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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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rise, we the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera holding the powerful to account. as we examined the us as role in the on l g 0 or the, [000:00:00;00] the alarm and the put on and distance and use our life from home. coming off in the next 60 minutes. it's really been the treat orders, palestinians, and eastern job. that's in the morning, it's about to use extreme since the allies, the new on the board, a 7 month old baby's among $21.00 palestinians killed. and this really strikes in
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the dropbox. so i'm some journalist to benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet, or just the shutdown of al jazeera and israel, and raised that's premises and occupied instruments to them. first stopped from china. she didn't pink again, says your pin tool was trade relations high on the chat. that's why i'm totally checking in east the memo of the basic healthcare facilities have been set up in the jungle hiding strikes and onto the will begin with breaking news from outside. the israeli military has ordered or residents of displaced people to leave the east and neighborhoods of gauze, southernmost city, since they must move to the ottoman mossey area near the coast line. that's a head of what it says will be, the use of extreme falls in the eastern part of the city. well, the one and a half 1000000 palestinians have been sheltering in the alpha offer. that is why the military force,
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the mountains with nolan and central gauze that we are joined now by a correspondent, hunting muscle of he's lived for us in the office. first, the heading, tell us about this evacuation order and how it's being conveyed to people that the the, the, as well as of this hour were seen as corps of people, tables i counted by the 10s right now, entire families have been filtering inside residential homes in the eastern part of roof i see that includes the gland neighborhoods in janina district and the surrounding areas of these 2 neighborhoods are to start and have started moving out of the area, digging their stuff and their belongings and moving to toward the western part of the city when, when, when ask where they are going, there's still not sure where to head, there's a lot of uncertainty going on. these really military, after a terrible night at quite russell, is the sleepless,
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almost 11 air waves across the eastern part of the central, a rough i city going at least to 20 people. most of the women and children right now. those people were inside the residential homes. they were fond. the difficulties right now faced by and the challenges faced by these i, the civil defense, the crew on the ground, i filled our, it's been more than 8 hours. right now. they're still working on getting people from under the levels in the areas that were one an overnight the talks across the city. there's really military as early hours this morning, a drop leaf split and made phone calls, sharpie ordering people to evacuate. the eastern part of a drop off, a city and just start heading toward the evacuation going and western part of the city and the milwaukee as well as to the west trends part the since i'm part of hon unit, that's the big evacuations on that's been designated by this really military, as well as there, but up to now and what the last evacuations on,
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or evacuation is doing in general, designated by really military stretch of, from the city of the western parts passing through hon. you and is all the way through rough. i city the western part of the city all the way to the junction dogs off borders. not this particular evacuation zone or a sliver of land or there was some part of the. this is trevor from defense from area honey. in a sense of a hasn't been absolutely a safe, there were a talk through it, it was repeatedly attacked by either dar tillery selling, as well as by the here's price. that's fine. that's fine. it's was invaded by this very military. yeah. if people were killed inside the tents that did set up and in the areas they were told the evacuated to right now there's a c to k is going onto a state of panic. people did not expect to happen rapidly this way. okay, awesome. panic. you're saying, honey, just so soon off the people ended off of what really hopeful that they could be
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a 65 for those negotiations ended. and not only, as you mentioned, we've seen that as res, repeatedly attack velocities, since they designations this area safe. so we know the conditions that con eunice, one of the guys is largest cities was lifted off to the is where the forces withdrew from this. so the options now wild is ways of telling people to evacuate. really, i mean the options for them, for with the goal is that sadie, it doesn't sound like there are any is absolutely. i mean there is, it has been improving largely for the past 7 months. right now there is no single safety place across real fast city. and just to give you an example of how the evacuation orders have been marked as people describe it with the preparation comes with a free, vague, and misleading. for the most part, we have documented cases of people arriving through evacuation zones and within hours,
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within days of their arrival deal were bombed and killed inside the very area they were told to evacuate too, in order to avoid b in bonds in the northern part and gotten them more recently in the city of han, you and it's now that has created a sense of mistrust. and the narrative about evacuation. gonna lead people to the conclusion that you can create a safe zone in a war zone and pretty much we look at an entire garza through the an equally bond. with more of it, within the past few weeks, a constant crated in reference to the central air and of the central area. we spent a tax constant attack, repeat it back to him directly. he kind of the center part of the central area, which makes it, let's see right now for people's people are hitting toward these areas, but they're not going to walk in with this chatter sense of safety and the, the, the, the, the feeling good. the have it good, they are going to die here. they're going to die in the back of missions on
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everything. everywhere is risky everywhere. there is no safety whatsoever. honey, thank you very much for that for now. that is all correspondence. honey muscled, live, and gaza with the latest on the situation that after that is ready, military has all the people in the office to evacuate. some of the, the spokes person from the region refugee council. and she's joining us live from a mom. thank you very much. for your time 1st we just how problem magic is it for as well to tell people to evacuate to an area that it's attacked a number of times. it's completely problem. i think it's in humane unsafe because the milwaukee area where people are being ordered to evacuate to is not equipped to accommodate and host mall id peas. the area itself already has hundreds of dollars of palestinian id fees. it does not have a not
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a humanitarian assistance services to support additional displaced populations. and also if israel is going to order people to move towards the hon. unice area. well that's completely been destroyed throughout the it's very bombardment of the past period. so these areas that are being ordered, full evacuation are not safe. they cannot accommodate and saw the displace people and people right now feel as though they have nowhere to go to seek safety. this evacuation order right now is the start of a nightmare scenario for people in the nasa who have been terrified for months. now the other one is to, to kaufman, and as agencies were also terrified about the coming period,
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because if the sense of takes place in full force that would lead to the collapse of the response that is really reliance on the how to distribute a, to organize a out the area here you say at night a nightmare situation for people in the off of who will tell you that was the last 7 months. they have been living through a nightmare already. you say that they're already hundreds of thousands of people in milwaukee refugee time. can you tell us about the conditions for the facing and from what we know about the conditions, the kind of take thousands, if not hundreds, of thousands more people of the conditions. uh, locally in and out eclipse. there are no, i know you monetary and assistance and services being given to the population there. it does not have the basic infrastructure in place to service and support the current display population there,
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let alone an additional group of people moving towards their and these of actuation orders is coming really rapidly as well. so they're not giving enough time to that. she monetary and 6 to an 8 agencies to support and run hall aid aid at the moment that's coming through into gaza is inadequate. it's in sufficient . yeah. to support the car of population that are displaced, it cannot, cannot support another wave of displacement. we are talking about over 1000000 people in the shop who now has to face the displacement. but also that because we've been warning the military defensive in the ha, with cost massachusetts, he's it recorded cool mass civilian deaths. and we've been urging the international community and allies of the is ready to government to put a stop to this. right now we need every ally of the is ready to go fund, including the us government to increase its precious stones to arms sales,
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putting pressure on israel, put a stop to this offensive when you would lead to most attract an organization such as yourself, had been urging as well since the start of the war on gaza to open the cut them up a solemn crossing and with the onset of famine in northern gauze and many 8 organizations have said it is completely unavoidable. fabbing and all of gaza is unavoidable, unless kind of of a solemn, is fully functioning again. israel has close cut them all beside them, not long off to opening it because of the attack on is why the soldiers of which something like 3 is why these soldiers were killed. what impact is that going to have now on the humanitarian situation and gaza? a low level losing any so the proceeds right now would just lead to catastrophic humanitarian conditions. people are already suffering from the in the significantly, in the 2nd year. in, out of put
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a that's coming through into garza. and also how sensitive on top of this would actually need to the closure, all that stuff across here, which is really, really necessary right now to get in the supplies, to support that the space population in southern golf, but also across casa, as well. so we need all my savings to be opened urgently. we need humanitarian aid, commercial supplies, and goods to, to enter gaza as well. because of the simon that's on the way in northern garza. but our fear is now that someone could spread to southern gaza with this military defensive because of the call to age that we'll see over the coming period. this is why we need it again urging with the international community to put an end to this military offensive. otherwise go off, it will face, it's definitely a chopped up moving forward where people will die. not only from the bombardment
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but strong and inadequate aid from dehydration, which is and starvation, which is of course something that we're already seeing very much happening over the last few months. that is the new region, refugee councils, somebody joining us live from amman. thank you very much for your time on this today. we really appreciate it and you will let stay with us. we are now joined by the unwashed spokes person. that is, of course, the united nations relief and works agency jonathan fowler. he's live and occupied east jerusalem, thank you for your time. firstly, your reaction to this is randy evacuation orders having people in the east of alpha to leave as well as the previous speaker from the norwegian rest accounts. the refugee council put into, i mean we're in a situation where any large scale expensive firm is running sources in ross as simply going to mean most suffering and death and the consequences. but that would be devastating. the population in rockford is 1400000. that's about 6 times the pre
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well population hosted bonds is a children, and most of these people have been displaced many times already. so we've simply not seen a situation where it's possible for people to continue in these repeat ways of displacement evacuation. and then the challenge was that just insurmountable at this stage, and there was just so many problems and challenges out there. and we've spoken with our correspondent and within a week in refugee counsel about just how incredibly problem advocate is to ask people to move to milwaukee given the lack of facilities given it. so very so of a crowd have given us being attacked multiple times. but if you look at the areas of con, eunice, that people are now looking at, going to try and escape this is rarely offensive. we know is it off the is where the forces withdrew from, con eunice, off to after weeks of fighting the, not only the states, but calling you to says in. but the united nations has said that there is many
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unexploded ordinances in con, eunice, for example. and literally, i mean, for anybody exhibit time scenario, i mean this, this is the same and in any, was owned around the world in the wake of science. and you're in the area, you simply cannot have paper returning to, to designs of combat. precisely for that reason unexploded ordnance has to be cleared before people are able to, to return and live in safety. otherwise, all that's happening is you're pushing people back into a's on whether lives or at risk from the, the remnants of the previous fonts. and in that area. so again, how is this, how is this being allowed to happen? must have filed a how is as well being allowed to order people to evacuate to places it's attacked to evacuate to people with vera unexploded ordnance we, again, we were hearing from the legion refugee council. they was saying how they pleading with all countries, including the united states who have leverage with as well. not to do this. i wonder what's your experience of speaking to these countries i'm speaking to as
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well about their plans. we cost would be advocate with old policies to this complex under indeed across the international community for $6.00 far and about has to be the boston line. i mean, whether or near the question of why things are allowed to happen is, is another issue. but the thing is, these things have to stop the no way safe in the gaza strip. people is being constantly to prep, displaced over and over, and even contingency plans that are off a little solace. i mean, the, the great reality is that when you moving people around what people have to fleet, there's no way that people can be adequately prepared for the potential consequences. so the, the full out from such an offensive would be simply because catastrophic. i mean, kind of what happened? first of all, the thank you so much for your time on those. that is the united nations relief and works agency sports person jonathan fall that live and occupied east jerusalem. it says go to our correspondent zane bus at avi, in the occupied westbank. he's joining us live funny tamala and zane. how is this
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move being seen vet and also in the context of sees, find a talks once again spluttering. i apologize. we've lost the connection to our correspondence saying bus driving the occupied westbank. we will try to establish, we establish that connection and go back to him. but let's move on for now. and at least $21.00 palestinians were killed in the alpha and recent hours by a series of his rarely stripes on residential areas. among those killed was a 7 month old boy, had already lost his pants. barbara and go to print reports swaddled in a shroud. baby honey is held up to cameras with his face and covet. he had a short and turbulent life. his remaining family won his struggle, acknowledged,
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and for him to be remembered. can have a double sided salmon. the baby's mom was 8 months pregnant. she got injured and an air strike. the doctors managed to deliver her, but she died 2 hours later. his dad was killed on the spot as well as his auntie and her 3 children. the baby survived along with his 2 sisters who were injured. she was born in the war and is now killed in the same war. 7 months old. how name was a man, 9 palestinians killed, and then this really strikes on the cash stuff family home in rough rescue is picked through russell in hope of finding survivors, bodies with books that i believe use of our matching hospital where russia came to pitt, who relatives 5, well, 4 of them are the 10 years old. around $1500000.00 palestinians of sheltering and rough uh, which was meant to be the last safe haven. and garza,
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israel is pressuring how much to accept its terms for a temporary cease fire. but how much incest, any trees must be permanent. barbara and grandpa out to 0, is the police have rated alger 0 is work space and occupied east jerusalem, and sees dis, equipment. that's all of to benjamin netanyahu. his cabinet load have to shut down the networks operations and as well, i'll just narrow how strongly condemn to move saying it will to suit all available legal channels on the son who was has more and unprecedented sites is really police read and it shows he does workspace in occupied east jerusalem after prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet voted to shut down the networks operations. the government order, which was unanimously agreed upon, includes confiscating its broadcast equipment, preventing the networks broadcast and blocking its websites. i'm so nice,
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lots of pay for the government has now unanimously ordered the closure of the incitement mouth piece of moss and israel out 0. i just need, as broadcast was taken off, israel's main cable provider in the hours after the order emergency measure will last for 45 days with the possibility of an extension for an additional 45 days in a statement which is either media network condemned the measure saying in part, israel's ongoing suppression of the free press, seen as an effort to conceal its actions in the gaza strip, stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law. israel's direct targeting and killing of journalists, arrests, intimidation and threats will not deter edges eat up from its commitment to cover. whilst more than a 140 palestinian journalists have been killed since the beginning of the war on guns up. the network vehemently rejects the allegations, present, advise really,
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authorities suggesting professional media standards have been violated. and what the last month, the white house said israel's plans to close the network were quote, concerning a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical, it is critically important and the united states supports the critically important work journalist around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in, in the conflict in gaza. the widely criticized move was also condemned by the foreign press association, which bird these really government to reverse? what did called a harmful step, adding that this was a dark day for the media. and the dark day for democracy and the central jersey to let's bring it on marshall. he's the professor of security and military studies at the door. hot institute for graduate studies, always good to speak with you,
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lets to assure so let's begin with this evacuation order. that is why these have issued to people in the eastern part of alpha. do you think that this is the beginning of that very long warned. is wally ground defense of ins alpha i think so i think we spoke earlier on the, to these writing these have been the positioning and preparing for this. so on one end over a week ago, uh, the about the, these, the very large dent about $4000.00 of them the each one would take about 12 persons . so that's a preparation for the declaration of about $480000.00 uh, from uh, fi to elsewhere towards the milwaukee and the uh quoted order and also to its in passing by signing this all the way to data. but so this is one and then also they would, uh, of course, in a, in, in roughly means 1400000. so this, this does not solve the problem. it's a very high population density. but they would, we would like to limit the, the, the, the, that density it's to
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a bit because it's very dangerous to fight that way. and that it will create for the morning to initial impressions. but also if you looked at the force, the deployment and they withdrew the 900 and 33rd and the how big funding that's that employed or just one of the regular active bigs to the, the 5th and the, the constitute. and the, they are a 3 deploying a force of about 6 big gates in addition to so if i say there's a gate, the gate is what? 3 to 5000 soldiers. absolutely. okay. and where are they? were you deploying them to the airport? they are near the, to the, the, to the military base, which is close to, uh, to roof off. okay. yeah, so they're deployed them in the south. they're not under the south command and the mix, the mixtures through the $89.00 to the special force big. and they have a $551.00, which is a pat, a bigger they've had a super big data. so it is a big they have to the armored big, the sevens and the $400.00 them 1st. and they have to mechanize big it. so they
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divide the, the, it, the force and also the, the have 900 and 33rd. so this is a force, it says force worth of 2 divisions. 2 divisions are going to off at 8 and drops off, which is $65.00. so it's a 65 square kilometers. that's all over the fact. yeah. with a population density, which is one of the highest in the world. it what we're talking about. $21000.00 people per square. if you want me to. and you said that they want to limit the population that's ended off or they want, they have saying that this will be a limited operation. but given what the results of previous operations that they have quoted limited or say targeted. uh, what can we expect here, especially from, you know, when you go into the technical details of what these brigades will consist of, what are, what are they planning to do? this is not limited operation. there's no way to cold at to division multi domain combined alms offensive on that the area limited operations the to just to give a competitive perspective the in june $67.00 is really army to the entire site and
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i finance through the with 3 divisions. so we're talking about a force of 2 divisions and would probably based on what happens and come even as they would need more be gates and they will mobilize more so there will be october, the support there will be a support that will be able to support to a prospect from a got to come to intelligence support. so this is a multi domain operation that from my estimate, it will probably be a send you and a system of the operation. so it will take probably months, not just weeks. and we don't know or also the, the how much the capabilities there there in norfolk, but we had the small indicated with the artillery strikes. so they still have some rocket artillery. you still have motors independent the up in the north, it stopped and it did not end yet because the tax on the and that's what even quoted or you saw the, the, this type of the text with the an empty material rifle. 12 point, the 7 mill. yeah. so they, they still retain some capabilities. ok. my social a, thank you very much for now. that is
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a lot of sort of the go hines to shoot for graduate studies to protest against as well as one, gaza. continuing on university campuses across the us, even as graduation season begins, students at the university of california, it is on a demanding the institution divest from companies with ties to as well. and weapons manufacturers. talks between the universities, chancellor and the students, some ongoing. the students in the bundle they should capital donica also rallying and saw the da she was palestinians that spring and the cost on sunday. chelsea is joining us live from the on the vicious long venus a portion of the powers to me and people come dates. so what's the sentiment there for very strong sending my name data, a massive gathering up suit. and those rallies that been called by the ruling party, stood in waiting and it's called nationwide and all across the national university . and paula, just now it's not just about rolling parties, students,
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general students, also participating. that's been rarely, yesterday, also in the campus. they're all across the campus in a profession. now, gathering here behind, may you say, is that students of memory? oh, no, not dr. drew bus, kirk, it's a stop touring at memorial symbolizing the students role in political movement since prior to the independence, even in the language movement. the liberation movement that again sort doctor of faith and dictate are shit. the banners itself is a strong supporter of one independent palestine. it's provide stronger shape to handle the palestinian students to attend universities, as well as medical colleges in buying the best part of the child. so as i packed with the public city and where the policy and then at the end, it turned out moved to the academy in bangladesh. this one of the plus 5 countries in november that filed a complaint to international terminal. again, susan,
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to look into a criminal investigation of a lot about best buy about talking to the school that riley. the 2nd thing, the putting up on the free expression showing their color guard table, the southern movement in america and all across the globe. they said, we'll continue to go. they say there's probably going to more progress and coming weeks and months that the sunday. thank you very much for that sunday at the tone of the live in the still ahead on the news. our poll is less than a chance for presidential elections and the return information to severely involved the now the reasonable and sudden showing that really pushed up into good public,
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centralized in europe, is being pushed back again. because these codes are cloud, which effect and from the atlantic areas of low pressure, that means usually wind cloud and right. and this is not exceptions exactly what it means ahead, raise it as heavy as property through from running through switzerland, into germany, in the new countries. and if you see it already sent to this heavier looking rate and it costs it to spread up to the baltic states as cold as you are coming down through, you know, our degree cold, just a few degrees cold. vienna shows what happens and this reading comes through 25 times a 17 in a couple of days, a breezy. i have a cost and robert with weather for the bones does hang on and remain here and increases examples. and ball gary disappears briefly initially. because the shower was appear, but it comes back in spending books go quoted as $28.00 as you go up towards the 13 mark again, of course, the cheryl is introduce you now in your area that you saw coming in there and you'd be brief. i think it's still a when the picture and a good process to have and to the north in sahara. so chap, newsletter full of dust, but the shows which are seasonal and come
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a long way north this time you have finally have made it up into central. even those not year, southern new jersey and back through. for example, the re coast welcome, but heavy and the, the latest news as it breaks. frequent on starts fighting for access to the river. it leads to woods, this country's major reports, and that's where drugs are traffic out of the country. with in depth reports ukraine struggling to find men to fight in some sections of the front line. brushing forces out number, it's 7 to one from the heart of the story. this is the flight channel of its um pool or the water in its flowing in see the kind of a box which is already busted by. i assumed i should is deliberate over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure
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beneficiaries come 1st of the $300.00 on luis, haven't had going through the run for crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the you're watching out there, off of me, elizabeth put on them and don't have a mind to about top stories. the cell is really on a has what an old residence i'm displaced people to leave the east. some neighborhoods of the alpha says it's about to use extreme full some that pos besetti is really strikes on. the says he have continued with at least $21.00
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palestinians killed in the past few hours. at least 11 homes were head and then the rounds offer. and is why the police have rated alger 0 is workspace and occupied east jerusalem, and sees the equipment, the foster benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet laws shot down the networks operations and as well. i'll just see what i'll do 0. how strongly condemn the moon saying it will cost you full available legal channels. china as president, she didn't pay is due to hold talks with french president and i knew mac khan and his 1st visit to the european union in 5 years. they set to discuss trade a mid roll tension between you up in china, including all the what the e, u. c's as an in balance between china is export. and it's your p an impulse that colin is also expected to push the chinese president to use his influence with a vladimir putin of the warranty frame on a tangle, a senior fellow with ty, hey, institute, and he's joining us live from badging via skype. thank you for your time. is always
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mr. tango. it's a very interesting i to know it, isn't it your p and super pa funds, which is really back some of the use investigations into china's trade policies. and then sylvia and hungry will try to you up in countries perhaps closest to china . what do you think she is hoping to achieve on this visit? most the time them can you hear me? it's elizabeth put on and the presenter window here. i apologize. we don't seem to have a connection with, i guess engaging. this is a story we will be following throughout the day, so we will try to establish that connection. but let's move on to other news for now to chat with possible opened for us presidential election. people of losing the next need to replace the countries transitional council. 10 candidates of running for the top job opposition groups have asked people to boycott the election,
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saying the process was on 5th, a sunday members of the security forces, and chad in bold, positive ballots. the united states, as in the process of withdrawing its forces from asia, the countries of the $31.00 to enter an agreement with washington that allowed it to base its troops for operations and the region. and as mohammed laws report from the army, russia is looking to fill the gap this is the most cool, one of these embassies abroad. it's so out the policy media was kept them. yeah. and yes, that's such as like, along with those of nature and body and book and the faucet, the 3 so hesitates about the broke away from the longstanding alliance with frost before the colonial power in the region and created the new security fact we, sasha, the shift also involved walking away from assuming that alliance with the united
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states wasting no time that options are already here. at least 3 military kind of go plays with cleaning equipment that doesn't have ordered the arise then. yeah, i mean international airport on friday it was the best option to have input the same airbags near the airport where us troops, our station, the west, secretary of defense, to acknowledge these event, but try to minimize its importance. the russians are, had a separate compound and don't have access to us forces or access to our equipment. the west east influx with the shedding officials about 10 or the newest of up to 1000 american soldiers who being operating in the jail since 2015, they came here to attain these dentists military on baffling groups. the 2018, the us built the throne air base to a one near the north and city of i got this at the cost of $100000000.00. now it has to advantage this year. all of the american was throwing off to
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a dispute ticket by us invoice report to the talking about potential measures. if new share scrolling down to wouldn't typically see the plans to have close ties with sasha anti on. with this being a consistent us, tom sits initial operations in the science region, but the move didn't go down well in the slide. they often have due to me. i think the government of new share regrets the expressed will of the us delegation to deny our country. it's right to choose its diplomatic and strategic partners and the type of partnerships that can help it in the fight against terrorism as a med propped up by a wave of popular type, se to woods west. a simple probably influenced the jumps military rulers sent in boulder. to reduce the new policies in a decisive manner, in order to take totes thousands of french and your people troops from the country . but when the last us soldiers leave some fee locked in the shallows under the equip tongue and deputy failed ami, with only
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a few of the russian advises might fail to hold its ground in the face of a multitude of palm to groups, fell through them the country is 1300000 square kilometers of this atlanta. how many fund or does yeah, yeah, i mean let's go back now to a guest on us hanging, who's senior fellow with a tie hay institute. he's joining us live from beijing and he is talking to us about chinese presidents. she's in pains 1st visit, we can say to the european union in around 5. yes, good to see you, mr. tang and i hope that you can hear me now. so it's a very interesting, i tend to, a, as in ted student, paying is going to see your p and see the pals funds which has back some of the use investigations that the china is trade policies. so i'm gonna say that fonts has even led those investigations and then to sylvia and hungry, which are the european countries, perhaps closest to china. so what do you think that she's hoping to achieve on this visit? as well,
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obviously of things by change quite dramatically if donald trump is elected and i think there's some nervousness and quite rightly so within european quarters, especially france. uh, you know, trump is made no. ready secret of his to it was a dislike for france, especially. it were after he saw the french celebrating the streets when he lost. this is the 75th anniversary of china. as founding, it's the 70 of anniversary of the 5 principles of peaceful coexistence. it's the 60 of anniversary of french pies and it's the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the chinese embassy in belgrade. this is a period of time were china's she is trying to get people to reflect on what china has represented. it is not done any wars, it has been involved in trade and he's saying that let's go for what. yeah. so based on prince, but it's a but it's china support for
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a country that is very much involved in a wall, which the japan union sees is very problematic. isn't it just how much of an obstacle is china's relationship with of russia to anything that it's trying to achieve, especially with trade, especially on trade with you or well that's, that's the issue. i mean, the china did not start this more, arguably. it was started by the incursion of nato, and are you into ukraine? that had been a bright red line? it's been regatta, said many times by the russians do not go there. i haven't gotten back here to your house. that's certainly russia's argument, but i wonder how you see because of the european union absolutely doesn't see that way. so how much of an obstacle is that that they are so that pulls the posh on this and it's a huge issue for the european union. yes, i mean, but the, the reality is elizabeth, that this is not something trying to get changed. they have already said that they
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are concerned about the respective soccer entity and territorial integrity. but they also talk about the legitimate security concerns of countries. and these have to be balance and having these kind of put time can get initiatives where you're talking about peace. but the main players are not involved is not going to be very helpful. so while you know, the european union can choose to make this, they're a major issue. the fact is, economically, they're trailing behind this year between the, you know, the you is at point 8 percent growth outside the u. europe in general point 9 next year. not much better. uh, 1.5 and 4. so it's very, very difficult. but do i have to make a decision about practically, do they want to continue war that cannot be one. do they want to have markets like china or do they just want to go to low take their chances that donald trump will be very merciful. what's the thing? and i'm afraid we'll run out of time, but we thank you as always for your,
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for your analysis. that's on the tank of live engaging. thank you. to turn into chad now with poles of open for its presidential election is go to our correspondent address. he's joining us live from the capital and the jemina and smith loops is made of this fight between the western russia for chad, all the countries. and this is the whole region that before we focus on dash, what are the issues for versus that? what are they telling you so many times it's elizabeth. they are asking, whoever wins this election to focus on human, his problem that 1st of all, they don't care about security. they talking about political step. and then i also people who are worried about the genomics situation. in the country, this is a country who is economy is in a crisis. they also talking about job opportunities. these all the candidates who launched a company in the past few weeks tough problem is to deliver. but what we see according to one of political items,
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what do we see after every election is continuous disappointment, not only here in truck, but across africa, as well as the, especially in this a health disappointment. after the supplement earlier today, the president obama, you've reached debbie voltage in his opponent station and what you said immediately after 14 was he promised to billy by transition, which he has and his copy that he has been filled up from is on the on the last day or if you'd like to be promised to deliver on all the requests met by our charge is the question is, does he have that as well? we also witnessed the main opposition, candidates porting in the election. i spoke to him and he said so far is impressed with the, with the process all part, but it's too early to take a decision. so the issues were each ideas on numerous economy, job security, infrastructure development, eval, almost everything you're thinking about. including of course education and working for structure. elizabeth. yeah, of course. huge issues for voices but,
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and also really, really big concerns. as i touched on earlier, the west will be watching this vote very closely. yes. uh the election is being watched very closely. not only here in charge itself, but across the region and beyond. uh, we talking about the issue of security on this, um major concerns, major concerns for a country like that. and to add to that problem that you do cross into done. i've sold so far more than 600000 students refuges are currently in char. i remember this is also a country, but just challenge in terms of what's the counter to recently they gave the americans marching orders to pack up their bags and leave the country. and that also of thoughts that they are trying to enter into a new different spots with the russians. the french are still here, but again, people, i wonder whether or not, if the americans leave and probably if they decide to move, either your pin or the previous partners, different spots as to,
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to leave the country. they are watering. what about the situation? but the georgia situation will be what it was simply because that would be a gap in terms of the partnership and the support in terms of logistics, intelligence and all that, that these foreign forces also have to charge for the game. like the president said, we a country capable of defending ourselves. we live to see whether that when materialize or not. and i thank you very much for that address. joining us live from jemina. the still ahead on the news l. a solid out, he protests, some support of dollars to me as a how to the power as university will be live from the french capital. the
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the in phones students are demonstrating at sales pull university and central powers. and saw that actually with palestinians from on that i found correspondent natasha . but there was live for us in paris. the protest that one of france's most prestigious universities continuing into the 2nd week natasha. what's happening to it will have to say there is no power test at the moment outside sales by university a little bit earlier that was about 20 students who were protesting, but for some reason they sold and they went inside university were not exactly. so why was it that continuing any form of action inside of university or no,
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you said you can't hear anything and there is no one else here. what we do know is that this is the location of some of the main student protests we've seen over the past a couple of weeks on friday for example. that was a large purchase. that was a clear divide. police post test just came out then and said that they were to tell them that they would continue the action in the coming days. mainly they said because they felt the university administrators that simply not met the mom's mom, vege amone's is that often universities to look more closely at some of the toys that they have with is ready to university and perhaps have some of those ties accordingly. said there was a lot of anger at that time. there was a lot of emotion at the moment. as you can see behind me, it is pretty quiet and we're trying to find out what those students are doing. the ones that went inside the was a demonstration a little bit earlier. i must say the other parts of the young advice,
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the students high school students might say of cold full protests and high schools across from they say that they want to join in this movement to show solidarity with palestinian people could to get the latest information from the ground natasha . thank you so much for that discussion about the live in paris in the on not weeks of finding the, of the talent of me on why the, on the time border has full tens of thousands of people into thailand. but many move the main trapped inside the country that you want estimates. 2.5000000 people have been displaced by fighting since the middle tracy's power in a cruise in 2021. and the 2nd of all series of his special reports from inside me on my tony chang, witnessed the desperate conditions, many of those people living in full state of the homes and now hiding from the heat . a group of displaced people sit in the shade. they've nowhere else to go. this is
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the 3rd time they've had to flee that village. close to the town of co, correct. amongst them, don't know, pull the daughters and grandchildren. they've been sheltering here for 3 weeks with nothing but a bag of rice and some oil donated by the local temple, the money they had and even arrived in our village before this by telling us. and we was gad at the soldiers would shoot us last year. they were in our village, dilute anything valuable from our houses. it's especially hard for the children. most schools have been closed since the co 3 years ago. and constantly moving is deeply unsettling. other basic services like health care escapes to an engine function is being treated for shrapnel injury. he winces with pain, is the doctor treats and dresses is when the clinics hidden under the deep jungle
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canopy or the military has targeted anywhere it thinks might be helping the rebels 24 hours a day. there's a constant buzz in the sky. that's what the fight to say is why 12, it's a sponsor plane. that's up the looking for targets for artillery. but also capable of jumping down on the site is no to stay at a site slipping seamlessly under the cover of the trees and shrubs. the sound of explosions in the distance back of the clinic, a small truck arrives inside my pen a in labor and moaning in pain. they how are you her into the surgery. she and her family are also displaced from the home. took them 7 hours to get to the clinic. she does my lot. we had to carry her with a hammock there, around 8 people carrying her down the mountain. then we took a car along the rough jungle road. it was so difficult. we didn't know how to
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relieve her pain. they put her on a trip, but there's only so much the doctor can do. he's worried the long journey may have home the expecting mother and the baby inside. very quickly, the child is born, but it's not breathing. its skin color is turning purple. the doctor quickly gets to work as vital seconds take away. and then the sounds everyone has been hoping to hear smiles and really for the family in the medical stuff. but a new arrival in a very uncertain world. tony chilling out as their high end state me m and a. the 3rd of us special reports from inside me on my tony chang, meet some of the people who fled, the military hunters knew conscription door and chosen instead to fight against
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them in the us as the war and me on my has escalated and base of mountains lessening and already desperate to humanitarian crisis. well them 2800000 civilians internally displaced. the majority of whom have fled since the 2021 cruise needed 12900000 people that surround a portion of the population facing food shortages. at least 50000 people have been killed, including at least 8000 civilians. and human rights watch has recently wants that more than 1000 ro hang them. most of the men and boys adopted and forcibly recruited by the one to under that controversial conscription rule. nice on when is the co found a free for him to coalition? is the human rights activists. these joining us live from frankfurt in germany. thank you very much for your time. so as we're being to pushing the un estimates that around 2.5 up to 2800000 people have been displaced by the fighting. and the, on my share of how difficult life is for people who aren't displays because of the
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collab collapse of most services. so what does it like for those who don't have a home a well, we know a much better than any other than a group in the country modem, billy, and ruined. you have been already taking refuge in the dish and also inside the country. more than 130000 are in the intern, so call internally displaced. come which look like the concentration is a full more than 11 years now. so without home, without you are living in the refugee can all the is some places where there is no, any service man. as you are a completely disconnect that from the wall, you know, a living in the wall menu, you have the, all the access to the education like, you know, that have care, basic, all the services. so it is like you have completely disconnected from the wall and
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so this people are really self free. and the minute trudy and a and through the all, you know, the in them uh most of the territory up controlling by the degrees system organization and the people defense. suppose that all the human a trillion system should, should piece to them through this. all the group, not through the military, a region that is the most important thing is that all that women have tree and go through those organization. they will, they will be, they will receive all the 8, okay? and again, if there's and talk about, you know, the incredibly difficult position that the hangup are in, it's very difficult for them to leave me on lots of goes along the village. and yet we are seeing them either being full to join the ministry or, or being a doctor to join the ministry as well. unfortunately, at the bangladesh has not agreed to open the border. so there really and yeah,
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you'd have no choice but to be cost created. as off know at least 5000 really and you were full simply concentrated by the, a military in 3 different dog shape with all sit 3 and the job you they have been using as we've asked you, doesn't have been to on the back of the, the military is pausing every day and the then we're going to use and the their parent to, to be called scripted so that it's also that tension eh, between the 2 community because the military use them, whatever they want. like you know, the subject quiet calls. the also as of the real kind people and then go about the of the real you both and the tensions that you mentioned given the tensions that you mentioned and we know how discriminated the bank i have been, do they have the option of joining you to the people's democratic forces, so some of the other groups that are facing the ami,
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as well as there is no way to join with that. but pro democracy falls as across the country because william does not belong to move from one village to another one point to another. they are not low and the previously they cannot be, has also the resistant group in the a real kind of speed. they are gaining the motor to your every day. they didn't repeat the really and just as of know why the better to be doing is policy. because creating that really and that can be also supposed to be cost would be okay, really. and yeah, so this strategy is like really dictating each other on the bathroom fees. yeah. and then also it's an impossible that it's just because 2. ringback one cent of the previous, the luxury, the region was only the sort of a trade off. but as of the i'm, he's acting like that the woman operate something bad for the region. they have coming all the killing, the ruined that being the range and bonding calls as the range of every day,
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which we know that they've done in the past. that as may sound when joining us live from frankfurt, gemini, thank you for your time. thank you. it's as to why the news now in panama has a natural that's all she has declared jose and i will lean your the window of sunday's presidential elections. he maintained a comfortable lead, has a head of the 7 of the candidates. what do you enter the race of the last minute to replace the former president's ricardo mountain nelly, who is disqualified? the election took place against the backdrop of social discontent. economic slowdown drowns. the number of people who have died in floods in southern brazil has risen to 66 of moving a 100 others proportion missing. video has an image of the moment. a bridge collapsed. as torrential rains swept away rollers and falls to most than 80000 people to free their homes, which levels in the regional capital of for some allegra continue to revise over a 1000000 people no longer have access to drinking water in the region was floods
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and a t yes. and that's set from the elizabeth put on them for this news out of do stay with us. we have back in just a couple of minutes with another full news bulletin. thank you for watching. the the humanity is open, the gates of hell in those seats is having orlando's effects. as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south. crude mistake taught 2 of 200 just in the brazilian amazon,
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a star trail of the ongoing tragedy faced by the enemy. people for years they have borne the brunt of the legal mining activities in rivers points and with mercury, rendering water and drinkable and fish inedible. in 2023 pressed, and we've seen this one of us to sent a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve. more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed or illegal miners return. every day we see there, pines coming and going present lula, has promised to help deforestation to increase the number of indigenous reserves for suffering indigenous people here say they've come to realize that having government support is not enough. there's still facing strong resistance from the powerful lobby in congress to the state bill. expand the fight from their villages
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to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives . the . ringback the, the, the is randy ministry, what is the palace demands in east and alpha to leave one and gets about to use extreme full 5th, the phenomenon on them. and this is algebra live from doha is so coming up,


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