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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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and so does that mean that the little is no longer in have access court site? it's impossible for me to answer that question without characterizing the response that him us has given which i'm not yet willing to do. okay. alright. oh no. because you know, and now we know that the educators i choosing the correspondence that gives you our colleagues floor is a citizen. so by the way, uh, you know, accusing them of incitement. that goes back many years. and all of these things a crime that is punishable by prison. are you worried that these correspondents might actually be imprisoned by the read it? and if they are, what, what the black one and then i say do so i'm not going to speak to those specific allegations. it's not something that we've reviewed in detail. um we would have to that. i'm certainly not going to speculate about what we might do in response to an action that has not yet been taken. i will just reiterate that when it comes to the decision to shudder. i'll just, here's operations and isn't, was something that we are concerned by. we support the work that journalists and media do we, we have had,
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i don't think it's any secret that we have had our differences with, by without the 0 over the years, including is some of the ways in which they that they cover this conflict. but we support a free media and conducting their operations everywhere in the world. yeah, i think most the countries have had the issue with that just here, let me ask you about a rough ha. now the move on to 100000 people and so on. now, the, or how many would need to move before is where i can go and then you can legitimate legal laughter mess position. i mean, the area so small, a lot of mazda. ready are there movies or just meet this, not a good be a climber, the way what you know, what would prevents that? say, how much fighter? yeah. and i see it is and so on to actually move on to another place. we allegedly have a network of tunnels that would allow them to do that. and so, and, and then you know, we have the same kind of situation. we see there's a way to say we want to go after them and that area, i mean how, how do you read this whole? so that is not really a question i can answer. i will just make it clear as i have already and as others
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in the administration, including the present include the secretary, have on a number of occasions that a operation major operation in ralph is not something that we can support. and finally i asked on thursday, i bought the doctor, i met a bush, i was wrong, he wasn't shot to use apparently died and i saw him say under to train. so i know that to your colleague at the white house, at the end of what she said, that she was sad and all these things. but have you followed up on this issue? how, how do you follow up on this end? because apparently they are keeping as close to me, they're not getting those family or others. and so for proper various it is one that we have res. um with the governor of israel. i can't, i don't have a response to read that we have made clear with israel as we have made clear positively, that they must be all detained, easy, mainly and with dignity and accordion in accordance with international humanitarian law. and that they must respect each of these human rights and also that they must
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ensure accountability for any abuses or violations. thank you very much. so they took all the questions and skin binding. no problem. so now alex, did you have something in the i just want to because i didn't go too much confused if you can clarify. so the mazda is phone is not on the general proposal. as the shots on accepting this purpose, i think i made clear, i'm not going to characterize their response one way or the other until we've had a chance to fully review it. i just did discuss it with our partners or i. my 2nd question is about the view that the united state is conducting. we believe we have uh now what a warranty list is close to be in the national. can you just tell us how this bill will prorate? i mean, who, who has the upper hand and on it just so it is something that we have been trying
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to complete as soon as possible. and when i say we, i mean largely our colleagues at the pentagon who are constructing appear, we've been involved in visa on liaising with humanitarian groups. that will be involved in the distribution of humanitarian assistance once it comes in to gaza. but with the actual timeline for the launch of the peer and its operation, any details on how to defer depending on who's coming on those in the period. so it was, it was said over the weekend that was moved. ready to do because of some high winds and waves and so on. you have any comment on that. i'm going to defer to the kind of gone for any of those operational kind of detail. so the ones that are responsible for constructing and moving it and ultimately launch it. government michelle, go ahead. do a few more than at least for. ready i thought to expand how much heaters from the, from the end is the time for these leaders to leave. i am not going to speak to private diplomatic conversations. as we have said, a number of times the secretary, his conversations has made clear with
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a number of partners in the region that any relationship they have with them us any influence they have with them us. they should use to make clear to mos that it need to hamas that it needs to accept a ceasefire deal that includes the release of hostages. and he's also made clear probably that at the end of this process, there can be, there can no longer be business as usual with a moss as existed in too many places. but for october 7th. and then i think i'll declined to comments and any further. thank you more in the region. good. good. thank you for. well, the press freedom day last week. this actually just put out a statement about that. so i'm just curious as to why that was a decision not to mention that because of war crunch, but many jonas of been selected by i'm like a frustrating run wild and that and also being killed in various complex. but there was a substantial number of genres that were killed in his wrong cause at the end of last
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year. was there a reason why no, the secretary has spoken to that a number of times, including in the region, including speaking directly to the colleagues of journalists in some instances because they've lost their life tragically. we more in the death of every journalist you for the secretary speak to the fact that it is because of journalists in gaza that we see what's happening, that the world knows what's happening. and so we support their work. we want to see it continued, and we, more than the last of every journalist has spoken to that many times since the outbreak of this concept. thank you. and i was just on our term show you understanding of use where they have agreed to be followed up for the task that happened on sunday. so yes, that was if you looked at the read out from the president's call, it loaded that the prime minister had agreed to open it in that conversation. okay . because you know, the secretary was there on wednesday and you believe the charm shall homage critical it with or without
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a rough. uh it is. every sheet capsule is absolutely critical to the delivery to monetary assistance in gaza, especially in southern gaza. now that we stood up operations in the northeast. now do you know uh, i do not know if its been reopened. it. i'll say it was an incredibly cynical act for a mouse to attack carol shalom yesterday. knowing that term salon is the lynch been to the delivery of humanitarian assistance in gaza. goes to this point we've made on a number of occasions that have most claims, that they represent the interest of the pals soon people. but when you see some of their action, we talk about them hide hiding behind humans, username as human shields all the time when you see them attacking the gate that serves as the delivery point. as we saw, we were there last week. and so as we saw with our own eyes, the delivery point for him, mandatory assistance in the gaza. it really does undermine any claim that they have to acting on the people causes behalf. let me, i'll come back to you,
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go ahead. what actions would be us take if israel word to indeed russell we have made clear that we cannot support an operation and i don't want to speculate what actions we might take if one should proceed. okay, and what is she? the apartments reaction to turkey suspending trade ties with this room. i don't have any comment on that. they are both allies of ours and we would encourage them to work through their differences. but i mean specific comments. and finally, what is the department doing to hold the ccp accountable for a continued chinese assistance, rushes defense sector. so you heard the secretary speak to this when he was in china and made clear that china can't have it both ways. they can't claim to be a partner of europe on the one hand, and then continue to find the greatest threat to european security since the into the cold war. on the other hand, she raises directly with presence. she raised it with director and foreign minister, wong e. any, make clear in those meetings that of china didn't act,
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we would and couple updates so that you saw us roll out additional sanctions on chinese entities who supported rest as defense, industrial base last week. and then i want to note that we made clear that it is not just the united states that is concerned about. okay, you've been listening to matthew miller, who's giving a briefing of the state department. he's the spokes person for the us state departments of this happening in washington dc. and this is all happening on the hills of our breaking news here after i'm us told alpha 0 that it had accepted the ceasefire proposal presented to it by mediators guitar and egypt. so we were listening very keen need to find out what he would say on the us side, about their, with their, their support for this or as real as possible response. but where we are right now is that we don't have a response from israel. so it's just gone past 1800 g n t 9 pm in gaza. if you're just joining us. and would,
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there were scenes earlier of jubilation across the strip of palestinians heard the news a mouse had accepted sci fi and you'll watch this. the most now says that the ball is in, israel's court is really media is reporting that the country is the country's negotiating team is reviewing the proposal and will soon issue an official response . israel has threatened to carry out an offensive in gaza, 7 most city of rasa, addressed earlier on monday issued a warning, forcing thousands of palestinians to flee parts of rough warehouses. here as my kind of joins is live now from the us state department in washington, dc. like, what did you learn from that briefing? as well? very little, to be honest. with mike repeated questioning, the spokes person would not be drone on a formal response to the fact that her mazda has accepted this deal. he continued
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to say that she did not want to characterize the nature of a mazda is response. he said that he, the state department, will be reviewing it. it will be discussing it with his partners. that is egypt kata. and israel incoming all is. but despite, as i said, repeated questioning, the spokesman just simply would not be drawn on reflecting on the how my statement in any way whatsoever. all right, mike, hannah, reporting from the state department, thank you very much. mike will come back to you if you hear anything more and you might not. because matthew miller was pretty clear, they're gonna take several hours to review this. and in his words, discuss it with their partners, which i assume means israel. but if you do hear something, you'll let us know immediately please. thank you very much, mike. we're learning some more information about the contents of this deal. here it is that the ceasefire proposal includes 3 phases, each of them lasting $42.00 days. so about 6 weeks, the 1st phase of the deal includes providing passage for displace palestinians to
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return to their homes. the 2nd phase of the deal includes the withdrawal of israeli troops and succession of military operations. in the 3rd stage of the deal is also a provision on ending the blockade on the gaza strip, which has been in place for 17 years. also 0 senior political analyst for one of the sharra joins us in the studio or one we were in the middle of something that we can't define yet because we have one side to this agreement that has accepted it. the other side hasn't. well, i tell you something, uh certainly we've been here for the 1st time over the past 7 months. and clearly how much is positive response to the mediators proposal for a cease fire has shopped and has took everyone by surprise, especially those in his red. but perhaps also in the united states, and that's why they are climate and not understand what exactly is the response, how positive is it? and what does it really mean towards moving forward with,
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that'd be then i pick up negotiations. if you went over the agreement of the agreement and title, and then when you start the phases and so forth, but clearly it's a huge positive step in the, in the right direction towards a ceasefire. that there is no doubt about i think from my understanding probably impact got a 5. that's where you find the key to the change of heart or mind, right. i'm talking about the technicality now. they talk about, sustain, quiet me. it's so you have him isn't for our permanency is fine. so is right. does not want to hear the word ceasefire because clearly nothing. you all cannot sell it to his cabinet. how about us? apparently because of the various pressures and mediations accepted finally
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got it, sustains quiet as the alternate as to a 30 minute, 65. this is what your thoughts on this i'm listening keenly. you say sustain quiet and the words that they're having to choose so that they could, they might get agreement on both sides, 2 sides that don't really want the same thing because one wants to end the war. the other one, as far as we can tell from their public pronouncements wants to continue the war and that israel with these major diplomatic deals are often in my career reporting on deals like this one. they're all different, but that's kind of how you get to deal is you flush the language a little bit, not the budget, but you have a gray area where both sides can kind of understand what they want. and then that's why so often implementing the deal becomes complicated because they each have their own interpretation of it. your there's your right, 100 percent about that. but as an as indigo stations as the mediator. that steps in
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and presumably gives it gives their understanding of what those phrases mean. and that's why what was a bit of revealing is what you and i spoke about yesterday. if you remember yesterday i said it's, it's incredibly padlock circle. it's a surprising shopping almost the fact that it's a mass on the united states the want the ceasefire. and that this not the all government that does not want to cease fire, but the united states have provided all that gotta do is just could provide the apparently, and that's why uh, that extra burns the director was yeah, it stayed overnight and visited again, extend it is stay in the how in order to arrive at these understand things between the united states and the mediators, or from us about the phrases the, the, for the phrase ology, if you're worried about moving forward. now what's important in this is, is that a will on the part of the united states to make sure that the parties are respect,
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whatever they are each 2, and that they are at the spirit and the letter off the agreement. i think that's what's important. so what happened over the past 2 weeks that you and i and others have spoken about what happened over the past 2 weeks. if it has become clear that the continuation of this war means the end of the by them presidency. stop. think this war means the end of nothing. yeah. house pretty much. that's why we're not binding. has every incentives to reach us these 5 because things items starting to boil up in his domestic scene interruption. so now i'm going to go out and the limb and electrically from a historical perspective w. that's what happened at the university's in the united states was a major factor, a major factor for where, why we all does it here. now,
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in the sense of putting huge psychological pressure and some sort of took off pressure all the by the session to move more. when fully more the 10 minutes late on the question of trying to get the most part discussed on the question of how much the election is in 6 months. i'm not interrupting. i'm just adding this. the election to us selection is in 6 months almost to the day. absolutely not. there was also pressure on how about so we have to be clear headed about that yesterday. more over today. i'm not sure lloyd austin, that the us secretary of defense was basically basically justifying israel's horrific land and vision and verify if it takes place by saying how boss lift is no option to invade the offer that. so i don't want to say criminal. i don't want us, i don't want to use any vocabulary that's, you know, above and beyond. but that was definitely is
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a conventional declaration from an american secretary of defense to basically justify and is right. and the invasion that is true, the disliking of the bites and administration. so they just said they can't support this. absolutely. so the fact that more don't load austin would say, how much has given is there are no other option but to invade that offer. that's a, that's a, that's a, that's etc. but anyway, we've got, as it may, i think the pressure on him as has been huge over the past 72 hours. that nothing now made it clear that if nothing's gonna happen soon on the captives that he was going to get onset today. nothing has happened on the captives we are going in. but i'm, i'm trying to describe an actress field or the dynamics where we find where, what, why we're finding or selves today in the sense of the punches arising at deadman
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knology. that's perhaps acceptable to the, in our system. how much and maybe to model to is right, because it's right, we'll just kind of find it says the odd man out. it does not agree to this because you're going to hear and the next several hours. take my word for it. you're apparently there's a, medically there's middle eastern leaders on i think i got some say yes to this mediators proposal for a safe spot. and it's going to be, it's going to be dog by not going to see what happens when following your earlier train of thought on galani and is really official saying we're, we're moving into rock, but we have no choice but to do it because how much is left, that's no choice, right? this has been their messaging. and then this morning is really military ordered more than a 100000 pallets and used to leave parts of rough. uh, i've been wondering, is that the ultimate bargaining tool for them to say we're serious? look, we're moving and we're starting with this little slice of rough uh, 100000 people. there are one and a half 1000000 people. you know,
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1400000 to go. if you don't stop this now. you know, i've been saying for the past 15 years, options 0 as we go from one, nick, when diplomatic, the buckles to another over different fronts of whether it's he won and egypt, syria, turkey. and so also for in the end of the day, negotiations slash diplomacy and reflection of the balance of power or the inbox. they have not the production, not they the, the end product of some collaborative people trying to make some clever terminology that comes later. and the end of the day, there is a balance of power. how much has proven that it's unbeatable. you can just store it goes off. apparently it got destroy. how much one do it has proven that it's going to store it goes up and it can continue to destroy whatever it wants to destroy it . no one is comes from the united states has proven that there is no 3rd party
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capable as the united states to do something if it's actually willing to do something with that towards more or towards peace in the spot at all. but in the end of the day, it does have an average with the problem making it and as far as i'm concerned, and the technically speaking which is the policy which is so we have our live after 7 most of the destruction of kaiser without being able to achieve the ultimate objectives of the government of october 8, october 9. right. and the united states and then the election year has a housing and administration in a bind whereby you are president by then who basically is sitting on a successful economy. basically, a successful affordable policy is down in the pools against a man who has about a zillion trials happening at the same time, right? for everything from i don't know whatever about,
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then i'm not going to go into the prosecution bits of whatever it is, right? so bind in the sense that the warning garza has hurt what he thought he can somehow uh, what's the word that she can, you know, i can escape the storm. right? because it is a store, right? but honestly, not something happened in the psyche of the american public because of what happened on the campuses of several 100 american universities. the virus of, and well such as for the given to your opinion, diversities, the young people does. z generation has an voltage in a way that is show model so ethical, so clear about good school for justice that i think by then feels the need to push for those to work to cease fire. that's what changed over the past couple of more one. we will be coming back to you very regularly throughout the course of the evening. more on the charlotte as you're
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a senior political editor. thank you very much that speak to him out with diary who joins us from that of by the, in the central gaza. that's where many of the people leaving eastern rafa had been heading today. and tell me, tell me where you are and tell me what's been happening in the last hour and a half since palestinians heard that hamas had signed onto this. these 5 proposal a part of this cost that they had been for more than 6 months. and right now all of these people surrounding me have been trying to things seen gains. but for the past couple of hours, they were trying to think that they wanted to go back to their houses and they worked one thing that they weren't calling for to fire. but the police are very healthy. somebody do not want to hear the other part of the story, the only an approval of a proposed agreement by cannot be called are there. we hope that this agreement of
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with the wire at work today earlier today in the morning. this was a very sad they for pilots from use were ordered for if i way sharon on dropbox were words and people started coming to the central part of the gaza strip and discussing the end of the hospice and where the hosp within is proud, did a good fee for people word that went in the morning now they are feeling full, but they're optimistic and they're all by the 3rd year, the warning i thought people with their peers, unders, toddler, friends, their crime. now i see people up the thing and minding okay. uh for a few fire. yeah, and i'm just good. literally yours. no, we, we understand the audio connection. there is patchy but sometimes we have no choice but to fight through it because we want the voices from god. so you're on the ground, you're in central guys. and very few people can bring us to kind of reporting that
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your bringing us. but i want to circle back to what you were saying people, palestinians, where you are. 19 minutes ago what i was speaking to tara keys in rough a little further south. and they were celebrating like it was the end of the war. i'm not seeing that anymore. what has changed? and there are more news coming. base news that there are, this is not a huge spot here. people are not allowed to go back to their houses. they're not, that has to go back to the fact they're not allowed to go to the red. most people cannot go to the north says there are negotiations there are since we sent are we are waiting for an acceptance problem. that is right. the story presented. we are sitting, waiting to hear from nothing. yeah. how so people are now aware that yes, this is not the piece fire. yes, they need to wait or it's about to be honest. people here are very optimistic. they're very hope. but based off something like 5 minutes ago because they were tired and their voices were tired from the amount of singing and something that
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people are very optimistic, that b a is going to expire, people are, are desperate. and the very 1st be to hear anything positive, 7 months, 70 months of destruction, of aspects of time. and people are so tired exhaust, overburdened all of these people surrounding me are all they want to hear is a police fire. and they also want to go back to their homes, the slides in the south, or in the north of the bible hand. i'm curious, what are people asking you? because you, you, um, so typically when a reporter is in the position that you're in, the people around milling about, they want to know what's happening and they're going to go to the reporter and ask them for what's happening. i just wonder what kind of questions are getting as you're asking, is this the keys fly, or are we going back to the north? are we going to continue the evacuation from rough or it was they not at targets?
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any place? was there that aspect continue? what is going to happen with the rough crossing? it's the open tomorrow. is car beside him, going to operate again. all of these questions people are, i believe that we are reporters, are the only source of information, but unfortunately we cannot get any b a what to read or not guarantee that people are allowed to go back to the back. there is no information about people going back to the north and also people are says the next hour if that's the way things from best buy. uh, besides that it may have been since the morning trying to find an area to started and other than just uh, lots of questions and that question and all the answers are spend, and i'm sorry, that's fascinating. thank you for sharing that with us. and clearly these, these questions, you know, will we be able to go back to our homes? is there a ceasefire? yes or no?
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well, the strikes continue. we, we don't have no one has the answers to those questions right now. who know who dar? thank you very much. i go to tar cowboys, whom tarik? you're in rasa in the, the southern part of the gaza strip. a very different scene behind you from what we saw when you and i last spoke just a little over an hour ago and was explaining, look an hour ago people thought this might be the end of the war. now they realize we're not there yet as well, sir, and in fact, people are still following the announcement that has been released by how much movements regarding the approval to a ceasefire agreements being initiated by addiction spots. yet they have been now finishing the own celebrations. taken aside on trying to follow all the latest developments i'm waiting for the east, very response as they have been hearing from is really media sources, citing that is why the government has been receiving the response by how much time
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now they are examining this entire response and they will present the official a response to the agreements within the coming hours. and that's the palestinians are completely now waiting for that confirmation from the east valley sites. freely the mounting pressure on right now on both as well. and how must be exhausted by original mediators to bring an end for the fights and guns. we have been also seeing people as we've been talking to them about this k u level optimism that they have feeling this time that's completely different times in order to get more information about this. now we're joined by one of the palestinian best places as me. i'm a sub but to ask him more about salary, actually, respectfully, i'm very sorry the time you do, but i mean to interrupt you the we're going to the pentagon briefing, which is happening right now, a freeze as well that receive us provided security assistance. so the initial step was to get assurances from those 7 countries that
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they were combined with their national command turn long and this morning, call last at about 30 minutes and was constructive. present refund has message on your own. i show all the costs. remember today the 2 leaders discussed the shared commitment of israel in united states. remember the 6000000 jews who were systematically targeted and slaughtered in the holocaust. one of the darkest chapters in human history unfortunately, act against anti semitism in all forms of hayfield violence. of course, the 2 leaders spoke about our efforts to secure the ice deal, including through these ongoing talk today. during the call at the president's urging, prime minister netanyahu agreed to ensure that the cam show i'm crossing is back open for humanitarian assistance for those. and i also want to take a moment to address the latest reports, now, a rasa, which was also a topic of discussion on the, on the call. i'll reiterate again, that we cannot and we will not speak for idea of operations. but we've made clear
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our views about operations in rafa that could potentially put more than a 1000000 innocent people at greater risk during this call, a prime minister netanyahu the president again, made this clear. the also made clear that we continue to believe that the hostage deal was the best way to avoid that sort of an outcome while securing the release of those hostages. and as i said, those conversations continue. there's one more thing. president biden hosted is much the king of doing the 2nd of jordan for lunch at the white house that probably wrapped up here just recently. they discussed the strong partnership between united states and jordan. they also spoke about the situation and god of course, including efforts to secure the hostage deal and to get more humanitarian assistance into this the doings of gaza. and we're gonna have a more detailed read out of that conversation here very, very soon. just don't have it right now, but you'll be seeing it shortly. as far as you can tell, which for success. i'm not going to get into that steve. issue over
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how long a ceasefire would work. again, you're asking me for the parameters around the response and the deal itself, and i'm just not going to do that. offer to evacuate. what do we say? i said in my opening statement, i'm not going to speak friday of operations or there and military intentions and plans. they should be the ones to answer those kinds of questions. what i can only reiterate is that we've been consistent and the president was consistent again this morning that we don't support ground operations in rafa that would put the majority or even any of the, the civilians, era and any greater risk. we want to see their safety and security allow for factors in or off for the greens and something that has been discussed over the last couple days. again, without getting into the details of it and director burns is still talking to partners about this that have been ongoing negotiations and talks here
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4 weeks and the director travel recently to see if we can bring this thing home. and again, without speaking about the details of the response by him us, i think it's safe to conclude that that response came as a result or at the end of these continue discussions, the director burns as part of the president has been briefed on on the response he's aware of where the situation and where the process is. what you're asking me is like, when are we going to get like a final, you know, one of the file. we have a table slap here and there is a there, there's a process that you, it has the that has been worked in the past. and when we work this time, you get a response. but i'm also gonna have to evaluate that. we're going to see what's in it. so certainly the, these really get it must have
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a chance to look at this into evaluate it in director burns as, as we speak literally as you are talking or having these conversations with partners in the region. you know, it would be great, i'm sure we all like to have an answer as soon as possible, but i just don't wanna get into that process. they should be open very, very soon. a prime minister netanyahu committed to opening is on the call this morning. so it's at $230.00, is it open? i don't know, but he assured the president that it would be reopened and he'd been closed for several days. around the union is not declared a salmon in guys, a writ large, but i don't want to under state the degree of need here. and the dire situation that so many people in guys are in particularly with,
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with respect to food in water. so it is not a great situation clearly, and that's why again, we're working so hard to get this deal in place. so we can keep that he mandatory assistance up at a higher level to the specific your understanding that this is the final or is there still room to negotiate here? i think it's gonna depend on our evaluation and these really evaluation of the response and where we go from here. and as you mentioned, these really are a warning people to evacuate. if they do go through with this operation, is the us willing to consider putting limits or conditions on it is i won't get ahead of where we are right now, mary, in the process here. um, and i'm certainly not going to speak to hypothetical operations that hasn't happened yet. so i think we just have to see what transpires. the president was very direct and consistently so this morning that we don't want to see major ground operations involved. so that put these people, a greater risk administration didn't make clear to deal with what changes approach,
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right? it is real didn't take significant steps to address the manager in crisis. not yet . that still isn't possible. us could change course tearing process. of course we always on we always have the right to adjust our policies as appropriate, and that has not changed. now. every really, an operation in russell would jeopardize the steps to address the manager. all i can say is we've been very direct and very consistent in our views of concerns about operations and also currently have any sense of whether israel is inclined or not. and i won't speak for these earlier today specific frameworks to soften. the deposit is encouraged for pressure on the prime minister to this, right? yeah, but the what, the, what a mazda is a responded to. so just in just so you have the tick tock here by that when they were talking this morning, we did not have news that
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a mouse had responded. so that news broke after the call. that said, as i mentioned in my opening statement, of course they talked about the hosted union importance of getting it secure. so you were saying when the 2 leaders folks come off have not yet yet, not specifically off the prime minister, potentially. we're all free to conclude that, that the call this morning was about having these railways, except the almost response from us response hasn't happened yet. ministers, you get yes to some sort of deal. he, as he has consistently with prentice or and you know, urge that we get this deal secured. but it wasn't, it wasn't a pressure call. wasn't about twisting his arm towards a certain set of parameters. director burns in the region. having these conversations with these really is the quarter use the junctions as again, as we speak and, and that's the forum for working out the parameters of it. but the president clearly talked to the apprentice or about the importance of getting
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a deal done. yeah. what is the president's position on an unlimited operation? i think i don't think i can answer name differently than i do with mary. we've been very clear that we don't support a major ground operational offer operations in general that put at greater risk the more than a 1000000 people that are sheltering there. and the question right now is i pathetically, i mean we're aware they drop leaf, which we're aware that they're the, they're a warning people to evacuate. i let them speak to their operations into their intense intentions. nothing's changed about where we are with respect to operations and we're off of that. could put those people in greater risk. you know that they are the people in the area to evacuate and the possibility of limited proper operation is on the tables. i'm asking, does the president believe that israel can execute a limited operation? and while actually protection doing their present, it doesn't want to see operations in that put at greater risk. the more than
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a 1000000 people that are seeking refuge here for a limited operator to answer the question the purchase of picking up on the timeline. so prior to last saying that they expected this proposal, why as you understood that to be worth a sticking twice for either mouse or there's really in the deal that had been on that you're not gonna get involved rasa. and anyway, i'm not going to talk about the parameters of the proposal that was worked for for the some us response. and i'm certainly not going to talk about that response right now. i mean, i do understand the curiosity and you guys are all asking exactly the right questions. all very fair. but i really do hope you understand that the last thing i would ever want to do from this podium is say, something that could put this very sensitive process or interest. we are at a critical stage. right now we got a response from, from us now, director birds is working through that, trying to assess it,
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working with these really. i mean, my goodness folks, i don't know that it gets any more sensitive to right now. and the worst thing that we can do is start speculating about what's in it. what is your understanding? why is really, we're only evacuating? part of you have to talk to these really? thanks green, thanks out. the previous he said several times that the, some us previous stages of negotiations, would it be fair to say now it was in israel as cold as going to depend on what the response actually says. and the conversations that we have with these really is about what, where we go from here. i just, one of the things i can meet is do you have any sense that israel is currently using this? right. so we'll be starting an operation in rafa as a means of putting pressure on a mass stage of the to talk to these realize about their intentions. he said that they did not know the news during the call of waste surprised by surprise
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by uh from us saying that they've reached a deal or agreeing to the agreement wasn't like we had a heads up about it. but we, we knew that, as i said publicly, they had a proposal in front of them. and as was just for me, i was just reminded the fact that i said many times it was a ball isn't homeless as course. so we certainly knew that they had it before then, and we were waiting on word and we had hoped that there would be word very, very soon. we certainly hope that there could be work today. but did we know the exact moment that alger 0 was able to break the news that i'm also had a response? no, we didn't predict that particular moment. or you encourage that that, that, that there, that you are at this sensitive point you've been talking about. it's a very sensitive points and for it will be encouraged when we get a deal in place and we can start seen hostages get back with their families. that'll be encouraged. and if i can, what role you feel like believe less and the pressure actuation lady and actually
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the announcement of evacuated. do you think that had any role in, in triggering from austin? i don't think we know that john, can you talk a little bit about the, the timeline as the administration or stains it of those evacuation. so how much time do people have to leave? did you guys pretty demand on it is really in terms of how those evaluations are, takes place under the parameters that you guys talked about. we're asking questions of these, or at least about what their intentions are here and what the, what the larger purpose of, of this evacuation is and sort of where there weren't quite to go. i think to answer your question, are you really have to go to these really isn't that to, to speak to their military operations and plans. i'm not going to get ahead of that . but are we curious about the, the timing and the intent and where they're going? yes, absolutely. and the president expressed a curiosity about that on the call, the curiosity, are you expressing what you want to see happen in terms of those evaluations? how they take place,
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whether it is roles prepared for people moving around. and why would you say again, what else would i don't want to get ahead of operations that happen happen? i don't want to speak for these really military. i can just say that we don't want to see opperation in around or off, or that make it harder for the people that are seeking rel, refuge there, and shelter to be safe and secure. and we have made that place privately to the israelis present. it did it again today with the prime minister directly. we certainly made it publicly. we've been very, very consistent about that. a john, the you said about the concerns expressed by the us, about the risk to palestinians in garza, with a full scale operation. it is the us still align with israel and is intention to eliminate the terrorist threat posed by us. and is there any
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feeling that may be trying to trick the public in some way? her's really officials commenting on this latest proposal as, as a trip. and there's a lot of pressure to know, i'm just go ahead, sorry, i'm listening, there's no pressure on the administration to make sure that the needs of the palestinians are, are being served. and that the us support for israel isn't, you know, over handed, and you had their report come up earlier today, or maybe yesterday that the us was potentially weighing, withholding an arm shipment israel. is there any concern that mazda is trying to capitalize on that public pressure and, you know, play a trick as it's really a business. but i mean, and i don't think there's any possible way i can answer that question unless i got between the ears and mister, similar, and that's a place i really don't want to be. i think that is
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a great question for him. you know, it's interesting. i stand up here and answer questions. galindo's miller to state department pentagon colleagues to president does, mister netanyahu does? and the idea of the military spoken to us, you know, who hasn't answered a single question about his intentions and what game she might be playing or where he intends to take this mr. simpler ahead of loss. and i think it's a, i think it's high time that he answer some of these questions and he come clean about what his intentions are. i don't know. all i know is we've got a response. bill barnes is looking at that response. he's talking to, these really is about it and we'll see where this goes. hopefully, hopefully whatever's in this thing, hopefully it can lead to those houses just getting out real soon with their families where they need to be and as each new, as each day passes their lives, get further at risk. so time is really of the essence here. sure. is it still great here to try and negotiate with terrorists?
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so it's, it's not, it's not like it's not like we sit down pilots guy and say, hey, today's a good day, let's negotiate with tears. you got to negotiate with who you get a negotiated to get people back with their family. so frankly, if you, if there's a better idea to get those hostages home with their families, i think we'd love to hear them. i just don't think there's another way to do it. there's no other way to do it. quite frankly, it got an negotiate through color with a loss to get those folks back with their families. i mean, is this, you know, that's the hard work. a diplomacy is sometimes it means you got a center across the table from some really bad folks that you'd rather not have to talk to. but they got those hostages and we want to back us as israel's intention to me. we of course, back there a right responsibility to go after them us right? to eliminate that right now look, jackie, i've said many times here. you're not going to eliminate an ideology to military operations. but this usually will have a right and responsibility to eliminate the threat that they suffered on the 7th of
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october, a 100 percent. absolutely, to do, and we've been nothing but, but the 3rd steadfast. thanks, john. i'm speaking about a tip top prompted call. i think you've heard me say many times that they they talk is appropriate and uh, given where we were in the hospice, the on the go shake hands given where we were with a manager and assistance in chrome terms from home being shut down for several days certainly, given where we were with the expectations in rossa. okay, you've been listening to john kirby speaking from the white house, and as you would expect, given that a mazda is just accepted a cx 5 proposal, he was getting a ton of questions on what's in the proposal. whether is real would accept what the us present and things, etc. so which we got a few answers, at least, fisher joins us from washington. alan, you're outside the white house. how would you sum up what we learned during this
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briefing? you know very much, i mean don't car b is doing what john car b would do in a brief like he doesn't want to get ahead of any response from these relays. he doesn't want to say look, this is a great deal. he doesn't have all the details. what he did say is that they were looking at a 6 week see spot on the release of captives. and we know that release of captives would also be tied into the release of palestinian presence. we also knew that before how modest had responded to this, there was that telephone call between joe biden and benjamin netanyahu. their junk company was very keen to point out that this wasn't a pressure coal, this was not, here's the deal. you've got to sign it. we don't want to see an operation and rough uh you need to do this. that conversation took place before there was a response a from us, and they have to study what the response from i said it might not just been. yeah, that's a good deal. we agree to that there may be some room for negotiation. and also we
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know that the united states have said that they don't want to see. and here's the important word, large scale import towards large scale operation. in, in, in, in rafa they have said, and we had that from matthew miller to the state department within the last hour or so. the united states have put proposals to the is really the kind of what he described as a limited, targeted and effective operation. in rafa, i'm a believe that that could katya the same results could carry the same results as a larger operation. and so while we don't want to see a large scale operation, there may be some support from the united states for an operation in rafa, which is limited to targeted defective smart, alan fisher reporting from the white house. that's where we are right now with the us side and it may be that we don't get a whole lot more information for a little while john kirby. they're saying we are at a critical stage but refusing to get more details about the contents of the deal or
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if possible is really response to that deal. let's go to the gaza strip. talk up was always on the ground for us. you're in ross, it's hard before you tell us about palestinian. what's happening happening in the last, you know, few moments with, with, with palestinians following the news. i want to know have there been in just recent moments, have there been continued is really or strikes on the gaza strip or not to your knowledge? yes, as palestinians was silent, pricing the announcements of the approval. but how much movement regarding the ceasefire agreements? there was ongoing intensification of bombardment and strikes on the eastern pond to verify district. more attacks have been carried doubts on the neighborhoods that had been designated as well. so as, as we've been really observing, illumination of glass being falling as of this kind of the eastern areas of rough off. this is where palestinians have been told to flee from in order to guarantee
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their own safety. as some families started to practically if lee, i'm believe they can tell you area now we've been talking about complex damage being close to residential houses on farm lands. and this procedure and policy being adopted by the mandatory is usually being carried out to every single time where the manager is preparing to invite upon to q, the parts of the gaza strip. we're putting a stop before and the previous rounds of invasions and con, units on the move of the gaza strip. the didn't depend on using exclusively. so for us on the ground that were present on collect to destruction, to or not to old milestone of living in such areas, just to make it a completely unsuitable for living. and yet we have been receiving more injuries on different costs, withholds and rough. our districts resulted from such attacks, but the reality was on the ground is that despite on what is going on, part of city is austin. sort of an older diplomatic efforts being made them the changes in the political arena about the progress that has been made and the chief
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regarding the ceasefire and waiting for that is very responsive about that to approve of being delivered by how much movement as palestinians. right now, hearing the sound of the is verified to just whole brings on new altitudes on this kind of rough, our district as well. okay? so that's where we are at palestinians are waiting to find out if there is going to be a ceasefire deal. and meanwhile, israel's attacks on the gaza strip or continuing tar couple of zoom. thank you for your reporting from inside the gaza strip. i'm going to go to mama john zoom now. who's in amman, jordan, and just a reminder to our viewers. israel shut down houses here as operations in israel just yesterday. and that is why mohammed is in outside israel in amman. what can you tell us on the response? it is real. i mean, everybody's waiting to know what is really officials are going to do with this, specifically the prime minister. yeah, that's right, 0. and so far there has been no official response from the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu, or other is really officials as to what they will receive,
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how they will respond to uh, how mazda is response to the ceasefire. we are seeing across the is really media landscape that there are as really officials that have said that there will be a response that will be announced later this evening. we're also seeing reports in is really media outlets from what they name diplomatic sources, saying that the proposal that how mazda accepted is similar to a proposal that is real, had accepted in the past when it comes to the parameters of a cease fire, although no specifics have been reported, we are starting to see trickling out comments from across the political landscape and they really are what you would expect from these personalities. i'll give you an example. it's more been revere, who is the far right wing national security minister and is real. he put on x a statement saying how much is exercises in games. he have only one answer and
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immediate order to occupy at all 5 that rhetoric very similar to what he's been reiterating for some time. now he wants to see an invasion of it off. i go ahead and in fact, on many occasions he said that if that does not happen, he is threatened to walk away from the prime minister's coalition, which would endanger that's in yahoo, his leadership. we've also seen a statement from you out your la p. if he's the opposition leader in which he is urging israel to go ahead and send a delegation to cairo to continue it talks to try to get this cease fire done so that capt is being held in gaza can return to israel. we've also heard from these really military spokesperson, daniel had gary, he issued a video statement in which he said, we're ready to study every proposal presented to return the kidnapped people. and at the same time, continue preparations to maintain military pressure. in that briefing, he also said the really air force had carried out strikes on more than 50 sites belonging to militant groups in alpha. now, beyond that,
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we're also starting to see is really citizens react to this news because there had been several protests that are being reported in different cities throughout israel, including tel aviv and jerusalem, and a hi fi. there were told that these are hundreds of people who are saying that these really government needs to go ahead and enter into this cease fire to ensure that those captives can return home. there was a statement from the hostage and missing families for him and which they welcome to how mass is acceptance of the ceasefire proposal. and they said now it's time for the israeli government to prove its commitment to it. sit in is i can tell you serial on saturday i was in tel aviv thousands of people were out and they were saying, look, there is a deal that is in front of the as really government right now. they need to go ahead and sign on the dotted line and get those captives back home as soon as possible because the fear of many, an israel has been, the israel goes ahead and goes into the fact that those captives that are in dropbox, they believe rudolph i will be very much in harm's way and could be killed as
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a result of the fighting, sir. yeah, mom. and we're watching though, as you say this, we're watching the live footage of, of, of demonstrators or until the right now. and they are demanding the release of the hostages were being held by. i'm awesome garza and they're demanding that these really prime minister accept the deal that we get there. really. so where we are right now is that the prime minister is, has to his right the far right, the refuse that would refuse a deal. you just mentioned vandevere. and then he has a part of the is really public that wants to deal in order to get the, the captive out. that's right. and, and as you and i ever spoken about on many occasions, serial the fact of the matter is, it's getting increasingly more difficult for benjamin netanyahu to carve out the political space and navigate this quagmire, that he is. and because he is beset by pressure on all sides, of course there's pressure from his biggest ally, the americans. you have the pressure that he's facing from his far right wing flank . people like it's more been give here who we just mentioned,
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the national security minister, as well as a law smart fridge. the finance minister who have on many occasions over the past several months, continue to threaten to walk away from the government, which would have since we mean the collapse of the government, which wouldn't possibly lead to elections. and when you look at the polling for nets and yahoo right now, that would essentially mean that he would probably be out of office very quickly. and then you have the pressure that he's under from the opposition. and then you have the mounting pressure that he's under from is really citizens. and many of them are extremely angry at how he's handled things, not just in the intelligence failures that led to the october 7th attack, but also by the fact that he has not entered into a ceasefire since this past november. and we continue to see week after week, thousands of people come out on the streets, especially in tel aviv to demonstrate the call for the israeli government to do more. a convergence of people coming into tell a view of every saturday anti government demonstrators with demand that he resign. they say that he needs to get out of office. then you have also the hostage,
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the kept his family members who come out and demand that he enter into a ceasefire. they say enough is enough. and that's what we saw this past saturday when i was in tel aviv people coming up to us saying that this is the time. there's no more time to waste. there's no more time to wait until you're seeing tonight on the streets. these videos that we're seeing, these reports that we're hearing people, many of them even we're told now heading to the residence of benjamin netanyahu to try to confront officials to tell them. there is no better time than now. they believe this is the last chance. it's a crucial our for a critical hour. now they're even saying that because how mazda is accepted, this is time for israel to go ahead and sign on the dotted line. so again, this really just goes to show how much pressure netanyahu is under and how much a trickier is getting for him to navigate all of this in israel. to right mohammed you, i'm sure reporting from amman again, that reminder that the is really government of benjamin netanyahu, his band alpha 0. so we're reporting from outside israel. i can go now to get in.
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libby columnist, these really newspaper high read through joining is gideon from tel aviv. it's great to talk to you now at what john kirby has described as a critical stage in this entire process. we don't know what happens next, so i want to your view on this as you come us to really to stare, namely a embarrassing use. right is. busy describes tell, embarrass how i say very clearly we uh we agree with the which nobody of us knows exactly the things. and now the point is it is where it stands and these are, it has to be cited for it. but you know, this is a very, very tough decision because he might lose his government. on the other hand, if you say slow, it's very near the diesel and one floor and not the hostages. so one of 3 things i suppose gonna happen right now is real, can say yes to this deal. and,
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and any, any russell operation is real. can, can continue the negotiation right to, to amend the deal or is real, can say no. and presumably then launch a full blown russell operation. is there any of those scenarios that seems more plausible to you at this hour? it's very hard to tell because it really depends on 2 c, 4, b, but ben, jonathan, yeah, and he's explained right. when goes say they bought the scene in the court issue, rough eyes on the tank, but they, they present the same. they continue the preparations for how we'd be. obviously a catastrophe saying no, we'd be also like a tester fee. but if you say.


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