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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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can add to the countries environmental button entities as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problems and has had some success in mechanism such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. the is really ministry orders, palestinians and eastern is office and the warning it's about to use extreme force the, the to put on them. and this is elena 0. live from does hot is so coming up as stripes. continue on the law firm and its eastern neighborhoods as well threatening to launch an attack on the southern city. first, upfront joined us like the shooting. ping begins, has european tool with trade relations, highlands, wheat,
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agenda. and russia is to hold nuclear weapons drones because of one dependent, pulls the west and response to ukraine. the we begin in the alpha with is riley military, has ordered 4 residents and displaced people to leave the eastern neighborhoods of gauze, southern most to see if has tens of thousands of palestinians must move to the milwaukee area near the gauze of coastline ahead of what it says will be the use of extreme force of the eastern part of the city needing one and a half 1000000 palestinians have been sheltering. arms off off is really military fixed amount of northern and central gaza with strikes and continued to hit the city including an eastern java, which the order to leave applies to. it comes a mid warnings from israel, but an attack on the southern says he is eminent. that's because the latest from one correspondence hunting must well, it is joining us, live funds,
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alpha and honey. it's been all the 5 hours since peace of what told evacuated. so what's happening there? yes, kind of right now what it seems to be this is not just an evacuation orders via text message or phone calls door to leave. let's a drop by this very military. it's happening right now. under heavy fire by relentless ears strikes to create a series of votes of fire at the eastern part of the neighborhood that were ordered to evacuate. people don't forget, people were given just a short period of time to evacuate those areas. some of trying to salvage, as much as they can, and from their homes, knowing they're going to be in these evacuations only for a longer period of time. do want to make sure they have their stuff, but right now under intense bombing campaign and built the buyers around the eastern area that they've been part of is that i had been rolled and rough i across and make it is very difficult for people to evacuated safely to these areas the so
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far there are the reports were receiving more of their residential homes and dates and part has been targeted destroyed. and the entire air has been reduced into rubble by the intensity of the bombing in terms of its scale and magnitude. the kind of bonds that are used targeting entire, residential or blocks on public facilities clearing the way in front of a possible, a ground invasion by these really military, a fairly or ours. buell were told, evacuated through the western part of rub my city, as well as the western part and central area of ton unit, and did it by accident. these are the evacuation zones designated by the really military. they are the same. exact evacuations on people were told it within the past month and initial weeks of the work to evacuate twos in order to avoid being bomb. but it has been proven that they are not large and safe. people were killed inside the backwoods, just zone to work targeted. they were killed,
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they were named inside these evacuations on making the really monitoring narrative of act, which in zone hard to believe by people who are very frustrated. right now. they're moving with a shot, a sense of safety, the new rubber was the only refuge for the 1500000 displaced people here. right now . the areas that we're talking about accommodates up to half a 1000000 people that live in that part of the city. now they are asked to evacuate the dc area to already full of people, full of tens of knowing that it's not safe at all for them. so and even that to him rescue just so relative to what's happening in the rest of gaza. honey, thank you very much for that. that is honey. my move with a very nice has live in that off of the french embassy and israel's, as president of manuel macro on, has spoken with benjamin netanyahu. he spoke to him on sunday, encouraging him to successfully complete negotiations with him off that could lead to the release of captives, the protection of civilians,
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through se is fine and stem escalating pensions of the region that called also reuse raise it has for them all physician to one is rarely attack on the offer and stress. the urgent need for humanitarian aid to be allowed to o access points into gaza. meanwhile, the deputy prime minister of belgium says, who country is working on? so the sanctions against israel writing on x, petra, to search the one that b is rarely course of evacuation of the citizens of refugees, of alpha. and the announced invasion will lead to massacre. belgium is working on for the sanctions against as ro. she says she'll meet with the palestinian minister of foreign affairs on monday afternoon. or in the past few hours, at least $21.00 palestinians have been killed by a series of as rarely strikes on residential areas in and around with off or at least 7 homes will head, including best of the catch, the family, 8 members of that family will code for the children, including
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a baby who was born at the start of the war and died and that his name was honey, my hose. he was already and often off to his parents were killed in strike, in the early days of the war. that's bringing my correspondent zane bus, that avi has joining us live from that of my life in the occupied west bank. and we've heard a lot from different as waiting data since this is actuation. order has been issued saying tell us what they've been saying. and also the context of this happening as cease 5 talks ballasa as well, i'll get to that in just a moment in the last hour. we've also heard from the posting and authorities here. the spokesman for the posting in presence of mind with the boss has issued a statement in the last few hours in it. he says that what is happening now in rough means that a 1000000 and a half palestinians will be subjected to genocidal massacre and display some of the times that they've previously been warning about. the spokesman also said that the
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invasion of rough uh will further the suffering of the palestinian people and warns that it holds the united states responsible for its financial support of israel for its ongoing political support for providing an international cover up to you and over and over again, it says it now holds the us responsible for what happens next that we heard just a week ago from down with the bus and we are speaking there. he said the us was the only actor in all of this that could stop israel from carrying out its ongoing bombardments of gaza, its ongoing atrocities in the west bank because the only government that could stop it from doing what it is doing now. and rough uh, it seems that he is rethinking that reality. it seems even the united states is unable to step into to do anything at this stage. so in terms of what we've been hearing from me is really officials there seems to be a glimmer of hope when the defense minister said that nothing yahoo had to accept the deal that was on the table. things changed dramatically overnight. defense minister gilbert kalonde told his american counterpart he was secretary of defense, lloyd austin, that israel was left with no choice,
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but the launch it's offensive in southern causes. russell blaming home us for stalling seas firefox shifting blame for this incredibly disproportionate violence . this continued to carry out in gaza that it will, it is, it is expected to continue to carry out in rough or in the coming hours and days shifting the blame to hum us. we also know that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu himself a said even to cease fire talks go through even if there is any success in negotiating. the release of his rarely captives that his military will go into roughly seems to be making good on the offer. so even though throughout these days and weeks that we and searing about the thoughts carrying on people who are beginning to wonder whether that was a distraction for israel to be able to continue to push for its military games. we have to remind viewers that this is. ready this right wing government that has ever existed in israel and the word cabinets as a whole everyone last night, according to reports agreed to this invasion of rough or there were seen play out now is i am. thank you for that,
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that design beside the live in my life. germany's fine office has criticized as well as decision to close onto that goes offices, issued a statement saying a free and diverse press landscape is the cornerstone of every liberal democracy. in times of conflict, especially is of crucial importance to protect the freedom of the press. the this session of these are the authorities just to shut down. i'll just say are in israel is the wrong signal. when we are reporting from outside as well. and i'll just say what has strongly condemned as well as lou saying it was supposed to own available legal channels, student demonstrations against, as well as going gaza spreading around the world. the students at oxford and cambridge universities in the u. k. have set up their own and cabman merit on the ones on campuses. across the united states,
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canada falls. organizers say it's in solidarity, the palestinians, and they intend to keep the camp open for an unknown number of days that's bringing our correspondent forward challenges. he's joining us live from oxford university, certainly smaller than some of the really large approaches we've seen in the united states. the students they have similar to moms to those in the us 40 yes, smola, i'm for the moment increasingly much, much more peaceful. there's no police presence here as we speak, but this is a similar movements with similar goals and objectives. this is the loan of the pet rivers museum, paying the center of oxford and overnights attends a company a page we have about $25.00 times to sleep. again, there is a refreshments 10th as a welcome. time is a, a media tents. there's a medical tens as well. um and i think the population, the mileage is about 50 people will see whether that swells over the next few days
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. but besides crucially know your police right now, there were a couple of the news looking police officers, a tied up at a and a, had some conversations with the protest as and then left at. we can hear now about the demands of best movement from kindergarten. now kind of leo, a jewish american, your a p i. c. scenes. tell us what's the people here are demanding from the university . yeah, thank you so much for being here with us today. so our university demands are composed of 6 parts, which you can find in full on our social media handles, which are at ox, x, 4 pounds. so our demands broadly start with disclosure and divestment. as of right now, students do not have access to where their money is go in when they pay tuition fees to this university. so personally, our 1st demand is full disclosure of financial investments critically about as well, right? well, we want to know where all of the money is going. we think that that's key for students to know where their money is going,
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whether it's about is real or not. but then with this knowledge, we would like to pursue full divestment from 2 things. first from all, arms manufacturing companies, whether it's the current genocide and gaza, or other armed conflict around the world, our university should not be investing in. this is a situation where we should be learning and contributing to education and a safe community, not to international conflict. and secondly, we request in demand that the university divest from all holdings and any entities that sponsor or a can put it in his really occupation apartheid and the current genocide and gaza. additionally, we have boycott demands t, which is the demand to stop banking with barclays. which the university currently does. barclays has been complicit in the architecture of is really a part tied. and so that's the key demand from the blank caught type estimate and sanctions global movement. and our last demand is that the university commit to a palestinian lead. rebuilding of the gods and higher education sector. ok. so how much link up have you had with the, the movement in the united states and with,
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with other student protests and the okay. yeah, so crucially, i mean, the us movement set off the global chain of reaction and we're so excited to be a part of that and thankful to the us and kept meant for what they began. we've had a lot of support from them in terms of logistics, general conrad ship, giving us tips and tricks, but really view k movement has also learned a lot from them in terms of how our goals are of similar. although the us and the u . k. have different context, the u. k. government is similarly complicit and is really work crimes. and so to our institutions of higher education. so we learned a lot from them in terms of our demands, how to engage with our governments, and how to mobilize students in the u. k. we also have really collaborated with other universities. oxford is so proud to be launching in tandem with cambridge. this is the 1st time and like social movement history, that oxford and cambridge have launched a campaign on the same day. so we're going to leave with the parents right about. yeah, i think uh, as i said, there's very different approaches of the migrant policing here versus the united states and the students here. so that helps the long whole. all right,
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thank you very much for that. that's for a challenge. joining us live from oxford university, and this isn't going to other news now in china as president. she's in thing is holding talks with the french president, a manual mike called, and his 1st visit to the european union and 5, yet as they set to discuss trade and the growing tension between europe and china. including of, of what the you sees as an imbalance between china as exports and as you were being import. my con is also expected to push the chinese president to use his influence with vladimir putin over the war and ukraine on the agent correspondent, katrina, you. i'm picks what the chinese leda is trying to convey to you pen latest during the visit. it will be you as a block is enormously pulled into china. it's the largest trading partner, often easy and, and trade in 2023 was what? $780000000000.00. so she wants to go that deep into lives with your can. lead isn't also build
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a rebuild trust as tensions for the gloves are running high. and as you're moving closer to the united states, now she really has 2 messages, messages that he wants to reassure, who can lead us up to this is on the train. he understands that this is a key key issue of concern for you leaders, especially those he is missing with any new or is that trust in china has suffered because of his closeness with most go during its invasion praise. she's message is that china did not stop. this is not a policy to it's a to this will. it's unusual policy. and she is reminded him that he sent an invoice to try to create a dialogue or burger piece between both sides. and he has to be sent a message to prove to him that nuclear weapons all know how as the weather china will change. it's also new frame that seems unlikely, especially considering that side of it is repeatedly planning visit to china over the next few weeks. so could you please next message is really about the economy.
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there been lots concerns about china slowing economic growth. so you do things a message is that it is very much worth investing and in expanding investment in china, that the small get this in numeracy value to europe. he's specifically talking about agriculture. cosmetics, tourism with differentiated in particular, doing deals that so try to wants to try to convince european leaders that this market is a set playground, although they have many pretty criticisms about china, supposedly, or been subsidizing many of its goods, including electric vehicles as well. what she wants to do is like to provide your opinion leaders into, into the oldest of the america and of the button, the administration, his messages, it's best to be independent and strategically. if we voice deep and all ties, work on our relations and commitment to this partnership, it will be beneficial 3 to you all to 0 agent. still ahead on knowledge a 0 polls was an enchanted for presidential elections and returning the nation to
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civilian home. the in depth analysis of the days headlines, the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for 5 minutes with nothing you know, who is trying to stay indifferently as 5 minutes to the no doubt to stay forcibly out of j. frank assessments how to relations decline between them is uh and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of metropolitans and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera, the
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. ringback the colleges with the all the technology i have of me, elizabeth drawn and don't have a mind to yvonne on stories. the seller is really on a, has ordered our residents and displays people to leave the east and neighborhoods
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of lava and southern gaza. it says it's about to use extreme for some that part of the city is where the police have rated out. 0 is work space and occupied east jerusalem as seems that equipment. that's also benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet quoted, to shut down the networks operations, and as well, i'll just see how, how strongly condemned to move saying this to all available legal channels. russia says it's preparing for military exercises involving as batch will fill in nuclear weapons. because of what it costs less than publications and threats. the russian defense minister, he says, the exercises will be used to increase the readiness of non strategic nuclear forces to carry out combat missions. and also jabari has moved from law school a dangerous escalation, as russian president vladimir putin has ordered the country's military to carry out nuclear drills at near the ukrainian border. the russian defense ministry may be
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announcements on monday morning. now this has been seen as a serious escalation, the kremlin scopes for some dimitri pest called said that this is an unprecedented mood during unprecedented times. it comes following statements from western leaders, specifically french president, emmanuel crohn, who said that he doesn't rule out the possibility of sending french forces into print at the french president has said that he has one objective and that is to me, ensure russia does not win in ukraine, because that could jeopardize security in all of europe. now, the kremlin spokesperson dmitri pest golf is set that the order that has come from flooding or pollutant to carry out these military drills involving tactical nuclear weapons is as a direct result of these comments. and it is very dangerous at message at the very sensitive time. we also have heard from your retreat, met with the, the deputy chairman of the security council. it was who said that at such a move, bite western powers could have catastrophic consequences. for now,
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we don't have any more details about when and where exactly these rules will take place, but it's been certainly being seen as a rush. i was sending a message to western powers that any kind of boots on the ground in ukraine is clearly a red line for russia. door such a part algebra 0 moscow. ron's hosting conference on nuclear sciences and n g and it's central province of is for hon. the region is wanting to several nuclear sites and was recently targeted in is really attack the head of the u. s. nuclear watchdog off on close the set to attend the conference. so says i have reports from this fund. this iran has several nuclear sites monitored by the international atomic energy agency. where some companies do you have some particular say to around is building up and nuclear capacity that could go beyond peaceful purposes. but the run and see if those facilities are peaceful and a part of a strategy to really itself off a gas and oil of the durham. again,
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they claim that they are afraid of access to the nuclear weapons. they are lying. they know very well that we're not pursuing nuclear weapons. we believe that nuclear weapons use the mess, destruction we are against the mass destruction weapons because it is contradictory to the religion. it is contradictory to as long as your walls nuclear program was initiated before these allow me to have additional 1979 by the depos just mom. it was a with support from the us in mid eighty's does not make the public revive the program . these move prompted increase pressure from the western countries leaving you want to open these nuclear facilities for the international inspection. in late nineties, in 2000, the us impose the 1st nuclear activity relate to sections on iran. hello, during the presence of mind, with the jets you run to expand, that is nuclear facility and relations with the i e. turn to so 7 was some
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companies reacted to that by imposing more sections. but this cycle off escalation stopped with sensors more that is testable, honey won the presidency in 2013, 3 years later, you're all signed the historic nuclear b a with 6 with powers. most notably do yes. you're on agree to cut the number of center for you, just the tools use for your name and which meant by about 2 tours, a significantly reduce it's raining enrichment in return. international sanctions were lifted the ability, but in 2018, this administration on donald trump withdrew from the deal. i mean pulls more sessions on your on. as a response, you one increase is going to richmond program that has been forced to divide the nuclear deal in recent years. but despite some of those runs of negotiations in vienna, the pulse fail as the youth say, since then, your one has embraced uranium above 60 percent. 90 percent is needed for weapons. great. that has been an escalation,
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a recent rates between iran and israel. 3 goes by the war in gaza. both sides have most attacks against alder, directly from the store for the 1st time. and that has led to a bigger rebates. your in your want about the need to have a strong nuclear program as a way to protect itself and utility. it's adams. this is out of that. i'll just be around the spa. chad is heading to the poles after 3 years of transition, military will the incumbent president, genuine mama address debbie's on the ballot, and his full arrival to an ally prime minister success mazda is running against him . opposition. groups of asked people to boycott the election saying the process wasn't fair. off an address report from the capital jemina. voting has been largely peaceful. here in the coverage of jemima and surrounding areas. this was assessed of 2 by both the president who voted earlier today, as well as the prime minister who is considered the main challenge as to the
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president in this election last month. as you read, i have delivered on the pledge i made in front of god and the judge and people the need to organize within the grid timeframe and election dental max that attends into civilian rule j. this big do i have met my obligations and accomplished my mission? the destiny of our country is now in the hands of god and the people of the silver intended to be like, you might the only be the one. it's being confirmed that all of those are going to be in the polling stations, including delegates that they have the right to fill me announcement to the results once the voting counts as being finished. as head of government, i also have the right to have a copy of each report you're going to do. the process of this section starts from places like this. this is the board where the name of registered voters is displayed. it starts with the voltage coming here to check whether or not his name
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is here on from here, the vote to moves to why the total office has to be issued with documents to vote. he or she issued with a bottle of paper like this. i'm from here, they move to the books over there, which is of course, the following book. why the voters expected to box the candidate? he is supposed to vote for. from there, the candid returns for the, from the offices off would be watching closely help procedure go see, yeah, this is the follow ups. why the presidential ballot is going to be dropped. that's the process for them. and then what happens later is the coordination of the results of the photos of clothes. so far the election process has been going on, smooth, please, the, and the capital according to what officials are telling us. it's not clear how uh, how things are going on in the hinterlands. not stressful. and there's the elections are happening. some of tenuously on sunday, security forces were allowed to vote, so as to free them for elections,
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which is today. how many degrees? all you see the drum units. i had them as election authority has declared jose at our community another one of sundays presidential election. he maintained a comfortable lead ahead of the 7 of the candidates. what do you know, enter the race of the last minute to replace the former president because of much nellie, who was disqualified? the election took place against a backdrop of social discontent. economic slowdown and dropped the number of people who died in floods and southern brazil has risen to 66 with more than a 100 others missing. video has a much at the moment, a bridge collapses. torrential bangs swept away rows of an 80000 people to free they homes, which levels and the regional capital in postal and exit continues, revise over the 1000000 people no longer have access to drinking water in the regions with floods. and 18 is and that's it for me, elizabeth put on them. you can always keep up to date with all the developments on
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our website, which is a, or a dot com, monday in the mazda even have the news outlet, and so she minutes, weather was next. and the inside story examines the you case load for the next results, and what they might mean for a general election nation to see it. actually from watching the the you're here, we're here. so let's go with your weather uptake. this one kicking off in asia pacific, it's a hot one for mongolia is capital loan, but tar 29 potentially 30 degrees on tuesday. this fall above where he should be at this point in the year. it is of what forecasts for a whole title and fonts you islands in japan, dealing with some showers here, but really talking storms for southern china, from united warranty in gwen dung provinces. this area has just been hammered by rain over the last several weeks and it is set to continue on tuesday in the middle
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east. just know that there is the trend of sun flooding in northern iraq. so thing places like our bill toward the east as well. so the money i could see a couple months worth of rain over the span of 24 hours in the middle east. and the golf, i should say, well, we've lost those brisk winds up and down. so don't have 30 degrees. but i think we're going to see that humidity bump in and humidity has certainly bumped in in southern bucket. start including for garage she but elsewhere in st. profits, jacob, a bad coming in at 45 degrees. it's been so big storms in the far northeast of india, hills storms here looking more like snow on the ground. but these have been really big storm stretching from kind of dr. right into cox's bizarre. but these storms, they're now punching into odessa and onto project states. on tuesday. the history is for go. that's all peril yet in spain,
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states imposed amnesia was enshrined in law. diminishing the plight of countless victims of frank coast. 36, he had to take the shape with a group of survivor, it says launched an international law suit hoping to bring those accountable to justice and force the country to acknowledge its fascist boston. the silence of others witness on i will choose the era the software landslide, when in the last general election, you case governing conservative party support, collapses and local elections in england gains for the labor policy dentist. however, by its time some of your own garza so how significant of these election results this is inside the
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hello and welcome to the program. omni parker, u. k. prime minister. wish you so you know, it hasn't been in the job for long. the recent local elections and.


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