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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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for his left wing views, his poetry, what's the width? and he used to fight the whole world and close them. themes who this assyrian professor has lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement in living in syria. how this going to the rock, that constantine was not behind rebel writers, palestine and syria on that, which is 0 the. the hello on maria. minimize the welcome to the news our live from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes is riley tags seize control of a major border, crossing into gauze, costing off the supply of a to the area. the casualties of mounting and rough size is ro, rams salt attacks across gauze, the south one and a half 1000000 palestinians. a sheltering that, meanwhile, is rarely sending
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a delegation to colorado. for most, these 5 talks, despite rejecting the latest due, which was accepted by him, us. also at this hour the russian present legitimate person is sworn in for another time in office. in sports, the denver nuggets needs to turn things around quick to fetch defense, the end vh. hi tool. they lost again it to the ministration. symbols to trial is nothing in the western conference that'd be fine. or is there any military forces of taking control of the palestinian side of the roof of border crossing between garza and the egypt? this is the main route for humanitarian supplies and egyptian officials, a condemning them the saying israel's actions and rough or a threatening efforts towards reaching upon them and seize fire. israel is now blocking the main us re bringing agents to the strip where many people are already
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experiencing full blown funding. so oral high right now reports only hours of to from us is acceptance of a ceasefire. proposal is riley times rolled in ser, off off this minute tree video shows a concrete board, a wall that separates the city from egypt. the crossing he has been gauze is lifeline. international aid that's been trickling in since the stall. so the will with these ro, controlling what goes in and out. as the tanks advanced is riley, will planes hit home during the night and into tuesday morning. the rough work crossing is now under control of the israeli defense forces and is currently closed for the movement of goods and people in both directions this morning is one of the darkest in this 7 months. now mike, man, israel says it's foaming of gaza is limited, but it's pushed up the death toll among palestinians. by the day,
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thousands of people killed in less than 24 hours. make shift tense like this one. all adults is have to work with hospitals, and garza has been bowman. israel's little cabinet on the prime minister benjamin netanyahu unanimously voted to to continue minute she opperation is in rough off. and it's was issued more orders, palestinians, east of the city to leave, to areas. it's heavily palms before is riley decisions have pushed the international community to speak out against any military action in or off off china and from space permanent members of the un security council. the latest to join those calls on the you hi, representative shows that bar. i'll have this to say the national community to us to be a new member stage. everybody asking it on your own not to attack rafa. despite to z as warnings and these requests to the doctor's doctor yesterday night. i am
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afraid that this is going to cause a game that a lot of casualties stop exporting. wesson belgium quotes for an immediate start to weapons being exported to ero. egypt has also raised its objections. israel's bowman writes on its border with hundreds of a trucks carrying desperately needed food, clean water and medication continue to line its roads fund from entering garza israel's take over the crossing means patients also call and go through m u n ones that already has enough age because the last one day, as it too, has been banned from guessing through the rough crossing. sort of height of, i'll just, sarah. well, let's take a closer look at what's happening in rough on the area itself. we're talking about a 64 square enrollment to assist you in the southern part because the strip that runs just along the border with egypt. it's a critical entry point for humanitarian aid that was stormed last night by his
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writing forces. and israel declared to circle safe zone. nearly 2 sides of gauze as population fled that now it's home to more than one and a half 1000000 displaced palestinians with an average of more than 22000 people in the square of columbus. uh, it's 5 times more crowded now than before the war. the united nations is described roughly as a pressure cooker of dispatch. we have correspondents covering the story across the region within the of the diary and they are all by law. this is in central gaza . stephanie decker is in the dining capital. i'm on 1st. let's begin with honey my mood, who's in rough by itself. so israel seizure and the closing of rasa in garza is really raising concerns that supplies which are already so sketch. could now be depleted, uncomfortable even more. yes
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indeed on that's already starting to impact negatively the, the southern part of this trip vanity of rock by city. with 1500000 displays, palestinians have been cornered in this. a small part of the strips is the initial weeks of the war. and since they evacuation orders were issued from the northern parts to gaza and more recently economy was the central area of more people are right now, a very critical point. they don't know where to go in terms of safety. the designated it's safe zone are not actually see it. but what's worse right now is that particular crossing has served as the lifeline do arteries of you many 3. and it's a true that it hasn't been a fully operational within the past 7 months, but it did. in fact, it provides people here what, what could be described more of like a live support system of a human at 3 and a. but right now with the full of clothes you're there, there is an increase of the risk of a spread of as our vision and the spread of,
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of other challenges right now we're ready. a traumatized displays population is struggling on daily basis to make sure the fact that even basic supplies are available by crossing is one or 5 more landed crossings. that as of now, we can safely say that the r o blocked by these really military further increased the problem. we have statement issued by international organization, by owner what by the red cross calling on the devastation impact of the closure of robot, the crossing and all the negative implications that people have to live with within the company about this really a military. it's stated that it's operation of the crossing is limited, but so far would be the expansion of the, the scale of the bombing and the intensity of the patterns are funded right now. it doesn't look like it's going to be limited. a thank you very much from rough uh, in uh, southern gaza, honey, my load reporting to us that many people who left eastern rough i've had it was
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0 by line central guys, a hand at a 100, joins us from there. and so people starting to arrive then in central gaza from rough of you and speaking to many people who are seeing the south now accidentally people have been coming and we have been receiving people from dropbox since the beginning of the morning. and since last night. but again, it's over crowded he had in that in bella and people do not have any place to set up their tents. word to seek refuge to behind me is all up to the hospital. all of the departments is past with patients injuries and also displays people up in front of me is a back to the backyard of the hospital where it's a make shift at cop where palestinians have been seeking refuge in this hospital for more than 6 months. right. now, so people are coming, it's overcrowded,
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it's packed people do not know where to set up for their tests. we're talking about 5 meetings with their children with elder people. so it's, it's very hard for, for the palestinians, especially after seeking refuge for more than 7 months and dropped off, thinking that it was a safe area. but also there is no guarantee that the central godless trip daddy bella or han eunice, are safe and won't be a target by the is there any war plains? let me highlight. also people who tried to set up their 10th income newness, they're telling us that can you this has 0 access to water and know electricity and also they, there's no space for them to set up their tests because i knew this has been completely wiped off rubble is everywhere, and there's no empties, pays for palestinians. now to set up their guns still. so they have been asking if
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there can be, anyone has been, does to spare the grounds in the fields from the rub of the situation is a bit high optic people are stressed and frustrated and specially they're, they're feeling over one about the news about the rough crossing and housing all the 8th and the movement out and in the cause was true. okay, thank you very much. i as i'm doing now, but are on the honda, she enjoys us from online senior policy and advocacy advise us. and that lease with the must equal is a global non governmental humanitarian aid organization. and you must have been listening to correspondence there in darrow bi line, central gaza hendo, who dri, describing how obviously many palestinians what pushed out of northern gaza. the through to gaza. city data by law to hong eunice, and then eventually to run fund. now those same people having been looted multiple times of being told to move out of east and rafa. and she was just describing how
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in hong units there are no facilities. people are not really able to live without clean more. so they don't have access to any basic supplies. how, how much of the humanitarian catastrophe should we see longer this operation and rough goes on for a yeah, thank you, honey. i'm hands actually drill exactly what the picture is been on the ground and goes on. and this is up to us. if feedback is doesn't seem to have an end. on the contrary, it's getting worse by the hour, especially with the offensive. i just want to, i also uh, took highlights 2 important points here. the 1st thing is that the reputation for those that have been issued for it's more than 100000 people and get these. what is sort of thing conditions that they're not compliance. it's a human same principles because the people are given only one day to actuate there
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was no clarity about where to go and what are the conditions that they're going to be in today. most of the places where as a describe, a little livable, they don't have the infrastructure. and even the, the, the, the word oddity was not guaranteed to be safe. people would also go to what fault, so call, so you can go on and buy history. you know, that feeds on the now, you know, actually are not these a cynthia projections. i'm the nothing for me to handle bases be seen everywhere, not in schools or specifics on the in the sense that we have been a human thanks. we're going to dishes next to or we have been warning of 4 weeks or for several weeks now. it's happening, it's unfolding, and the more it is unloading and then that the more time a ceasefire will take place. this trying to do was of the how is it then?
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so obviously we've seen the breakdown of cease by told. now you have the regionals right to the world health organization, among other international organizations saying that this incursion into rafa is going to put the lives of one and a half 1000000 people in grave danger. and that includes some 600000 children. so, you know, obviously these organizations are not going to be able to stay and deliver services even if they want to, because they don't gonna be able to get a through the roof of border crossing. how urgent is, is the situation now? how much is it to get a ceasefire agreement and to make sure that this crossing is reopened, it is more urgent and there isn't, is even now um, not the right word to describe the reason and the, the,
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the healthy the situation. namely, yes, he's father is the only practical way the best destruction of this position in the sense of the lot who have been experiencing this catastrophe for more adaptive 7 months. the other concrete, actionable ways for member states and for the users will have less over the parts of this config that'd be, can take immediately to put pressure and angela's that this isn't the coffee we have. we have been having all been close to all you in members to the exact model, but i think i'm christian and we even went to the us. 1 you and member the arms to bills and transferred to the, the pharmacy, the conflicts that are contributing to the wrong issues of this conflict. it's every hour. this conflict is still ongoing, that it would be life loss and then would be people who are the would be continued to live in, inhumane funds. okay, thank you very much for joining us,
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a that from amman are on the honda? well, how mazda said that? it had accepted a cx 5 deal, just as before. israel roundtop, it's a tax on rasa for just a short while, palestinians in gaza thoughts the war was over. but the sad abrasions were brief. as israel said this agreement did not meet its requirements. the deputy head of a mouse and gauze a little higher. so the group had received, received assurances from mediators about the potential deal. all the mediation has told us that the us president is clearly committed to ensuring the implementation of the agreement. the bowl is now in the course of these rarely occupation. we informed the mediators that we agree completely, but the proposal, the mediators now. so put pressure on these really side to agree as well as soon as possible. but if the occupation wants to continue the war, the onus is on the mediators in the international community. but we did what we were supposed to do,
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and we're patient we will own outlined. and i think we did everything from people. and in this stage of the negotiations, we achieve the goals we talked about. i'm assessed a full ceasefire full withdrawal of israeli troops. return of the displaced with no conditions and the aid from people and the deals the exchange of prisoners. we will continue until the end for you all captives from the occupations jails. here's what we know about the sci fi, what it involves. it's been divided into 3 phases, each one last thing for $42.00 days. the 1st thing too is the provision of safe passage for displace palestinians to return to the homes. the 2nd covers the withdrawal of israeli troops and the announcement of a poem and an end to military operations by israel. the 3rd stage focuses on ending the blockade on gaza. stephanie deca joins us live now from the truth and capital amman. and so we see this incursion into rafa, comes off to him. i said that it had accepted the si,
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fi proposal put forward by egyptian and country mediate to stephanie what efforts now to try and we build some sort of agreement. yes, this deal is really the work of americans and egyptians mostly. and i think it's interesting, anthony blink, and stood just a couple of days ago. and israel saying that israel had made generous concessions when it came to this deal that the oldest was now one have mouse. and if my mouse isn't accept this deal, it meant didn't care about it's people. well, i must spend a long weekend in cairo. these readings did not send their delegation and then they have agreed upon the deal that apparently was israel's generous concessions according to the americans. these are, these are now saying, no, there's been changes apparently, to the text that was initially agreed upon. so they are now and i think this is still significant, even though old, the movement that we're seeing in the ground is it off, or they are sending a delegation to cairo and we expect them to leave. in the next couple of hours,
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they'll be meeting there with the head of the c i. a william burns has been on it tense shuttle diplomacy. he arrived in colorado last friday, sat with him, a site with egyptian sat with the guitar, immediate jersey den, flute the cottage, and had intensive negotiations there. then you heard that how mouse accepted it. now we are aware we are. so i think we're gonna have to wait and see over the next couple of days. what is going to come out? i think the fact that israel has sent a delegation to cairo remains significant. didn't it means that there was hope still, that some kind of a deal can be reached. i think interesting, if you look at the movements on the ground in that i saw because of the sticking points. israel, as always said and nothing yahoo is keen to show to show his right wing the coalition that he is doing something. and that also that he is the strong man that he's not capitulating to the americans. what you're seeing now moving them into the alpha and increasing the attacks is playing to that base at the same time. he's
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sending a group to negotiate. so reading between the lines, he's trying to appease both sides of the pressure he is facing. again, like i said, we're gonna have to wait and see how the next couple of hours in days play out. and just briefly, you might think it's a bit odd that were reported on israel from mine. but um is, are out decided to close out to 0 is offices, they rated our office 2 days ago, confiscated our equipment, which is why we've moved to a mine and we are reporting on israel from here. okay, well thank you very much. stephanie deca in a month in all the developments to is riley soldiers have been killed in a hezbollah drone attack. the strike results from southern lebanon and hit targets near the northern is ready town of mid to late. it was one of a series of attacks by us, all of which included rockets is ready. all me says that it has trucks. several buildings and compounds in southern lebanon. st holder is that just near the border with israel. to do is read, the soldiers were killed in
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a how's the butler claimed drone attack on mentally that as a town along the border in northern israel. they weren't. the 1st is really casualties since the confrontations began 7 months ago. but the we, we have noticed it is that as well as attacks become more lea filled when it wants to send a message to these rates as well or opened up this front to help relief pressure on it's ally. hum us in gaza. now with the, with the strikes on rough in gaza, you're, you're going to expect of the, for other fronts the, the groups that are allied with hamas to escalate and step up pressure also to help relieve the pressure pressure on how much. so this front is very much linked to what is going on. now they're still our international diplomatic efforts to try to m dot for and has while a has repeatedly said an end to the war on god. so we'll,
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we'll hold the fighting. but the biggest question that is being asked here is whether or not that will be enough for israel will hold to the fighting and return to the situation of pre october 7 to be enough. or will they, you know, insist on has bullet pulling back from the border is where the officials have said they are ready to use force and as well as position has been faster, they will only agree to not have a visible presence along the border. so the situation is quite tense along this front line, the, the, the situation, the trajectory of the conflict, the nature of the conflicts feel very much the same in the sense that both sides are still large. they can finding their attacks to military targets that are for their else as the though. so they end up in on style police in bothering a broken off an anti war demonstration involving hundreds of protest as the active as it occupied a courtyard at buttons for university. and the statement,
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the universities at the protest is it rejected any kind of dialogue and they've been calling police to kids. a campus dominic came is invalid for us now. and what is the situation that situation now is very calm, as you can see behind me. there are police officers who are inspecting what's left from the 6 in process that took place here for several hours going through the tents that were extra to check that there's nobody as well hiding in the but also to see what is being left behind by the protest this, a hernia they moved in to break out what had been taking place. the several 100 people had decided to come get here and protest. the officers moved in, taking people away, detaining them in ones, and twos, and threes, dragging people away. and we wait to find out whether all of those people will have being arrested. whether charges will be present as clearly the authorities. last is the university. all parties wanted these people away,
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the demands of the people. well that for see clear science on fly is like this is in german, all power phrase. basically saying it's time that germany should take part in a protest, move in the protest movement around the world. they demand that the genocide, they say that it's taking place in gaza, be stopped. they also say that students who take part in these protests should not be banned from doing so, and should not lose the status of the students. that is something that many students have taken process and process. all afraid of. this is not the 1st time that has been processed in lynn over the course of the last few days. on friday, there was a smaller city in protest at the home boats university in central, and this is the free university in bell. and this was a boxed in of democracy and free students as it was during the cold war. now it's a place where hundreds of people are protesting about the war. in garza,
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the question is going to be now that this has been broken up. will they come back? will they target other universities in the city, in the coming days in the coming weeks? that's to be seen from by the end. thank you very much. don't when it came time for the web. and now his role when the middle of cab ice jackie season, which is a season of giants on the storms in bangladesh and surrounding beaks of eastern india, coinciding with the pre months and heat and injection and moisture from the bay of bengal always happens. the sort of times of yeah, so you get huge dining pool 100 and 4th to minute base for example, recording chicagoan and also violence sometimes to not take some of the stones. so this looks a bit like the results for tonight are in the and probably in many prophets just outside by the dash. you see that sort of picture in the plains of us for example. certainly it was a damaging storm that was holes punched by hailstones. yup. through a roof, and this is the wind damage that resulting from this one significant giant storm.
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now those funds terms off still in the full costs and could be repeated during tuesday, maybe westbank or some parts of bank. there's done, the trend is probably to moves and slow the way at least the biggest problem is because one of the consequences on may into that is, temperatures are reduced underneath the thunderstorms, but not everywhere. generally speaking through the whole time, the india pakistan in particular i'm, it's about not just talk but also dusty houses. price was down to pradesh, record 46. se could be repeatable. are you, it's in use our life from del, hospitalized for you to look at a plot to assassinate ukraine's world of music landscape. we'll get the latest on that story. from keynes, tony. ching, in the jungles of me, i'm with thousands of young men and women. come to join the ranks the pro democracy equals and it's full mattress. the united stuff with a heavy is the face of the premier league sees is that and will coming out with
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gemma. the now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even happen? this is not important. you're going to negotiate, poll, unapologetic, i'm just upfront on out 0. now let me tell you about safari, valid equal results. the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon, occupied right now able to practice what the now be used only and looked at very close here. like common here, sits on to play with a large tires, basically,
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but look in my private now. thanks. royal. i can also offer somebody valley equal, resorted in gun the the the welcome back or on line to allow main stories. now, the cause of crossings authority says the is riley on the as low payment crucial a supplies from entering the strip of trick closed down the rock of border crossing . people in some areas are already facing sign in. israel's war cabinet voted unanimously to push ahead with an assault on rock box despite, i'm not saying it had a breach, was these 5 deal?
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palestinians have been fleeing the cities eastern areas of to israel, want of a full scale offensive to his radius. soldiers have been killed in a drug and attack launched by his paula strike from the southern lebanon hit. tom gets near the northern. is there any town of met to last? well gosh, and baskin is middle east, right. so with the international communities organization, you joins us live now from west through some. thank you mr. baskin for joining us again and not when we spoke or just yesterday, i recall you saying that it was essential for this c 5 due to be agreed on by all sides, but particularly by a mouse to avoid further catastrophe in gaza. and of course, we did have formal acceptance from us late last night and obviously is really saying that the proposal i must have accepted was not the one that had been that had been put forward to them the right to it seems that this is the is really
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clean and i think the americans upset that there are some changes in the proposal that from us agreed to. although what i saw was the americans did not say there were significant changes. the bottom line here is that israel will not agree to any plan that puts an end to this more and from us will not read agree to any plan that does not put in the image of the war. so we have this kind of a catch 22 here. we're no agreement, short of from us surrender would be acceptable to israel. and of course somebody is not going to surrender. how far is israel prepared to go on this? so now in a situation with the war is not an a means to an end, but the, the end itself, which means there is no k, a vision or root for it to extricate itself from, from gaza. is it the case of going into rough uh to show that the public or in those who want a even more of
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a greater force to be used against policies and goals? or is a case of showing that constituency that they will operational inside rasa before they could agree to something, or could they be that a prolonged period of time? so it seems that this government for the bi engineer when his reg greenslate, want to enter into garza and into rough up and to stay there for a prolonged period of time. the fact that the a, nothing, your government just refused to put on the table any kind of political ending, which i mean it results neighbors have discussed and tried to put forward, including the saudis of looking for the realization of a 2 state solution. but nothing you always worked diligently since 2009 to prevent the emergence of a palestinian state, which a as led to exactly where we are today. it has to be made clear to israel that the longer there is, will stays in gaza. the more we have a guaranteed, a bottom turn search and see against israel,
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and the more we can guarantee the groups come us and perhaps even more radical than from us will be established and, and be fruitful in the us. so the only way for is able to defeat from us or the ideology from us is to put on the table a proposal which branch the palestinian people, the opportunity to understand that they will achieve self determination that they will have freedom. and the peroration and national dignity of the thing. but the thing is right now they have none of those things because of exactly the will, right? i mean, yeah, the war and gaza, but also israel's control of the cause, a strip that has then maintained its grip on power of a gauze as since 2005 right now on us is quoting for an end to the war. and that is what is that, that is the scenario that will give the palestinians some piece, some dignity, some respite from this relentless bombardment and suffering that they have been forced in joe, where does the initiative for agreement have to come from?
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is it president biden? i think it definitely has to be president, but we understand that the united states, we've held the shipment of weapons to israel. this needs to be in american policy now and then see what has to be told that the united states will no longer fuel the war. that's happening in the us. it needs to come to names. and of course, it has to come from a, b is rarely society. we are seeing an increase the amount of demonstrations and increase in the end of the determination of the people of israel who are protesting against the government of israel, particularly the families of the hostages. and those were supporting them. we need a change of leadership, and is there a we need to go to elections as soon as possible because we've been up in the open power. we're never going to see in the end to the sports and we will probably never see a return of the hostages, which is tragic. yeah, that is right wing allies. i mean, as a preparing for exactly that scenario to eventually trigger elections. you say that
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to see an end to this one that's and you all who has to go. but what i tell you what i'm asking will continue, will continue this discussion in just a few moments during now for new and century general and kind of guitar as the size of moments for the palace seen in the diesel valley people. and for the sights of the entire region and the agreement between the governments of israel and the sheep of a moss is essential to stop getting better both suffering good fellow stevens, even garza, and of the officers and their families. it would be tragic if weeks of intense diplomacy could cvt for peace. even garza, you know, sees fires loading these of hostages. and the devastating of fantasies is rafa. it's all right, so it's my appeal for both parties to show the political cottage and sped of no effort to secure and agreements not to stop the blood ships to free the hostages and to help stabilize the region which is still at the risk of
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explosion. this is a gross of opportunity that the region and the need the walls cannot afford to be yep. things are moving in the wrong direction. i'm the startup of this test by the renewed military activity in rafa. by these valley, the fence forces the clothes that have both the rough buttons cut in shallow crossings is especially damaging to an already diety. meditating situation. they must be reopened immediately. just to give one example, we have these cutting out the fuel these evening. i urge the governments of israel to stop in the escalation and then gauge constructively, in the ongoing diplomatic thoughts. after more than $1000.00, went under these alleys cubes in the hot mazda federal tax of 7 of public. after more than 64000 palestinians, skewed him 1000, haven't we seen enough of
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a civilian, suffered the life of death and destruction? make no mistake. a full scale of salt on rough uh would be a human catastrophe. countless modest casualties. gone to a small family as far as the fleet, yet the game with no websites to go, because there is no safe place in augusta. you know, while the repercussions will be felt far beyond the occupied the west bank across the region. rafa is the epi census. a few minutes had real patients even gaza attacking drops that we refer to that a pen thought effort. some supports be bullying by any medications that aids us fat mean loads. this is national. you may decide in low ease any critical civilians must be protected, whether they live process or stay in the city. international humanitarian law must
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be respected by both parties. they also do you mind is relevant, somebody go sion to facilitate the safe and ending bit of excess of humans that you, nathan stop in to and the girl scouts the even the best friends a visa, a lot of clears and assault on drops. i would to be a strategic mistake, the political calamity, and they made italian nights mess. i appeal to all those. we mean for us over israel to do everything you that ball work well preferred, even more pressure. it's natural community as a shared responsibility to promote. so you meant that in the ceasefire, the unconditional release of don't almost deduce the message, such a live saving 8 it's time for the body is to seize the opportunity. and so do it a view for the sake of their own people. thank you. all right, so we've just been hearing from for you and save your general antonio guitar as
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making a few remarks of 2 we see. and as really a sold and assault buys, ready forces on rough, of course, the russell border crossing is located on the egypt cause a border. it's the only crossing with gauze that is not controlled by israel. and it has been subject to an agreement with israel that egypt has controlled this crossing since 2007, but supplies entering gaza through ross that requires really approval. and really, the remarks which is high for me is actually general, is really aimed at pressuring all sides, but particularly a emphasizing that that could be a monitoring catastrophe. if it, if the aid is blocked into the gaza strip, you mentioned that it has a population that is now facing, finding, attacking, rasa would essentially prevent the delivery all of the supplies into this trip. he reminded is relevant to obligation not to block the delivery of aid. you also
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called on israel to engage constructively and negotiations for a ceasefire. emphasizing that to an assault on russell would result in humanitarian catastrophe. for one and a half 1000000 people who were there and some 600000 children. oh gosh, i'm basking. i'm at least let me be straight to the international community. the organization joins us live now from western women. this of asking, i'm not sure i've had a chance to, to listen to remarks the from the general, not any calling on israel. and i'm asked to reach a ceasefire urgently bought, mentioning allies, the international allies of israel to step up and prevent something that could be on the imaginable taking place. we've already seen some awful pictures of it may say to children in hospitals, in rough on elsewhere in gauze, at the closing the roof of border crossing and preventing the delivery of aid could
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bring about something far worse than we've already seen. the most definitely, i think the secretary general was directing his remarks primarily of the united states of the bike and ministration. but i think it's also important that israel's indirect neighbors, jordan and egypt, and i do their emirates in the frame and the saudis, and others in the region and raise their voices to the government of israel and say, except the deal that's on the table. what's most important is that we put in the, into this more, and we get these really hostages home, that the killing stops that the rebuilding of casa is enabled. i also call on the palestinian people themselves to find a suitable, legitimate alternative to the festival in gaza. i think everyone is interested in that, and mazda is even, i believe, interested in no longer controlling the gaza strip by itself palestinian unit. and so, no, i mean i see what you're saying about calling on the policy and people, you know, that we're talking about a people who've, you know,
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they have absolutely no control over that fate right now this is, you know, you'll raising this point because it's something that we have heard from international leaders. it's an argument that has made that i'm ass needs to be removed from god's there. and that it's up to the policy and people to empower themselves by a you know, with a different set of leaders. but the reality is they have no control of anything that happens in gaza. you know, every facet of life political, economic support is it has long been controlled by israel. and when it comes to nice, will we see you, the palestinian people's voice is completely absent in terms of the negotiations that are taking place right now to draw new security guarantees. these are negotiations that are taking place as you say, with the regional countries, the u. i, e, egypt, and saudi arabia, all the allies to drop
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a whole new security arrangement for gaza. that would see how mass relinquished power. so, you know, really if the we see from all of this, the policy and voice and a policy and people completely absent, i know that it's not completely true because there are probably didn't even actors who are not necessarily in gaza, who are engaged in talks about palestinian unification about a legitimate leadership that would take him over control over god. so there is no possibility for any foreign troops to enter gaza without it published any and invitation and about a student leadership. and that does exist, and he is talking to her last and talking to the other factions and talking to members of the international community need to rise to the occasion right now it's clear that the people in gaza can do it themselves. but there are published in us in the west bank are published in into the audience. those discussions when people are suffering from funding. when children are having to undergo surgery that anesthetic,
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we see over 30000 policies have been killed. probably that number is not shy of that, i mean does, does ending the will not need to be the absolute urgent priority. not right now before help setting political discussions about who's running gaza. you know, of course it does, but there is no alternatives for the palestinian people to survive and to have a chance of independence and freedom if they don't also find that the leadership which is legitimate 1st for themselves and unification of the palestinian people around this leadership and understanding that there is no longer any option for an armed struggle against israel. this needs to be part of the palestinian agenda. i understand the difficulties and i understand the urgency and this is why i emphasize it because there is an urgency ending the war and ending the killing and entering the suffering. but we have to be thinking now without the day after, because without a political day after scenario, there is just a continuation of these where the occupation of casa and the west bank in east
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jerusalem and more published indian sufferings. alright, mister baskin, thank you very much. for speaking to us, gosh on boss scan the full month negotiate to joining us that from west jerusalem christians, we me joins us now from you and headquarters in new york and the christmas of brief remarks from the inspector general. and he doesn't take any questions off to it's no questions, but i think it's a sign of the urgency of the situation that he spoke to the media this morning. i had a meeting of the security council on the middle east. he spoke yesterday evening before he went home, he put out a statement yesterday. the united nations is really just ratcheting up the message that it wants a cease fire. and that any further military action of ground operation and profit would be absolutely catastrophic. in the words of the secretary general, he said it would be
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a human catastrophe if that were to occur. and he noted that the closure of the roster border crossing and put him out. sure, let them also is causing an issue for humanitarian operations there which are so strapped to begin with. uh, this is the um, the secretary general's way of trying to encourage israel to not do that. and to encourage the allies of israel to do what they can to help bring a ceasefire deal and bring the captain's home as well as the secretary general said . it was interesting in his remarks that he specifically pointed out, that even the friends of israel have said that a ground invasion in rasa would be a step too far. clearly that is a reference to the united states uh, which has been working with israel to help negotiate the cease fire deal. but again,
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the secretary general did not take questions on what more he thought the international community could do. but clearly just attempted to keep the pressure on here. and obviously this assault on rough uh it has brought more urgency to what was already, you know, the catastrophic conditions inside of gaza. what else is happening there at the united nations to trying to address this as well also, the security council is meeting yet again on the situation in the middle east. it's a close meeting this morning that was called by algeria to look at the discovery of mass graves in gaza around some of the hospitals there. and we know, given the intensity of the situation and with this rarely troops poised to go into rafa that there is more urgency to that meeting. they are having a briefing from the un robert tour on human rights in gaza. but there's also talk
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of possible statement or press elements or press statement on we'll see if the security council can agree on saying something together on the situation in the middle east that could be seen as influencing or trying to influence the situation on the ground up until now, this week there has been some reluctance from the security council, mostly because of the united states attempting to keep the focus in the pressure in the region, making the claim that any action by the security council wouldn't be helpful to bringing the parties together. but given that the parties still have not come together in the region, maybe there will be, we'll see if there's any change in that calculation. thank you. from new york, kristen salumi, the now ukraine state security services. it's foiled
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a pond assassination. attempt on present load them is the lensky on the, on the top military and political figures. he says is detained to ukrainian security officials. it says we're pulsing zalinski is assassination. and his accusing rushes by agency of being behind the plan. the queen size is full for the east 10 attempts. now to assassinate the president, since russia's invasion in 2022. so john, home and joins us live now from the cleaning capital key with more on this story. have you learned anything else about this john? i guess so silly because at the national security service, if you crime yes, be, are put out quite a lot of details miss seems to have been more than one plan here. one of the funds was to kidnap and then to president brought him is the landscape. and as you mentioned that in my room, this was involving 2 tunnels who's interested allegedly this was involving them in
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the attempt to uh, get on the side. uh, people in the military that were meant to be protecting credits presidents, the landscape so that they could nothing and then this assassination could take place. so that was one of the plans that the russian security service, the space was allegedly developing on the other one was also at to assess tonight the head of military intelligence carrillo, who done no. and you crime. and the way that they were planned to do that, involved at the members of the state, uh, security service that were meant to be guarding him. and also guarding of a security officials revealing the location of where he was staying. that was then going to be a real good attack and then a drug and attacked to more pop anyone that was still alive and then a mid solid cost to that. so radically any trace of the driving attack. this is a little obviously, according to the s b u, the national security service of you crime. and they mention the fact that these 2
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colonels hit that they've arrested. they said that they had handlers from the 1st page, rush of security service. they were trying to get the ball rolling on based on the assassination of the head of the military to tell intelligence was meant to happen before last sunday, or both adults, a step in ukraine. so a lot of details here and things that will be consenting to crying to celebrate and discovering base. but there was obviously they think a real penetration of this state services that will be worrying through the ok. thank you very much, john. home and bring us the latest on that story from case. meanwhile, the russian present right in the pollution has been integrated in the holes of the kremlin for 6th time. and office is that russia since 1999, including a 4 year thomas prime minister booth and one alliance, 5 victory in elections in march. but any serious political opponents were bought from running on technical grounds, most west empowers boy you quoted this. there are many except for the french. i'm
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positive. one is that to have my course, one of those that you far and most cost of the lavish ceremony that took place in $1.00 of the main halls of the grand kremlin palace had nearly 2500 people in attendance. to watch vladimir putting the sworn in for a 5th term in office now. as for the next 6 years, the russian presidents will be in power. and once he completes the next 6 years in office, he will become officially the longest serving russian leader in the country's history. the president took the opportunity to speak and not only to the dignitaries, but also to the nation. he began his speech by thanking the russian soldiers who are fighting the so called special military operation and ukraine. he also highlighted the fact that it's important during these difficult times for the nation to remain united. he also said that the russians relationship, which is now at an all time low with western powers,
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is not unsalvageable. he said that there is room for dialogue, but it's up to them to initiate t also finish his speech by making it very clear that there's only one path forward for russia in the future. and that is to when on all fronts, both domestically on for and it is clear that vladimir put in is intent on making sure that he delivers the victory not only in terms of this country's ailing economy. that's when under intense international sanctions, but also in the war in ukraine. now we've been following the situation in may in ma with the military government has bind conscripts, conscription each man from leaving the country for what is it continues to soften losses in bottles with on to groups that then you little was introduced last week off the 10s of thousands of flights of these as to avoid military conscription,
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but thousands and more joining on groups to oppose the gen. tap in the 3rd of our special reports from inside me and my elders, there is tiny chain that some of those who draw the find the agenda and join its ranks and see through to the bank with price point is charging out from the hidden positions for the moment, however, their enemy is imagined and their rifles aren't real, to new recruits, but they have no doubts about what the training for. if i have to, yeah, i have proof of my may target is like to become a ministry daughter. but if i have to, so i think i would do that if i choose to, to the p, but that does not because of the hate of the so job. so i focused to, i need to protect my family and my teeth that watching carefully the military sponsor planes drilled on an open that parade ground put through the paces in the
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baking heat, teach them to follow waters, experience hardship, and work together. no allowances for the female recruits. these are skills which will keep them alive. and before they can break for food, the pledge of allegiance to the people's defense rules. since the new conscription laws came as the 4th, thousands of young men and women have come down into the jungles to join the pro democracy forces and raw the fight against the middle the region to join the ranks . the military has been showing all its new come scripts to mount seemed to the beat. if a bra spend, but new laws, forbidding men from working overseas indicates the struggling to fill the ranks. the. all those are fresh supplies handed out in front of the cameras. contrast with stores from new recruits, we say basic equipment is in short supply and the pdf have
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a secret with them. on some, the general who friedman m. uh from british rule, the, the actors who played him in a recent film about his life. now training you recruit the base, forced conscription makes resistant forces stronger. now what accepts that load? so youth, so now joining the people's defense force instead of being constricted by the military, we have seen many more you've joined since then. oh, no bra spends here. these volunteers paying and sweat and hardship for their belief in a democratic future. a belief which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives . tony chang, l 20, eastern me and i'm in his final report from east and me and my attorney looks at people's defense force, the pdf and the fighters who are taking on magenta. so don't mess that's coming up on wednesday last spring revel. griffin,
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columbia are saying that it will resume kidnappings. the ellen or national liberation army says the government has failed to live up to agreements, majoring ongoing piece towards the group claims a delay in setting up an international fund. it says would enable it to stop carrying out adoptions, columbia, and present. gustavo, petro says the money was never meant for that purpose. orientation across brazil, helping to bring tens of thousands of people to safety following storms and flooding in the southern state of rio grande to, to so at least 85 people have been killed. and as i live in america to be seen, human now reports or to levels and for to i, la grey, one of the countries main cities continues to rise. no one knows how many people is still missing in this flood region landscape. the cost in life and property impossible to calculate right now on this highway buses collect thousands of people who've been left homeless by the floods the most in
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memory. the voltage over 2, cuz i have nothing left except my adults. i think mankind cost is by destroying the balance of nature. sort of the school. the police officer in charge has slipped for david said, all those, all these people here were rescued today. they have no homes and almost drowned. this is just one place, but there are 20 more like it nearby. but it's dark and dangerous sick from what people now were by the main road that leads at the board. so i legged, it's only about 20 kilometers from here, but it's impossible to actually get in. the roads are flooded. they are, they are packed also with people trying to also get in will become stuck. and you see here, people everywhere on the road waiting for help to arrive. 900000 people had been directly impacted by the floods. and the city is now under strict
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water rationing. the majority of its treatment plants are under water. the airport is flooded. getting in and out of bookstore lately, which is a city of around 4 and a half 1000000 people has become almost impossible. this makes moving emergency services to where they are desperately needed, painfully slow. police and army units are over. well. now that the rain has stopped losing, has begun on the o problem. resilience from all over this vast country, ascending aid and pitching in to help the rescue effort. only the 1st stage of a catastrophe that is still unfolding. celia newman, al jazeera, quarterly, the brazil, and that's it for those news now, but i'll be back in a moment, was much more as the days news for you around up of the top stories, including overlay testing causes that particularly the southern city of rasa.
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whether reasonable announce is right in salt in the area more on that a couple of minutes. the unique perspective, why is it the doctors don't get to have a site and any of the medical workforce has been so and divided by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of live we the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era a geo serena has spent most of his life on the water. he's
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a fisherman just like other than his family. but things are different now from when he was a boy. in 2022 long days, mcats would declared and endangered species. i'm the one out there that we have going on today. he's taking us to the band, so if the only stop leak in central den bode yeah, he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i am in the morning now. so that's why i don't see the rain molnar, calling me about some of the power while they're all gone. the monkeys are frightened for good reason. traffic is just you and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy medical research. this black market treat not only
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indeed just wise brian made populations, but puts public health at risk. because unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantee. diana move up that engine free. the is there any times take control of a major for the crossing into gauze or causing office supplies? humanitarian, a strip. ready facing, full blown, simon. the low i, mario minimize the, this is al jazeera life from dell and so coming up on the program casualties mount and ross size, israel rams off the tax across cause the south one and off 1000000 palestinians a sheltering the.


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