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tv   101 East Indias Red Sandalwood Kingpin  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm AST

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of volunteers from across the rosella helping to bring tens of thousands of people to safety following storms and flooding in the southern state of rio grande to so at least 85 people have been killed. and as our lot in america, to tennessee and human reports, water level was in port to our leg rate. one of the country's main cities are still rising. no one knows how many people is still missing in this floods the landscape, the cost in life and property possible to calculate right now on this highway buses collect thousands of people who been left homeless by the floods, the worst in memory. all the voltage over to cuz i have nothing left except my dogs. i think mankind costs these by destroying the balance of nature. sort of go to school. the police officer in charge has slipped for dave and said, all those, all these people here were rescued today. they have no homes and almost around.
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this is just one place, but there are 20 more like it nearby. but it's dark and dangerous sick from what people now were by the main road that leads. it's a part of the legacy. it's only about 20 kilometers from here, but it's impossible to actually get in. the roads are flooded. they are, they are packed also with people trying to also get in who becomes stuck. and you see here, people everywhere on the road waiting for help to arrive. 900000 people have been directly impacted by the floods. and the city is now under strict water rationing because the majority of its treatment plans are under water. the airport is flooded. getting in and out of the store lately, which is a city of around 4 and a half 1000000 people has become almost impossible. this makes moving emergency services to where they are desperately needed, painfully slow. police and army units are over. well. now that the rain has
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stopped losing, has begun the o problem. resilience from all over this vast country, ascending aid and pitching in to help the rescue effort. only the 1st stage of a catastrophe. the is still unfold. to see a newman al jazeera quarterly, the brazil, and that is the news for now on alger 0. i'll be back with more world news in about 30 minutes right after one. and one of us here on out just here. thanks for watching the the amazon home to indigenous people and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil. they're living in direct contact with petroleum prepare border, and so, in ecuador, communities of fighting the corporate joins in
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a battle for survival. and to save their lives. so as the word, how does he was view? seems doing the fine glass is read. chandelier is one of the most expensive timbers in the world. it's also an endangered species on an agent national black monica trade has decimated valuable forests. one least, 5 percent of products and us is that and a lot us to 80 to 90 percent is gone by 2015 like that. he made more than $113000000.00. one man is accused of being at the top of the trade. so who meet? so who's for me is wanted for international trafficking or fred sandlewood and attempted murder on public officials in india. 101 east investigator indian send
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award campaign. and the fight to capture came the nieces into pull headquarters easily on from for the 1st time, interpol has a load of camera crews into their environmental crime, unix. and that's got straight down to business. let's have an updates on suspect number tree salvador. have you any updates? so we finance case media national, which is linked to their website. there are some, are some double the timber trafficking. he saw circular stuff, i have them to mark. there are some of the coffee shows in the country to see a civil rights regarding this guy. and then we verified several of them and it was,
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it was negative. so far, salvador ortega is an operational code and nature at the interpol unit. but some of the 1st, when i last spoke to somebody or whatnot, and i'm going to go and they've already got some data looking at the course a, but i would assume that i guess the data when i don't know that i don't know what i mean. not even the worst time. remember, send them by the letters. i'm just doing that the whole place. i often don't seem to think, i mean, what are the sounds? i mean, something i don't know and there's, i'm going to have you started. i will check the status on the june, the 1st of the trying and walnut has to go to that. i'll probably put the budget on this smuggler later and go have a to play at x general tonight. you put
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a little smug level of what this one is that 100 sending real hard on april hijacking tunnel with a smug look. i might of the stations tell them forest in under produced india is the only place on the way red sandlewood grows the lucrative t trunks of timber known as red. sanders had been by purchase the piece and the smuggling task force has been assigned to protect what a large purchase items is due to allow the lease. uh they're going to get on the, on the $100.00 to $200.00 designs or on a month to the our case in the next one is just the size ceiling list for the month . the, the units itself roadside checks to try and stop the traffic is escaping with more
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defeated electronics the . we had to turn ice on the south east coast of india to meet a journalist who has been investigating the legs, king pain of the smuggling trade. sahu from the i'm so that going to do with them a lot. i'm 80 the investigation from the times of india or i've been talking so i'll allow me for the boston e. s. and so so how many the i was born in 1960 and tell me a lot of the state of my building to the police red red sand. those fees are grumpy . he moved to the telly ready near to the boat. john,
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i boat is one of the biggest boards in india. the steve was working in the smaller painting jobs like watching and a handkerchief company and a flower shop. then he moved on to the secret. it's the indonesian singular. it's the 2nd at some single boat used to smuggling to india. while tom i bought them, he started the sound of smuggling. the food a come out is a former senior police officer surgeon. he said, uh it is a $100.00 to go using india. does it a credit would limitation on the network? these minnes loveless, living in the,
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from sunlight, scores to the sh reports from c ports to devise single port militia, hong kong, directly to this dana funded by the police on not be lot of 2nd on photo and smugglers. the everybody say claudia, selling the red sanders done the name crops of the in progress reports saucers bite. it's also how me my use, like against a king finish car buying guns to language for the 1st time he has been caught. he has been put in the prison, isn't doing for investigating agencies
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of track the major international racket or forwarded retreating and the smuggling of endangered red sanders hiding endangered products produced red sanders. this lot of it on the 2000 loss was intercepted by the director of revenue intelligence value that folk rolled over beef, which patches about 6 times more than the international market in these directory to a revenue intelligence or d r i. is it the full front of a fight against smuggling? a. m. z a ryan was a deputy, had the and lived to send a wood bost, who used to look for a new show back to things in the moment of carnival in those picked up, conveyed southern country that's going to change the phone. the product code declared us she li, rate dimension is unusually higher part of the container on that
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suspicion. it's all doing was going to run it, contain mentally examine that you can do that. so i can combine the last one solid. i mean, after the age of 50 to contain is be a rhyme and his team quarter table. so the rentals that we do have fox put them in china on the phone, in the lobby, on that us to them and the to them the 1st time. so who i mean when behind the box, the key was part of the from the hotel and brought to my office the g 3. and on the
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summons that i think to the 3rd centers, monday therefore i will not give the states and this was unusual. them out of the on to deal with this. i thought of. yeah, i knew you should do amazing by offices taking to under according to the knowledge, walk the dogs and bottom. any news with one form and judging our talking to the converse that it is told ideas smuggler. but if he had done this to the audition or directors into 2 made deposited on the bank deposit is why you
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don't say this statement taken on new shortly. but it wasn't enough for them to call them 1st off. then the lives of solid coming comes with the big chest. they find is the case. saying to release him. solomon, who's released? come talk on base against. that's my dad. he started to describe it as a violent kitty of caught up with the loan after you brought the car. but it kind of comedy by cool, but none of us to not to be successful, but to get the part that said, against the gunning down the operations set to be again the smoke goes in on these
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different values when i'm in just a moment that i will talk, i'm going to do it on the one to see what you learned depending if you could take off a nod is a senior officer of the indian forest service. no, i mean, but it just is 15 under sometimes $100.00 on a lot of stuff. and on to one is this thing on garden, don't want you to have a garden propane bill, and then don't 6 and i was sort of so really for you one, the one going to album and then a, but for them one day i was one common guessing that you're doing something extensive moving forward in the
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by, i'm david, i'm going to find my direct, but then the police on that application as well. i mean, it was one of the big spun less of whom would try to bring him to book and i mean, i know, i know it changed the window at the time as well as like a very few escape actually solved. and i mean these today maybe even by the end of a good one for low even cell j to cause a criminal intelligence analyst with into polls in single pole is warranted in over 36 cases. yeah. since 2016 and supported issued and written notice against him at the request of the indian authorities
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expected to be based out um and operating use business from there. the to the allow me to actually either of any, the bottom of the the way and this is going to be one of the, probably a one day to individualize reading changeable, to christmas clinic. the. it's a bit complicated because the individual was, wanted, is, hasn't committed an offense in the country where you've located. he is wanted by another name of the country, but indian police receive
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a lot of information about the whole her needs whereabouts. most of the members of so our phone and some of us are from the exec very up for the length of the street. so we don't like to settle. we meet with one of the police is confidential informants into by the spring reporting on the whole need. should i start with infinity, between the money wiggly, instead of taking the next business i gave information to the police, considering either the, sometimes things like, what do you do it? somebody what kind of, you know, does you describe the where, where is we sent everything on the general position. so
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because here was incentive, and soon they had a strong tip for the police wonder some of us go to somebody condition in the house . if i really started to ask everyone if that is a part of the process that we, i mean, so we asked what, who was doing, what's going on. and he said the organizing a big event last one uh mancha. we need to go to blue a little bit later than they even got into the, the, the wyoming and they, we sent them to cindy. and i'm uh, going to one of the indians from miller and barely they let anybody it doesn't
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every day in the lot of 100 smugglers that sees that 40 said lot of those had any information the while both the you will need when to are the food that wasn't never gonna collect the data and simple enough. so ones um, just leave it in that. and then in my mind, one of the game i'm missing, i'm of like the also who made the why equal you can data to invite so many smugglers to do. but because one thing he is rich or she made a lot of money. um, it was believe a few years ago,
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it says like 2015 like that. they made more than one per the $1000000.00 copies of the cards, which is what she wants. properties to solve boss me less on 3 commercial buildings, the device, todd hotel investments, lot of buildings, dad for him, but his family members the big so much so that he has a legal support. is liars working for him in india. e, as the police is forrest officials looking for him. yes, customs. he was very confident i'm the son was picking up the
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in 2015, policemen who are tracking sahu. i mean they have name and his son. i've already been in the criminal cases so by the time is manage in the by and he was certainly in august thinking got like he has a company here but he doesn't know the indian police are waiting for. you can select it and pay the bill. so, and i wouldn't pointless with that, but the notable directly to that invoice, federal as margot agencies. what about, i have to say a headboard layer and agencies or later in the, on the
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inside. we all just had an idea how we works. how our dollies picture doesn't mean that just the possibilities for that of so we knew him in a, in a lot more like of the walking dead. they would identify the tune up and he landed in the one bed for the police. got information on the as he came on to the immigration, it was that us to me shocked the police soon received a phone call from so who made easy reaction was like, i mean of any,
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any loving father, you want them to have some great new offer based off of a sudden that a colleague of mine is i love you because you need me that don't make it more than today is the 2nd is to me. you need me. i will come on senator you lou, my son solvable. i mean that i need to sign and that was the headline and the story . and then the whole story, i've written in the old $150.00 that is like the, as i say, ok, we got by that gives us, you come on to what do you learn? know you like them. the the problem was hesitant to come to india. he thought the even better man is the systems you go to fight it out
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legally. believe i'm a little, i'm going to go to natalie window able to we didn't the news from the pictures we have gone to the cost. most of the cars have pictures of his funds with the cost such photos help us track down the locations of wonder. so make some of him to buy the . i'm looking for a home in the security guard cools the who for me for the future.
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i'm a, i'm a, i'm a journalist. i just trying to talk with your father so it's about the red sun. there's the acquisition. you, you've heard about it for me is business. okay. yeah. but if, if it's not, so why does it have it doesn't surrender to the police and defend these guys legally. this is the biggest issue that we were unable to track down his father. so who wondering was somewhere else and nobody had really struck you know, like maybe give information to the police about. so the new,
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the, what's most of it is, let's try it. and it isn't just that, i think it's a dyslexic, the actions, a part of the actions are taken to stop. so who need remains a wanted man, the streets for countries which is a 195 member countries. so if he is traveling to another country and there isn't a lot she good, then he could get the rest of the journalist don't go to mama says more needs to be done to track the king pin down. now, fading, forgetting. and also there's
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a lack of political really to get him because i turned this modeling is not directly hard thing and even like that of them, no bombings. there is no drugs here. it's only they're cutting the trees, but they're not realizing the killing the planet. they're not realizing they're clearing the forest then not realizing that the environment is destroyed, the in the solomon islands, the deadly legacy of world war 2, remain on the lounge. wide is placed it in a fluid. now i do this, see,
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they are literally this sense of taking time on 101 east meets the solomon islands . some tante scape of war that ended decades ago on, on jersey, where you're looking at now is move the flow from the nearby to pile landfill. garbage has reached a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. this is just one of many landfills around the country that have exceeded capacity mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. indonesia is one of the world's top contributes has of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons each year. and it's at locations like where i am on the outskirts of to come to where you can see the scale of what environmental groups cool. a plastic waste crisis, the most common plastic pollution in engine asia. a single use sashes, which environmental group say are small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button entities has government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some
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success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. why have american evangelicals become? his real strongest background? is us president joe find the right to stand with israel with no red line? as long as us support continues? is there anything that can stop is real, solve on gaza from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line worked out of their existence. they've slowed ship as a principal present. and as a correspondence with any breaking the story, we want to hear from those people who was normally know get that voices heard on the international news channels. one moment i'll be very proud all was when we covered the fullness quick of 2015 at the terrible ment shoulders. that's the story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time.
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the is there any time stay control of the rasa border crossing, cutting off a supplies into gaza, adapt ordering palestinians to evacuate from the, the club. this is out to 0 line from doha. i'm for you back. people also coming up casualties, mounting rafa, israel vance on a tax across southern guys on $1500000.00 out of scenes or sheltering from industry next.


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