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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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needs easy opposition leader in cairo, just a couple of hours ago, he put a statement on x, in which he urged the prime minister to go ahead and send the delegation to cairo because it was about most important to do whatever was possible to get those captives that are being held in gaza back to israel. so it's a very murky picture in israel right now. i think the response that we're seeing really just goes to show how much pressure is real as under and how much pressure specifically that's in yahoo is under. right. this is something that perhaps is calculated to satisfy both wings of the political space. yeah, it is a very, very interesting calculation, isn't it gives the, as you mentioned that really indication of the kind of impulse is the kind of pressure cooker the, is there any government who really is at the moment on the one hand pushing on with the roof or operation, well, continuing these hostage tools talking with pressure. we mentioned those protests. what more do we know about those demonstrations in the as well? and so now we're seeing these videos. um and again we're looking at videos because
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we are no longer in his real. we're not allowed to report from there. i was just there up until yesterday and now i'm in a month. but on saturday, i was in tel aviv and i was at one of those weekly demonstrations with thousands of people converge and tell of even also demonstrate in other cities in which they call for the government to do everything they can to enter into a cease fire agreement to bring those captives home. so tonight what you're seeing, hundreds of people marching in places like jerusalem, where they are reportedly heading towards one of the residences of the prime minister, also in cities like haifa. and in telling me, which is really the epicenter of the protest movement, and they are demanding that the government go ahead and enter into the cease fire. in fact, you have several of those groups to live with the family members of those captives that have put out statements in which they have said that they are glad that how much has accepted this c 5 proposal. and they are urging israel to go ahead and do
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so as well, and to prove its commitment to the citizens of, of israel. so it's going to be interesting to see how many more people potentially come out to night. and in the days they had, i can tell you that having just been at a massive demonstration on saturday, where there were thousands of people and telling me of anti government demonstrators as well as relatives of those captives. they all were saying they were chanting and many times over the course of the evening. now was the time there was a proposal on the table, go ahead and sign on the dotted line. they don't want to see the government wait any longer, especially now we're hearing tonight because they are hearing that how much has accepted this proposal. the people that we spoke with on saturday were saying that they are very concerned for their relatives and loved ones that are in gaza. they said that if they don't have this happen now, they're worried that it better off invasion goes. they had that that will endanger those captive, that they will be in the crossfire they, they could potentially be killed. so they're saying this is a critical time for the same business as close as israel has been since past
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november to get into a ceasefire. and may say that the government should be doing its utmost to ensure that those captives can return home. and to go ahead and enter into the ceasefire nationwide mohammed to jam june the opposing form, the jordanian capital. i'm on thanks for that. the reminder, again, of course, the benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet has bind, which is 0. we're putting inside the state of israel. we are reporting from outside the country. that's okay. well, that's to continue this discussion. nice. introduce marian rappaport, who is a political commentator, an editor of a local cool, a hebrew new commentary website. he joins us from tel aviv very well, welcome to you. so we've had some movement from the sort of the side on the one hand, saying that they're still committing to a potential assault on raphael by a now saying that they will be prepared to send mediators to egypt as well. what should we read into all of this? is this really a way of buying time?
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really, the very unclear we are hearing reports that the soul told him about stuff is started already. and then just in this last hour, um to the eastern outskirts of, uh huh. uh that, uh, this invasion has begun and yes, at the same time, the end of the sort of government, he's saying that the 3 little send the gauge, the cairo i think uh is, uh, is the is, are the government is very embarrassed at the moment. i may have expected that to have my suite. it gave it positive uh, problems. uh it has to be on the uh for, for some days already. but now the promises officially said that the, his response is positive is well, is there a government um yes. on the one hand, he continues, oh starts its all,
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its in violation of the offer. and even if there is a deal that took me out, could say that the was achieved tanks to the total crash for all the products. take me a product from us in the outside. uh, and at the same time that i was sending delegation because of internal pressure as was mentioned before, but it's more than anything else because of the americans that's seem to be very much involved. the head of the c i a is you said the same kind of, oh yeah, uh so uh yes, i think a user enters very, it's very appropriate matthew. let's look in a bit more detail into the political calculations, the, the workings out of the nothing you know, who government to, because if indeed, the proposal that i'm asked has agreed to involves paving the way towards a permanent c spy. how does netanyahu square that with particularly far right?
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elements within his own government is always being of course are afraid to completely, to eradicate how mass. how does the square of the to is impossible to, to uh, to me, to get these 2 uh, conflicting factors. uh, i think quote, to narrow is trying to by trying to say that this, that proposal is it'd be set sure. and if it is not what was discussed before. busy it kind of low enough. huh. uh, but i think uh, from development did the american administration would say, yes, this is the deal that was discussed before. how much agree to it then i think it took me away being a very difficult situation. he could say that p a, he agrees to a deal. uh, because here he pressure come out and spend all kinds of things. and that may be
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seem to find a way of doing that really not to be a full commitment of israel to am to find the best. yes, it seems that it will be fact all means the end of finding it would be very difficult for me to me out, a more difficult fines allies. right, so we're very explicit that they will leave with the government subsidy will be signed by melanie baron. while you are talking, we are looking at scenes from tennessee web protests around the way, right? place around that one holes is clearly an awful lot of anger, frustration, discontent. amongst a, it's really about the direction in which this conflict has gone about the twist in terms of decisions that you all who government continues to make as we look at these pictures. how do you reflect on that and you all his political future under the circumstances? a yes sir. i think uh you were talking about yes, the american and,
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and the international position a few so that i think internally would be very difficult. i think the end goes huge . i think that the demonstrations off the hostages or families of the hostages having to over before a few weeks now into demonstration for ending the war may be not explicitly so, but practically the amending the end of the war. so, and even the rootless, about some kind of off of the people refusing to, to go into the woods, they have to refuse to go to serve in the outside the at. so i think they think it was you, i think you submit them, you know, will, that will reject this deal people face as something that could resemble a key to a type of before october, 7th at all with
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a huge demonstration that we have seen in the 1st, the malice of 2020, that a tree or a hundreds of pounds, these various industries. i think it would be a huge problem for them. so the consequences of not accepting this deal could lead to mass demonstrations. you'll saying in various parts of the country, ma'am, and raffle political commentator and editor of local. cool, great to hear your thoughts. thank you for joining us. thank you. the car with these are the military sizes conducting targets. it strikes against a mass in eastern rafa. that's the same area with the residents to flee from earlier on monday. and the topic of the resume is that live for us in reference, southern gaza. so terry, you may have heard of the developments coming from israel. the suggestion being that they have prepared to send the goal shade as mediators to egypt, but they are also prepared to continue with pushing into rough or any evidence,
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any sign of an escalation and attacks that given the instructions for at least a 100000 people to flee the eastern part, a rough idea, a man that's inside need what we have been seeing within the past couple of hours. this is a great escalation of strikes and onto the reboot apartments and the eastern parts of rough like district. we're talking about non sellable bombing of residential houses on a texas. we've been seeing b e curves and tearing it out of the explosions that resulted from the bottom. and that there's a still ongoing till this very moment on such areas. now, the vast majority of activities and even the residence of such areas, tossed it to fleet from the eastern parts of rough up where the is very military now is, is trying to mobilize more troops close to rough ice board. as i witnesses, as we have been contacting them, that being confirming that they have been hearing a very active military movement of the is very military tanks across the dollars. a
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separation fence with the east valley port as, as these troops right now are moving in such areas. now that's absolutely terrifying because we've been seeing elimination to flash being fired in this condo, but use trim costs of roughly district. and that's absolutely wouldn't trajectory to the general atmosphere of the positivity of the negotiations are still ongoing on the ground from side. now, how much was approved for the approval for the 5th, for the proposal being presented by egyptian authorities. and now they are these when the military is so keen on the continuation of the rough operation as a pos of a military pressure being exempted. and how much to release the captives. from the other hand, they will send a delegation to cairo in order to finalize the is what the let in the agreements with the section. so clearly, now they've been depending on the method of existing military pressure on her mazda, and from the same time, how much analysis it's full readiness to confront the invasion of roughly if it
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take place within the coming. i was even in the foreseeable future as well, of our license to some rough uh, topic up. it was a. okay, well i'm going to die by i'll just hear a senior political analyst smile in the shower model on how we looking at the rapid unraveling of this proposal before it's even started israel saying that it's prepared to push on and rough. uh, we've heard that from time, right, an increase in military activity at the same time though they're saying look, we're going to send mediators to egypt as well as we squared away all of this happening simultaneously. and finally, a mass agreeing to this proposal. israel seem to do what i wanted to do originally and push on it to wrap it with the san dominos. doesn't that look, this couldn't be explained as a israel stuff attempt at using tactics to ameliorate
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uh, the proposal states or an advantage to try to extract more concessions from us. and the mediators in order to look, uh, better in front of its own public, within these really a society that's one expansion. the other explanation is and to be honest with you, i lean towards it is that this government does not one a cease fire. it was in fact undermined it to us. i would say shocked by how much is acceptance of the mediator as a draft proposal and hence now it's trying to do whatever it can do immediately in order to torpedo the possibility of a ceasefire. so the dynamic here for the past good number of days is that
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while a ceasefire is understood to be the end of the whole government or then it then the all premier ship, the continuation of the war. a good and why didn't presidency as we know it 6 months from today? so americans are putting pressure on these right is to accept to cease fire the now government feels that if it accept the order and then yeah, he feels like he had such a ceasefire. this could mean the end of his permission because then the questions are going to start the phone. what have you done to us? you're responsible for october 7. you are inviting the corruption as wants to for so there is this 2 forces. now a torque as how most accepts that draft proposals, it's up to the united states and those that are to work it out amongst them on. but on the best way to move forward, if right, if any, i'll stop if there's any a, what is waiting for it off it's give over. so pushing into a rough uh,
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could be set to potentially achieve one of 2 things, either to p during the entire plan, scrapping the prospect of a long lasting c spa whole using that military maneuver as a way of gaining leverage, a watering down this proposal. yes, we have an outline of what it includes. probably the biggest key takeaways is demand for a long lasting permanency spa. the other one and face 3 talks about a complete and obviously the blockade off to 17 years. i mean if that was agreed to be monumental, absolutely. the the, the main office, the goal was the phrase cease fire method l has basically committed his own portion partners on the fascist and defend out the cried that he will not accept the ceasefire. so there was another phrase, an alternative for his phone, which is sustained, quiet suspend instead of permanency is fine. then i said,
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to let me do it does. but if you actually have mazda accepts a permit acquired, we would make sure that it does translate. in reality, into a per minute, cx, $51.00 thing for the monitors to promise this another for these writers to accept it. as i've been saying, is read has succeeded in destroying gaza, basically destroying it in every possible way. but it has not defeated time us. and i think this government attempt for 7 months including the carrying of a general side against guys to distort how much has failed. so that's $310.00 jake objectives. all the more, as they've been declared from the very beginning have basically not been fulfilled . so there's government, basically the shipping is red, feels that it must continue with its operation and rough i even if it leads
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to the desk and the destruction. but that's all god knows how many tens of thousands and they've been warned by the, by the industry. so what do i mean? what does that say about about the international red lines, the withdrawal and by the likes, the united states. what does that say about? it's really have to choose towards global opinions. don't know, the phone number is but from his house, it's very interesting. you have a good memory. i think a lot of us outside in the world of the flemish and the media. and i bet you every, as a journalist and mainstream media has forgotten all about the red lines, you cannot off your bike guys out, you can upgrade this to a safety zone. and guys, you cannot impose and use it. seizure on guys also on so far, i think that's almost in the past. i remember when they are adults at the, at the ju 7 for our ministers meeting in japan, right? we said this is really key, unimportant. but guess what? i need to on the live this because i, i've been, i've been to ashley, i think
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a lot about it a lot and it has to be kind of a word of whole peer. right. and all of this, we, yes, we audit stuff in the midst of this, the buckle. we don't know which that extra we're going. we don't how much i agreed with the united states wants that we know is there a doesn't? that's awesome. but what has changed the last couple of weeks? i tell you why this is important. because no matter what the phrases are, no matter what that headlines are. if there is no way it is to respect the dean, no matter what did your each, it wouldn't be violated and we would go back to more. right. but if there is a way to really make sure that that is respected, that we probably won't go to it. why do i say it's important of the difference between nothing? yeah, we'll see is if there's a cease fire, it's the end of his leadership by by then believes if there's a continuation of what is the end of his leadership. the difference is what happened the past couple weeks. so american young people in
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hundreds of universities on the us and then on to you, it will revolted against injustices in palestine. once it did this, then this um, what's the worst by 1st wanting to divest from is right and so on, so forth that psychological slash, political pressure on the, by the administration, made it clear that there's a new understanding of washington before, don't stop the war 2 until we see any urgency the, i mean obviously the americans at the moment doug wants to say too much too soon before they've had the negotiations or at least got more details from these ratings about what that long term plan is. in response to this, i'm us a proposal that they've agreed to, but given the heat, as you say, in job items, backyard, you to be really see any kind of american sense of urgency here. what are the fact that birds that activity i made all this long trip to try to spend some time then
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made his way through the ha, vin, or what spade in the house for another day or 2. in order to finalize this was by didn't making around a phone calls to the now to the amount of cut, the, to the junction present themselves so forth. and then of course, corner of the allies. so my close of the list calling so not this quarter because also for miss a, a diplomatic uh, before i see a way to of course of action themselves so forth with now, is it different for the 1st time the education president is there? i was friends, right? so you see tweeted the 1st time in several months saying good news now we can, you know, and the suffering of the people guys also for the tax. right. so clearly a solo, the people who are either on the side of the testing is, or in the middle or secondly, on the sides of the united states are making them are making beautiful, should clear. we're gonna probably be hearing now from the french and the bunch of
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the german is encouraging to watch the ceasefire. that's why the board is tony. now it is court and is, or is whether it be isolated underlying is that and will it be isolated? if it's rejected the ceasefire and made its way into or off or causing death and destruction in the part of guys aware of more than a 1000000 kind of sentience, i've taken refuge. the bull is in israel as cold as you say, my one, but he thinks well, us state department says he's reviewing have mass is response on the see saw proposal and says it will be discussing the response with its allies across the reason. and there has been a significant offer on the table. the ball has been in a mazda as court. we have made clear that they should accept that offer, that israel made significant compromises shows that they wanted to reach an agreement that would lead to the release of hostages. that would bring an immediate cease fire. and we have hope that moss would take the deal that was on the table
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now as to what's in their response, what it looks like. we're going to review that and withhold judgment to we've had a chance to conduct a full review. and we just, just literally in the past hour, 90 minutes, i received that response from home off in the 1st place. of course we will be discussing it with egypt with cutter, with israel, the 3 countries with whom we have been working throughout this negotiation process . but i don't want to get into time into those, but obviously if we have, if those conversations have not already started, they will be ongoing in the next several hours. a straight to adam fisher who's lived for us in washington and then to highland the us since we've heard saying is reviewing the proposed sci fi deal. what else have you been here? okay, what is interesting is that the fast, the, the by then ministration, find out that the, how much that except to the deal was throughout just the, the english they were watching and the so that there was this response. and this comes after, of course, joe biden spoke to benjamin netanyahu earlier in the day,
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and they discussed the possibility of some sort of captive exchange a. but this was not say the united states putting pressure on benjamin netanyahu. but look at the, what's being used by the state department, and also by joint copy, the national security council spokesman that this was a cic i. i very impressive both for a significant offer that was put on the table. and the pressure was on how much to accept on thomas has accepted. so that immediately transfers the pressure on to israel. of course, the united states are going to coach in terms of we have to see what, how my said was it just, uh, yeah, we like that deal. we'll take it or it was. well, we can agree to this. if this happens, is there wiggle room for israel to say, well, that's not what we agreed to. but clearly there is some level of pressure from the united states because they've made very clear that they don't want to see a quotes wide ranging operation. and does they have talked about a targeted,
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specific, successful operation to achieve israel's gains? they don't want this wide spread operation because they see i cannot attending catastrophe on the back of it. if there isn't a humanitarian element to what is really, is doing particularly moving hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people out of the image of firing roy. so this has got to go through the process that will be given details by the c. i a director who's in the region who's watching it, we keep puting in real time time. and so they'll know what they is really think about this sooner than we will. i'd highly, they are going to respond, but the united states is not going to say, yeah, this is a great deal to should sign up because they don't want to prove that level of public pressure on israel. oh, and you make a really interesting points about the level of involvement said the us ministration has had a negotiations given that they only learned about i'm asked accepting this proposal
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by watching our channel. what does that say about the extent of their involvement? the expense of, of how much the in the falls when it comes to this latest proposal, latest hopes of a breakthrough. well, that's not to say that william bah, who's in the region, didn't know about this before it was broadcast on on. i'll just need a, what is clear is the joint car be that for the white, how you spite extension only find out that how my said yes. and then clearly calls would start to be made to find out exactly what was going on, so that the united states could begin to that they prepare a response because they knew the daily briefing was coming up. they knew that the state department would have to have their briefing to. and so this is all a process. i certainly the united states has been saying we will speak to our partners in the region. but they've also been speaking to saudi arabia as well, about pops, recognizing it, which would be a huge, really significant step,
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but needs so that they decided these need something to go on. they still can't be fighting award and gaza for them to say, yeah, we can go ahead and do that. there's all sorts of little pieces being moved around the chessboard. clearly the united states would like to see an end to this war, not least, for domestic political purposes. because as long as the protests on the college campuses continue, that is hitting joe biden with young people. young people who are normally part of his coalition to when the white house spike in november and he needs to do something about that. so that come november. a lot of these protests are forgotten about. and so they are under intense domestic pressure to make sure that there is a resolution to this war sooner. lot rather than later. but that has been true since october, november last year as well. yeah. so we've been saying over the past hour or so an
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awful lot of heat, probably much enjoy biden's bucky out of them. i haven't had an official life with him. washington. thank you. as well as the deputy head of a mouse in garza collateral ohio has said the group received assurances from mediators the deal would be implemented. what was about the mediators told, is that the american assurances, i'm saying that the us president is clearly committed to ensuring the implementation of the agreement of the have all these assurances that will convey to us have been taken under consideration, as well as the interest of our people, now we are at the point where the boys in the quote of these really occupational will. joining us here is time accommodates the system professor public policy at the high institute of graduate studies time a welcome back. i wonder if we can stop by reflecting on what we've just said from us. they have said that they've received assurances from the united states. the
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proposal apparently in this form, will have a degree of support from washington, washington clearly at the moment, refusing to be drawing on any details, presumably the ones that have the right and talks with israel and going forward. how important is it to have assurances from america? it's a need for this at all difficult positions to work. i think it's extremely important . i mean, it's not a secret that the say director has been invasion to instruct them diplomacy and he has a bit of caught the maybe now he's an easy i'm not sure. but if the americans have blessed this new version of the, of the data, then yeah, i think it has a higher trust tool to succeed. yep. so if the americans of apparently bless this proposal in his current form, it does beg the question then what then would be the united states response to the is a really response they of course of what happened as a said that they will continue the operation in rafa to exec, military pressure on
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a mass, although they have said that they will send a delegation of mediators to egypt. what's going on here? how do we interpret this? that's the $1000000.00 question, but i mean, one way to look at it, i mean from, i mean listening to the white house spokesman. uh, matthew a minute. i mean yeah. when they ask him about, um, uh, limited to a patient who did not get a clear answer. i mean, the americans are opposing a major mutual predation moved to putting that off off the vehicle to do it. uh, but i'm not sure if the injections limited to mid threes population and maybe this would be the, the, the gift. now like yes, we allow you to one for a 100 of them to get a patient for you. so you can claim that you have your own victory, you can say to your own people that have for, for them. i promise i meant that off. yes. as a limited one, but we stop there and then it's a win win for everyone. if that's a scenario, then that's the sonata, i mean, a win win for everyone and makes it so. yeah,
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i mean, last, i mean the, soon as of course it would be must a good. but i mean for the days where it is on the americans, because the americans will the claim that they have stopped the major operation about the same time. nothing else could still go back to his audience to is the right wing coalition and say, yes, i have into the home. but it's, it's in a limited scale. how do we, i mean, i mean, it's old. i mean, when it comes to language to the outcomes of diplomacy, of course, they have to have to often be constructive ambiguities. i just wanted to make both sides feel that they can sell success to their own people to these early people. the posting is, or indeed support is of all from us, but of course in the middle of all, if there's a real to many of lives, of course, i'm not, remains, of course, of the full front all of demonstrators at university is across the united states. and europe and desperate for this not to just be a diplomatic game, but for it to actually bad results. there's an awful lot riding on this as a.


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