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tv   Eleven Days in May  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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the government challenges here where the hello am i am demising to have just a quick look at the names stories. now the roof of border crossing and southern gaza has been closed on the palestinian side by is ready tanks, egyptian officials a condemning this move. they say that as well as actions and rasa threatening efforts towards reaching upon them and seize fire is where i was now blocking the main all 3 that brings humanitarian aid into the strip where many people already experiencing full blown famine and have these ready, bombardments has also been continuing in the area at least $24.00 palestinians were killed, buys riley, strikes of these writing will cabinet unanimously voted to continue military
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operations in this se this despite em. us saying that it was ready to accept as these 5 deal of the intense bombardment to very, very intense bombardment. error strikes, rockets, artillery, shell, a tank shelling drones off firing at us. never in my life. i am 69 years old. have i ever seen bombardment like this? and i have witnessed several wars. i have never seen a war like this one on highway, and i really wanted to leave to evacuate, but i couldn't. the reason was that i found this injured young man. we rescued him, but the whole area is completely and utterly destroy. as i said, it had accepted as these 5 deal just hours before israel randolph. it's a tax on rasa virtual. wow, patterson isn't garza thought the whole might be over? but the celebrations were brief, as israel said,
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the agreement did not meet its requirements. the deputy head of the mice and gaza honey. the highest that the group had received assurances from mediators about the potential deal was about. the mediations told us that the us president is clearly committed to ensuring the implementation of the agreement. the goal is now in the course of these rarely occupation. we informed the mediators that we agree completely with the proposal. the mediators now to put pressure on the israeli side to agree as well as soon as possible. but if the occupation wants to continue the war, the onus is on the mediators in the international community. but we did, but we were supposed to do and we a patient, we will own l. land. and i think we did everything from people. and in this stage of the negotiations we achieve the goals we talked about. i'm assessed a full expire full withdrawal of israeli troops. return of the displaced with no conditions and the aid from people and
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a deal for the exchange of prisoners. we will continue until the end for you all captives from the occupations jails to his right. the soldiers have been killed and it has all a drug and attack. and the strike, the one from southern lebanon, which had targets near the northern miss riley town of the 2. that was one of a series of attacks by his bullet that included for all kids is riley army, said it since struck. several has been the buildings on compounds in southern lebanon, us and all the headlines this now the russian present day, my present has been integrated into holds of the kremlin for 6 ton and office. he's led russia since 1999, including a for your time as prime minister who's in want a landslide victory and elections in march. but any serious political opponents were fond from running on the technical grounds. most west empowers boy caustic. this, there are many, except for the french ambassador john his present region bank is visiting southwest fonts alongside president michael, and on day 2 of a state visit, john or in fonts have signed an agreement on the plaza corporation in aviation
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during the visit to friends and also signed agreements on, on special intelligence. lemme at least an agriculture india was holding the 3rd phase of my most general election sprayed a month. she's days polling covers apartment, as in roger moody's home stage of goods you out, as well as several constituencies in to for dash the countries most popular state load has been 5 ministers since 2014 and is seeking a full time and office. the american aerospace company, boeing is cooled off, put onto that style line, a space ship. just 2 hours before lift off, astronauts was dropped in the seats when the engineers noticed a mile was buzzing. that's a sign that it could be about to fail. well, company said that the crew would never in any danger an accident you attempt will be on a friday. those are the headlines to say without just air, i'll be back with more. he's like the
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earlier on fridays, thousands of listening worshipers, it answered the call from the islamic. what the trusted o for a to compound don't do the 30th to just sustain ramadan. tensions needs to be seen has been unusually tight. this has become a nightly scene in east through some neighborhood of 6 tera pigeons and protest aggressively broken up by his very security posters at stake homes, its hundreds of palestinians being subject to an eviction chaos and confrontation inside the alex and compound, as is rated. my son who needs to disperse with wine and some of the streets of okey pod easters. and protest has 3 easy buildings
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is really security purposes 5 for testing the concerns of a further deterioration on monday, thousands of jewish is raised a set to march through the old cities was included democracies really seizures in 1967 at 6 o'clock range when it gets dark jerusalem's goods, the israel loaded up in spite digits and then boom box to begin. the 11 days later, the ceasefire was the queen the
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on may the 10th. the 1st day of the bombing campaign, 8 children were killed in gaza. the children were from 5 different families. they were killed in 3 separate attacks on a lot. so slaymen now shade. so i meant to lay my head around a quarter to 6 mohammed salvo sue name, and it was the 1st child to be killed when a plain boom to put his lands near his home and jump into you know, cause a city the how much that looks and how much of us can come on soft is plushie. so
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you can, you know, you said emotionally, equally, i don't know who, but i am putting in is a land lab, pulled out that the lab is caught on record. that is kind of sort of sort of in the lab and the push for salsa law. the connection was mcphee and and no countryman, i now put in exactly about the
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asian, me a debit. spell the, the just up to 6 o'clock. there was an attack in bates, honey, a hey, code was posting the house of the almost 3 family or for us the children were killed the,
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to like to hop on the plan. i finally did one, i level on a lot of my the southern, i'm not, i'm a little, i'm a was actually again. wow. and i my dish among mazda 2. that's all the press, almost where he was 8 years old. she was playing outside her house with abraham and milan and how young nephew, yes, and 2 boys working with the haycock rosa account with abraham
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hustling and testing. but i was trying to see if i come up. abraham was 16 years old and was helping on the coach to make some money for his family. she loved to see him dream, designing a small thing so he can take photographs and videos of the 3. the her funny by we can really as our heavy, i know of the what have been have been let me say i had them last. who is it? when you go this hoss,
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how can i forgot to figure out in the field of going on the card? the same was 11 years old. his name's father was also killed in the utah. is not the the the
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new the hey or has some way and i send him an hour shade when i send him to the lab mile bug in the my you and then or should i go there now i'm,
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i'm as well and is that when i haven't had the my, why many little on it i've been in santa ana next level where we actually nana getting a. we have to my mother in law, surely. logan and all of my own the photo alice. who did you my are now we. yeah. well, we'll right, i don't know a lot of do i leisure lee and i made and lastly the yeah. on the same day may the 2 things boom, just street and job leah web. oh we so no go. property was with his dad who was washing the family cause they were both killed. bato is 4 years old. no, no, i know we're here. listen from 1st connect to no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it is settled. the move in,
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but then the will settle is the tools for cell phones is see mostly the so far as good only this it was good ha. who are happening in the are with the move to see home the of the on maybe 11 lean media chair were killed with them. and then pains on the house and goes to say to nina was 16 years old and
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a very hard working student who was hoping to study pharmacy. mino was 2 years old and loved cats the on may, the 12th 9 children were killed in 6 different families. our same dreamed of becoming a gymnast. she loved her cat, cold nose and she was 13 years old. she was at home in bed. when trump know from that miss, i all killed the
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very phenomena and lives the whole class. can tell you how to kind of mazda a whole album with leslie, a ton of too much services that had been the learning how to apply us. i have a lot on a minute, this is 0 and then with them sort of small sensor, the policy, the sort of software and us the
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need to the same as like did you have on the house of jade and maria montalvan in said was 5. marry him to into house. they were both asleep. they were both killed, along with them. say to just go to, they can to go kind of a up and we'll have to all and we see a lot of law. hello, i'm be there. and one of the back a, a i'm, i'm going to move and i know that the, i'm a and if it's your own, the mostly they could, they say,
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and then they get it all it has been a baby alarm from the lab the the outpost 9 in the morning in calling eunice south of garza city, the shaw meant to move shot in the chest when he was going to his phone to turn off
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the water. the show was 17 years old. the one has the title of the unit 5. so for a minute, we understand the
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house austin avenue in the morning stones landed on the summit tree in charge of the east of garza city, comes and moved. ali was on the way to the shops to buy some vine needs to cook with. when he didn't come home his father, when the king for him he was told that was not identified child's body at all. she saw hospital. it was home to a piece of shrapnel from a mr. oil. it hit him in the head, killing him. any better homes they on a whole uh yeah. and the deductible i was going on and uh, me come in, but my thing is that a coming out of hopefully i now by get one of the on this,
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some of them have owned and when i left the just before 6 pm that evening there was an attack on con eunice. how much of the move is walking home from as far as grocery store with his cousin? i'm a, when a missile from a plane hit them, loading them up, his father. so it happened the how much was a cheerful boy who looked joking with everyone. his dream was to become a doctor. he was 13 years on the out of that kind of some of the come down who uh that,
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that's awesome. i did learn a little might actually be about some of the other bought the capital have shown that probably the most is on, i guess the only the was nice of the con. there was dentist zip code wasn't shed, was a lot of i have to come to the north. come to the thank you so much jennifer. i got to put in the discount at another the
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because this is how much cousin a month was 11. his dream was to become a policeman. he loved to sing, and every morning he was at the plans in his garden, the 9 o'clock in the evening. there was a raid on sign, a audience treating goes as a to the 2 boys. look at the. yeah, he and mazda and calissa had gone out to the shop smith,
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his home. when the attack happened truck no miss went into his bag. his uncle found you here just before he died. yeah, here was 13 years old. the has to be a la jolla. i'm a lucky gun and that means and have gun a person who. yeah, in the middle of the most of the equipment in the my, i'm the, the most mood how sent over with the team is old. you loved football. knew the names of
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all the top players. his hero was sergio ramos, and he loved to as well. and madrid shot the bad modality about these 3. they sent a lot to our names that i'm missing on the hand, about these 3 to for the is 3. the 5 case, 3. the is, as i said on the, on your students and know you had a fish to the, i knew it was a candle show, big being yes, we and i do is through with, you see, i mean that, i mean what, the bottom in the bottom up i see that really bad news was a whole now that had the that and i'm at a, in what had decided and executive could be a well son,
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advanced mode and advanced or so on, invest, etc. got in. and it started now was the, that's my a oh heck, the noise of that and who walks out of what had better for his vis. there was that and had the industry in the corner, the physically think of an makayla the
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i'm with the gun, that was the most. i had the to what are the little bits of the then all of what i asked the cities the pick up and i give them access to them of our solution them as of lot of them. uh, another thing, awesome. and a said at the is that if i had that then the, the pacific time and the student's name is the head of the board for the that. and i'm in order to have it put it over the book. and it's, um, i've had some of the heads up for them and on a tier to the the history is for gotten better off payroll yet in spain. state imposed amnesia
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was enshrined in law diminishing the plight of countless victims of frank codes. 3060 i did take the shape with a group of surviving. it says launched an international law suit hoping to bring those accountable to justice and force the country to acknowledge its fascist bost . the silence of others witness on now to sierra being a journalist is that privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been found out by the noise is a 4. is my driving force is was pushes me to take risks facing the, trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility. we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make the
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other voices relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the the hello. i'm sorry i'm the was the endo, i was just a quick look at the main stories now. the roof of border crossing and southern gauze or has been closed on the palestinian side by is ready tanks, egyptian officials a condemning the move. they say that as well as actions and rough off threaten efforts towards reaching any permanence agreement. israel is now blocking the main all 3 that brings humanitarian aid into the strip. but many people are already experiencing full blown fireman. this is have, he's writing bombardment is continuing at least $24.00 palestinians were killed in his writing, strikes off to the route cabinet unanimously voted to continue operations in the
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city. it came to spite of mice excepting 8 seas 5 deal the intend spun bar to very, very intense bombardment. the air strikes rockets, artillery shelly tank, shelling drones off firing at us. i never in my life. i am 69 years old. have i ever seen bombardment like this? and i have witnessed several floors. i have never seen a war like this one on highway, and i really wanted to leave to evacuate, but i couldn't. the reason was that i found this injured young man. we rescued him, but the whole area is completely and utterly destroyed. meanwhile to his right, the soldiers have been killed in a hezbollah drive, an attack, and astride going from southern lebanon, which had ta gets into the northern is ready town of my to the this is one of a series of attacks by us below, including rockets, is is ready on me, said that it struck several has bullet buildings and compounds in southern lebanon
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. russian president police has been integrated in the holes of the kremlin for 6th time in office. is lead russia since 1999, including a 4 year thomas prime minister, boost and won a landslide victory in elections in march. but any serious political opponents were bought from running on technical grounds in india or is holding the side phase of a minus general election spread over a month. choose days, polling covers appointments and render moody's home state of goods, right? as well as several constituencies. and it would have for dash, the country's most popular state load. he has been prime minister since 2014 and is seeking a time in office. we have a full but listen coming out for you in about 25 minutes time. i will see you for that. we now are 10 to 11 days in may. that program continues on how to 0. the
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12 children killed may, the 34 of them were from the same family when the bombing, the gun in the neighborhood of state law here, newest of cause a city yelton on a family decided to try and run into safety or for children. and the moment, look here, the
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colored mohammed knew i lived in bay to new york who just left his home to say hello to neighbors. when will things fired to miss idols? the explosions killed colored he was 17 years old. 11 of us douglas had his method on the back of the messenger, the festival was the tenant moved with b. i'm in a was the of who, who will come in. we can only kind of look into i for the public school. there
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might have pleasure to have your message can be on my list, the categories of categories that i'm, i'm sending, i'm good. yeah. the way that you'll see i'm gonna do is you're getting the or the 20 post free meals to me off my drum. you know how i was walking to his grandfather's house when it landed nearby. he died on the way to hospital.
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he was 15 years old. he loved swimming in the sea and riding horses and kept pigeons and the rest of that house. the next thing was that she said, i have the dimensions of the medium. okay. under the book, i had the memo. so try to cuz they had a little, the little i started the whole at the same time in the middle, but the doors to show and it says, oh, when we hit the
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lena mohammed isa was 13 years old. she was shy, she was very bright and did very well at school. she loved reciting, the garage was involved with school ratings. the on the 13th of may, she visited her. she them went home to eat money and how many books or, or she arrived to house was bombed. she was buried in the rumble. so it was um, they based on the 30 and the service was 17 years of a family struggling some money. so she had to work hard and she was like a 2nd mother to have brothers and sisters at 6 45 in the
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evening. she was count. if i miss out the policy i was gonna live in, i mean literally it on the own i city and when i got in for so solving the bottle, i will issue sooner and then from another photo and the other. now mobile is the same and safe and have to, i'm gonna have to my yeah, and sit telling how to get in. well, we're not the way a compiler is just not in the system as soon as you can. there's a, the with some of the,
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in the early evening, russell was boom. the moment i was, i mean, was 2 years old. she was killed along with 7 months pregnant when her house was hit by miss house. oh, the me if it is about 12 by spencer a when a human need,
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especially those who the subject get a lot more connects but allowed my who are. and i know yes with the video. as much as that i learned the change atlanta to terminal or that that was a heck prevented that. has a, has it in the heat. and so i told them that i like betty, i'm not going to have the
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it for him. how many adult on tc was playing when a plastic bike learning how to work when a slight digit from his house in russia he was buried by the rubble. he was 7 months old. the. the video now not on that upset on a mobile. so should i use the
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4 children were killed on may. the 14th 3 of the children were from the top. somebody said to me off of that and it was funny and that's a new listen. them kind of look them in, in the assessment or what i mean. and it kind of comes up in, on one of the sits and, or, well, a lot of the incumbents in kind of the,
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almost as i should, especially with jimmy at home. if he and i, you know, i have done that to just have the industry, this lavetia and how much the development. and then monday the, i'm doing the, you know, fixing things in his family house and wants to be an engineer when he grow up. he loved visiting his grandparents where he could go to the sea. he was 12 years old. he was in his home in an apartment broken, goes to say to you, and he was killed the
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lunch bus on the whole l who will come in and we'll send a do walk the other day on the
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9 children made a 15 h as in, in the same into the visiting the home with best friends. hookups. the cool is the only the children were killed to hawaii. the guy here who was 11 rockman who was 8 and 60 this on the the funding for the children uses who was 11 been um, it was 9 marianne who was 8 and yours
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is a 6. the children loved the saying a bead was 7 years old. she had problems working and talking due to a brain condition, but she was a happy child. she loved to play on swings. the she was standing in front of the house and jumping the wind shot offline. this hit
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the right side of the panel. then we're staying at the moment, catching over there next to the doctor. not that much bad. and the guy that took some of they spent the genetics which is sufficient to serve on the mac who is with picking kind of the day. yeah, i'm and that given my age and i had to a lemon. how i can look at an additional amount of time. now let me do what we'll have to fill out a swap. glad to hear the left. let's open the lift guide down. and how about the honey the show of to connect in the
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me the 1618 during the time. some goes us for to the when booms destroyed the deluxe on the you know, discrete h children look else cuz i didn't zayed roll yara paula from an off night then mom and dad will also killed 4 children at the other funds. you found many with code and the same attack? mia? mirror e as in dean. this is the other, this building the home of the ish kent. and the upper miss owens destroyed the building at 1 am. toddler? no swimming and wants to be a photographer when she grew up. she was 12 years old when she and her brother,
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tennessee quick killed that i yeah. kind of diamond and dish and not with them tend to have a tad bit. so what would ship it to and at the side of the house, a hell of a heavy duty lab is kind of the did is good. how about this? can you do but some showed up at demo on not a staff it with. so would he not get a she a to seek was 16 years old. he was very good at science at school and wants to become adopt. the
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fee is kent, and the family were in bed with me. so hit donna, donna. yeah. hear zane locals along with them on that. on one sister, susan, suffice the dana love singing. she had a beautiful voice. she was very good at school. she was a happy place to go, you know, took brothers and sisters and then uh, i'll see you. i don't think it's the on the isn't what on the show evening. get it done the night in or yeah, because we have the we on the mission,
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we and you on the wish awaited the plan. i know know was 6 years old. she loved finding out what was happening in the neighborhood and going home and telling her mom and dad. yeah, he loved riding his bike and taking celsius. jane had just started talking, he was 2 and a half on may, the 17th 2 children were killed and attacked some goals and safety uses square feet of us was 13 years old. he used to help his family by working on the land ref, he's come up with dia, was painting a picture in the garden of a house. it was 5 o'clock, a missile hedge, a nearby building. trump know from the explosion, hit 12 feet killing the
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on may the 19th 2 children were killed and i got them. and so i lived in the balance sheet items, the house was hit and miss, i'll at 8 o'clock in the evening and job aliya. the messiah soleah was killed, and she was 11 years old. so ma'am, the
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at the gym, most of us come in. you can notice that we yeah, actually on tennis tonda allowed us to know where you could give me an idea of how it got to load them off at the washington area. i'm in japan, the shepherds alive and both of 60 and made us not in get us liam of mistreating alonzo plus with all a hectic day and the can not for know some additional days how you started. and i looked at the lot the, the my left him home, the cost of that home before i bought some credit for how to fix it to the
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they gave me a lot of, oh yeah. is uh, yeah, this is also show a home up by lake or the 7 the the, [000:00:00;00] the
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on may the 21st a ceasefire came into effect in the 11 days of forming more than 60 children had been killed in gaza. 100 small had been injured the the families then mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, will never forget
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the, the, the, the extensive news where the flooding in southeast, in brazil is still with us. this was both a luxury before it happened already easy, the water was brian, and then that was a boost. it's banks and how was a city makes effectively using gulf and as of it very badly, this is because the amount of rain that fell upstream as well as over this pocket because of itself. so the airport 9 and for the light gray is flooded, both outside and inside is probably gonna be closed for another month. the shelves are gone, sorry, if not, this is
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a seasonally normal sets up. so you do get to see big channels around the river, play you to go out in the fall, south east because they are not nobody as vicious as the ones we saw really. and these probably will be the best deal that there is. a gap is still pretty healthy, many places, particularly believe you, but there are few sounds around the seasonal range and then, and also brazil. back through to ecuador and colombia, and then there's been roller persistence of sherry. right. and sometimes sundry stuff in puerto rico leave without back through techs and k costs. his spend yoga and cuba. this is 5 full 5th, stay in there right now. so some funding has been observed in could that will be repeated us in the us. the familiar code would increase. dustin and the rock is, is blog offerings and old planes therefore more risk of big thunderstorms in the midwest. 2 era writers from different countries. but with much in common main upstairs. so
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a palestinian resistance poets jailed for his left wing views. his poetry. what's the width of you used to fight the whole world? and course something sort of a syrian professor who lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement in lebanon, syria, how this going to the rock. that constantine was not behind rebel writers, palestine and syria. analogy 0, the the hello, i'm marianne demising. welcome to the news our life from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. is riley tags sees control of a major border crossing into gaza, costing off the supply of a to the area. the casualties of mounting and rough sizes roll ramp saw attacks across gauze, the south one and
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a half 1000000 palestinians. a sheltering that, meanwhile, is rarely sending a delegation to colorado for most east side talks just by rejecting the latest deal,


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