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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the the . ringback the, [000:00:00;00] the services, the news, our on out to 0 for the back people live in to coming up in the next 60 minutes, is really tags take control of the rock for border crossing, cutting off age supplies into guys the day after israel ordered power seems to evacuate from the area. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, is sci fi proposal?
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how much has agreed to falls short of his route demands, but from austin fist, the ball is now and is ralph the protest against is rosa pac on ross? i will have the latest from paris and london also. this is our an unfolding disaster. in brazil, we report from 4 to our late grades, the regional capital that is now launched on the wall and on keisha statements with your school. not long ago now until power sandman chick, allstate, champions league semi final, the 2nd may begin thursday adult moments. the germans have a wonderful advantage, but p as you are feeling confident, as they look to the one step closer to a 1st ever champions league tide. so the say teen g m t. thank you for joining us. so now to sierra is really military forces have taken control of the palestinian side of the rock of border crossing
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between guys. in egypt, it is the main road for humanitarian surprise. egypt is condemning the most say, is there as options in rasa aust threatening efforts towards reaching a permanent ceasefire. i'm off in israel, have sent delegations to cairo to discuss the latest proposal. honey, my mode begins. i coverage with this report from rough, fully hours after her mazda acceptance of us. these fire proposal is really times rolled into roof. this military video shows the concrete border walls that separates the city from egypt. the crossing here has been does a lifeline for international aids that's been a trickling. and since the start of the war with is ro controlling what goes in and out of the tanks. advance is really we're playing hidden homes of during the night and into the morning is real safe. it's bombing of gaza is limited. the rafa crossing is now under control of the israeli defense forces and is currently closed
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for the movement of goods and people in both directions this morning is one of the darkest. in this 7 months now, mike may worn down a dozens of people killed and lives down to 24 hours. makes shift tens like this one are. all doctors have to work with israel's war cabinet on their prime minister . benjamin netanyahu voted unanimously to continual military operations and drop off and have issued more orders for palestinians, east of the city to leave the areas. it has heavily bombed before very decisions that have pushed the international community to speak out against any military action and rough china and france, both permanent members of the un security council, the latest to join those calls. the ones chief also stressed. a rough assault would be a humanitarian nightmare urging both sides to spare. no effort in getting
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a deal done. as we see in us as a civilian suffered enough, this and destruction make no mistake. a full scale assault on vasa would be a human catastrophe. and the ego higher present that if just a bore, i'll have this to say the manual offensive again drop. i stopped at the game despite all did a request of an international community to us to be a new member stage. every body asking nathan yahoo not to attack rafa. despite disease warning and easily flashed through the attackers, thought that yesterday night agent has also raised its objections to israel bombing right on its border. and the u. n. warrens that it only has enough feed for god at the last one day. as it do has been banned from getting through the rough crossing honey more more rough or southern gaza palestine as well. let's take
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a closer look at ross. it says 64 square kilometers city in the southern gaza strip along the border with egypt. it serves as a critical entry point for humanitarian aid and was stormed by is really forces on monday night. nearly 2 thirds of guys us population fedbid. when is rab dictated a so called save sold? now it's home to more than $1500000.00 display spanish, damian's. it has an average of more than $22000.00 people, the square kilometers, and is 5 times more crowded than before the war. the united nations, as described, draw far as a pressure cooker of dispatch. that's bringing ty cobb was the one who's joining us live from la fi in the southern gaza strip for our international audio. sorry, just a reminder that they are of course 2 main entrees. to get a into to the guys and strip is wafaa and kim. i will sign in crossing who she's ready. so i've also closed because of what they say are security reasons. what
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impact is this having on the ground, on what was already a desperate a di, humanitarian situation in gospel a will solely the situation on the ground is a really die as both for this right now. being completely shocked by these, where the military is a part of the military operations in the southern city of rough off. we have been so young since that the hours of this morning, how they use many, many treat tags, show both boys and they have been, oh so right now there is no any kind of a flow of humanitarian, a supplies to the southern part of the gaza. strip now meanwhile, people here in the southern pontiff guns are completely deprived from re a reaching to like saving supplies because of expansion or the fighting to reach roughly district which has been the last remaining show for the policy. and this is why people have been told to seek refuge by now. as with the is very you, caleb tax on roughly the district. the load of these board is,
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will negatively bring deadly catastrophe to humanitarian consequences. the situation is down the ground and this a quote with excessive pay, already aggravating human cherry crisis. i'm a little growing quotes from humanitarian organizations to re opening these a. these crossings as soon as possible to allow for the flow of the supplies to the gaza strip. tell us more tiring about the heavy bombardment of rafa. we've seen of course, time swollen, but there's also been some documents from the well, bob mentioned thoughtfully did not stop since the early hours of this morning. we are talking about more at least 25 percent chance being killed. only a rough i since today is morning. um its more attacks on the eastern areas of raphael as we have been talking to eye witnesses was 2 in the eastern portion of the city. if you have been reporting on constant artillery,
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bombardments that targets high buildings alongside with a number of residential houses just the last couple of hours. these very military destroyed ruffle, has a municipality dust, only one kilometer away from our location. here, as they have been showing, a passing move military owed us for more residential neighborhood, typically from the eastern parts of rough off, because it will be about a military operation. so, and that's absolutely devastating as the and the jar hospital has completely run to become out of service because it's located in the eastern part then it, it, it's right now in the domain of the smell, it, your operations that have been mulberry, clothes about the at the protection of hospitals box right now within the ongoing bombardment, side with the collapse of medical sector. the situation are rough off is the west of a. thank you very much, terry. for the update that sound you 0 is terry cup was reporting the life from a rasa. from on the humanitarian situation in garza and in reference to ticket. and let's now speak to richard brandon,
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who's the regional emergency director for the eastern mediterranean at the world half organization w h o is joining us from cairo. thank you for joining us, mr. brennan. rough as we heard, they have been the only crossing and guys are not controlled by israel through which much needed humanitarian need, went through and also from which where injured and sick people were transported out of the gaza strip. what impact do you see? the culture of this coughing having on the people of goss a while, it makes a disastrous, catastrophic situation, follows it as you rightly indicate. i mean, we haven't been getting enough a into rock for the gas and more generally, over the last few months, i mean old assessments obtain the pages for them. well, sure, but what's required, and now main crossing points has been closed off. meaning the food essential
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medical supplies, water and sanitation equipment, and now the file was successful, the people of gasser. but then as you rightly study, um, also the evacuation of critically of patients. we've struggling to get the medical evaluations out consistently from gaza. today we're expecting to evacuate a 140 patients, but even now that the lifeline is, is closed off of the 2 patients. and of course it's not just the movement of the supplies and equipment in and patients out the tool set the movement of a humanitarian personnel and that has now been pushed. yeah, we've heard that hospitalization garza, in particular, i know a really difficult situation having to operate on a, on a cold, a system for drunk, got drunk supplies and, and drunk good distribution. if this medical doesn't get in, how long can these health care facilities? the remaining ones that are functioning, how long can they go on for as well?
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we have done this with contingency planning and we've pretty position supplies. we've actually had to move a lot of supplies from malware to houses in ra, for up to the middle area. um, so uh, you know, we can probably get by for another few days or a couple of weeks. but what you said, i think the biggest big finally important of the 36 hospitals across sky. only 12 of them are functioning and they're really possibly function of the 3 of those hospitals are in, in rafa serving that population of one point for 1500000 people that you mentioned . so, and they were only possibly functioning uh your, your correspondence that natural spittle, which is the largest diverse hospitals, has stopped functioning. we might have noticed that we've heard that it was still continuing to function the doctors and patients were starting to move on. so that would be absolutely catastrophic if that was the case it's, it's the main referral hospital in ra for right now. it's usually on a 100 bit hospitalized was this 2 months ago,
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it had just over 300 patients at that time. more recently it's had upwards of 600 to 700 patients. so now because of this incursion, access to that hospital is extremely limited, doubtful for patients fill an engine. and if it's, if it's starting to close the close services that, that makes things absolutely disaster skeptical of rock appear. we understand is being built to get to monetary and supplies into rafa. because as we've seen, the border crossings, the land crossings are closed off. and this period said will be operational in the coming days. do you see that having an impact? what will that help and who is going to be distributing the ones that comes through the peer? how it'll work from what you understand the yeah, no, it is the very good questions. i mean,
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i think the general sense from the things you manage here in agencies is it will have a very, very modest impact. we might be able to bring in supplies at scale. it's generally going to be used for food i primarily for the football items. we don't see it at this stage as being the best option for bringing in and medical supplies. the land roots of by far the most effective and efficient ways of bringing it in. and there's still a lot of unknowns as you've indicated, that once the supplies are being brought in on the pdf and how, how they going to be stored and distributed. we still don't have full those details, so we continue to advocate for maintaining adequate access through the land crossings there. absolutely, but thank you so much for talking to us richard brennan, regional emergency director for the eastern mediterranean at w h o, joining us there from cairo. thank you very much for your time. thank you very much
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. thank you all. now i'm also said a phase or as military aggression continues, involve fi, they'll be no sci fi deal full from us. and israel has sent allegations, so egyptian can egypt and capital cairo's to follow up on see sign negotiations, senior high spokesman for him. us, osama hamden has said it's not up to israel whether or not a deal goes through say, no, i see it all. i'm not thought that i would then we would like to stress the fact that the boys know is a netanyahu's quote. and their behavior and attitude, after we announce to agreement, reflect determination by this criminal to foil all attempts of mediation, including those of the united states and expresses his carelessness for the lives of the captives was threatened every day to the bombardment of the is really military body, israel's foreign minister says to proposal how much has agreed to fall short of
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these are estimates. it's an a long israel will not allow from us to return to rule in gaza. we will not allow them to rebuild their military capabilities and continue their project of destroying us. israel will not approve any proposal that constitutes a threat to israel, security and future. for that reason, i have ordered our delegation that went to cairo to continue to insist on our demands to guarantee our security in parallel. we will continue our war against em . us. our entry into rafa is a very important step, or army is on its way to destroy the remainder of their capabilities that spring in stephanie decker who's now in amman. jordan, stephanie, so i'm us, is the ball is now in his rouse court. these really says this deal doesn't work for them. what happens now they have delegations in cairo is the moment. so i think it's a difficult momentum, but there is some momentum. certainly you now have old players in cairo. you have
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him, us, you have israel, you have all thought you have egypt, and you have the americans live by the head of the c i. a william burns has been engaged in the depths of a shuttle diplomacy arrived in cairo on friday. i'm asked, how does it get a delegation that is all refused to send one and they said only once, the masses response is positively then when to doha, called out, then you have the positive response. then these relays, as we see, they sort of reject to that, but not really because they still sent a delegation. so i think we have to say that there remains momentum in the sense that a deal isn't off the table. at the same time. you see the operation in the fall going ahead in some form. i think we can say that it's not the mass ground invasion that the americans have insisted will not happen, but it is something that is certainly playing into the hands of mentioned yahoo, right. we allies that we also heard him say that, you know, is really presence on the border on the palestinian side is essential to stopping
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have masses ministry capabilities. they've always said they want you to present along that border. and you also said that the offensive was vital key really to bring the captives home. now this goes against the majority of this ready, so civilians who say that any of that fall sense of well more than likely be a death sentence for the captives that remain alive just briefly. how about the books person earlier said that the 17 year old female captive had died due to his reading shelling we call and confirm that independently. but that gives you a sense of the kind of pressures that and that's when you have who is under. they are crucial times. they are pivotal times, all the players in colorado. now we're going to have to wait and see how things play out over the next few days. stephanie, thank you very much. stephanie decker reporting their life from oman and cheese. and i'm on because israel has band, i'll just 0 from reporting from inside. israel are now top white house official has said a sci fi deal on guys i could come very soon and
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a negotiator should be able to close any remaining gaps. the us state department says talks a sensitive the most did not accept the part of ceasefire proposal from us, responded and in their response made several suggestions. it's not the same as accepting the scenes that we saw in gaza when you see people coming down the streets and celebrating what they thought was a ceasefire. number one tells you just what they've lived through. me know, that obviously be really see just the joanne people say it's what they've lived through and emotion and thinking that they might have some hope that this conflict will come to an end. but also i can say for everyone here just confirms why we think it's so important to get the ceasefire agreement over the line and why we are going to continue to push forward. while it's not bringing knowledge is here is my kind of who's at the state department in washington. so the state department, mike saying how mos. uh,
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and the statement from us made on 24 hours ago was not an acceptance. but our response. is that correct? well, let's just take it back to that has just imagine been the last 15 minutes. that statement from the state department for 24 years, 24 hours state department and other parts of the biden administration have declined to comment on the a must statement in the past 24 hours as well. saying that they need to study it while it appears. and this is towards the end of the briefing by the state department spokesman that they have come to some sort of conclusion. because matthew melissa said, as you heard that, that a must did not accept the cx, 5 proposals. it responded, and in their response, made several suggestions. this is a very different interpretation of what some nice itself thinks that it did. and it certainly the kind of comment that could have an impact on what is happening in cairo at present. very interesting indeed. well,
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thank you mike for that. mike kind of live there for state department. let's discuss all these latest developments now with already goldberg who isn't. is there any political commentator joining us from tennessee? thank you for being with us on off to 0. a very different interpretation as we heard that from our corresponded but it was assume that whatever washington accepts will be translated into and is really endorsement of the sci fi. and here we have, these really is rejecting this proposal, even though the americans were in, on the negotiations thinking even praise what it's called is are as extraordinary, extraordinary, really generous offer. what's the next thing i was government? real motivation for rejecting this deal is kind of i don't think the now government is rejecting the deal. i think the better against main motivation generally is despair. i think the government is at the end of its tether was israel's uh,
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regardless of what the distinction miller just said about how this is not an acceptance but a response and there are certain changes that may be true. but this is a proposal that's been shocked already. it's a proposal that's been agreed to not just the principle, but with regard to most of the details it's been agreed to buy as well and buy from us. i really think based on israel's record in these affairs in a past doors, but this is last minute pastor and this is an attempt to appear tough. it's also an attempt to appease. and if any of those base, great big elements inside israel, defying the united states, is always learned throughout the past 7 months, kind of surely cheaply, the united states is not adamant about isn't doing exactly what it says. so it's always trying, it's best to appear defiant to appear focused. but all the words that are said in the fact that there's a delegation in cairo, laughter, and anthony,
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i was very reluctant to do not sort of delegation over the past few weeks. all of that tells me that is what it is realizing that it has very little maneuvering room left. okay, so do you think then he is interested in a ceasefire because the suggestion has been that he use and for personal political reasons as well. the personal political reasons are certainly there, but it seems like he may have a bigger personal price to pay. if he doesn't do something, he doesn't have to sign a ceasefire. he has to, at the very least signal of some kind of acknowledgment in the political process i'm referring to is the potential personal arrest warrant issued by the international criminal court prosecutor. i think it's being made clear tenants anyhow. but he stands to pay a very, very significant personal price. if something doesn't happen very soon. so right now he's doing, he's pulling the classic bethany out. she is touching, he's having, he's hauling his posturing. she wants to act or so he is really probably good,
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something is being done effectively and we saw what israel does when it has said it's mind on doing what's happening and on and but as far as low as it may be with the human price being paid by palestinians is not, is all setting it's 9. this is israel touching. right. and he's also clearly and blatantly ignoring us policy preferences, even if the, the us washington has been trying to downplay this. and so far he has been doing this without any serious consequences. what do you think? all the implications of this going forward for the us is where our relationship and i think they're pretty significant. i know that there are pundits out there were saying that this is all a plan cooked up by washington and jerusalem meant to ultimately occupy. they've gotten the strip um show more of palestinians. i don't think that's the case. i
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think the is early american relationship is probably that it's that the worst that it has ever mean. i think that there's not just tension but that there is real mistrust and animosity on the american side towards these early side. i don't know that be as early side as they're just now because these are the side seems to me to be clutching at straws. if i may mention something that is already been started, defense us government said he said today, he said the operation in the box a whole continue until somebody says, illuminated or until the 1st hostages for the, for the 1st hostage returns, know that to me, reeks of the stair, it basically says rotate with as or we can get to make ourselves appear justified. it means as o has no plan, has no strategic or political compass and is really trying, it's best to somehow redeem some market kind of. so for sec,
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at the end of the 7 months to the wrong, as an example of an enemy of this role basically is sitting back and watching the show, the americans are growing more and more apart from israel. and i see they're kind of doing the same. they're letting an attorney out damn himself. let me ask you a final question before we let you go already. it's been interesting to talk to you . do you think israel will ever be able to claim a decisive victory? oh no, i think the best is around might be able to do, and i doubt that's possible to do is to not uh, carry the burden of an additional the seat. you know, is there a might not actually some sort of technical achievement uh out of these, out of the, the jaws of the seat that seemed to be closing around its neck. there is no victory in this. none of the goals of the war as they have been set out have been met. the
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management of the war has been catastrophic to have to say the least, the state of israel, and not just the country, but the state. the situation is a peripheral. there are more than 800100000 displays bizarre entities, the borders of collapse, the economy is including this isn't major defeats from israel. it may have been a lesser defeat. and they've been recognized as one much earlier. but the insistence on total victory is what has brought up israel to this and this, the bottom of this of this thank you for talking to. it's very interesting to hear your thoughts or we goldberg. and he's really political commentator joining us at from tennessee. we appreciate your time. thank you for having a, a student protest as across europe are digging in for more demonstrations in solely diety with palestine dislike. please come down the lease of weeks. and friends, students at the seals for university has value outside the college, calling for more global attention on the latest attacks on rasa in southern gaza.
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and the oxford and cambridge university loans in the u. k. of become more now become rather among the latest sites for students incompetence organizes, are calling for di vesman from weapons companies, links ways. ralph natasha butler has the latest on the french demonstration sometime they're not supposed to be able to find this thing free, palestine. i love go talk to, i don't roughly, i'm a few 100, a pretty tough to say on the test, but i received leak and central powers. they all care to come straight to show solidarity. they said with a product to people that sort of concern is the israel vaccine i, in rockford, i pulled him on the international communities to sort of israel's actions and rough or i'm also they all concerned about what is happening with the people in goals and who have already suffered, uh say, march systems ration comes off to several other demonstrations. we've been involved, they've been last week or say, mainly led by univers,
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cuz the students you go to choose, do you think that's a really all a generation that need to rise up and be heard? we have the ability to use our voices. and we're trying to do that for people that, that aren't, but don't have a voice. i feel like we need to come together and have a unified voice, an idea of what it means that the results i was calling the testers. they're all here to say. and denounce what they say growing up police for question when it comes to the, to, to protest. and that's because you think some of the students 1st test the evacuated by police in the way that some of the students have said, is heavy. how did the french presence of mind, whom i call a direct facility, or in the way in the french press, he said, look, the fluids is affects the young people's well using that voice. he says that there is free speech across the suit that they're interested in. international affairs for the said, so it was and so if his boss, he was concerned that what he called the minority of jews of making life difficult
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locating universities, fathers and talked about law. i'll just there are cars, stella, head on, and use our legs, the legs, you know that age 40 and flashes prizes and makes another entry. it's his face time and the job tony change in the jungles of me. i'm of thousands of young men and women come to join the ranks pro democracy for a total square between way. i'm a trade in bond unique as they get ready for the 2nd day. cafe champions each 70 final. on wednesday, the build up coming up later. i'm with the finally, i have not much to say about giants on the store, so i can focus on turkey and cypress and say, look, it's sunshine,
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there's not much wind, weather wise. it's a quiet time, eastern side of talk here. the higher ground didn't know the rock and possibly have somebody job. and georgia will see the rain and snow and the be some pretty big thunder storms around the round. but it's not a widespread picture. the winds have been picking up again, not to use fairly know this time. yes, i can bring down the gulf example 3 box rain and counter though we might get one or 2 weeks on this. i'm just about wednesday morning. it's a breeze. the next 2 or 3 days i could pick up the desk and that'll be maybe more obvious, the felton central, the southern side of the rape. you're still the risk of some big chairs in the southwest society and west and you have and otherwise it's allowed to drive picture for the hold of s, chris, increasing the wet cities southern some of the maybe a few big chiles in kenya. townsend here as uganda and not as big as they were. admittedly the size of that where it should be dr. this time of year it is, but we are approaching winter so you'd expect temperatures to get it done. well, just pick some or, and look at it. for example,
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it's good both swat or possibly upping to the western side of south africa. she not be up to $33.00 degrees because the record is $33.00. it's hot. the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news hour on i, which is 0. reminder of our main story you see is there any military has ceased and coast on the palestinian side of the rock for border crossing is a vital entry point between guys i need to attend to use a transport from out of cherry and supplies into the strip israel's foreign minister benjamin this now says how mazda is ceasefire, proposal falls short of his rouse demands in the army. well, go ahead with this offensive and rough,
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but how mouse and festival is now and he's rouse, a top white house official says to us, he's hoping to get a deed on guys a very soon and that negotiate is, should be able to close any remaining gaps us state department says talk so sensitive, but a final agreement made before. so israel and how much have full sent delegations to cairo for the latest ceasefire talks. what from on this list, i'll speak to the shadow, soccer raw, who is a professor of cove politics at katara university. thank you very much for being with us. so both delegations now in cairo for the latest round of these talks, it's been 24 hours since we had a bit of hope and then disappointment because that is ready to be rejected. the proposal, what do you think might come out of the state? the strong, do you think this be a momentum to reach a deal? whether we still hear that there is some optimism despite the fact that what happened yesterday might be some details. i mean that the form is what,
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how much can give you sort of the, the, i'm of given already a and to understand these of the day was just the being time for each trial to start the brakes and the roof at that stopped at the same time that they rejected the exhibition from right from last. so now we see that they are based on or they started that they are caught up in a specific at places on specific people. and despite the fact about everybody's feeling the punishment enough to do that by then is holding web post to be sent to a stratus because of that on, on the light, the weather is going to happen tomorrow. that's a mostly by then is to present the report to, to the congress about how israel is using the web post. right. but doing that, the service selling this dreadful, or this is happening in the moment. that's supposedly is red house below the fraser, but we don't see the movie in the right direction. yeah. and it's now it seems isn't a bind, as we heard from a previous commentator. and he's really commented,
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we had is a lot of us pressure. there's a lot of internal pressure on him as well, but to say that bite and do you see bite and throwing this now under the bus eventually? if things don't go the way washington wants to, because again, we are in an election year and it'd be how far might bisco, tomorrow we have the final dest, if a, by then finally, they can actually also, mostly what we have been reading lately, is that holding up this a sheep mental weapons that with the condition is, is this like a big shipment of weapons? that is a warranty? yeah. thats a i'm not an expert on width and specifically, but supposedly there are weapons of the are used for these kind of for, i mean, i mean nation not if the, if the 15 are highly technology come on out about a bunch of the airplanes. but i mean, isn't that can be used in the war? so if i got by then it's not approving, it's not the billing, but it's not approving the shipment. is it kind of action by in action or going
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into what somebody bought? it said so by this way, or by then a sending a message at the start of the, depending on how they are, are in rough or this can move to something else. right? more we're going to have to model this report needs to be issued least by the fact that the republicans are not happy with the they want this number on because of the and my then sets a deadline. so he created this and then what i'm them on, on february 10th, is on february and it gave a time for himself me to present his report on the bill on the 8th of may. so these are the deadlines on the final deadline that's by then gave and ends on yahoo. that's why it may be an unusually silent this thoughts area. and i'm to not to rich . and i believe that because i mean to blame how much i agree me, it was because of them. so it has no option then this talking to what on, what's on the table now? luciano is
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a 3 phase cease fire deal with each phase lasting approximately $42.00 days involving the return of the space. people to the north of guys up without is really intervention the unobstructed flow of aid. and the withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza. how moss we seen, has shown some flexibility, even if the language from the us state department seems to suggest, you know, that this is not what is really happening. but clearly how mosque will not be getting everything that they want, right? so what do you see them giving up on eventually having to give up. i mean, all of it is difficult to to see what they can give. i mean, soon somebody beginning is read, it keeps repeating that they'll bridge enough. what will happen regardless of any of these, that these rates, regardless of how much the release in or the hostage isn't. so if does it say have any house it can be,
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they will say that some of this but of mine and for 10 boys at $65.00 in 40 days or 80 days they with is they will restart the hosting to this. so i mean, i don't see what, how much honestly can, can, can views read that they are not already accepted? is we, we have, we were reading the reports saying that the, the, the differences in the 1st phase is where the amount of horses. yeah. they were going to renew, but honestly, i don't think this is the problem. i don't think the 33 or 40 of the big problems. they just withdraw a lot of of us. it's fine. it'll be interesting certainly to see what comes out of these latest sci fi talks in cairo for channel soccer. i thank you very much for joining us. of the, let's not turn our attention to out of world news and violent storms and flooding. have killed at least 85 people in the southern state of rio grande or to so in
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brazil. hundreds of pounds on the water after heavy rain slash to region for days, volunteers from across presented helping to bring tens of thousands of people. safety authorities, one the death toll is likely to rise less spring in latin america to tennessee, a newman, who joins us from 4 to our leg rate in 7, brazil this year. tell us a bit more about where you are and what the situation is like that. we're right now and that's a street that you can see. there is water right behind me. there are a lot of people just standing. yeah. their rubber boats all along. but the reason that they're standing here is that this 1st of all, the river. why? but what rose again early this morning and the people who live throughout this main thoroughfare and all around this downtown and part of the negative putting it out of their homes. they were absolutely trapped, and right now, all the risk to operations have stopped as well because the electric company is trying to put up uh,
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a water pump that will get this water back into the river. this is a low line part of town. this was the hardest table, and not only are, is the water rising constantly actually, it should be going down because it hasn't rained for the 2nd day that it hasn't rain. but what happens is that the river keeps bringing the water back in. and a lot of storage plants have also completely overflows. well, they've had to evacuated people because of the clearly the danger to their health. here you can get a lot of people just looking around to see what's going on. many of the volunteers trying to get people out, 1st of all of the priority, a women of elderly people and children, and a lot of pets. in fact it's, it's extraordinary how the people of ports or legs they have 1234, dogs. and they won't leave their houses without them, so they're even shelters for animals. but it's impossible to really,
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really help everyone in need and certainly in a timely manner. because this is a very slow, slow process. you can only send me a jet skis, basically, a rubber hose down this road. now, nothing did nothing bigger. and anyway, and as you can see, it's a little bit disorganized people are yelling and screaming, but it's getting worse because there's no electricity here for funding. and no running water now for several days. the shops are all closed. people are starting to get very, very anxious. yeah. difficult situation. some people there. no doubt. lucy, a thank you very much. that's on tuesday, or is this the new and resulting in life from 4 to are they great in 7 bersale? now the news yvonne is hosting an international nuclear conference in its central province of is for hon. the head of the international atomic energy agency who is attending has urged avon to take concrete steps to bolster corporation on his no clear program results. a diary for somebody's for hon. just confidence on nuclear
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science and energy is hosting more than a 1000 people. most of them nuclear scientist but also invited the heads of the international atomic energy agency of rafael grosse hoping to resume tools on the companies nuclear program and inspections. as a sort of good faith, grossly accepted the invitation. gross, who was lost in iran a year ago when the 2 sides issue, the joint statement with the front agreeing to open photo is nuclear facilities. 3 inspections by the i. yes. but after a series of disagreements that didn't happen. and believe it has things happen between the 2, your walls, nuclear chief accuses the i v or b. and if it was by the 3rd parties, in particular, israel, as the author did, or how so it approaches against utilize new care program that told originated from design. and this regime, you should, can see that these approaches should not influence the interaction between you
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don't and the, all you, you lose all your rental fee shall say the company's nuclear program is peaceful and for civilian use. but the rest of the company stuff that i use is iran has enriched uranium up to 60 percent. 90 percent is needed to reach weapons, grade level gross is was it has to be towards the 2 sides. might agree to de escalate passions between them. the was nuclear chief says they have agreed to revive their joint the 2023 statements. we are not going to have an agreed for my document. as vice president myself, i have repeated join statement of my last year continues to be a very satisfactory framework for our corporation. the conference is being held in this behind that whole set of nuclear facilities, including the widely known nothing is nuclear power plant. small improvements was
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recently attacked by israel. there is a huge knuckle thrust between the ron and the world's nuclear woodstock day uses inspections are being limited. your office is on the post to come even close by the turned parties. during the corporate, as the 2 sides agreed to resume tools. but technical impulse become differences suggests that won't be easy. there seems to have that up to 0 spa russian president vladimir 14 has been sewn in for a 5th time and a lavish ceremony of the kremlin. but as a veteran leader begins a new period in office, a wide range of domestic and foreign challenges lie ahead dosage. barry reports from musk on the legs, the legs, each faulty and a familiar path for vladimir, put on his way to st. andrews. hall in the kremlin grand palace as he walks towards becoming the long, disturbing leader in russian history. for the 5th time,
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vladimir putin has been sworn in as the country's presidents with nearly 2500 people in attendance. but notably, absence for leaders and western ambassadors, the russian president addressed the dignitaries and the nation with gratitude and promises on you to let them go to him. i won't be able to over here at all, but dissipating in the special minutes of the operation as everyone will fight for the fatherland. you citizens of russia have confirmed the correctness of the country. is course. this is of great importance right now. when we are faced with serious challenges on top of the agenda for the 71 year olds, former k g b officer to ensure russia survival during this promotion was time with western powers. on monday, put in signed a decree, which ordered nuclear drills involved and technical weapons with russian troops base near ukraine. an order following what officials called provocative threats
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from western officials regarding not ruling out sending troops to ukraine to ensure russia it does not when the war is the main challenge. for what do you me to put you in? use a to my daughter it. it's not a lasers and between the restaurant and the rest on coalition in it is best reach are actually in the corporate war. 2 is association with natasha. phil support will not loose such a credit report, but another friend, ruby know, a nuclear war. know, look, look at the source, a lot of me put one, his latest term in office in march with the highest vote share in his political career, 88 percent in an election that had the highest voter turnout as well with nearly 78 percent of the population taking part, but with no real challenge to his reign. his victory was a foregone conclusion. photos next 6 years in office will be the most housing yet for the veteran leader. on the domestic front,
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all opposition has been silenced or exiled. and for us, freedom is no non existence. russia is the world's most sanctioned country, but the economy has not collapse far from it. all the while western powers are threatening to send troops into crane a fact which compose the biggest challenge yet, for the man that's been credited with saving the country so far. or since avari altamira, moscow, see, i don't know to 0 in sports, kelly and roger post more than 401 c i p a match. that's on the way that the a 106 kilometer stretch of remote and perilous jungle. the only land route to south america for migrants, tequila side of the united states. a voyage,
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but for some is their loss. none the less for compass families, it's a risk they are willing to take full lines and box on this unforgiving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the barium go on the jersey to the the the squarespace feature. probably thank you so much. we just minutes away from patterson, germans champions, the semi final 2nd league match against bruce, endorsement and head coach. louis enrique is sounding very confident. the french champions may be wonderful. down on advocates, but and re kansas sees team will win the time. the history also had 2 over 2 and a one goal deficits to be foster learning in the cold, the finals. kidding and bobbi andes, teammates go in search of
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a 2nd champion seat final. having lost the title, decided to bind munich 4 years ago, is only the same for affairs. we will win is the only sentence i now have to say in french and seeing as i liked this sentence, i always think that might seem a wind. of course, we will win for sure. and so we'll have a confidence manage as carla mentioned, lottie backs, he's around the dread side to be by munich and dates on wednesday, despite being critical of his team's performance in the 1st leg light, venetia junior penalty risk you to, to, to join munich last week and former bion boss and chelsea question he sites commitments. now they head to the benedetto on wednesday, the thing to go one step closer to rick wood, extending 15 champions. being titled, the splunk coast have had an impressive campaign, only losing 2 matches, both of which were against the political madrid in league, and the culprit del ray. claire was almost through his own butter. see, though, i think that as a club, we have similar. it's a club that has a great tradition, a great history,
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a lot of success and the champions league. i think we respect each other in a semi final, you have to respect the opponent, even more side because they have done very well. and they were better than us in the 1st leg, a fine music manager, it's almost too cool. we'll leave at the end of the season. and this is, besides gallstones folsom silverware by labor cruise installments in the bundles making means it's the 1st time in 12 years buying have not one the lead cycle, but look to reach the final for the 1st time since 2020, when they be p s t one know, in england, bossing them far as the stuff of the blowing they premier, the relegation fine, the club was being unsuccessful in its appeal. so between a full point deduction for breaching the lead financial rules, despite that they do still have a face in their own hands. far as counties of 3 points above the drops and with 2 matches to go. i'll have, i'll need just one point from the remaining full games to change the saudi. probably titled that's a 5 back to be. so actually $21.00 in the latest match,
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i was on the mitsubishi headed in a, he loves equalize it in the 2nd hall. and how about this for when a brazilian food malcolm, running from inside is that an off the school and make it 23 straight victories for all the you know, may see turned down, but she wants to move to saudi arabia in favor of, into miami. and the clubs, co owner, david beckham says the ocean times impact on football in the us has been significant of my vision was always to try and bring the grades this plan to the flight the game, to out to outsets into our club. now it was never going to be easy. it took time, it took a lot of creative minds and businesses to kind of bring him to, to the us. obviously on the page you can always say from day one who's been incredible. but the most important thing for me about bringing someone like leo was
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to exile and encourage and inspire the next generation of soccer players or football players within the us. when i think it's also accelerated, the, the, the interest and accelerated the spot here in the us, especially on the lead up to the welcome in the indian premium e bay. the capitals have beaten the rug just done. royals by 20 runs. the through obviously, to 65, were able to post 221 to 8. in may. 20 of is send you samsung. these based with 86 for rob, just phone, but in the, in the oil just could not get to the targets and entertaining. that's with me the flu. 100 run the school the crowd to enjoy. so i've just done remains sick and in the standing for a baby are up to the denver nuggets. need to turn things around fost if there it's a stay in with a chance of defending the in the a title. they repeats and again by the minnesota symbols in the west and conference, any finals called anthony towns and anthony edwards, faith school,
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27.4 percent blues, who were playing away from home, but ran away with it to win 106. 18. that's now 6 victories in a row for minnesota in the playoffs, ab to nothing in the base of sickness, evenings they weren't in our favor to night, man. i thought i was, we made shots, they did as defend champs over there, so they're not going to come out and play like that again and game 3, we've got to be ready to take their punch and they ran us off the floor. and so i'd just ask our fans to stay with us. no, tonight was not a pretty sight. and you know, i know there was some boost out there and i understand that because we didn't play anywhere close to the level that we've come to expect from this team. but stay with us, believe in us. and we, we, we've done a lot of good things. there was somebody caching moments over in the eastern conference savings, or how important stresses this faces lead i say holding sign,
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i made this elaine range by the basis of the new mix. the gains begin the interfaces, and then what about this done from the paces that will be open? leads to the real stuff was turned in front. so new school 43 for the mix. becoming just the full play with full straight 50 point games in the post season, along with michael j waste. bennett king. that makes me one nothing. i'm not going thinking i need to score 40. it's not the my mindset. all. i want this to be aggressive to make place for myself, for others. just the cost of communication that we have is the trust that we have with each other to, to do the best we can every single time down the course. china have dropped the raining double and then pick table tennis champion mall long from the main singles team full. the upcoming powers games gold medalist from rio inside care is currently rent fluid in the world and some of the shock defeats at facility smash
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events in china. on monday, instead of china have opted for the world's top play a when to chain. and the current number to friends and don't suspend winning a 2nd round match and saudi on the same day he was picked for paris. so hey o, tony continues to show why he's the biggest naming baseball right now. the japanese stuff is full time running through games for the la dodgers. this one coming any 135 meters. it time became against the miami mountains of $22.00 and the dog just went on. so when 63 i, tony is the 1st place to reach 1100 and this seems to go to the boston bruins in h l 5 random call. or in the morning he was with his wife and she gave birth of a new baby son. and then state of florida and sold one of the goals and a $51.00. whenever the pen foods that puts the bruins one game up in the face of 17 . let's see. that's what we're supposed to know. i'll be here again with another updated bit later for me to thank you very much for that. now me on mars military government has banned conscription, age men from leaving the country for work best size. it continues to suffer losses
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in battles with palms, groups. the new law was introduced last week after tens of thousands applied for visas to avoid military conscription, but thousands more adjoining on groups to oppose the gym. and a 3rd special report from inside now and mar, tony chang, met some of those who drive a fight to june. to then joined it, strikes and see through to the factory. price point is charging from a hidden positions for the moment. however, their enemy is imagined and their rifles aren't real to new recruits, but they have no doubts about what their training for. so if i have to, yeah, i would prefer to take my may target is like to become a ministry delta. but if i have to, so i think i would do that if i choose to, to the p, but that does not because of the hate of the so job. so i forgot i to,
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i need to protect my family and my pat watching carefully to military sponsor planes. drilled on an open that parade ground, put through the paces in the baking heat, teach them to follow waters, experience hardship, and work together. no allowances for the female recruits. these are skills which will keep them alive. and before they can break for food, the pledge of allegiance to the people's defense rules. since the new conscription laws came as the 4th, thousands of young men and women have come down into the jungles to join the pro democracy forces and raw the fight against the middle the region to join the ranks . the military has been showing all its new come scripts to mount seemed to the beach. if a bra spend but new laws, forbidding men from working overseas indicates the struggling to fill the ranks of the home. fulls of fresh supplies handed out in front of the cameras. contrast with
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stores from you recruits, you say basic equipment is in short supply and the pdf have a secret with them. on some the general who friedman m. uh from previous rule the, the actor who played him in a recent film about his life. now training you recruit, so where do you pick the best post? conscription makes resistant, forces stronger. now what accepts that load? so youth, so now joining the people's defense force instead of being constricted by the military, we have seen many more use joined since then. oh, no bra spends here. these volunteers paying and sweat and hardship for their belief in a democratic future. a belief which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives . tony chang else's era, eastern mamma. and in his final report for mason, myanmar,
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tony chang looks at the people's defense force. the pdf and the fighters were taking on the journey. and that wraps up this news hour on algae 0 from me fully by to board the whole team. thank you very much. for watching my colleagues, so romilly will be with you next week based on the you will scott a duty and a grow viewing for the p. use a card to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients. visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems. customer ridgecrest in depth analysis of the days headlines that is the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult
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a moment is this for probably minutes with nothing yahoo is trying to stay in definitely is 5 minutes to the know the to stay forcibly out of j. frank assessments, how to relations decline between the media and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is new jazz choice of ministry partners and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera business like this. this wrote to you, i guess,
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as i live slowly on, one of your this makes modern plates. the business latest is free to you believe i guess is a lifestyle. one of your just makes modern pleads. the base rent is whole and against the worst thing that humanitarian catastrophe. in garza entrance troops take control of the cross, the border crossing the gloves. so robin, what channel does there like? well, headquarters here in the hall coming up prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that


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