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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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actually before to use the the hello, i'm already on the mazda the welcome to the news, our life from joe hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. the is riley minutes, the oldest palestinians in eastern rough. i to leave warning it's about to use extreme force silencing john les israel shots down alger 0 is operations in raids, its premises in occupied east jerusalem 1st stopped from china's leaders judging payment begins as you're a key until with trade relations high on the agenda. also coming up with our voting is underway in charge for its 1st presidential election since submitted treats of
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power 3 years ago. and support lander norris finally gets his 1st went in formula one of to 8 2nd place finishes. he b max, the stipends, a claim, the miami ground, pre the hello, and welcome to the program. we begin this out in rough in southern gaza. he's writing in a tree, is ordered or residents and displays people to leave the east and neighborhoods. it says, tens of thousands of palestinians must move to the on my wasi area. this is just near the gauze and coast line, head of what it says will be the use of extreme force in the eastern part of the city. more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians have been sheltering and rough after these writing military force the amounts of northern and central guns up. so let's get the latest now without correspondent honey. my mood joins us live from rough. uh, honey,
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what are the people that i've been told yes, well, basically people were ordered sharply by phone calls, text messages sent to them as early our of this morning, and also leave with a truck. but basically directing people sharply to move to a loss. evacuations on this particular evacuations, don't have been designated as a safe area since the initial weeks of this genocide. what were people were literally in order to from the northern part, gods of city and eastern part of, of the city to move to a la city evacuations? on because it is safe that's at the southern part of why do you have the every area at the, to the southern part of why the it has that is according to what is really a military state. it is a safe area for people. however, that has not been largely accurate or true because people ended up being killed
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and maimed inside these evacuations on not only in residential buildings, but only in the but also in the very tense that the set up in this evacuations on, in the eastern part of tanya and is in rough i city and also the central area people were killed inside these particular evacuations zones right now, what we're seeing not only just the evacuation order as of right now, the are coupled with an intense bombing campaign of the eastern part of robust city, the reports were getting more residential homes are being targeted relentlessly right now. and it is forcing people right now, not so not only the orders, but now it's very intimidating, very threatening, very strikes, targeting public facilities and residential homes at their eastern part of the city forcing people to evacuate. we did see a tens of people carrying their stuff and leaving for the western part of the city . what provisions did they have in the west and parts of the city? how can they exist? how can they survive in that territory
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as well? the vacuum which is on the designated by this really military. we're basically talking about a pocket of mt land since the initial week of, of this genocide of where people had no resources had no base necessities, no infrastructure, they have to do everything on their, on. and, and in addition to the fact that it's a little bit remoted from the center of all the, the areas that are, they are far away from defense of robust city. where if all the facilities exist, including health facility is also far away from defense of the central area and the city of people for the past 7 months have been going to really difficult living conditions in winter time was quite difficult to apply the lots better parents the cold weather that the spread of infectious diseases right now with this heat, warm weather that is getting hot in each passing day. they are dealing with lots more of the problems, including the spread disease,
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to distinguish the fright of diseases and the lack of necessities. i mean, there are no, no, uh, a place for basic results is as simple as, as basic as water restores or, or hygiene facility or, or sanitation facility do not exist. people have to actually build these things. but right now it looks like you have to be on the move one more time seeking a shelter in a different area. all right, thank you very much anymore. joining us in ra, fine, southern gaza. oh gosh on baskin as mentally as director with the international communities organization, it joins us live now from west jerusalem. why go into rafa tool? so there, there are 2 things that are, may be going on right now. this might be the launch of the has really incursion into rough or that the is really government. and the armies have been speaking about now for several months, where they believe that in order to defeat from us finally,
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they need to eliminate the for from us, for dates that are between the con eunice and rough. and it is also believed by israel, that this is where the majority of these, where these hostages a 132 with them may be found. but it might not be the full incursion right now, which might just be a response to the launching. yes. do they buy from us of motors and rockets from a humanitarian zone, into israel, in which 3 is where the soldiers were killed and 10 others were wounded? several of them in critical condition. so we and that's in the all who has said, i mean he has said that he's got to get to rough up because he needs to destroy the full remaining mass battalions that have the he has indicated that has no way that they need to the that to access a mass, but i suppose i'm saying that in itself acknowledges that the last 7 or 8 months has been something of a failure because if not destroyed
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a mass and they've not provided any of the sort of assassinations of high level figures within the group. so suppose that the worry is that to military operation, being a complete failure to now will simply cause more humanitarian suffering and rough. but there is no military victory in the world like this. and israel needs to understand this and how much is an idea? and then by geology and that cannot be destroyed by military, there have to be political solutions to deal with the reality of from us and the reality of gaza. and this is not being done. but i would also say to from us that if they want to prevents, he is really encouraging into jobs or a board of death and destruction, unnecessarily. death and destruction. i'm not sure to accept the deal that's on the table now. even if it doesn't meet all of their demands because it will bring about a ceasefire and hope to the work for weeks,
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maybe months in certain have my life and i must indicate that it would forget. and the last indicate that they would agree to the junction proposal and move ahead with the 1st stage, but they were relying on guarantees that the would and then that would not be an invasion of homeless, which caused nothing. the all who said would happen regardless of whether or not as a deal, the right, but i think that there won't be guarantees, no one to provide those guarantees on from us once israel to declare that it will end the war. that's not going to happen. so we're going to a deadlock situation where israel is continuing on with the war and the military, encouraging him to gaza into a rough uh, and this should be avoided from us just to us. now they will get published any business breed. there will be a ceasefire. there will be free, moving for displaced people in gaza to move from the south to the north. any objections under kentucky's of all said that they will work hard together with the americans and others to ensure that the war will not be renewed. but there's no
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guarantee, i mean that doesn't, does nothing but there's no research chance. but most of that is, there's no reason to believe the not us thing is, would be released and they would despise people to be able to our economy. you see the destruction of this tiny strip of land when now a population of a couple of 100000 in rafa has become one and a half 1000000 because of people who have high to show that an invasion would ultimately push those people south towards egypt. you know, they could try to return his, you'll say, i guess you'll saying they could try to return to central or northern gauze. but of course, you know that they would face more attacks by the is really ministry, which has been attacking so cold say so is they, they kill everyone everywhere as well. i, i think that as i said, the best way to prevent this from happening into in the works is to begin with a ceasefire that will release as really hostages and release palestinian prisoners and allow people for a move. and there is no guarantee that would,
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that would be the end of the war, and that would be no more pro applications, not from, from us, and not from israel. but the best way to move forward at this point is to accept the egyptian deal that's on the table even if it's less than perfect. get us the spire and allow people the freedom to move a little bit to breathe a little bit to get food. and medical supplies that they need. again, there are no guarantees here we're in the midst of a very, very evil war. but this needs to come to an end. israel is not willing to surrender from us, is not willing to surrender. there is a ceasefire. offer on the table, i suggest we all accept it and try to figure out how to end this war as soon as possible. dash, and last can thank you for joining us on and use our thank you. and so in the past few hours, it is 21 pallets, settings have been killed by a series of his ride. he strikes on residential areas in and around the southern city of rasa. at least 7 homes were hit, including that of the cash to family. 8 members of that family were killed. 4 of
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them were children. this includes a baby who was born off to the start of the will and died in it. his name was honey, more fluid. he was already and often off, his parents were killed in an s strike in the early days of the war or the other. so we've been following is riley police raging out his ears, workspace, and occupied east jerusalem. and seizing its equipment at solve to benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet voted to shot down the networks operations in israel. i was just, there has strongly condemned the move saying it will pursue old available legal channels. i'm to so who has more on this now? and unprecedented site is really police read and it shows he does workspace in occupied east jerusalem after prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet voted to shut down the networks operations. the government order, which was unanimously agreed upon, includes confiscating its broadcast equipment,
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preventing the networks broadcast, and blocking its websites. i'm so nice, lots of pay for the government has now unanimously ordered the closure of the incitement mouth piece of moss and israel al jazeera. i just need a broadcast was taken off. israel's main cable provider in the hours after the order emergency measure will last for $45.00 days with the possibility of an extension for an additional $45.00 days. in a statement which is the, the media network condemned the measure, saying in part, israel's ongoing suppression of the free press, seen as an effort to conceal its actions in the gaza strip, stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law. israel's direct targeting and killing of journalists, arrests, intimidation and threats will not deter edges eat up from its commitment to cover. whilst more than a 140 palestinian journalists have been killed since the beginning of the war on
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guns of the network vehemently rejects the allegations presented by his really authorities suggesting professional media standards have been violated. and what the last month, the white house said israel's plans to close the network, work quote through concerning a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical. it is critically important and the united states supports the critically important work journalist around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in, in the conflict in gaza. the widely criticized move was also condemned by the foreign press association, which bird these really government to reverse what is called a harmful step? adding that this was a dark day for the media and the dark day for democracy. i'm the central jersey to me and just a reminder again that benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet,
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has found out his era. we are forcing from outside israel, a student demonstrations against israel's warrant garza anal spreading around the world. the students on southern cables, universities in the u. k. a rooms their own encampments and marriage onto the ones on campuses across the united states, canada in front, organize the sites and solely down to the palestinians. and they intend to keep account open for an on the number of days. for accountants is an oxford university for us and joins us now. one of the students been saying that roy a well not a website at the moment it is a very different see behind made. so you the pictures to we've become accustomed to, to viewings from student protests on american campuses. this is the tense camp that sprung up. ivan nights in this,
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a city hub for sightlessly dreaming spies as of the pit rivers museum of the front . lot of it, there are now about $2510.00 on the cross ways that those $25.00 types of sleeping . then we have a media 10. we have a, a medical attend. we've got some food and refreshment tens and a welcoming time as well as no sign of yet i was a kind of a, a gas mounted police. in fact, there's no police presence here. so as a coward, he stands funds of dom onsite from the students. now what they are asking the university to do is to disclose all the financial investments that the university, all of us would have in israel, and the, the occupied territories to divest from old homes companies in fact, divest from any companies that put home that lead. yes, boy, on the list of companies involved in, in is routes to stop the theda best ease bang g with barclays bank,
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which they say is quite speech links with the state of israel and the old site, the support that kind of send you that rebuilding of educational facilities in gaza . that's that linking up with as he mentioned cambridge university, they're also sharing lots of information with american universities about what's coming right. what's going wrong over that and they're all the utah universities are doing similar things. everybody has this has no nice night to thing. and they say that they all here for the long hold. thank you very much for each on is are forcing to stay or the process as is preparing for ministry exercises involving its battlefield, nuclear weapons. because of what he calls, western publications and threats, the russian defense ministries as the exercises will be used to increase the readiness of non strategic nuclear forces to carry out combat missions. one is that speak to those to jaffar. she joins us now for most go tell us more about this,
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this new federal, those are and what is going to involve the? well the comments were made to follow in your statement by the defense ministry on monday morning. the details have not been released a so exactly where these drills will be taking place. what we do know is that the russian president, vladimir putin has ordered at the country's military to carry out these nuclear at drills it just to prepare the country's military for what could come now we've heard from the kremlin spokesperson, dimitri pest, called during his daily briefing, on monday, he said that this is an unprecedented level of escalation between western powers and a russia has called set. that's because of the comments that have been made by western liter assistance, specifically by french president and my new my calling on may 2nd, who during an interview that he gave. he said that he has one objective and that is
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to make sure russia does not win the war and ukraine and menu microns comments have now prompted the leadership here to take what they call unprecedented extraordinary measures. in the terms of carrying out these military drills with their new, clear, tactical weapons. this is a 1st time russia is going to be doing this. and according to the kremlin spokesperson test called, he said that it's obvious that they're talking about the statements that have been coming from western leaders. and that is in direct response to what they've said. that's russian military forces will be taking this measure. we also have been hearing from the deputy chairman of the state security council. dimitri met with that. who said that's a, this is something that is going to be a global catastrophe. if there are a troops sent by western powers into ukraine, certainly is a nuclear sable. writer link continues, but what is clear is that the presence of troops by western powers in ukraine is
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clearly being seen as a red line here. what about these ukranian destroys in bel, girl? it any more information about that? yes, mary, this morning on monday morning, a number of comments because the drones were launched a towards belgrade region. that is a region that i've seen a number of attacks over the past few months. and these, uh, drones hits 2 vehicles that were uh, transporting civilian employees to their work. uh, there have been a number of casualties at least 6 and uh, over 2000 people have been injured at this has been seen as something that is an escalation. and because the targets were clearly civilians by the ukrainian forces, and that is something that the officials here have set that is on the rise. this is not the 1st time at this region in belgrade has seen such a tax, but this is one of the most severe attacks they've seen with the highest number of
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casualties over the past few months. thank you very much. dosage yavari a john as far as engaging thing is holding tools for the friends presence and audio macro on this 1st visit to the european union and 5 years. it'd be discussing trade . this with going tensions between europe and china are including of what the uses as an in balance between that china's exports and it's european imports. not krona is also expected to push the chinese president to use his influence with the russian present identity person over the war and ukraine. so that's had to beijing out just as katrina. you joins us live from that. as you were saying, this is use 1st visit to you in 5 years. it comes out an important time. what is he trying to achieve from this? the most recent thing is on this to, on a trauma sense of what he's trying to do is rebuild of build trusted european leaders at
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a time when it was in moving closer to the united states. and then also to time changes are running high on a variety of friends. now speaking with a french president, emmanuel mcfall on monday. so you can set that to you is the priority when it comes to china's foreign policy. and indeed, there's a no misleading for full badging. it is the 3rd largest trading partner china trade is what $700.00 east $1000000000.00, or at least it was in 2023. i think really the 2 main messages that he wants to reassure your team lead is the 1st is on ukraine's knows that this is a really important issue. many of these countries are criticized china ports of moscow during its invasion of a, of kids of ukraine. and so china wants to send the message at once, peace and stability for the region that wants to watch the end. she released the statement saying, a china is not a policy to this was not stopped. this price is that she didn't think reminded in the form that he sent an invoice to try some mediate dialogue between both sides.
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aging has reminded russia time and time again that nuclear weapons. i'm not ok. yes . and that china, he's trying to convince them is unusual pause. he had doing its best, promote stability in the region. the 2nd message is really about the economy. i just mentioned how trade is between the block and china. china wants to emphasize that the economy is recovering 1st part of that, it is still very much what's your routine business is doing. deals doing trade, increasing trade and increasing people's people exchanges. or the role presidency wants to send the message that's on the, on balance. it is still more important to you to do business with trying to increase its business and not. it also wants to hopefully remind you that it's best to be independent and not to be too much under the influence of the us, which is also one of the main diplomatic goals of i should have been over the next few days. thank you very much. katrina, you with the,
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the latest from badging. that's had the power as now because mr. china standing by for us, the present lat, cronan, appears to be getting mixed messages to see what is, what is he trying to, what is his objective for this meeting? the french president has to create a very fine utilize the military band. going right now, because the trilateral between the chinese president and the french president and the president of the year in the information just dropped off. he spoke for a little over an hour, and i think that underscores the difficulty of france has its interest. sometimes those interest don't necessarily line up with big you interest. but we have seen a shift in french president emanuel, my con, in terms of his position on china. we've seen him more aligned with the you and i think it is significant that he's decided to have the 1st meeting up to date via try lateral, including the head of the european commission for it. should you been to meet
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before the 2 of them? friends in china need further bi lateral later this afternoon. and as katrina just mentioned, there's a lot that the chinese want b, e u does have leverage in terms of the economy and where we see the french president you mount on the contract to push is of course the leverage of the european consumer economy. and that is leverage that he's hoping to translate into pushing china in terms of putting pressure on russia. so a lot of moving parts and it's quite uncertain just how it will fall out. and what president shooting people will take and accept and possibly modify. but i wouldn't be holding my breath on that. thank you very much with the latest room paris, minnesota, john. uh, let's see, a garcia. hydro is the chief economist that asian pacific hits and it takes us a leading global financial institution. she serves as a senior fellow at the european, the think tank brutal. she joins us from hong kong. is not going to be able to
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establish an understanding with president. she learned his lesson in china. he was well intended that, that uh, he can even go well for my club back. thank you. and i think he knows that the stakes are much higher. no pressure was about basically to wind his war and he knows he's changed his mind. the words change his mind from china. so this is a business, it is not a cordial matrix. and that shows that, you know, it's not even best time is really he and his it. so, and as i said, you know, by that i will still be there as, as a guest, the and then a very important get. so this is about the calling me, this is about rush. i'm right. so it can be one type of an easy talking to you just because the states give a friend their own look here. so it would be very talk me. yeah, and when he's,
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i took tests meeting i, i assume that you means the president might call him president. she is only see the, the, the leader that has the off behind. and that's because, as you were saying, it's very much a meeting about the economy, the days of europe buying its energy from russia, outsourcing businesses and other activities to china relying on us for it security these days of very much. oh, but we're likely to see at a trump white house later on in the year. so it does seem as though it might go on as a position in a position now where you have to try and strengthen the relationship with china. perhaps independent of them is very, yeah, i have to just from the i don't think it's hard. i think it's exactly a much easier today for my home to be harsh because there's much more to lose that being the physician bureau, on the word and you print and that term doesn't change any of that. that's about
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china. but what my call would be tap, so back on will be tough with china. but of course, we know that in china are, is not going to sacrifice its relationship with russia for the sake of france or for, and that's not my to with any country in europe. yeah. but then all of the investigations that are ongoing, all we continue, and that, and still europe is a big market for china. china has depletion, excess capacity, and it needs the rest of the world to export all of that. that's what we are. so what does he want president, she, what do you want specifically from pregnancy, in terms of the war on ukraine? what concessions does he think of going to be made possible given the, the, the strength of that russia, china relationship, which obviously isn't without its challenges, but none the less, you know,
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they have established themselves as being diametrically opposed to western countries and their allies on one ukraine. great question. so i think where we stand, these bad pressure was about when the war and china was pushing for basically if you feel which wouldn't have been very appealing for your pain. but you guys have not much time and then you know much space. do i mean, you know, until us came with a big package. and since after very simply, since this is why the, my car is watching russia on the need to win the word and rest is pushing you up on your weapons. so now it's about time for china to remind one thing that such an okay, woodlands come use, that's a very meaningful because she has already committed that. so that needs to be set um doing this for show, but since, you know, i mean the car is but also in country i didn't serve you on
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a scene that's already it could be that we stop the escalation. was this the best essential for this game? because we are very far out in the fence of collection of these war. okay, thank you. alicia. got to see you headed out. you for calling on behalf of the asia pacific region at the texas. a slide for you on the program on tony cheng and east the memo of basic healthcare facilities have been set up in the jungle. i think from strikes and off to the also coming up russians living in georgia, say they still feel welcome, despite georgians, protesting against what they call a russian law. and the cleveland cavity is get that 1st payoff series. when in 6 years we'll show you how they did it in sports, which of the,
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the, hey there, it's been pouring rain in the netherlands and southern germany, so that's led to some flooding. but i've got to tell you today on monday we've got solid bands of rain, setting up over belgium, across the channel, into southeast england. so for brussels, you could see half a month's worth of rain over 24 hours. it's really gloomy and down forecast over the next 3 days. we've also got wet weather, pretty much extending from the south of france through central europe pushing up into western russia. but there will be sunny spells mix in there as well. so in san diego, that means your temperature will be up to 24. still raining in that southeast corner of turkey that's now pushing into a rock. so the potential to see some funding in northern iraq places like most so. and that will drop down to the is so, so the money i could see 2 months worth of rain in the span of 24 hours. other end of the mediterranean. that weather is peter, you know. so temperature is starting to come up. i suspect cord above will be about
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30 degrees over the next little bit. still this is dusty wind through chad and the chair. so san invest storm seem likely, and we've got a weak weather frank coming into the western cape province. that's going to produce some showers in cape town by thursday, but otherwise it's hot for this time of the year. by the way, i could see it's hot, it's may day on record on tuesday bye for now. the the the welcome back. reminder of the main stories this now, these really all these or the 10s of thousands of palestinians, the leaves,
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the eastern areas of rough thoughts, says it's about to use extreme force and that parts of the southern cause. a city meanwhile is riley strikes on the city of continued with the east $26.00 palestinians killed in the past few hours. this includes a 7 month old baby who'd already lost his parents. and israel is ready for the use of rated alger. there was work space and occupied east jerusalem and seems dense equipment of to benjamin that's known as cabinet voted to shut down the networks operations in israel. i would just say i strongly condemn the move, saying it will pursue all available legal channels. we want to take you to chad, now web pows of open for its 1st presidential election since the minute treat came to power 3 years ago, people are voting to replace the transitional council. 10 candidates, a running for the top job, including how much interest they be left the ministry takeover opposition, groups of all people to boy called the election saying the process was in fact on sunday, members of the security forces and champions,
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a broad cost that ballots could be a dom who is managing director of beacon consulting. you joins as life and then i during capital a boucher just remind us what's at stake in the selection. so yes, so the video depth is dead. infinity thing to one. the country was crude into points called timeouts, some of them, so with a tree got from in to know what it's on orders from external forces. and um, what, even though my, my baby, the genuine therapy has been able to bring some sense of stability. and he used topics that unfortunately created the feeling of the pressure on within the country . so one of the big is number one, if you job chat in terms of what it would show in the water for you to the democratic tendencies. and then more importantly, some charge being one of the fence countries in the region to, to hold an election of the series of many treat take over. um,
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what is the indication of how the court order for the concrete me and go in front and as you say that the bears you say it's very important moments of the country. this is an election, but i suppose some would say that in some ways it marks the end of the transition to democracy by this military government. because as we were saying, the person who is likely to win is mohammed interest a b who let the military takeover was not, not just formalize the existing reality, the w. yes son. and then i think the major concern that the most to call the top. remember that he came to ball after the dead, but he's got on the heels, the one election that was contested. which 3 got directly and that led to the death of, of he does include that remedial and it's not that a lot of the plea of inductor, india,
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9 media and some of the parts of the central africans set sense and brought africa . but so does the type of or be on the election, but not for you. and there may be 3 guided game and now i'll watch on position as he's facing. then i'm frankly not so much. i'm a lot of suppression. when done, i'm the media david being construct, but the base are on the election where highly regulated and so even though there are about 9 or the candidates include in used car and some prime minister. so the, your position is more likely to challenge. you know, the incumbent does not with this is going to be a minute trained government. and i think the all me have charge is for it to be among the best in the region with a great deal of influence that extends beyond chance board is. but what is he going to do at home, if and when it's confirmed that he maintains his hold on power? because it is also one of the poorest countries in the world,
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at least 40 percent of the country. 17000000 people living below the poverty line or the challenges he's going to face then. so we're just talking about the political challenges. it's david, the economics challenge infrastructure is more or less but the very on develop steven in charge. the moment. unemployment is almost like strictly heights. the child is suffering, the consequences of the crises been through done. and the more the concrete story of dealing with that you money to run the crisis. and then of course, on the on, because it has a shift border with $90.00, the changes that the direct states and then from the terrorist point of view is also contributing to much and not the multinational joint talks. what's the issue that you would have to contend with, and i have the international community related the importance of having to start meeting child giving it a sentra route into the central african republic. so he,
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but really to, but of interest from the west effect, where from russia, if it was something that he would have to contend with. thank you very much. i do appreciate your analysis. come down with joining us that thank you for having me and me and my weeks of fighting the other town of milwaukee on the type board or is forced tens of thousands of people into thailand. but many more main trapped inside the country. the land estimates 2 and a half 1000000 people have been displaced by fighting since admitted tracy's power and acc, who in the 2nd of a series of special reports from inside me and my tony chain witnessed the desperate conditions. many of those people living in the full start of the homes and now hiding from the heat, a group of displaced people sit in the shade. they've nowhere else to go. this is
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the 3rd time they've had to flee that village. close to the town of co, correct amongst them don't. they'll pull the daughters and grandchildren. they've been sheltering here for 3 weeks with nothing but a bag of rice and some oil donated by the local temple, the yellow money they hadn't even arrived in our village before this by telling us . and we was gad at the soldiers would shoot us last year. they were in our village, dilute anything valuable from our houses. it's especially hard for the children. most schools have been closed since the q 3 years ago. and constantly moving is deeply unsettling. other basic services like health care escapes to an engine function is being treated for shrapnel injury. he winces with pain is the doctor treats and dresses is when the clinics hidden under the deep jungle canopy. the
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military has targeted anywhere it thinks might be helping the rebels 24 hours a day. there's a constant pause in the sky. that's what the fight to say is why 12, it's a sponsor plane. it's up the looking for targets for artillery, but also capable of jumping down on the site is no to stay at a site slipping seamlessly under the cover of the trees and shrubs, the salt of explosions in the distance back of the clinic. a small truck arrives inside my pen a in labor and moaning in pain. they how are you her into the surgery. she and her family are also displaced from the home. it took them 7 hours to get to the clinic . she does my lot. we had to carry her with a hammock there, around 8 people carrying her down the mountain. then we took a car along the rough jungle road. it was so difficult. we didn't know how to
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relieve her pain. they put her on a trip, but there's only so much the doctor can do. he's worried the long jenny may have home the expecting mother. and the baby inside. very quickly, the child is born, but it's not breathing. its skin color is turning purple. the doctor quickly gets to work as vital seconds take away and then the sound everyone has been hoping to hear smiles and really for the family in the medical stuff. but a new arrival in a very uncertain world. tony chilling out as their tie and state me m and the side about special reports from the inside me and ma tony, try and meet some of the people who floods in minutes region to new conscription will have chosen instead to fight against them are now the united nations,
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the thing of worn me and mars escalates in recent months, worsening and ready desperate humanitarian crisis. within 2800000 civilians are internally displaced. majority of them a slide since the crew in 2021. nearly 2012900000 people. that's around a quarter of the population are facing food shortages. at least 50000 people have been killed, including at least 8000 civilians. and human rights watch has recently wound up moving a 1000 wrangle. most of the men and boys were adopted and forcibly recruits and by the minute treat you into on the controversy shall conscription little m a palmer as a senior lecturer at griffith. little school australia is griffith university. she joins us live from bungalow in australia. first of all, what have your investigations and types of people you've been speaking to? what have you managed to find about at the treatment of despise people and particularly the recruitment of young children by the minute?
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region 10. thank you so much for having me. i guess, as we've just heard, this is a situation with a, an incredible human impact. we thousands of people that have been displaced as these are family members that a resilience surviving and really difficult circumstances and having to make very difficult decisions. and so many, that's the decision to for you, this constriction or force conscription of this kind, it's has been, it's enlivened by an old a little by the man, the military in light of the recent challenges. so that's been happening in terms of its military conflict. so the situation is, is dia and it's a reminder that mammals, military is continuing to generate regional problems with a real human impact. as you've just had at least 50000 people have been killed. this includes 8000 civilians. that is the world's ignoring what has to be perhaps one of the wes humanitarian crisis,
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currently playing out at least and in this region, yes, i mean these rates and reports of, of children being conscripted into the military. unfortunately, it just the most recent of really decades of violence and the, and the man, the military has a long history, a full conscription. i been many years. and you know, unfortunately in tomorrow and we live in a well with a lot of conflicts waging. and this one has been ongoing, obviously with the involvement of other states for a very long time, but with the man my to now directed by the military. and it's very difficult, incredibly violent and oppressive. none of the rest of the world needs to keep watching. i think this is a very good example of why here we have a situation where thailand, again, is facing thousands of people crossing into its borders as has been happening for,
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for really quite a long time. and so there's a need for long term structural solutions, a pace within my ma and the rest of the world really needs to be supporting that. thank you very much for joining us. is very interesting. tell your thoughts on this m a palmer and where were you the story. iran is hosting a conference on the nuclear sciences and energy and its central province of s for han region is home to several nuclear sites and was recently targeted. and in his riley attack, the head of the u. n's nuclear watch dog russell grossey is set to attend this conference. i'll just as russell said to reports from as for hong, are you run has several nuclear sites monitored by the international atomic energy agency. what some companies do you guys in particular say to around is building up and nuclear capacity that could go beyond peaceful purposes. but the running system, those facilities are peaceful and a part of
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a strategy to really itself of gas and oil. durham, again, they claim that they are afraid of access to the nuclear weapons. they are lying and then they know very well that we're not pursuing nuclear weapons. we believe that nuclear weapons use the mess, destruction. we are against the mass destruction weapons because it is contradictory to the religion. it is contradictory to as long as your was nuclear program was initiated before these lubbock revolution of 1979 by the deposed stuff . mom, it was a with support from the u. s. in mid eighty's these lemme public revive the program . these move prompted increased pressure from the western countries leaving you want to open these nuclear facilities for international inspection. in late nineties, in 2000, the us impose the 1st nuclear activity relate to sections on iran. hello, during the presence of mind with i made an adjust, you run to expand that is nuclear facility and relations with the i e. turn the
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cell 7. what some companies reacted to that by imposing more sections. but this cycle off escalation stopped when sent to his mother's house, i behind the one the presidency in 2013, 3 years later, you're all signed the historic nuclear deal with 6 with powers. most notably do yes . you're on agree to cut the number of center for you, just the tools use for your name and which meant by about 2 tours, a significantly reduced is random enrichment in return international sanctions were lifted the ability but in 2018. yes. administration on the donald trump withdrew from the deal. i mean pulls most sections on here on such as a response you want increase is going to richmond program that has been forced to divide the nuclear deal in recent years. but despite some of those rounds of negotiations in vienna, the pulse failed. the i a say since then you're on has empties uranium about 60 percent. 90 percent is needed for weapons. great. that has been an escalation use
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of weeds between iran and israel. 3 girls by the war in gaza. both sides have most attacks against alder, directly from the store for the 1st time. and that has led to a bigger rebates. your in your want about the need to have a strong nuclear program as a way to protect itself and utility. it's adams. this is sort of that, oh, just the right response as well. still to bring you on the program, the needs, right? we're looking at how to time, which of these capitalist 14 lives been signed, celebrate that seems title when joe will have that story in the business. latest a sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by the
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business leaders to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the
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john i am. thank you, lending our associates over the 1000000 off to winning his 1st fully one growing pre the bridge drive. it took advantage of a safety car in miami to take sick treat ahead of well champion next. the stipends . david starts reports as the 8 2nd place, finishes lender, norris finally got the jump done. the 24 year old. great. celebrate to these 1st winning if one is if he'd won the championship. finally i've and i managed to do it . so i'm, i'm so happy for football team. i funny to leave it for him. and yeah, a long day. so for ice. but i'm finally on top. so i'm, i'm here with them. and as always, in miami, the celebrities were out in force from popstars to presidents. and they look to say
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that begin for another fish stipend procession out on track. the dutchman did one the last 2 races in the city and go to a clean from pole. i mean for spit when 6 races, but the 3 tumble of champion made a rad mistake on let 21. when he hit the ball out and damaged his car, he didn't go to lucky when a bigger collision further down the field, wrote out the safety car. it's allowed norris to pick the perfect time and get back out ahead of the step and notice it finished on the podium 15 times without the victory moving any of the driver. but he held off the stipend for 20 full laps pulling clearing his maclaren to win by 7.6 seconds. a lot of people, i guess, doubted me along the way. i made a little mistake server. my last 5 is my cell, korea, but uh, today we put it all together, services all full for the team. i talked with mclaren because like to believe in
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them and i do believe in them and today for the exec data, if a bad day is a p 2 i, i take it right and i'm very happy for them though. it's been a long time coming and it's not going to be as well. so it's a popular and unexpected result. it meant the dominance of read both. but it has little impacts on the championship step and it's still $34.00 points. clear. the top is that for no heads to look to the media of ammonia from free. david stokes o g 0 on sundays, nascar racing, kansas. so the closest finish and the series history called awesome came around the outside of chris boucher on the final lap. a way to the finish line. boyer. he is a head larson is coming it's. it's like the kentucky derby. oh no. it's worse than just to thousands of a 2nd. so free to the to drive is but it was lawson who came out with the wind. sure. the cleveland capital is a through to the eastern conference,
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semi finals after rallying from 18 points down against the orlando magic, and this series decide to donovan mitchell. let them to victory with 39.17, which came in the 3rd quarter as a cat 11 o 6 and 94 in game 7 is the 1st playoff series. when is 6 years and the office at the top, seated boston celtics and game one of his conference, semi finals on tuesday. we can be better. you know, i mean i, i hate to be that guy, but like, you know, this was great. this is phenomenal. as, as a great when great series, great test for us mentally physically, but you know, we can and we will have to be better to be, to be boss. and for the defending stanley cup champion of vegas, those nights are out of the n h l. playoffs. they've series with the dallas stalls went down to a deciding game 7 reddick fox, the brick, the tie, and the 3rd period on his return from injury. so when it's who won the stalls, 2 of the top seat in the west will play the colorado avalanche and the 2nd round of
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the range is already in the 2nd round action where they be the carolina harkins, this free game, one of the eastern conference, any final series, because the bon job school twice in the 1st period range has never trailed, winning the straits, piled by labour casing. and now just to games away from becoming the 1st team. and boom, just like a history to go in and tie a season on beaten coach chevy. alonzo. i was subbing a one much touch line suspension. so once that game with frank foot from the stands frontage shack, i put medication ahead for the right stride. gym and champions went on to when 5 want to make it 48 games on maintenance. encompasses that 8 was confused cuz 59 year old european records from my snap to see the in to 2014. and it's been sent to the street. the counselor to celebrate. that's
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like winning the country's top division. hosting claims. that's 22 men anita title . there's 2 games just back is the 2nd time in 4 years and nice and found. shopkins sometimes play under black has cooled. his madrid when the proudest type of his crew, the 7 seed almost pulled down. so the tournament off to suffering this, what he said was the worst illness of his life, and he needs his anesthetic and have him flamed thoughts like this. he came from set down sweepstakes of the scene in the final interest 16th to let them know or send me an if you knew what had been through last plus the 9 days. you would not imagine that. then we'd be able to win that i told them i'm kribble, they're happy and like a i don't know, man, no one will change over the thing. all right, that's all you spoke now have full for you. like to marry him. thank you joe. now
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we want to bring some use from georgia. emotions are running high of the draw. foreign influence, little that if it's approved media and and g o is with moving 20 percent funding from a broad would have to register as agents of foreign influence projects. 8, similar to russian legislation used to silence crammed in critics. many russians who moved to georgia, a worried about what it could be for them, usually shop a lot of a has just been speaking some of those people. the smoke is russian, but hasn't eaten georgia for the fall, 7 years, who runs a couple of balls and to police it together with his friends. he says locals treat him. wow. because a lot of similarities, i think our cultures, now we have a difficult political process. and on this point, people out of gain wayne, they input actors, you, dentist, and that you are a normal person. and then there's just the connection. but, demons, you've, gania,
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rushing ukrainian couples the company living in georgia for a year in the hall both work and information technology, but it shows when you flush, it all depends on how russians behave. georgia's issues with the rushes stem from the 2008 war and the war on ukraine. the george and government is trying to improve things like that. but many jordan's don't want that. and some people says, valera. yes. suppose i move to the leasing the 15 years ago, soon she will receive her georgians, citizenship, and all my fresh jo town and the support rushes for against the russian politics now. so if you like, i think it was the same way in the way of freedom on about to be society, freedom of speech. so as i'm curious, no problem if your russian or in, as i listen, i would say we also spoke to some georgians. appreciate that, use about the neighbors to the news. i do not welcome russians at all. 20 percent
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of georgia is occupied by russian forces. i work in a service industry and i mostly face progression from russian. i'm not obliged to speak russian at work, so when i speak english, i face talk to aggression from them. and sometimes i even get curse. and this is the reason i don't one questions in georgia, especially the aggressive when russians must go back home, where they don't, a cisco government, that specialist what, what it, what the russian state is doing is terrible. but i love the people, the people on the state with the tension in russian. george and relations remain significant with whether or not a to improve depends logical steps taken by both countries. governments, you last above out of the ultra 0, b c, georgia asset for me for this news our but to have much money as in just a couple of minutes. stay without his era. the
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unique perspective. why is it the doctors didn't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government? from time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, 11 days that ended the mold and 60 young life in may 2021. the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza. as they remember, the children killed during the is really only 3 years ago the 11 days in may. all the outages there
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where you're looking at now is low. the slope from the nearby to pile landfill. garbage has reached a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. this is just one of many landfills around the country that has exceeded capacity mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. indonesia is one of the world's top contributes has of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons each year. and it's at locations like where i am on the outskirts of to come to where you can see the scale of what environmental groups cool. a plastic waste crisis, the most common plastic pollution engine, asia, a single use sashes, which environmental group say are small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button entities has government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problems and has had some success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting
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recycling. the is really mandatory old as palestinians and eastern ge office and the warning it's about to use extreme force. the ottoman this is algebra live from doha is so coming up as strikes continue on with offer and it's east and neighborhoods as well. threatening to launch an attack on the southern city. first upfront, joyously the shooting ping begins, has european tool with trade relations high on the agenda.


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