those of the united states and expresses his carelessness for the lives of the captives was threatened every day to the bombardments of the is really military or israel has
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a shot down the island is. there is operations that we are reporting that for from outside israel, stephanie decades in the jordanian capital on and explains efforts carly on the way to reach assist while i do, you now have old players in cairo. you have him us, you have israel. you have called to us, you have egypt, and you have the americans live by the head of the c i a william burns has been engaged in it as of a shuttle diplomacy. he arrived in cairo on friday. i'm asked, how does it got a delegation that is all refused to send one and they said only once the masses response is positive. you then went to doha, called out. then you have the positive response, then these rays, as we see, they sort of reject to that, but not really because they still sent a delegation. so i think we have to say that there remains momentum in the sense that a deal isn't off the table at the same time. you see the operation in the fall going ahead in some form. i think we can say that it's not the mass ground invasion that
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the americans have insisted will not happen, but it is something that is certainly playing into the hands of measuring yahoo, right. we allies, we also heard him say that, you know, is really presence on the alpha border on the palestinian side is essential to stopping, have masses, miniature capabilities. a boy said they want you to present along that border. and you also said that the offensive was vital key really to bring the captives home. now this goes against the majority of his really civilians who say that any of that fall sense of will more than likely be a death sentence for the captives that remain alive. just briefly, how about the books person earlier said that the 72 old female captive had died due to his reading shelling. we call and confirm that independently. but that gives you a sense of the kind of pressures that netanyahu is under. they are crucial times. they are pivotal times, all the players in cargo. now we're going to have to wait and see how things play
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out over the next few days. or just to explain why stephanie becca is reporting from a mom benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet has found out is there before we are pushing from outside israel. so, okay, now to the united states, when multiple cities have seen protests against israel's latest assault on garza, that's scheduled to raise a boat is life as a raleigh in new york, theresa tokens through what's happening while you are while we're right here in downtown new york, city, 100 moving person in southern, you can see there's hundreds of people that have been, we've already seen at these people being the thing that people need to be marching
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through where you are there. right? not if not, they'll be detained or they cannot just a few minutes before the end up being in the country. i've been doing some pressure on the united states. so the government to and more and more like i said before, and hundreds of students here in new york city, the hundreds of others are ready to take the time to do the same thing and keep
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it that theresa by the rest in new. 2 you unsexy general until you gutierrez has appealed for an end to the blood shed in gaza. he says the in time at least is at risk. if the fighting continues, it would be subject if weeks of intense diplomatic could cvt for the scene. gaza, you know, sees fires loading these of hostages and the devastating of fantasies in dropbox. outright threats might have been for both parties to show the political cottage and sped of no effort to secure and agreements not to stop the blood ships to free the hostages and to help stabilize the region, which is still at the risk of explosion. christine is telling me has more from the un headquarters in new york. the secretary general has called for a ceasefire before what was notable about this is it was the 3rd time in less than
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24 hours that he appealed for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. and he did so as the prospect of a full scale invasion into rafa was lumen, and he noted that that would be a humanitarian nightmare. and he also noted that even friends of israel had said the same that an invasion, full scale of rasa would be catastrophic. and shouldn't happen. it's noteworthy that the united nations has refused to assist any evacuation of displaced people in rasa, to another area to allow for such a military operation. the united nation saying that there is too many people in rasa, that moving them would be dangerous. and that there is no place save for them to go,
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given the areas that they're being directed to are already over crowded and lacking of water and toilets, and other essentials that people would need. so in addition to calling on israel and moss, he made a direct appeal to nations with a sway over israel to try to get them to stop that invasion. to let's say, is riley soldiers have been killed in a, has bought a drone attack. the strike launched from southern 11 on hit targets near the northern. is there any town of matina? it was one of a series of attacks by his bullet that included rockets is ready on. he said it since struck several has bought a buildings and con pounds in $711.00 on st. ahold a is in self and 11 on navy's ready for them to is right. the soldiers were killed in a hezbollah claimed drone attack on mentally that as a town along the border in northern israel. they weren't. the 1st is really
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casualties since the confrontations began 7 months ago. but the we, we have noticed it is that as well as attacks become more lea filled when it wants to send a message to these rates as well or opened up this front to help relief pressure on it's ally. hum us in gaza. now with the, with the strikes on rough in gaza, you're, you're going to expect of the, for other fronts the, the groups that are allied with hamas to escalate and step up pressure also to help relieve the pressure pressure on how much. so this front is very much linked to what is going on. now they're still our international diplomatic efforts to try to m dot for and has while a has repeatedly said an end to the war on god. so we'll, we'll hold the fighting. but the biggest question that is being asked here is whether or not that will be enough for israel will hold to the fighting and return
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to the situation of pre october 7th to be enough. or will they, you know, insist on has bullet pulling back from the border is where the officials have said they are ready to use force and as well as position has been faster, they will only agree to not have a visible presence along the border. and so the situation is quite tense along this front line, the, the, the situation, the trajectory of the conflict, the nature of the conflicts feel very much the same in the sense that both sides are still large. they can finding their attacks to military targets that are for their else as the though, so they end up in on still has on al jazeera millions go to the poles in india as prime minister. and during the moodies campaign, run some hold of rising restaurant, plus attorney chang in the jungles of mamma, with thousands of young men and women. come to join the ranks pro democracy for
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the to still call with enough, a snow across the rock is not cold and then falls off the rockies into play and states meet that. whoops. and shoot me. it is coming up from the gulf of mexico to get the familiar picture of giants. and this one is not, it looks like on wednesday, we will be free of, from most of those in the fight and states still some state of folding in montana and wyoming. but like to die out, i think you're going to build up for that to potential in the atmosphere is a big thunder storms in places like a console, maybe as far east as kentucky or tennessee. and then this dakota spread silas, but the snow stops forward and you get the gathering of clouds over texas pulse space to the flooded area. so a considerable concern i saw on thursday throughout the caribbean. it's been fairly,
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went recently, leave it off north with and it still is. in contrast, mexico seeing pretty warm and sunny with monster is up to 44. that looks like the heavy shell are going away into the open atlantic, but we still got fairly frequent light shows, mostly without a back fuel press. rico espanol and of course in south america, the story funding exists, particularly so in for the leg, right? the shaft environment you require are on my way further north towards called the leg right again the oh, the welcome back. you're watching out a 0 in line to thoughts of stories this hour is really ministry has seized on
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closed off the palestinian side of the rock. the food of crossing. it is a vital entry point between gaza and egypt on use to transport materials supplies into the strip. israel's prime minister says how much to cease non proposal fails show this is rose demands, but i must insist the bone as now and israel's course. benjamin netanyahu said that the army press the head with it's offensive in russia. ukraine state security service says it's foiled an assassination attempt on president as long as you, me is a lensky. i'm all the top ministry and political figures. he says it has detain to ukraine and security officials. it says web hosting to kill the landscape. in a cases, rushes by agency of being behind the plan. ukraine says they have been at least 10 attempts to assassinate the president. since russia invaded in 2022 john home and
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has known this from keith in the national security service. if you crime yes, be, are put out quite a lot of details miss seems to have been more than one plan here. one of the plans was to kidnap and then to president brought him is a landscape. this was involving 2 cardinals who have been arrested allegedly this was involving them in the attempt to, uh, get on side. uh, people in the military that were meant to be protecting credits, presidents landscape so that they could nothing. and then this assassination could take place. so that was one of the plans that the russian security service, the f s page was allegedly developing on the other one was also at to assess tonight the head of military intelligence carrillo, who donald and ukraine, and the way that they were the plan to do that involved at the members of the state at security service that were meant to be guarding him and also guarding of
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a security officials revealing the location of where he was staying there was been going to be a real good attack. and then a drone attack to more pop, anyone that was still alive, i'm in a missile attack house to that, to eradicate any trace of the driving attack. this is a little, obviously, according to the s b u, the national security service of ukraine. and they mention the fact that these 2 colonels who that they've arrested, they said that they have handlers from the f as bait russia, security service that we're trying to get the ball rolling on base flat demand, pacing has been sworn in for a 5th time, is russian president and a lavish ceremony the kremlin. as the veteran leader begins a new period in office, a wide range of domestic and foreign challenges lie had those sit jabari reports for most guy, the legs, the legs, each bolt in a familiar path for vladimir,
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put on his way to st. andrews. hall in the kremlin grand palace as he walks towards becoming the long, disturbing leader in russian history. for the 5th time, vladimir put, has been sworn in as the country's presidents with nearly 2500 people in attendance . but notably, absence formed leaders and western investigators. the russian president addressed the dignitaries and the nation with gratitude and promises on you to let them go to him. i want to go to i would hate all fucked dissipating in this special military operation. as everyone will fight for the fatherland, you citizens of russia have confirmed the correctness of the country. is course, this is of great importance right now when we are faced with serious challenges on top of the agenda for the 71 year olds, former k g b officer to ensure russia survival. during this html shows time with western powers. on monday, put in signed a decree,
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which ordered nuclear drills involving tactical weapons with russian troops based near ukraine. an order following what officials called provocative threats from western officials regarding not ruling out sending troops to ukraine to ensure russia does not when the war is the main challenge. for what do you me to put you in? use a to montgomery it. it's not a laser, so in between the restaurant and the rest of them call we sion in it is best reach are actually in the fiber to war to is association with natasha. phil support will not loose such a credit report, but another trend ruby, no, a nuclear war? no look, look at the source. a lot of me put one, his latest term, an office in march with the highest vote share in his political career, 88 percent in an election that had the highest voter turnout as well with nearly 78 percent of the population taken part. but with no real challenge to his reign,
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his victory was a foregone conclusion. photos that 6 years in office will be the most housing. yet for the veteran leader on the domestic front, all opposition has been silenced or exiled. and for us, freedom is no non existence. russia is the world's most sanctioned country, but the economy has not collapse far from it. all the while western powers are threatening to send troops into crane a fact which compose the biggest challenge yet for the man that's been credited with saving the country so far. door such a vari, altamira moscow. the destro from flooding in brazil, southern space is rear ground. the soul has risen to at least 90 thousands of towns on the woods. so the heavy rains lash the regions. today's volunteers from across brazil, helping to bring tens of thousands of people to safety. for millions more, people have costs bad pallets and the 3rd of india is 7 phase general election. it
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took place and 11 states and union territories. the indian government has failed to give visas to out to 0 correspondence to cover the story. in the custom sharif reports in zone 3 of india, 7 phase general elections from invest in arrange a movie cost is valid in his home state of go to the nearly $300.00 parliamentary constituencies have now bolted for the representatives. that's modem, hospital to the government defended most candidates in the slightest phase. in 2019, the party spoke to reach of winning a wood shop deal thoughts. the selection movie is seeking a system on the bus is very low this year in a way is a festival of democracy in india and around the world and is developed whatever good things have all in the world in its setup tool system. and i believe the
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election commission does is a lot of praise for this but the election commission is being criticized for failing to act against hate speech. ahead of the 3rd phase, the btn cannot have the she had the 17 2nd animated video on social media. it shows all position liter wrong, we've got the disputing federal funds to muslims. the election commission has now ordered x to remove the video after complaining by the congress earlier move the dresser to muslims as in to try to get a new campaign, dryly job the, the in response, the killer unit at the congress body shed a screenshot of an online order for a human backbone, saying the election commission needed to toughen up an act against the prime minister and his spotty, a, b, b type to do a psychological binding. by basically giving that i didn't call it
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a $400.00 plus seats and opposition did update for the tax on $400.00 saying that now, why do they need these many seats a big come with this kind of blue majority. they're going to make fun of them and go changes to the constitution and to a society. this is basically and if it's the full evaluation and voting booths, it seems what's on the minds of voters is fall from the rhetoric of politicians. many say they want the government to tackle unemployment and the rising cost of living and what the situation is very bad. it's almost like industries are shutting down. the government has provided no benefits. there should be change. that's what i want. you well, they marry now you did the issues arising prices and unemployment. there is no work . children are roaming around, aimless, and jobless. nothing. the next phase of elections will take place on may. the 13th, nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to vote during the 6 week period. the results are
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expected on june, 4th, and many hope the outcome may bring more employment and reduce the cost of living. and the consumption grief. i'll just see here, just a reminder that i'll just err janice, have not been granted visas by the indian government to report on the election. which is why we are reporting from outside the country. the to me, unless military government has found conscription age men from leaving the country for work as it continues to suffer losses in bottles with armed groups. and you know, was introduced last week of the 10s of thousands applied for visa is to avoid ministry . conscription and the 3rd of his special reports from inside me on my attorney, jane met some of those raw the fights in june to enjoying its ranks
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and see true to the factory price point is to jump from the hidden positions for the moment. however, their enemies imagined and their rifles unreal to new recruits, but they have no doubts about what their training for if i have to. yeah, i have proof of my may target is like to become a ministry delta. but if i have to, so i think i would do that if i choose to clear the feedback that i uh does not because of the hate of the so job. so i focus, i do, i need to protect my family and my people that watching carefully the military sponsor planes drilled on an open that parade ground, put through the paces in the baking heat, to teach them to follow orders, experience hardship, and work together. no allowances for the female recruits, these are skills which will keep them alive and before they can break for food,
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the pledge of allegiance to the people's defense rules says.


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