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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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and then a total content, the is really things take control of a major border crossing into cause closing off a supplies, thoughts after a night of heavy bombardment in the south. the, you're watching out a 0 life from a headquarters in delphi and starting to navigate the also a heads sort of celebrations in gauze on us to come us except to cease fire proposal. but israel says that it doesn't meet
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its requirements. israel says it's something of delegation to kyra for more ceasefire negotiations with from us and mediators from egypt on cats or 2 is really sold or is have been killed in offense funded through an attack as both sides exchange fire across the border and other news and also ahead voting is underway in india as most populous states. we look at how the cost system has defined politics in which our projects we begin in southern gaza, where the border crossing has been closed on the palestinian sides. bye is really tanks. that's according to the border or 40. they're blocking the main artery, bringing humanitarian aid into the strip, where many people are already experiencing full blown famine. and this coming after a night of heavy is really bombardment and rough in southern gauze on or at least
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14 thomas. the indians have been killed by is really strikes in the past few hours . the attacks follow a unanimous votes by the is really war cabinet to continue it's operation in the city and come despite thomas saying it's ready to accept a ceasefire. deal. the intense spun parts to very, very intense one bar. the error strikes rockets are tillery shelly tank shelling drones off firing at us. i have never in my life. i am 69 years old. have i ever seen bombardment like this? and i have witnessed several wars. i have never seen a war like this one on how and i really wanted to leave to evacuate, but i couldn't. the reason was that i found this injured young man. we rescued him, but the whole area is completely and utterly destroyed. so israel has ordered at least a 100000 palestinians to leave easter and stuff since the war began. israel has
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forced palestinians to leave the north from gaza city to date and back in the center to find units in the south. and then on to it, us off, nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians are crowded and dropped off. it's the southern most part points of the strip. and now the is really military has ordered all residents on displays, people to leave the eastern neighborhoods of it's as they must move to the milwaukee area near the coastline we have had in my home. it is running us now from what i thought. so honey, tell us exactly what you're hearing about what's happening at the border and what impact disclosure is having on people yes, but right now there's really military still operating inside the roof, the head crossings. and we did look at videos and nuns, what is emerging from the area a through official telegram accounts going through these really melody are
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associated with their grid and monitor a bit of showing a great deal of damage caused by times and armies vehicle causing great deal to vandalism inside the prostate, the crossing improper the it's solved is written military started in the early hours of this morning under heavy cover of intense bombing by artillery showing by uh, by a todgers by the quad copiers in, in the area of the vicinity of the crossing as well as the attacker, drones at the eastern parts of rubbish, city, what's going on right now did not, did not us stop at just the text message or the phone whole distance to people. people right now are forced to evacuate under to be in 10 bombing campaign at the eastern part of the fact that there's really military right now is operating inside the crossing itself. cutting off the only life line right now to the people in gauze, and particularly for the 1500000 displays palestinians here in rough off city of
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these points. uh, this line, the clock thing has been vital within the past months, allowing the human to terry i needed to go through it even though it was a very low level at a very low capacity. but it still, it, it provided a lifeline for people to be crowned in this a small part of the gaza. for now we're seeing with this great amount of very presence here. oh, land exact same car load right now. but this is the sort of stealing off the gaza strip and cutting it off this from the remaining parts of the surrounding region. okay, honey. thank you for that update from what i saw in gaza. so many of the people who are leaving eastern dust off or who have less to have headed towards data in bella, and that's in central jobs. i will bring it ends in 430. she's joining us from dayton by law. so, and i mean, the parts of the central gauze are also areas that have been bombed by the is
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really, is, as are overcrowded. and there's lots of infrastructure clearly and just tell us what you see of the situation and didn't buy well, we're talking about 2500000 policy use that worse talk. and 66, it used to so they are directed to the people in the eastern side of the heart evacuating because how is to use do not that trust a's rights anyway. so a lot of people from different areas, think of the areas that we're not designated as read, are also a fact to a thing to then go area and community. it's packed. people are not even find a place to strip the tent. they are setting up their tents on near the beach, very close to the cruise line in agriculture lands. and it's not on the palestinians at display stuff are currently evacuating today. but we're also talking about the uh, says, uh,
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2 hospitals that are evacuating their patients to the central area. the situation is a chaos. all the streets are, are, are, are filled with cars and people to the, all of their stuff on the cars. you can see mots and pillows and walter time on a free car box is coming from the south of the gaza strip policy. news do not know what, where they're going to do, where they're going to such an end. they're 100 percent. sure that there is. but it is also not safe. there is no guarantee about evacuating tomb go. far way. keep them safe from the is ready. air strikes and training and artillery and all of us. so palestinians are asking us during this. do you think this is safe? do you think i should go near the beach or inside the heart close to somebody should be? and unfortunately we do not have answers. we also do not guarantee of any place
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that could be safe. and not only the paper after that is really times invade the different crossing are trying to secure their sense with food they're going to the market. they're trying to buy as much sour. there's so scared and they're featuring a time and just like in the north because we know that jeff at crossing is the only window and he's the only way. aid is entering the cause of strict. okay, thank you so much. hands on for that. he thank you for that report. it from there in about a slow ha says that it's accepted a ceasefire. the oldest hours before is real renewed. it's a tax on draft off on for a short while palestinians and goes out for the war was over. but the celebrations were brief, as israel said, the agreement didn't meet its requirements. the deputy had a from us in gaza. how leaders, how ya said the group had received assurances from mediators about that potential deal. it was about the mediators told us that the us president is clearly committed
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to ensuring the implementation of the agreement. the ball is now in the course of these, wearing the occupation we informed the mediation is that we agree completely, but the proposal, the mediators now. so put pressure on these really side to agree as well as soon as possible. but if the occupation wants to continue the war, the onus is on the mediators in the international community. but we did what we were supposed to do, and we're patient we will own outlined. and i think we did everything from people. and in this stage of the negotiations, we achieve the goals we talked about. i'm assessed a full ceasefire full withdrawal of israeli troops. return of the displaced with no conditions and the aid from people and the deals the exchange of prisoners. we will continue until the end for you, all captives from the occupations jails. here's what we know about the details of that proposal ceasefire, so it's divided into 3 phases each lasting $42.00 days. the 1st includes the
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provision a safe passage for displace palestinians to return to their homes. the 2nd covers the withdrawal if is really troops and announcements of a permanent and is really military operations. the 3rd stage focuses on ending the blockade on the gaza strip. within israel, pressure is building on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to agree to a deal. thousands of people have been holding demonstrations across israel, demanding his government's brings the captives held in gaza back home harbor and go for reports thousands of protest as the highway intended that demand is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu government brings cap just held in garza back and it's been building up to the war. covenants announced to go ahead with the military offensive and rough or putting the lives of the relatives at risk. i think that to our government is not willing to cease fire, and that's why i'm so worried. i think our government is about to enter roughly.
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and this will be a, this sentence for the hostages and as well, for our soldiers. and for many, many, many colors, damian's israel has already conducted as strikes an eastern rough. uh right, absolutely. crazy. got the not bring any peace more. the senior civilians, of course, to our soldiers. and it went to our hostages. demonstrate to say the window to been kept his back home safely. good news is ministers, dentistry. the proposal accepted by hamis for sure of the from us until the, the acceptance deal. we should say yes. let's see it and talk, and the do everything we can do to bring doctors as home go al government,
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except to months of stalemate, cease fund, negotiations appear to be at a critical stage. netanyahu says the latest proposal doesn't meet his rouse demands, including the destruction of hamis. but he says israel will send a delegation to car ready for tools, barbara, and good time. alex will not bring in the how much i'm doing with joining us from the georgine and capital on mine. so even though the is really, is my mother saying that they're sending their negotiators to cairo, they still say that the deal is a long way from being acceptable. so what do we read into that as yeah, it's a very complicated political reality and is real, right? now, guardian, and it seems to be that's why we're getting what looks like a very mixed message from is really leaders. on the one hand, you have them insisting that they are going to continue this operation in or off. i, even though the military is saying that it's
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a limited operation. on the other hand, you will have the war cabinet. having said that, they want to send a delegation to cairo to continue the talked. and, and that's interesting because up until yesterday, these relays were insisting that they were not going to send a delegation back to cairo until and unless they got a response from how much that they deemed to be a positive one. again, this speaks to how complicated the political terrain is in israel, especially for prime minister benjamin netanyahu right now. because on the one hand you will have members of his far right wing coalition. the people that are the furthest on the right people like it's more been give you are the national security minister who has for many months now insisted that an operation ended off and go forward. and on many occasions threaten that. if it does not, that he would walk away from the government, which would essentially collapse the government leading to elections. and many people believe that if there were elections in israel right now, that because of nothing,
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yahoo is low popularity and pull after pull that he would be out of a job. then you have people like, yeah, you're le peed. he is the opposition leader. and he is real and he gave an interview to his really, um, military radio earlier this morning in which he said he would like to see negotiations go forward. that if it had been up to him and that he would have waited at least another 48 hours to start this operation about 5, because you don't want captives that they believe that are involved to be in harm's way. and they also want to see a ceasefire negotiation going forward. so it's a very complicated political reality in israel right now. it seems to be, that's why we're getting these mixed messages. why on the one hand, the israeli military is continuing this up isn't about 5, but on the other hand, you have these, you have these uh, this delegation heading to cairo. what's going to be key, i think, is how much leeway these negotiators this delegation have when they get to cairo. because we've seen time after time in the past is really a negotiators, delegations go to different areas where meetings are being held. and they've not
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been given a real wide berth from the prime minister to really go ahead and negotiate an into this offer. and they have to keep consulting with the prime minister that okay, thank you. how much i'm doing. thank you for that reporting from online and just to explain why i'm how much i'm just reporting from my mind. so benjamin, to, to know who's cabinet as you know, his band alger 0. so that's why we're having to report from outside of israel will still, it has. here's what's coming up on the tony ching, in the jungles of me, i'm with thousands of young men and women come to join the ranks. the pro democracy folks owns vietnam is marketing the 70 of anniversary from the bottom. that ultimately brought an end to the french empire and endo china. the
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now there was a big pool of cold as sinking down slowly through europe coming in from the knolls . and this is the reason for this, this mass of systems is going slow, the south, which now the air on the side is largely sunny, but it's cold enough for some snow in moscow. the average number of snow days in this past the world. one in may, so we'll watch that. the rain, you can see the answer ukraine back through the house of europe, getting some springs now to all the alpine heights i'm a bit. so i think also in the parent these otherwise it's sunshine, sunshine are the site, that's the case has the right in go study south piece is quite stormy. weather, i think consistently have the pots of bits. we are the 2nd dice day by the way, in most cases we can see that the average already temperature wise that we're not doing too badly on the side of that delta. right? oh, snap london's up to 20. you can 22 not last 3 days. that's a rarity, so that means this spring. and if you look at, sorry, yeah, if it was,
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i'm just coming down to try and go through with that and from 22 to 14, it starts to rise again during friday. still very hot, and this a hell from germain is 45 back to arriving banjo. so the senate goes company in the low fourties as well as for relief from showers precious little. but as some i love your 40 years of enforced separation, they miss their children. growing up in miss all of the things that i'm doing my teeth some fault for his parents, freedom from incarceration, for their room and they're rather cool. black, revolutionary group of anything is worth fighting for the fight for it and send you a chance if it's worth it. navigate, growing together. a witness documentary on the jersey to the
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the top stories on alta 0 this hour, the gaza crossing so forward. he says that it's really army is locked in crucial aid supplies from entering the strip after it closed down the border. crossing. people in some areas already suffering from in this rules world cabinet has voted unanimously to push ahead with an assault on bluff despite, i'm not saying it's agreed to a cease fire to palestinians have been seeing the cities eastern areas after israel wanda, for full scale offensive to is really soldiers have been killed enough has bundle drone attack that strike long term, southern 11 on hit targets near the northern is really supplements of much we loved
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it was one of a series by hezbollah, that included rockets is really army says it's since struck several has been the buildings on compounds in southern lebanon, zayna who did as the latest from southern governor, or to is ray, the soldiers killed in a hezbollah claimed attack. they used an arm drone to hit and is really military position in mid to low. that's along the border. in fact, it's the hill just behind me. now these are, these were not the 1st is really casualties and this ongoing confrontation which began when has well i opened up a front to help it's ally home us in gaza. now hezbollah as a tax become more lee, so when it wants to send a message and they also become more lee. so because of the timing coinciding with international efforts to try to end the war on gods, so has been. 7 sending a message to the israelis that they can cause harm. they can make them pay dearly
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if this confrontation continues. but over all the nature of the conflict is still the same. and the sense that the unwritten rules of engagement are still being respected by both sides military targets. that's what's being hit on both sides of the border. yes, there have been civilian casualties, but over all largely military targets. and the trajectory of this conflict over the past 7 months have been you see the square roderick escalations time and time again . but both sides so far, at least for the time being a, you know, not taking that step to widen the conflict, but that could all change depending on developments. and garza because this front is linked to developments in ga, so in the u. s. protest against israel's were on guards are continuing despite crackdowns by police. the latest demonstration in new york city targeted the met galum rub. reynolds wraps up the developments on monday. across university campuses . student protesters converged near new york's metropolitan museum. as it began,
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its annual celebrity started high society fashion show and gala dinner. police made several arrests. some of the as protesters were from columbia university, which has been in the vanguard of the protest movement. on monday, columbia cancelled its main graduation ceremony upsetting students who are due to take part their high entire justification for setting down man cap manner. everything else they've done on campus was so that they get hold of commencement or go through the whole graduation as normal. and then just to cancel, it just feels very deals ridiculous and i feel what kind of a slap in the face to everyone involved. honestly, i'm very angry. you know, i'm, i'm a senior and for my high school graduation out that was cancelled to because of cobra . so now you come to this, this next a milestone in your life and you don't get to celebrate that either. across the u.
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s. university administrators persisted in using police to suppress peaceful student protests. that you see a lay about 45 students, attorneys, and members of the press were arrested their hands. zip tide by police in tactical gear, their offense gathering in a campus parking garage less than a week ago. a mom of several 100 pro israel people from off campus violently attack . you see a late protesters while well over 100 gaza solidarity protesters have been arrested since then. none of the attackers have been apprehended at the university of california, san diego police confronted students protesters at their encampment, tearing down tents and barricades and making more arrests. other student protests were held on campuses in massachusetts, in virginia, and in new york. with graduation approaching universities tried various ways of keeping protesters from unsettling. the ceremony weeks after dozens of gaza
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solidarity protestors were arrested at emory university in atlanta, the school announced that commencement would be held in a non descript sports center for about 40 kilometers from campus. no matter how or if they celebrate their graduation. this season of protest will be an indelible memory for the class of 2024. rub reynolds l g 0. los angeles. the very 1st phase of india is general election is being held in 11 states, including the home state of prime minister and the remote e. he cast his ballots early on, choose day. this is the 3rd phase, excuse me, not the 1st. and the 1st 2 of the 7 phase elections, all lower voter turnout compared to previous polls. nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to vote during the 6 week election. now,
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the engine government has failed to get visas to address the risk correspondence to cover the story. so we've been forced to report from outside the country and for years, the cast system that divides the majority hensley community has defined regional politics in india's most popular states. because i'm sure it has more of the fall from the same as taj mahal in the move in indian state of looking for these visits wise and put the industry in the city of fall, grow it employees. millions of people like old precaution who owns about $70.00 to $90.00 a month. he belongs to a community that falls at the bottom of the cost hierarchy. for centuries, develops who of once known as i'm taught you both have been just social isolation and forced to work as cleaners, menus, cabbages, and publishers. so as part of a debt consult, effort to improve their lives, the government has reserve jobs and education seats for them. but don't regard says
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under the governing bgp opportunities have declined. yep. they get the set of id i any of the since b j. p has come to how i think the employment opportunities on the reserve category has gone down and they keep saying they'll eradicate poverty. but it seems they bought eradicate the party. okay. them go to the community that includes develop forms of portion voting below accounting for 20 percent of the state's population of the open vote on the basis of cost. i think they need to split preston look for the age of music when they go the public. once a leader who is connected to the masses and works for the benefit of the people, gives me the name of any b s p leader who's helping the people who come on. it's the same with the congress . on the so majority party, we see the only during the election season about the beach if he has govern the politically crucial state since 2017 funded so there's been
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a rise in fines against stomach, according to india's national crime, brick office, puter, the opposition the line so chooses the b j. b of dividing indians along religious and ethnic lines. but even though the middle of the congress says, is it selected, it will ensure a nationwide costs based sense is to implement corrective action from this didn't ring to movie has rejected the idea of because the identity of the cost remains a very, very important to us picked off mobilization of the people and people find it, it'd be made group in which they can go and mobilize. i think, goss cuz remained the important follow to them on which and then politics is to the ones. for many indians, like own precaution is to children who also work in a shoemaking factory. they want the latest to improve the living and working
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conditions of consumption to you. i'll just eat, hold on. just a reminder, once again that al jazeera journalists were not granted visa by the government to report on the election from inside into the main mars, military government has banned conscription, aged men from leaving the country for work, and that's as it continues to suffer losses and battles with arm groups, the new law was introduced last week after tens of thousands applied for visas to avoid military conscription, but thousands more are joining arm groups to oppose the gentle. and the 3rd special report from inside being mark tony chang, met some of those would rather fight the genta than joined its ranks and see through to the factory price point is to jump from the hidden positions for
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the moment, however, their enemy is imagined and their rifles aren't real the new recruits, but they have no doubts about what their training for. so if i have to, yeah, i've prepared my may target is like to become a ministry daughter. but if i have to, so i think i would do that. if i choose to to the p, but that's fine. uh does not because of the hate of the so job. so i forgot i to, i need to protect my family and my people that watching carefully to military sponsor planes. drilled on an open that parade ground put through the paces in the baking heat, teach them to follow waters, experience hardship, and work together. no allowances for the female recruits. these are skills which will keep them alive. and before they can break for food, the pledge of allegiance to the people's defense rules. since the new conscription
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laws came as the 4th, thousands of young men and women have come down into the jungles to join the pro democracy forces and raw the fight against the middle the region to join the ranks . the military has been showing all its new come scripts to mount seemed to the beach. if a bra spend but new laws, forbidding men from working overseas indicates the struggling to fill the ranks. the own pulls the fresh supplies handed out in front of the cameras. contrast with stores from you recruits, you say the basic equipment is in short supply and the pdf have a secret with them. on some the general who freedom in uh from british rule, the, the actor who played him in a recent film about his life. now training you recruit the base, forced conscription makes resistant, force is stronger. now what accepts that load?
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so youth, so now joining the people's defense force instead of being constricted by the military, we have seen many more you've joined since then. oh, no bra spends here. these volunteers paying and sweat and hardship for their belief in a democratic future. a belief which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives . tony king l 20, eastern me m. vietnam is marking the 70 of anniversary of fits and victory over french forces in the battle of january and few. it's seen as a pivotal moment and ends in french colonial rule. and what was done. indo china, us supported france and a conflict that ultimately led to the vietnam war. corporate fried as this reports waged over 8 weeks in a remote board area or of northern vietnam. the battle of jim getting food would have global repercussions. a modern french force defeated by.


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