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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the so live celebrations in garza of to how must accept the see sign proposal, but it's real rejects the deal and says it will go ahead with a full scale military operation in rough us the by while i'm on the inside. this is out, is there a life and i are. we're getting reports that the is really ministry is now
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attacking the rock for line crossing and ministry vehicles the on the moon's. tonight's attacks on a warning on the on monday from how to send you and sheltering in rockford to leave the eastern part of the city in tens of thousands of palestinians on the news. the demonstrations have broken out across israel, according to the government to accept the cx, 5 deal, and bring home captives being held. the more protests on us campuses and supposed to palestinian schools, grow louder. the universities to catch financial ties with israel, the hello and welcome. we begin with a focus on the southern city of rafa, after these rarely wood cabinet visit unanimously to continue it's opperation,
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the tonights with getting reports that b is really ministry, is selling buildings after rafa land crossing and ministry vehicles all gathering around $200.00 races from the board us now they've also been heavy strikes an eastern rafa for the past several hours earlier on monday the is really ami. oh, did palestinians, that's a flea threatening and a sold with what it called extreme force. my wallet tax on russell review, as well as prime minister has said that a delegation will go to kyra for tools. but that the proposal by how much is fall from israel's requirements. instead of even west jerusalem is rallies took to the streets, demanding the government agree to a deal to bring captives home. meanwhile in gaza they were brief celebrations across the stress of the prospect to potential and to the relate in this fighting time. assess the pool is now in israel's quote hash and a whole bar begins our coverage
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a. 6 they've been waiting for months for that and to begin in gaza. and this is the moment and then how much has agreed to cease by a proposal of the separations didn't last long. ease variety will planes strike areas in is the rough uh, the little cabin is convened and unanimously decided to go ahead with the roof. i committed to operation national. i tell them we want peace and love, freedom and justice. we want to live in our land in peace and security. god willing, the wish will come true. and we return to god's assistance. because i've got this 7 months of devastation of genocide, the houses have been killed. children, women, it's time for a break. it's time for an inch all this madness they have suffered enough. it was an evening of many dramatic development,
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the leader of how mass political be of us value honey said his group has accepted, seized by a deal that includes 3 phases of $42.00 days, each of the d. but those by the key me data is got an egypt, we'd also pay the way to an exchange of his rad. it kept his unbiased opinion present as a complete withdrawal to his variety to choose from gaza as well as allowing displaced bodies damian's to be to the bottom of this trip. these violet governments said the proposal was far from the civic line and i don't know what funding we examined every response seriously. and we explored all opportunities in the negotiations to bring back the capital. because this is a primary mission for us and comparable. we continue our operations and gosh, and then we will continue doing so i, who is well said it was sending a delegation to cairo to negotiate an agreement and says it's key demands previous
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negotiation efforts sold in the past few months over growing differences between how much and as well, all the terms of the deal as the past deep and got top one, it may reassess this rule as immediate to the gulf nation played a crucial role in putting together the only ceasefire agreement between thomas and israel last november. but the deal was short lived for those who took to the streets, celebrating what they thought was an end to the war. they may have to wait for any indication, 7 months of suffering. death and destruction may finally come to an end pushing about, but on to 0. this is why the prime minister's office has released a statement saying that large gaps remain in the cx 5 process. and crucially, the wood cabinet has voted unanimously to continue the operation in rocca demonstrates district to the streets in a non the is right,
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is that he's demanding the government except the deal. and a reminder to our view is israel has shut down out, is there is operations there. so we're reporting from outside israel and how much on june is in the jordanian capital with more on these writing react with israel's work cabinet. having decided that on the one hand, israel will continue the operation of the roof. but on the other hand, israel will send a delegation to cairo. it really speaks to the complicated political terrain currently in israel. and it really showcases the kind of political pressure that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is under, on the one hand, he's continuing to be under pressure from the far right wing members of his coalition. like it's more been severe, the national security minister who placed the statement on x on monday in which he said that is real, needed to go into it off. and that's very much in line with the kinds of statements we've heard from been give year of late continuing to demand that and,
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and on many occasions having threatened to walk away from the government. if nothing, yahoo were not to do that. on the other hand, that to me, i will also under pressure from the opposition and the opposition leader. yeah. your repeat also put out a statement on monday in which he said that is real, needed to go ahead and send a delegation to cairo to try to ensure that negotiations continued. and that a cease fire could be reached. so that is really captive being held in gaza could return home to their loved ones. now, that's why that's one political reality for nothing. yahoo! but he's also facing pressure from demonstrators who continue to come out on the streets and on monday night you had uh, thousands of demonstrators who came out in tel aviv demanding that the government go ahead and enter into a ceasefire. we saw many videos of those demonstrators out there, chatting saying the time was now that the government needed to go ahead and enter into this deal to bring those captives back home to their relatives. we also saw
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a videos purporting to show confrontations with police and some videos reporting to show police beating back some of those demonstrators and dragging some of them away . again. really going to show how much pressure that's in yahoo is facing from so many different segments of israel, the society of pressure from the government pressure from demonstrators out in the streets as well. also on monday, there was a meeting in washington, dc between jordan's king abdullah and us president joe biden, and the read out of that meeting from jordan's royal court said that jordan's king abdullah, the 2nd warned during a meeting with us presidential biden, that and his really attack on the roof, i threatens to lead to a new massacre. so a lot of concerns here in jordan right now about what more of an incursion into it off i would mean going forward. i haven't given to them and just either i might and just to remind you again,
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benjamin that to knows cabinet has banned algae 0 from the country just why we are reporting from outside as well. now the white house national security council spokesman confirm the us is reviewing how much does response instead the reaching a deal is the best possible outcome for currently reviewing that response and discussing it with our partners in the region. director burns, as you know, is there and he's working this in real time on the ground. i won't be able to comment any further on this until we know where things stand. i hope you can understand that. i know everybody's curious about what's in this response with these really reaction to to it is just not going to get ahead of the process. we want to get these hostages out. we want to get a ceasefire in place for 6 weeks. we want to increase manager and assistance, and the last thing that i want to do is say anything of this podium, it's going to put that process at risk. regardless, as we said before, we still believe that reaching an agreement is the absolute best outcome. not only for the hostages, but for the past indian people,
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and we're not going to stop work into that out. that's great. and i have 2 rugs in jordan. she's in washington dc for us person. and what does the white house mean when it says it's reviewing the proposal? the well, essentially what it means is it's basing certain that so what come off is agreeing to is what has been under discussion in recent days and weeks. and also making certain that the israelis are going to go along with the most agreements. now, this is largely speculation by analysts here in washington. but it is the situation that the us is very concerned that any public discussion of the negotiations of the back and forth could in peril or possibly towards these negotiations. the us in recent days has been suggesting that it feels we'll progress was being made toward achieving at least
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a temporary 6 week long transpire. and it doesn't want to do anything that could possibly imperil via cheese mate of at least a temporary cease fire. if not the entire package, which i'm also has been describing all day on monday. okay, thank you for that. rosalind jordan that for us in washington, dc and the last few hours is riley times have begun firing on hillary shelves of buildings at the rough uh land voted crossing. now this is a key entry point for a coming in from egypt. as strikes have also been talking surrounding neighborhoods over the last few days. let's go through and sneak low and so and he's an independent janice on all side of the palestine. the board street, which is a book on israel's alms and civilians industry joins us now from sydney. good to see you again as mate. so this is a, this is a very recent development. this has, this has been happening the last few hours that israel has started showing the
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rough uh, line crossing between egypt and garza. what do you, what do you make of this? and it shows that once again, they're on or red lines, you know, off the last months when they've consistently heard from president biden, many a, you, even in the arab world, that there's a red line. he's well cannot go into rough. uh, the red line does not exist and what we're seeing, i think he originally missing yahoos. so quote strategy, which is that he realizes with the needs riley public, is deeply unpopular. his stay today is on october, the 7th. none of them have been achieved, namely cycled title victory at home, us destroying home. uh so getting all the hospice back, none of that has happened. and he therefore feels that continuing the water cycle forever. laura's essential. and it's important to note that rough or close as you rightly say, it's not just a k crossing point on fade, but also i saw people to be on the way palestinians can get out of the house. are the ones who are able to leave these there. and if that board of shots,
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then the roughly 1500000 palestinians who are trapped. and ralph, i have no way to go. so i mean we're hearing the drum is really media reports. that is where the forces are planning to capture this border crossing in the next few hours. talk us through the significance of this for the cost and how significant would it be if, if that did indeed happen. i mean, this is where the majority of aid, for example, comes in and the fact is as read, she every 8 organization is saying it's all months that there is a literally famine going on in the northern part of gaza and many of the pods. the guys are in it, k entry point, full, the a that he's getting in, which is still 552 little is rough. uh. so if that shots, what that essentially shows, which is basically a full month's starvation is the point, i think, for a lot of people in the international community, the id that the stage that we see is the credit. when i say we,
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i mean much in the weston, lizzie's democratic use ro would deliberately styles palestinian population is saying is so out, right? is show russia or china would do that is where i would never do that. but in fact, that's what they doing right now. so it's rough or we shut down or reduce incentives. we ability to get 8 in already varies, must've malnutrition, starvation, children, a dime is an access to water problem. is huge amounts of pollution within the water that many people who are drinking rain diseases are exploiting in rough or, and elsewhere. and even the areas, by the way, they use rel, has claimed to so could say science and their honest type sons in gaza being involved. and again, we say that the us and frankly, much international community, which bytes remains the us will not put a break on his role, which they could do you think that this is a, this is effectively that much touted rasa operation that we've all been sort of
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dreading is this starting now? a look, it may be and, but i think what is rob will find it isn't. it's like go into russel with lots of lots of troops and i tried to destroy more tunnels. so try to get some more how much sleep is what they'll find out the pots of guns and the as the us found to be rock ref. galveston. after years of occupation. you cannot actually successfully occupied territory without insane amounts of troops, millions of fruits, which as well does on hand. so even if these rails in rafa what we're already seeing in other parts of gas or the north and elsewhere is how much force has to offer righty. so existing still funding that will continue. it is impossible to finally, militarily, destroy how much you can degrade them. to be sure. but the idea that something that you can destroy that, and it's important to note that there are some guys and so on denied, really despise how nice because of what's happening in the last 6 months, along with these rather costs. but how much is popular in the west bank is growing . of the parts of the arab and muslim world have must support is increasing the
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cannot destroy the idea of what, how much he is for better or worse. and the dreaded rough uh, incursion or invasion really show it, as i said before, that there's been no serious international pressure. 180, none with friends that are still flowing from the us. and you have many particularly, and it's pretty shameful to me that all the outrage stove outrage that we rate the main to national press. forget to tide it from us officials and you are paying officials and even air of officials means nothing on the ground. but he's around the same way about to go into a rougher and close cottage date. okay, good to speak to anthony 11 steen independent dentist and take care of the palestine lavar tray or many of the people leaving eastern rough on the threats of and is rarely attacked all heading to its con unice and did all bala. now those 2 cities, though, have been almost completely destroyed. and though it could,
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you or i could already report from con eunice on what those people are now facing. i can do sunday on menu. so hey, let's find a box in 10 units. and as you see, hundreds of palestinians are currently evacuating from dropbox. after that, is there any forces, ordered them to, to wait, or the or today, the clothes were ordered by the is ready for system. we've got some ways to communicate the last the area and also do that is by the hand central god is about to as you see behind me, can you, this is completely destroyed. palestinians have been telling us that they have been displaced multiple times. they are bored of being displaced from one place to another. then they also do not trust the is rodney courses. and that is where the army because they have been telling them since the 1st day that's that's, that's last was a safe area. but i, you see,
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behind on these people are evacuating. that's why people are desperate. there's a panic said, angry despair and frustration range. and also that say, there's no se, se, regardless of these people have no idea where they're going, because it's right there is. but the central area is also past. we're talking about you and hosp, the u as in facilities, hospitals, schools, he's been empty. agricultural labs are now 10, and i'm not hundreds of thousands of people settled there. this phase multiple times from place to another, from central to the south. hell assume you are left in despair and fear not knowing where to go, where no place in the gaza strip is safe. this is in the pull that he just see. the community goes off how to sign
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the, the now to the us where officials at the massachusetts institute of technology, all threatening palestinian solidarity protest as with suspension. the boston area campus has seen several days as rival demonstrations between supporters of palestine and israel. students want the school to coast financial ties with israel speak, nozzle, teresa, bow she is at the massachusetts institute of technology compass. what's happening where you are as well as vanessa 10, stay here at best comes with mostly because students headsets have fun and compliment where i'm standing right now. 15 days ago, this thing happened. ben was later on surrounded with a fence by the police and students to fence down. and we took this part of the
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campus after being told that they were going to be evicted by the police. the students here again are demanding and then to the war on gas side, they're demanding divestment, which is an end to the use of university funding and being invested in companies that students, they are profiting from the war. they're also thinking around where i am right now, a hands off, a rough ha, i'm on many other things. joining me now life face dark guy and he's one of the students here. he is studying material science. tell us a little bit about what's been going on today. what's the objective of, of this thing cap man. yeah, absolutely. the obvious objective of this and comment is to stand with the people in gaza and also to ask them i do to divest of from the ideas. it's how it takes money from the idea of to do research on drones warms. we don't want that happening anymore. and basically they were going to take down that and get ment today. but as you can see around you,
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the police haven't been able to do much. we actually took down defense, they put up and there's been so much support from the community today. it was beautiful to see we were when they threaten suspension and arrest and eviction from the cabinet. there was only 30 of us and then come in at the time. it was early in the day. and now we see so many people came in really quickly to help support us. you've been threatened with suspension, expulsion arrest. will you continue doing this? will you continue to to be in this and compliment? yeah, absolutely. um, we've been talking with all of that, but i think what's going on now is bigger than any type of graduation or, you know, arrests that may happen. there are 5000 undergrads or in university series is and does all that have been told? that's the same as the mit undergrad populations. um you know, there are so many children that can't go to school and goes off because their schools got bombed in front and, and before suspended. i mean were standing in solid,
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dirty with them. i don't think anyone in the world deserves to go to school as long as they turn. thank you very much. so this is a situation on the ground. you can see the 10th right behind me. students are getting ready to spend the night here. many of them, many fear that the police could show up once again, but still they say that they will continue, that they will remain here demanding and enter the war on. guys are exerting pressure on the u. s. government on these wiley governments for a ceasefire, and to end the war back to you. teresa by the 1st of the massachusetts institute of technology campus. tony's president is using ping is on his 1st trip to europe in 5 years. his door began in the french capital. he met with president emanuel my colon monk. 60 is of diplomatic relations between the 2 countries of trade disputes. i'm the one ukraine. oh, so dominated his 1st day. melissa child supports the french know how to
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greet visitors with fan fair and state lenise, and can also catch the most delicate messages and polite diplomatic language. asthma con, did, which she knew and hope in it was, it would be the european union is today. the most open consonant in market in the world are trade and economic and technological policy is not dictated by any 100 on . we want it to be software. and that is to say that independent to which the chinese leader responded with equal politeness to the physical gen. we support building a balanced, effective, and sustainable european security frame load all items and quantities. yeah. as the 2 leaders met on monday, afternoon and evening, but not before morning meeting that included the president of the european commission. ursula fond delay in the order of those meetings, sending a clear signal to china that france is just one member of
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a greater european union. and that divide and conquer tactics might not work here. that stands in stark contrast to germany so low for a just 3 weeks ago. when chancellor all life shows visited china, a trip. critics say that prioritized german automakers over just about everything from you policy to human rights. the european union is particularly troubled by china's material support of russia's war and ukraine. badging is providing the components that allow moscow to make its weapons. schultz made little fuss over that reality. but kron has praised badges. pledge not to provide weapons to russia, but said little publicly about indirect chinese efforts. it's not just politics. trade is also an issue. france has led to charge against the sales of chinese electric vehicles in europe, citing unfair subsidies that allow chinese automakers to flood the market with cheap cars. china has retaliated with the threat of
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a reciprocal measure against the import of french con. yet as the day ended, but con, thank she for what he called his quote open attitude on the con yak issue. assigned perhaps a flexibility behind closed doors. my client is sending a very different signal to she compared to his trip to badging last year. but the french president has a reputation for surprises, and he's going to have to walk a fine line between pragmatic engagement and tough talk on specific topics. over 2 days of meetings, melissa chan, algae 0, paris. the accounting is underway in charge of the presidential election aimed at ending 3 is a further shavel. under the interim, the president mahatma debbie, you know, he sees power off his father who spent 3 decades how was killed with voters now deciding whether to extend his family's rule and it just reports from the capital
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in jemina. this is a process for voters, candidates, and the international observers are watching the counting and coordination of votes that will determine who will become struts, precedent for the next 5 years. obviously, the voting process was largely successful. but an incident in one to charge, 2nd largest city, while mine was shot dead raises can say for 1st time vote is like, did i putting on this election provided an opportunity to put chide on the right track. i voted for someone who i hope can change on mentality and fix our education. that's what i want to see done. but the day ends in frustration for some the people responsible for organizing this has failed to do their job. this is total chaos. many who couldn't find the names of either failed to register or pick up new cards. the election is a timex of
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a 3 yeah. transition period that by incumbent president, how much interest debbie, who took power when his father was killed on the battlefield. luckily, i have fulfilled before god and my people promised to organize an election within a specific timeframe retained the country to democracy in the same way we promised to organize and deliver a national dialogue and referendum its main challenge and prime minister success must also vote as you can see this was kind of an action graham and the good news is the internet connection is available, which is really very new to me about, you know, making progress. this election was between the same. there was violence in the run up to the vote. what the expectations of betty high from security to road education and health care wherever windsor's election will have to address these challenges
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in addition to human countries divided since the ability to power 3 years ago. and she was mission now awaits the outcome. we know needs more than 50 percent of the vote to avoid a right. which would take place 2 weeks. how many degrees i would just need to get me to it. okay, that's it for me, my, the insides, whether it's next that is inside stories, you stay with us. the big pool of clara, this one here, which is mark change. we'll see if japan is still there enough to give a rather wet display of data, much of health issue and talk either behind it, the backwash will give sherry stuff, i think much of the korean peninsula. but china is looking good. some china i attempted not extreme unless you were in the science now attempt is on extreme here, but the weather is extreme. these off do thunderstorms are better than mine. we've
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had extensive funding in glendon grungy. it's still like through the end to be top top by the standard songs that just will not go away and property will merge into the seasonal rains very soon. they've got a little off shouldering wednesday hong kong a bit drive at ty. brian could see some pretty wet stuff from his till fairly wet weather, which stretches back into northern vietnam as well. that right, but down through thailand and towards malaysia, this is now looking what sundry ross and just hopped and dr. spend the case recently into the system at risk for some flash starting and sumatra. not so much in java. and then the long way use was to was with proper there was some pretty big funds to orgs that happened recently. deka and then the east side of india. this keeps the temperatures done because most of the rest are cool, saw suffering from the pre monitoring heat, which temperature is they're not shown here. been in the high forty's or the
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history is for golf. that's all peril yet in spain state imposed on these you was enshrined in law diminishing the plight of countless victims of frank codes. 3060 i did take the shape with a group of survivor. it says launched an international law suit hoping to bring those accountable to justice and force the country to acknowledge its fascist bost . the silence of others, witness all now to sierra l just their a band is right and the government's move contains 5 and it work as a criminal act against international and humanitarian lewis. elders era has shown the realities of what is happening in jobs and what's behind this band and how effective will it be? this is inside story, the


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